923 research outputs found

    Interplay between Freezing and Superconductivity in the Optimally Doped LaEu0.20Sr0.15CuO4 under Hydrostatic Pressure

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    We study the electronic properties of a LaEu0.20Sr0.15CuO4 single crystal under hydrostatic pressure up to 2.9 GPa. Both the freezing of the Cu 3d moments and the structural transition from the orthorhombic (LTO) to the tetragonal (LTT) phase are observed via the relaxation of the nuclear magnetization of La nuclei. Resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements have been carried out under pressure on the same sample. The combination of all data reveals the connection between glassy dynamics, charge localization and the disappearance of superconductivity in the LTT phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    A precursor state to unconventional superconductivity in CeIrIn5{_5}

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    We present sensitive measurements of the Hall effect and magnetoresistance in CeIrIn5{_5} down to temperatures of 50 mK and magnetic fields up to 15 T. The presence of a low temperature coherent Kondo state is established. Deviations from Kohler's rule and a quadratic temperature dependence of the cotangent of the Hall angle are reminiscent of properties observed in the high temperature superconducting cuprates. The most striking observation pertains to the presence of a \textit{precursor} state--characterized by a change in the Hall mobility--that appears to precede the superconductivity in this material, in similarity to the pseudogap in the cuprate high TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 4 figure

    Fluctuation-Driven Quantum Phase Transitions in Clean Itinerant Ferromagnets

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    The quantum phase transition in clean itinerant ferromagnets is analyzed. It is shown that soft particle-hole modes invalidate Hertz's mean-field theory for d3d \leq 3. A renormalized mean-field theory predicts a fluctuation-induced first order transition for 1<d31 < d \leq 3, whose stability is analyzed by renormalization group techniques. Depending on microscopic parameter values, the first order transition can be stable, or be pre-empted by a fluctuation-induced second order transition. The critical behavior at the latter is determined. The results are in agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pp., REVTeX, no figs; final version as publishe

    CeRuPO: A rare example of a Ferromagnetic Kondo lattice

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    We have determined the physical ground state properties of the compounds CeRuPO and CeOsPO by means of magnetic susceptibility chi(T), specific heat C(T), electrical resistivity rho(T), and thermopower S(T) measurements. chi(T) reveals a trivalent 4f1 cerium state in both compounds. For CeRuPO a pronounced decrease of rho(T) below 50K indicates the onset of coherent Kondo scattering which is confirmed by enhanced S(T). The temperature and magnetic field dependence of chi(T) and C(T) evidence ferromagnetic (FM) order at TC=15K. Thus, CeRuPO seems to be one of the rare example of a FM Kondo lattice. In contrast, CeOsPO shows antiferromagnetic order at TN=4.4K despite only minor changes in lattice parameters and electronic configuration. Additional 31P NMR results support these scenarios. LSDA+U calculations evidence a quasi two dimensional electronic band structure, reflecting a strong covalent bonding within the CeO and RuP layers and a weak ionic like bonding between the layers.Comment: accepted in Phys. Rev. B, high quality figures: http://www.cpfs.mpg.de/~krellner

    The FORS Deep Field: Field selection, photometric observations and photometric catalog

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    The FORS Deep Field project is a multi-colour, multi-object spectroscopic investigation of an approx. 7 times 7 region near the south galactic pole based mostly on observations carried out with the FORS instruments attached to the VLT telescopes. It includes the QSO Q 0103-260 (z = 3.36). The goal of this study is to improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies in the young Universe. In this paper the field selection, the photometric observations, and the data reduction are described. The source detection and photometry of objects in the FORS Deep Field is discussed in detail. A combined B and I selected UBgRIJKs photometric catalog of 8753 objects in the FDF is presented and its properties are briefly discussed. The formal 50% completeness limits for point sources, derived from the co-added images, are 25.64, 27.69, 26.86, 26.68, 26.37, 23.60 and 21.57 in U, B, g, R, I, J and Ks (Vega-system), respectively. A comparison of the number counts in the FORS Deep Field to those derived in other deep field surveys shows very good agreement.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures (included), accepted for publication in A&

    Hidden Magnetism and Quantum Criticality in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeRhIn5

