4,665 research outputs found

    Measures Of International Transport Cost For OECD Countries

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    This paper presents new estimates of country-specific international transport costs for 21 OECD countries over the period 1973-2005. The methodology is based on direct measures of air, maritime, and road transport costs rather than on cif/fob ratios or other balance of payments data employed in previous studies. Transport costs are calculated as costs per kilogramme for each mode of transport at a bilateral level and then aggregated. Australia and New Zealand are found to have the highest transport costs among the OECD countries considered, followed by Japan. The time trends are sensitive to the choice of deflator, but the results do not show an overall downward trend in transport costs for OECD countries, contrary to conventional wisdom, but consistent with Hummels’ (2007) recent study of global transport costs

    Fan-spine topology formation through two-step reconnection driven by twisted flux emergence

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    We address the formation of 3D nullpoint topologies in the solar corona by combining Hinode/XRT observations of a small dynamic limb event, which occurred beside a non-erupting prominence cavity, with a 3D zero-beta MHD simulation. To this end, we model the boundary-driven kinematic emergence of a compact, intense, and uniformly twisted flux tube into a potential field arcade that overlies a weakly twisted coronal flux rope. The expansion of the emerging flux in the corona gives rise to the formation of a nullpoint at the interface of the emerging and the pre-existing fields. We unveil a two-step reconnection process at the nullpoint that eventually yields the formation of a broad 3D fan-spine configuration above the emerging bipole. The first reconnection involves emerging fields and a set of large-scale arcade field lines. It results in the launch of a torsional MHD wave that propagates along the arcades, and in the formation of a sheared loop system on one side of the emerging flux. The second reconnection occurs between these newly formed loops and remote arcade fields, and yields the formation of a second loop system on the opposite side of the emerging flux. The two loop systems collectively display an anenome pattern that is located below the fan surface. The flux that surrounds the inner spine field line of the nullpoint retains a fraction of the emerged twist, while the remaining twist is evacuated along the reconnected arcades. The nature and timing of the features which occur in the simulation do qualititatively reproduce those observed by XRT in the particular event studied in this paper. Moreover, the two-step reconnection process suggests a new consistent and generic model for the formation of anemone regions in the solar corona.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 11 pages and 5 figure

    A network approach to public goods

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    Suppose agents can exert costly effort that creates nonrival, heterogeneous benefits for each other. At each possible outcome, a weighted, directed network describing marginal externalities is defined. We show that Pareto efficient outcomes are those at which the largest eigenvalue of the network is 1. An important set of efficient solutions - Lindahl outcomes - are characterized by contributions being proportional to agents' eigenvector centralities in the network. The outcomes we focus on are motivated by negotiations. We apply the results to identify who is essential for Pareto improvements, how to efficiently subdivide negotiations, and whom to optimally add to a team

    Impact of motion along the field direction on geometric-phase-induced false electric dipole moment signals

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    Geometric-phase-induced false electric dipole moment (EDM) signals, resulting from interference between magnetic field gradients and particle motion in electric fields, have been studied extensively in the literature, especially for neutron EDM experiments utilizing stored ultracold neutrons and co-magnetometer atoms. Previous studies have considered particle motion in the transverse plane perpendicular to the direction of the applied electric and magnetic fields. We show, via Monte Carlo studies, that motion along the field direction can impact the magnitude of this false EDM signal if the wall surfaces are rough such that the wall collisions can be modeled as diffuse, with the results dependent on the size of the storage cell's dimension along the field direction.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, NIM A, in pres

    Algorithms and literate programs for weighted low-rank approximation with missing data

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    Linear models identification from data with missing values is posed as a weighted low-rank approximation problem with weights related to the missing values equal to zero. Alternating projections and variable projections methods for solving the resulting problem are outlined and implemented in a literate programming style, using Matlab/Octave's scripting language. The methods are evaluated on synthetic data and real data from the MovieLens data sets

    Effect of nonlocal interactions on the disorder-induced zero-bias anomaly in the Anderson-Hubbard model

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    To expand the framework available for interpreting experiments on disordered strongly correlated systems, and in particular to explore further the strong-coupling zero-bias anomaly found in the Anderson-Hubbard model, we ask how this anomaly responds to the addition of nonlocal electron-electron interactions. We use exact diagonalization to calculate the single-particle density of states of the extended Anderson-Hubbard model. We find that for weak nonlocal interactions the form of the zero-bias anomaly is qualitatively unchanged. The energy scale of the anomaly continues to be set by an effective hopping amplitude renormalized by the nonlocal interaction. At larger values of the nonlocal interaction strength, however, hopping ceases to be a relevant energy scale and higher energy features associated with charge correlations dominate the density of states.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    New cantacaderid lace bugs from Dominician amber (Heteroptera: Tingidae, Catacaderiane)

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    New fossil tingids, representatives of the small subfamily Cantacaderinae (Tingidae) from the Oligocene Dominican amber, are described and discussed. The fossil species Eocader babyrussus n. sp. belongs to the recent neotropical genus Eocader of the tribe Phatnomini