3,127 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Persepsi Masyarakat Batam Tentang Bank Syariah Terhadap Minat Menggunakan Produk Bank Syariah

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    This research examines the influence of society's perception about sharia bank toward intends to use sharia bank products. The data collection technique was a field survey that using questionnaire to the sample respondents. Sampling method used is accidental sampling method with 100 selected people by accidently. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression model. The result of this research indicate that people perception about bank sharia in banking system with interest, profit sharing system characteristics and sharia product knowledge, simultaneously have positive significant effect toward intends to use sharia product. Partially, only perception from knowledge of product variable has no influence toward society intends to Sharia bank products. Its means the better understanding about the no-interest banking system and also about profit sharing system as a basis for sharia bank practices, will increase society's intends to use sharia products. Meanwhile, there is no effect for society perception whether they have a better or less knowledge of sharia bank product

    Delay-Optimal Relay Selection in Device-to-Device Communications for Smart Grid

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    The smart grid communication network adopts a hierarchical structure which consists of three kinds of networks which are Home Area Networks (HANs), Neighborhood Area Networks (NANs), and Wide Area Networks (WANs). The smart grid NANs comprise of the communication infrastructure used to manage the electricity distribution to the end users. Cellular technology with LTE-based standards is a widely-used and forward-looking technology hence becomes a promising technology that can meet the requirements of different applications in NANs. However, the LTE has a limitation to cope with the data traffic characteristics of smart grid applications, thus require for enhancements. Device-to-Device (D2D) communications enable direct data transmissions between devices by exploiting the cellular resources, which could guarantee the improvement of LTE performances. Delay is one of the important communication requirements for the real-time smart grid applications. In this paper, the application of D2D communications for the smart grid NANs is investigated to improve the average end-to-end delay of the system. A relay selection algorithm that considers both the queue state and the channel state of nodes is proposed. The optimization problem is formulated as a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) and a linear programming method is used to find the optimal policy for the CMDP problem. Simulation results are presented to prove the effectiveness of the proposed scheme

    Roots Structure and Development of Austrobaileya scandens (Austrobaileyaceae) and Implications for Their Evolution in Angiosperms

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    Since the resolution of the ANA grade [Amborellales, Nymphaeales, Austrobaileyales] as sister to all other flowering plants, a few comparative studies of root structure have suggested that some of their anatomical traits could be of importance to understanding root evolutionary development and angiosperm phylogeny. However, there is still a paucity of information on root structure and apical meristems (RAMs) in these lineages and especially the sister to all other Austrobaileyales, Austrobaileya scandens. We used microtome sections and bright field, epifluorescence, laser confocal, and scanning electron microscopy to study adventitious root RAMs and tissues of A. scandens. Our results indicate that root structure is relatively simple in A. scandens. The epidermis has a thick cuticle and lacks root hairs. The stele is typically diarch, or some modification thereof, and surrounded by a cortex differentiated into a uniseriate endodermis, a middle region sometimes packed with starch, some oil cells, and colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and a multiseriate exodermis. Secondary growth produced many vessel elements in the secondary xylem and scattered sclerenchymatous fibers in secondary phloem. The absence of distinct patterning within the RAM and between the RAM and derivative differentiating tissues shows that the RAM is open and characterized by common initials. Roots structure and anatomy of A. scandens are thus essentially similar to some previously described in Amborella or Illicium in the ANA grade and many magnoliids, and suggest that the first woody flowering plants likely had an open RAM with common initials. Their functional and evolutionary significance in woody early-diverging and basal lineages of flowering plants and gymnosperms remains unclear, but they are clearly ancestral traits

    Pengaruh Pekerjaan, Pendidikan, Penghasilan, Persepsi, dan Jumlah Anak dalam Keluarga terhadap Keberlangsungan Pendidikan Formal

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    The purpose of this study was determine to the influence of employment\u27s significant for education, income, perception of parents and the number of children in the family to the continuity of the formal education for children. The method used in this research is ex post facto with causal comparative studies. The results showed that the value of F-Multifariat for Wilk lambda at perception variable ( ) and the number of children variable ( ) has significance 0,05 so then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This means there is no significant influence between the variable of job ( ), variable of education ( ) and variable of income ( ) to the continuity of the formal education for children

    Pengendalian Sosial Perilaku Menyimpang Anak Kos oleh Tokoh Masyarakat

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    This research was to know social control for deviant behavior of children boarding by public figures in RW 01 urban village Bansir Laut of Pontianak Southeast district. This research used qualitative approach to descriptive method. The techniques of data collection were observation, interview and the study of documentation. The research instruments were the observation, interview, books and archival records. This research showed that the social control of deviant behavior by children boarding by public figures have been performing control on children boarding with reprimands, punishment and issuing a children boarding if violations are severe like immoral actions

    African Traditional Medicine (ATM) Day 2022

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    Analysis of Microtremor Data Using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method of Makassar, South Sulawesi

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    Makassar has experienced earthquakes indicating that the city is an area vulnerable to earthquake hazards.  The regional tectonic setting supports the hazard in which several major faults develop surrounding the area. Earthquake events in the Makassar Strait of 4.5 SR in December 2015 is one of the hazard in this area. However not all the area was shaking at the same magnitude. The assumption is the different rock formation composing Makassar. Data taken from microtremor measurement supported by coring suggest a dominant frequency distribution has a significant relationship with the rock formation. Low dominant frequency arose at the area with thin sediment deposit (dominantly Camba Volcanic rock) and a high dominant frequency value came up at the area with thick sediment deposits (alluvial).  High seismic susceptibility index is found in thick sediment deposit. The area consists of interlayering between sand and clay and has shallow ground water table. On the other hand low vulnerability index is found in thin sediment deposit. It consists dominantly of tuff of Camba Volcanic Rock and has deep groundwater tabl

    Feature Matching in Iris Recognition System using MATLAB

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    Iris recognition system is a secure human authentication in biometric technology. Iris recognition system consists of five stages. They are Feature matching, Feature encoding, Iris Normalization, Iris Segmentation and Image acquisition. In Image acquisition, the eye Image is captured from the CASIA database, the Image must have good quality with high resolution to process next steps. In Iris Segmentation, the Iris part is detected by using Hough transform technique and Canny Edge detection technique. Iris from an eye Image segmented. In normalization, the Iris region is converted from the circular region into a rectangular region by using polar transform technique. In feature encoding, the normalized Iris can be encoded in the form of binary bit format by using Gabor filter techniques.  In feature matching, the encoded Iris template is compared with database eye Image of Iris template and generated the matching score by using Hamming distance technique and Euclidean distance technique. Based on the matching score, we get the result. This project is developed using Image processing toolbox of Matlab software