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    With understood exceptions, conventional superconductivity does not coexist with long-range magnetic order[1]. In contrast, unconventional superconductivity develops near a boundary separating magnetically ordered and magnetically disordered phases[2,3]. A maximum in the superconducting transition temperature Tc develops where this boundary extrapolates to T=0 K, suggesting that fluctuations associated with this magnetic quantum-critical point are essential for unconventional superconductivity[4,5]. Invariably though, unconventional superconductivity hides the magnetic boundary when T < Tc, preventing proof of a magnetic quantum-critical point[5]. Here we report specific heat measurements of the pressure-tuned unconventional superconductor CeRhIn5 in which we find a line of quantum-phase transitions induced inside the superconducting state by an applied magnetic field. This quantum-critical line separates a phase of coexisting antiferromagnetism and superconductivity from a purely unconventional superconducting phase and terminates at a quantum tetracritical point where the magnetic field completely suppresses superconductivity. The T->0 K magnetic field-pressure phase diagram of CeRhIn5 is well described with a theoretical model[6,7] developed to explain field-induced magnetism in the high-Tc cuprates but in which a clear delineation of quantum-phase boundaries has not been possible. These experiments establish a common relationship among hidden magnetism, quantum criticality and unconventional superconductivity in cuprate and heavy-electron systems, such as CeRhIn5.Comment: journal reference adde

    MICADO: The Multi-Adaptive Optics Camera for Deep Observations

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    The Multi-adaptive optics Imaging CamerA for Deep Observations (MICADO) will image a field of view of nearly 1 arcminute at the diffraction limit of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), making use of the adaptive optics correction provided by single-conjugate adaptive optics (SCAO) and multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO). Its simple and robust design will yield an unprecedented combination of sensitivity and resolution across the field. This article outlines the characteristics of the observing modes offered and illustrates each of them with an astrophysical application. Potential users can explore their own ideas using the data simulator ScopeSim.Comment: Published in the ESO Messenger, issue 18

    Nature of the Quantum Phase Transition in Clean, Itinerant Heisenberg Ferromagnets

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    A comprehensive theory of the quantum phase transition in clean, itinerant Heisenberg ferromagnets is presented. It is shown that the standard mean-field description of the transition is invalid in spatial dimensions d3d\leq 3 due to the existence of soft particle-hole excitations that couple to the order parameter fluctuations and lead to an upper critical dimension dc+=3d_c^+ = 3. A generalized mean-field theory that takes these additional modes into account predicts a fluctuation-induced first-order transition. In a certain parameter regime, this first-order transition in turn is unstable with respect to a fluctuation-induced second-order transition. The quantum ferromagnetic transition may thus be either of first or of second-order, in agreement with experimental observations. A detailed discussion is given of the stability of the first-order transition, and of the critical behavior at the fluctuation-induced second-order transition. In d=3d=3, the latter is mean field-like with logarithmic corrections to scaling, and in d<3d<3 it can be controlled by means of a 3ϵ3-\epsilon expansion.Comment: 15 pp., revtex4, 6 eps figs; final version as publishe

    Anisotropic Colossal Magnetoresistance Effects in Fe_{1-x}Cu_xCr_2S_4

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    A detailed study of the electronic transport and magnetic properties of Fe1x_{1-x}Cux_xCr2_2S4_4 (x0.5x \leq 0.5) on single crystals is presented. The resistivity is investigated for 2T3002 \leq T \leq 300 K in magnetic fields up to 14 Tesla and under hydrostatic pressure up to 16 kbar. In addition magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements were performed. FMR and magnetization data reveal a pronounced magnetic anisotropy, which develops below the Curie temperature, TCT_{\mathrm{C}}, and increases strongly towards lower temperatures. Increasing the Cu concentration reduces this effect. At temperatures below 35 K the magnetoresistance, MR=ρ(0)ρ(H)ρ(0)MR = \frac{\rho(0) - \rho(H)}{\rho(0)}, exhibits a strong dependence on the direction of the magnetic field, probably due to an enhanced anisotropy. Applying the field along the hard axis leads to a change of sign and a strong increase of the absolute value of the magnetoresistance. On the other hand the magnetoresistance remains positive down to lower temperatures, exhibiting a smeared out maximum with the magnetic field applied along the easy axis. The results are discussed in the ionic picture using a triple-exchange model for electron hopping as well as a half-metal utilizing a band picture.Comment: some typos correcte