17 research outputs found

    Kombination der Analyse von Black Carbon, PAK und organischen Geosorbenten in urbanen Böden als Indikator für die Bioverfügbarkeit von PAK

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    In den letzten Jahren hat die Bedeutung von aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffmolekülen in umweltrelevanten Fragestellungen zugenommen: Toxizität und Bioverfügbarkeit von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen (PAK), die Bindung dieser Substanzen an Geosorbenten und die damit verbundene reduzierte Freisetzungsrate, sowie die Differenzierung des organischen Kohlenstoffs (TOC) in Böden in reaktive und gering reaktive Kohlenstoffpools (Black Carbon) im Hinblick auf Kohlenstoffspeicherung, die Verwertbarkeit von Böden mit erhöhten TOC- und PAK-Gehalten und Biochar. Die Herkunft dieser aromatischen Moleküle aus biogenen, petrogenen oder pyrogenen Quellen ist hierbei von besonderer Bedeutung, da sich die Bildungsmechanismen unterscheiden und ggf. charakteristische Moleküle oder Molekül-Muster gebildet werden. PAK und Black Carbon sind eng miteinander verbunden, letztlich bestehen die größeren Black Carbon-Strukturen wesentlich aus den zahlreichen PAK bzw. können aus diesen durch Koagulation gebildet werden. Andererseits können PAK als „mobile Phase“ zwischen den größeren 3-dimensionalen Kohlenwasserstoffstrukturen des Kerogen z. B. in Kohlen enthalten sein. Die Vielfalt der durch überwiegend anthropogene Prozesse schließlich in Böden vorliegenden Arten von TOC-haltigen technogenen Substraten sowie Gemischen ist groß und kann mittels organisch-petrographischer Methoden identifiziert und quantifiziert werden. In dieser Studie werden systematische Zusammenhänge zwischen petrogenen und pyrogenen PAK, Black Carbon anhand der Aromatizität und des Grades der aromatischen Kondensation (Benzenpolycarbonsäuren(BPCA)-Methode mittels Flüssigchromatographie-Massenspektrometrie) sowie der petrographischen mikroskopischen Analyse gezeigt. Als Probenset dienten Ruße (z. B. Diesel, Holz), Aschen, Schlacken, Lignit, Braun- und Steinkohlen sowie Anthrazit, Bergematerial, Kohleschlamm, Holzkohlen, Kokse unterschiedlicher Herkunft, Stäube, Rohöle, Teeröle sowie Böden mit Mischungen von technogenen Substraten aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Hinzugefügte Literaturdaten bestätigen die Messergebnisse im Kohlenstoffkontinuum. Untersuchungen der Freisetzung von PAK in die wässrige Phase sowie ihrer Resorptionsverfügbarkeit weisen auf ein allgemein geringes Potential im thermisch beeinflussten Teil des Kohlenstoffkontinuums hin

    Avaliação de linhagens de trigo duplo propósito no sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de matéria seca de linhagens de trigo duplo propósito.Editora técnica Claudia Cristina Gulias Gomes

    Avaliação de linhagens do gênero Paspalum em Bagé-RS.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar linhagens de Paspalum notatum, P. guenoarum e híbridos interespecíficos de Paspalum guenoarum x P. plicatum quanto a caracteres produtivos e de adaptabilidade na região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul.Editora técnica Claudia Cristina Gulias Gomes

