77 research outputs found

    Data Processing System Heart Surgery Patients Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

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    And the process of recording patient data on the previous system, namely the processof recording patient data manually as well as many feel the problem for CardiacSurgery. Therefore, the Cardiac Surgery implement computerized patient dataprocessing system which is expected to assist and facilitate the activity so that patientdata recording and processing data.Patient data processing system of Cardiac Surgery inpatient unit can yieldinformation about a patient's life history, namely that contains data about themselvesand the statements of operations from the patient.The system that the authors of this draft would be able to assist in handling the job,especially in data processing for the patient

    Keragaan Free Surface Model Palka Berbentuk Kotak Dan Silinder

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    Liquid cargo in the hold of life fish carier might influence ship stability. This is due to effect of free surface that is generated by liquid cargo movement during ship motion. This research exa-mined the effect of free surface from two kinds of hold that are formed into box and cylinder shapes.The result shows that, the effect of free surface of liquid cargo that placed in box shape hold givesless impact comparing to the one in cylinder shape

    Radio Broadcasting Training Smansaman At SMA Negeri 1 Manyaran Wonogiri

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    Smansaman Radio 106.1 FM is a learning radio of SMA Negeri 1 Manyaran Wonogiri, which is already established two years ago. Radio is intended for students, who take an extracurricular lesson of Radio Broadcasting. Problems faced are the limited guidance, mentoring and knowledge of teachers related to the issue of knowledge in the field of radio, causing the announcer to work according to their ability and experience of each student. Community service activity program held for two days and aims to provide training in radio broadcasting for students to know, understand and appreciate the techniques of radio broadcasts and managing radio broadcasts. Whereas specific target activity is increasing job skills and the development of character in creativity and innovative of the student to move in the field of radio broadcasting. Material presented on the radio broadcast technique, broadcast personality training and radio media management. Training provided using lectures method, discussions, voice testing, taste testing, imagination testing and practicing in the radio studio. The results of community service activity showed the average value of pre test 73.75, while the average value of post test of 89.58 or increased 21.46% of the total participant activity

    Konsumsi Oksigen Benih Ikan Kerapu Bebek (Cromileptes Altivelis) Ukuran Panjang 5-7 Cm

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    Disolved oxygen plays an important role for fish living in its life environment. Information on the ammount of oxygen consumption of a fish in certain volume of water is needed in order to give balancing between the ammount of disolved oxygen and fish in it. The objective of this research is obtaining oxygen consumption level of a juvenile of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) of 5-7 cm body length. Oxygen consumption of fish was measured using a tube that equiped with DO tool (dissolved oxygent, DO), and the tube was filled by sea water. Measurement of oxygen con-sumption of juvenil was done by measuring the concentration of dissolved oxygen from sea water in the respirometer tube, began when fish had entered into the respirometer tube up to two hours observation. The result showed that oxygen consumption rate of a juvenile of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) of 5-7 cm length, is ranging between 0.816 and 1.734 mg/hour

    Variasi Sudut Pancar Burner Cup untuk Meningkatkan Performa Pembakaran pada Kompor Berbahan Bakar Biogas Menuju Desa Mandiri Energi di YOGYAKARTA

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    Biogas is an alternative energy sources as a substitute for fossil fuels in household activities daily, but there are obstacles in the use of biogas, namely the difficulty of arranging a flame that is stable and fuel consumption relatively less efficient biogas. So it takes a design development system that will produce a burning stove produces biogas-fueled stove fits the purpose of research, on the other hand biogas stove should be simple, cheap production price, maximum efficiency and safe to use. Stages in the study include: desk assessment, creation of objective requirements design, manufacture conceptual and basic design, manufacture real stove. As for knowing the performance of the stove carried stove performance tests are: test flame stability and efficiency. The results showed that the efficiency of the biogas stove design results in only 31 percent higher than the efficiency of biogas stoves old design, while the fuel consumption of biogas stoves new design is 16 percent lower when compared with fuel consumption of biogas stoves old design. In terms of manufacture and ease of repair and maintenance of gas cookers new design is more easily repaired and easy to make and simple in form compared with the old design biogas stoves

    Peningkatan Performa Hasil Pembakaran Menggunakan Mixing Combustion Chamber pada Kompor Berbahan Bakar Biogas Menuju Desa Mandiri Energi di YOGYAKARTA

