179 research outputs found

    Channel Guided Standard LWFA (CGSL) Project

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    During the project we have demonstrated control of several important parameters of capillary channels. We achieved the required profiles for guiding, we have demonstrated channels in density range between 10{sup 17}-10{sup 19}cm{sup -3} in both short and long capillaries. The plasma temperature and density profiles were measured in both radial and longitudinal directions. The Boron Nitride capillary has provided a guiding medium that can withstand more than 1000 shots. The laser ignition of capillary discharge provided reliable almost jitter free approach. Both laser and experimental set up were upgraded. The laser system upgrade included development of a 10 TW Ti-sapphire laser facility that will be used for acceleration experiments instead T cube. We have conducted high intensity (above 10{sup 17}W/cm{sup 2}) guiding experiments through various capillaries. The concerns related to influence of relatively high current density flow through capillary on the injected electrons were studied extensively by us both theoretically and experimentally using a simple injection method. The method is based on the interaction of a high intensity laser pulse with a thin wire placed near capillary entrance. The influence of magnetic fields was found to be insignificant. Using this method we have studied transport of electrons though capillary discharge. We have simulated beam injection into a channel guided LWFA and found that under certain conditions the injected electron distribution can be very broad. Finally, prior to the staging of the capillary based accelerators, we performed a proof-of-principal experiment on staged optical injection and laser wakefield acceleration using two different short laser pulses focused into two spatially separated gas jets

    Differential expression of Axl and Gas6 in renal cell carcinoma reflecting tumor advancement and survival

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    PURPOSE: Overexpression of the receptor tyrosine kinase Axl is implicated in several cancers. Therefore, we conducted this study to determine the expression of Axl and its ligand Gas6 in various renal cell carcinoma (RCC) types and in oncocytoma. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR was used to quantify tumor mRNA levels for Axl and Gas6 in a cohort (n = 221) of RCC patients. Serum levels of soluble sAxl and Gas6 proteins were measured using specific ELISA assays (n = 282). The presence of Axl protein in tumor tissue was evaluated by immunohistochemistry (n = 294). Results were correlated to tumor-associated variables, clinical biochemical tests, and patient survival. RESULTS: Tumor Axl mRNA levels correlated independently to survival when assessed against tumor stage and grade. In the study group, the median cancer-specific survival of all RCC patients during 307 months of follow-up was 55 months (confidence interval, +/-40.4). The 25% of patients with lowest tumor Axl mRNA levels had significantly better survival than the rest (P = 0.0005), with 70% of the patients still alive at the end of follow-up. In contrast, in patients with medium-high Axl mRNA, only 25% were alive at the end of follow-up. Tumor Gas6 mRNA levels correlated to survival, tumor-associated variables, and disease severity as did serum levels of soluble sAxl and Gas6 protein. However, no correlation between Axl protein in tumor tissue and survival was found. CONCLUSIONS: Axl and Gas6 expression in RCC are associated with tumor advancement and patient survival. In particular, low tumor Axl mRNA levels independently correlated with improved survival

    Forward modeling using finite difference method for fractured hard rocks tracing via three-electrode array

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    У статті наведено результати польових електророзвідувальних робіт на півночі Ірану, отримані трьохелектродною установкою. Виконано 2D інверсію значень уявного опору, що дозволила локалізувати області з низьким питомим опором в товщі високоомних порід, пов’язані в основному із зонами тріщинуватості. Результати інверсії підтверджені буріннямВ статье представлены результаты полевых электроразведочных работ на севере Ирана, полученные трехэлектродной установкой. Выполнена 2D инверсия значений кажущегося сопротивления, позволившая локализовать области с низким удельным сопротивлением в толще высокоомных пород, связанные в основном с зонами трещиноватости. Результаты инверсии подтверждены бурением