11 research outputs found

    Impact of super absorbent polymers on early age behavior of ultra-high performance concrete walls

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    Early age cracking, a common problem for Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC), is caused by Autogenous Shrinkage (AS) and self-desiccation arising from the chemical shrinkage during the cement hydration reactions when the deformation is restrained. However, to avoid the crack development initiated by AS, several solutions can be adopted; one example is the addition of a promising material, considered as an internal curing agent, the Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP) which limits the capillary depressions that can enhance the formation of the crack. In this study the main goal is to mitigate the shrinkage using SAPs in infrastructure under severe conditions. Therefore, a demonstrator wall was built simulating a typical case with high risk of cracking. With the help of fiber optic SOFO sensors embedded in the wall, real-time deformations are recorded and compared the demountable mechanical strain gauges (DEMEC) measurements to further investigate the behavior of SAPs in real scale infrastructure. The amount of extra water (in SAP) needed to mitigate shrinkage was determined by performing chemical shrinkage tests on different cement paste combinations. Tests of autogenous shrinkage were performed on mortars using corrugated tubes and showed that SAPs reduce to some extent the AS. Under restrained conditions via ring tests, SAP specimens did not crack. Therefore, SAPs were found promising towards mitigating the shrinkage and enhancing the early age behavior of concrete for a better durability

    Numerical modelling of autogenous healing and recovery of mechanical properties in ultra-high performance concrete

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    Cracks, caused by shrinkage or external loading, reduce the durability of concrete structures as aggressive substances can easily enter in the capillary network of the cementitious matrix. Natural \u91autogenous\u92 healing ability of concrete by further hydration or precipitation has been studied experimentally for many years. Autogenous healing of concrete by further hydration of residual unhydrated cement particles is triggered by the ingress of water and/or moisture into the crack and leads to a partial recovery of mechanical properties (Young\u92s modulus, tensile strength,...). However, theoretical studies and computer simulations still need to be developed in order to explain macroscopic behaviour of healed specimens and conditions of occurrence of the self-healing phenomenon. In this study, a hydro-chemo-mechanical model was developed to simulate autogenous healing by further hydration. Firstly, a simulation of a three-point-bending test was performed to represent the initial damaged state before the self-healing process. The volume fraction of the residual cement clinkers at this moment has been calculated with a hydration model. Then, the self-healing phenomenon of concrete beams immersed into water was modelled based on micro-mechanical observations. The diffusion process has been simulated using the Fick\u92s law in order to describe the ingress of water into concrete. The hydration model, based on the Arrhenius law, is then used to simulate the chemical reactions between residual clinkers and water. The mechanical properties of the new formed hydrates are therefore evaluated in order to describe the partial recovery of mechanical properties of healed concrete

    Numerical modelling of autogenous healing and recovery of mechanical properties in ultra-high performance concrete

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    Cracks, caused by shrinkage or external loading, reduce the durability of concrete structures as aggressive substances can easily enter in the capillary network of the cementitious matrix. Natural \u91autogenous\u92 healing ability of concrete by further hydration or precipitation has been studied experimentally for many years. Autogenous healing of concrete by further hydration of residual unhydrated cement particles is triggered by the ingress of water and/or moisture into the crack and leads to a partial recovery of mechanical properties (Young\u92s modulus, tensile strength,...). However, theoretical studies and computer simulations still need to be developed in order to explain macroscopic behaviour of healed specimens and conditions of occurrence of the self-healing phenomenon. In this study, a hydro-chemo-mechanical model was developed to simulate autogenous healing by further hydration. Firstly, a simulation of a three-point-bending test was performed to represent the initial damaged state before the self-healing process. The volume fraction of the residual cement clinkers at this moment has been calculated with a hydration model. Then, the self-healing phenomenon of concrete beams immersed into water was modelled based on micro-mechanical observations. The diffusion process has been simulated using the Fick\u92s law in order to describe the ingress of water into concrete. The hydration model, based on the Arrhenius law, is then used to simulate the chemical reactions between residual clinkers and water. The mechanical properties of the new formed hydrates are therefore evaluated in order to describe the partial recovery of mechanical properties of healed concrete

    Design of polymeric capsules for autonomous healing of cracks in cementitious materials

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    Now, most of the capsules used to contain polymeric healing agents in self-healing concrete, are made of glass. However, glass capsules cannot be mixed in concrete and are therefore placed manually into the moulds during concrete casting in laboratory tests. This represents a major drawback for an eventual industrialisation. In this study, polymeric capsules were designed to meet three requirements: breakage upon crack appearance, compatibility with the polymeric healing agent and survival during concrete mixing. Three different polymers with a low glass transition temperature (Tg) were selected (PLA \u96 PS \u96 P(MMA-n-BMA)). These polymers are brittle at 20°C, and consequently have the possibility to break upon crack appearance, but are rubbery above their glass transition temperature and, consequently, can survive mixing upon heating. Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis were performed to define the glass transition temperature of the selected polymers and to quantify the evolution of their mechanical properties with increasing temperature. Concrete mixing tests were performed both at 20°C and at a temperature above the Tg of the capsules. Mixing at increased temperature was done by previously heating the capsules and the concrete components. The survival rates increased drastically when the capsules and the concrete components were heated. Even capsules with a thin wall (thickness 0.4 mm) resisted a 2 minute concrete mixing process, whereas none of them survived at 20°C. In addition, the compatibility of the capsules with a two-component polyurethane healing agent was studied. The pre-polymer hardened after some days. This research revealed that suitable design of polymeric capsules can help to meet the requirements for self-healing concrete even though further research is needed before a possible use in industry

    Early age autogenous shrinkage cracking risk of an ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) wall : modelling and experimental results

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    Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) exhibits high autogenous shrinkage (AS) which significantly increases the risk of early age cracking. To predict the risks of early age shrinkage cracking of environmentally friendly CEM III-based UHPC, a numerical model originally developed for early age crack assessment of ordinary concrete, has been further developed and applied on a demonstration wall with high risk of cracking, cast on a non-deforming slab. The design of the wall was determined through numerical simulation using different parameters, resulting from specific experiments performed on the desired concrete mixture. Early age crack assessment parameters for the model were obtained through different tests performed using the Temperature-Stress Testing Machine (TSTM). Finally, this UHPC wall was built, and occurring strain deformations were recorded in real time using fiber optic (SOFO) sensors embedded in the wall, and measurements taken from demountable mechanical strain gauges (DEMEC). Restrained shrinkage measurements were obtained for the same mixture through ring tests. A comparison between the numerical simulation results and the measurements proved that the proposed model is suitable for UHPC, and the model predicts well the time of crack appearance. Finally, it has been shown that shrinkage values along the wall height are influenced by the degree of restraint