898 research outputs found

    Screening Breakdown on the Route toward the Metal-Insulator Transition in Modulation Doped Si/SiGe Quantum Wells

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    Exploiting the spin resonance of two-dimensional (2D) electrons in SiGe/Si quantum wells we determine the carrier-density-dependence of the magnetic susceptibility. Assuming weak interaction we evaluate the density of states at the Fermi level D(E_F), and the screening wave vector, q_TF. Both are constant at higher carrier densities n, as for an ideal 2D carrier gas. For n < 3e11 cm-2, they decrease and extrapolate to zero at n = 7e10 cm-2. Calculating the mobility from q_TF yields good agreement with experimental values justifying the approach. The decrease in D(E_F) is explained by potential fluctuations which lead to tail states that make screening less efficient and - in a positive feedback - cause an increase of the potential fluctuations. Even in our high mobility samples the fluctuations exceed the electron-electron interaction leading to the formation of puddles of mobile carriers with at least 1 micrometer diameter.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Rashba spin-orbit coupling and spin relaxation in silicon quantum wells

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    Silicon is a leading candidate material for spin-based devices, and two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) formed in silicon heterostructures have been proposed for both spin transport and quantum dot quantum computing applications. The key parameter for these applications is the spin relaxation time. Here we apply the theory of D'yakonov and Perel' (DP) to calculate the electron spin resonance linewidth of a silicon 2DEG due to structural inversion asymmetry for arbitrary static magnetic field direction at low temperatures. We estimate the Rashba spin-orbit coupling coefficient in silicon quantum wells and find the T1T_{1} and T2T_{2} times of the spins from this mechanism as a function of momentum scattering time, magnetic field, and device-specific parameters. We obtain agreement with existing data for the angular dependence of the relaxation times and show that the magnitudes are consistent with the DP mechanism. We suggest how to increase the relaxation times by appropriate device design.Comment: Extended derivations and info, fixed typos and refs, updated figs and data. Worth a re-downloa

    Lattice dynamics reveals a local symmetry breaking in the emergent dipole phase of PbTe

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    Local symmetry breaking in complex materials is emerging as an important contributor to materials properties but is inherently difficult to study. Here we follow up an earlier structural observation of such a local symmetry broken phase in the technologically important compound PbTe with a study of the lattice dynamics using inelastic neutron scattering (INS). We show that the lattice dynamics are responsive to the local symmetry broken phase, giving key insights in the behavior of PbTe, but also revealing INS as a powerful tool for studying local structure. The new result is the observation of the unexpected appearance on warming of a new zone center phonon branch in PbTe. In a harmonic solid the number of phonon branches is strictly determined by the contents and symmetry of the unit cell. The appearance of the new mode indicates a crossover to a dynamic lower symmetry structure with increasing temperature. No structural transition is seen crystallographically but the appearance of the new mode in inelastic neutron scattering coincides with the observation of local Pb off-centering dipoles observed in the local structure. The observation resembles relaxor ferroelectricity but since there are no inhomogeneous dopants in pure PbTe this anomalous behavior is an intrinsic response of the system. We call such an appearance of dipoles out of a non-dipolar ground-state "emphanisis" meaning the appearance out of nothing. It cannot be explained within the framework of conventional phase transition theories such as soft-mode theory and challenges our basic understanding of the physics of materials

    Experimental probing of exchange interactions between localized spins in the dilute magnetic insulator (Ga,Mn)N

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    The sign, magnitude, and range of the exchange couplings between pairs of Mn ions is determined for (Ga,Mn)N and (Ga,Mn)N:Si with x < 3%. The samples have been grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and characterized by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy; high-resolution transmission electron microscopy with capabilities allowing for chemical analysis, including the annular dark-field mode and electron energy loss spectroscopy; high-resolution and synchrotron x-ray diffraction; synchrotron extended x-ray absorption fine-structure; synchrotron x-ray absorption near-edge structure; infra-red optics and electron spin resonance. The results of high resolution magnetic measurements and their quantitative interpretation have allowed to verify a series of ab initio predictions on the possibility of ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic insulators and to demonstrate that the interaction changes from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic when the charge state of the Mn ions is reduced from 3+ to 2+.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures; This version contains the detailed characterization of the crystal structure as well as of the Mn distribution and charge stat

    Tin telluride: a weakly co-elastic metal

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    We report resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS), dilatometry/magnetostriction, magnetotransport, magnetization, specific heat, and 119^{119}Sn M\"ossbauer spectroscopy measurements on SnTe and Sn0.995_{0.995}Cr0.005_{0.005}Te. Hall measurements at T=77T=77 K indicate that our Bridgman-grown single crystals have a pp-type carrier concentration of 3.4×10193.4 \times 10^{19} cm−3^{-3} and that our Cr-doped crystals have an nn-type concentration of 5.8×10225.8 \times 10^{22} cm−3^{-3}. Although our SnTe crystals are diamagnetic over the temperature range 2 K≤T≤1100 K2\, \text{K} \leq T \leq 1100\, \text{K}, the Cr-doped crystals are room temperature ferromagnets with a Curie temperature of 294 K. For each sample type, three-terminal capacitive dilatometry measurements detect a subtle 0.5 micron distortion at Tc≈85T_c \approx 85 K. Whereas our RUS measurements on SnTe show elastic hardening near the structural transition, pointing to co-elastic behavior, similar measurements on Sn0.995_{0.995}Cr0.005_{0.005}Te show a pronounced softening, pointing to ferroelastic behavior. Effective Debye temperature, θD\theta_D, values of SnTe obtained from 119^{119}Sn M\"ossbauer studies show a hardening of phonons in the range 60--115K (θD\theta_D = 162K) as compared with the 100--300K range (θD\theta_D = 150K). In addition, a precursor softening extending over approximately 100 K anticipates this collapse at the critical temperature, and quantitative analysis over three decades of its reduced modulus finds ΔC44/C44=A∣(T−T0)/T0∣−κ\Delta C_{44}/C_{44}=A|(T-T_0)/T_0|^{-\kappa} with κ=0.50±0.02\kappa = 0.50 \pm 0.02 , a value indicating a three-dimensional softening of phonon branches at a temperature T0∼75T_0 \sim 75 K, considerably below TcT_c. We suggest that the differences in these two types of elastic behaviors lie in the absence of elastic domain wall motion in the one case and their nucleation in the other

    Theory of Electric Dipole Spin Resonance in a Parabolic Quantum Well

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    A theory of Electric Dipole Spin Resonance (EDSR), that is caused by various mechanisms of spin-orbit coupling, is developed as applied to free electrons in a parabolic quantum well. Choosing a parabolic shape of the well has allowed us to find explicit expressions for the EDSR intensity and its dependence on the magnetic field direction in terms of the basic parameters of the Hamiltonian. By using these expressions, we have investigated and compared the effect of specific mechanisms of spin orbit (SO) coupling and different polarizations of ac electric field on the intensity of EDSR. Angular dependences of the EDSR intensity are indicative of the relative contributions of the competing mechanisms of SO coupling. Our results show that electrical manipulating electron spins in quantum wells is generally highly efficient, especially by an in-plane ac electric field.Comment: 45 pages 6 figur


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