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    Biogas is an alternative energy sources as a substitute for fossil fuels in household activities daily, but there are obstacles in the use of biogas, namely the difficulty of arranging a flame that is stable and fuel consumption relatively less efficient biogas. So it takes a design development system that will produce a burning stove produces biogas-fueled stove fits the purpose of research, on the other hand biogas stove should be simple, cheap production price, maximum efficiency and safe to use. Stages in the study include: desk assessment, creation of objective requirements desing, manufacture conceptual and basic design, manufacture real stove. As for knowing the performance of the stove carried ujji stove performance are: test flame stability and efficiency. The results showed that the efficiency of the biogas stove design results in only 31 percent higher than the efficiency of biogas stoves old design, while the fuel consumption of biogas stoves new design is 16 percent lower when compared with fuel consumption of biogas stoves old design. In terms of manufacture and ease of repair and maintenance of gas cookers new design is more easily repaired and easy to make and simple in form compared with the old design biogas stoves

    Perencanaan Ruang Muat Ikan Hidup Pada Kapal Penangkap Ikan Di Tpi Brondong Lamongan Jawa Timur

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    Meningkatnya kuliner-kuliner penggemar makanan produk berasal dari laut di Surabaya bolehdikatakan sangat signifikan, terutama ikan laut dalam kondisi hidup, seiring dengan itu banyakResto-Resto ikan hidup bermunculan. Selain itu maraknya bahan makanan yang dicampur denganbahan pengawet akhir-akhir ini sangat merisaukan para konsumen.Dengan kejadian tersebut diatas, maka banyak konsumen mempunyai kecenderunganberalih memilih membeli ikan laut dalam kondisi hidup dari pada kondisi mati. Kapal disimulasikanpada ruang muat yang semula tidak ada airnya diisi air, agar ikannya tetap hidup, dibuat 3 keadaankapal tanpa ikan, kapal separoh muatan dan kapal ¾ muatan, dari persyaratan IMO, GZ kapal kosong0.457 m, separoh muatan 0.137 m, kapal dengan ¾ muatan negatip, persyaratan IMO ≥ 0.2 m pada θ≥ 300. GZ maksimum pada θ ≥ 300, saat kapal kosong 350 kapal separoh muatan 480, kapal denganmuatan ¾ negatip. Sedangkan GM saat kapal kosong 0.928 m, kapal separoh muatan 0.251 m dankapal ¾ muatan negatip, persyaratan IMO GM awal ≥ 0.15 m

    Visualisasi Perubahan Volume dan Elevasi Permukaan Lumpur dengan Citra Satelit Resolusi Tinggi Temporal untuk Monitoring Lumpur Sidoarjo

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    Sejak awal terjadinya bencana lumpur Sidoarjo pada 29 Mei 2006 silam, telah terjadi lebih dari 10 kali jebolan tanggul penahan lumpur. Yang terakhir terjadi pada akhir tahun 2014 lalu, mengakibatkan rumah warga yang berada di Desa Gempolsari, Kecamatan Tanggulangin, terendam lumpur. Untuk mencegah hal yang sama terulang kembali, maka perlu dilakukan monitoring untuk mengetahui pola persebaran lumpur dan elevasinya yang berada di dalam tanggul penahan. Dengan menggunakan citra satelit resolusi tinggi WorldView-2 bulan Agustus 2014 dan Juli 2015, maka tutupan lumpur dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 kelas berbeda, yaotu Air Berlumpur, Lumpur Basah, Lumpur Mulai Mengering, dan Lumpur Kering. Menurut hasil pengolahan data observasi lapangan menggunakan GPS geodetik metode kinematik, diketahui bahwa volume total lumpur di dalam tanggul utama pada bulan Maret 2014 adalah 44.039.123,365 m3, dan bulan Juli 2015 sebesar 47.646.879,058 m3. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan 3 dimensi permukaan lumpur, aliran lumpur pada bulan Maret 2014 cenderung mengarah ke utara. Sedangkan pada bulan Juli 2015 aliran lumpur lebih terkonsentrasi di dekat pusat semburan, membuat tanah bagian bawah mengalami sledding dan penurunan. Dengan demikian, permukaan lumpur menjadi terlihat seperti kaldera atau fitur kawah gunung lumpur. Dan sampai dengan bulan Juli 2015, tutupan lumpur didominasi oleh klasifikasi Lumpur Kering


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    Sacrifice is a necessity in the activities of Muslims every year. In addition to having a vertical dimension in the form of obedience to the commands of Allah SWT, sacrificial worship also has a horizontal dimension that is urgent for ukhuwah Islamiyah, namely concern for others and justice in realizing Muslim unity. The progress of the times achieved by modern civilization can actually be solutions that facilitate all forms of Islamic worship practices. Collective goat sacrifices, online sacrificial worship, sacrificial slaughter with mechanical devices, and sacrificial canning are some of the dynamics that occur in Muslim communities in the world. These dynamics must be addressed wisely in accordance with the objectives of the Shari'a. The progress of the era with all its derivatives requires every Muslim to continue to strive to understand and explore the philosophical and axiological meanings of all the worship carried out, including in the implementation of sacrificial worship
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