    Establishment of potassium reference values using Bayesian models in grapevines

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    Critical levels (CL) of available potassium (K) in soils and leaves and maximum technical efficiency (MTE) doses are relevant information to define the best K fertilization strategies. The aim of this study was to determine reference values of K in leaves and soil, using Bayesian analysis, in order to maximize grape yield and must quality of ‘Chardonnay’ and ‘Pinot Noir’ grown in a subtropical climate. The vines were subjected to applications of 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg K2O ha−1 year−1. The CL and MTE doses of K, in leaves and soils, were determined using Bayesian hierarchical models. The range of probability of the occurrence of CL in leaves was 15.8 to 18.9 g K kg−1 in ‘Chardonnay’ and 16.8 to 19.1 g K kg−1 in ‘Pinot Noir’ at flowering. Moreover, the range was 15.3 to 18.1 g K kg−1 in ‘Chardonnay’ and 16.1 to 18.2 g K kg−1 in ‘Pinot Noir’ at veraison. In the soil, the CL of available K for ‘Chardonnay’ was 27.4 mg K kg−1 and for ‘Pinot Noir’ it was 23.2 mg K kg−1. The increase of K in leaves and soil increased the TSS, while the TTA decreased in both cultivars after sufficiency rate. The MTE was estimated in ‘Pinot Noir’. The proposition of CL and/or MTE doses of K can help increase the efficiency of K fertilization in vineyards

    Avaliação de genótipos de aveia preta na Região da Campanha gaúcha.

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    Objetivo de avaliar a produção de matéria seca de diferentes linhagens de aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb), a fim de identificar genótipos promissores para melhoramento genético e prever futuro lançamento de cultivares no mercado.Zootec

    Kinetic parameters related to nitrogen uptake efficiency of pear trees (Pyrus communis).

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    Genetic improvement programs for pear trees in Brazil are characterized by rootstock (hypobiotic) selection mainly considering physiological attributes such as vigor, breakage of dormancy, propagation easiness, and sanitary characteristics, such as resistance to pests and diseases. However, kinetic parameters that determine nutrient uptake efficiency are not usually considered as, for example, nitrogen (N) in forms of NO3 − and NH4 +. The objective of this study was to evaluate the kinetic parameters related to N uptake in pear selection '54′ and '971′ as additional criteria for rootstock selection. The plants were acclimatized in a half-strength Hoagland solution and tested to assess the depletion of the internal reserves at 15 and 30 days, in CaSO4 solution to evaluate the depletion period during 65 h. The selection '971′ showed more significant NO3 − and NH4 + uptake efficiency, because presented higher Vmax values and Influx. The internal reserve depletion (IRD) period for the evaluated selections was 30 days in CaSO4 solution. The evaluation period of the depletion period to reach the Cmin for selections '971′ and '54′ was 64 and 65 h for NO3 − respectively, and 65 h for NH4 +. The selection '971′ had a higher affinity with the NO3 − ion when correlated with the physiological parameters of minimum fluorescence (Fo) and electron transport rate (ETRm)

    Produtividade de genótipos de azevém em Bagé/2014.

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    O azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.) é uma forrageira de grande valor para a pecuária no Rio Grande do Sul, sendo uma das principais espécies de inverno cultivadas no estado..

    A Review of Flood-Related Storage and Remobilization of Heavy Metal Pollutants in River Systems

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    Aproveitamento pelos pessegueiros do nitrogênio derivado do fertilizante.

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    O pêssegueiro pertencente à família Rosaceae, gênero Prunnus é a terceira espécie de árvores frutíferas mais produzida no mundo, atrás da macieira e pereira (BYRNE et al., 2012). No Brasil, o Rio Grande do Sul (RS) possui a maior área cultivada com pessegueiros. A dose de N em pessegueiros normalmente é definida com base no conteúdo de matéria orgânica do solo ou na concentração de N em folhas, sendo considerada a expectativa de produtividade e parâmetros de crescimento (CQFS-RS/SC, 2016). O N é aplicado parceladamente ao longo dos estágios fenológicos. Porém, não é suficientemente conhecido o melhor modo de parcelamento do N, nem tampouco as percentagens reais de N aproveitadas pelos pessegueiros. Isso pode ser obtido com o uso de isótopos estáveis de 15N. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o aproveitamento pelo pessegueiro em produção do N derivado do fertilizante aplicado em dois modos de parcelamento

    Produtividade de genótipos de Dactylis em Bagé/2015.

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    Dactylis glomerata, planta gramínea de crescimento cespitoso e hibernal é uma alternativa interessante para períodos de escassez de alimentos aos rebanhos sul Brasileiros por apresentar elevada produção de forragem e de boa qualidade nos meses de outono e inverno.Zootec