4,436 research outputs found

    Comparison of 1/mQ^2 Corrections in Mesons and Baryons

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    We extend our relativistic quark model to the study of the decay Lambda_b -> Lambda_c ell nu and verify that the model satisfies the heavy-quark symmetry constraints at order 1/mQ^2. We isolate a strong dependence on a parameter which measures the relative distortion in the light-quark wave functions of the Lambda_b and Lambda_c. This parameter and the 1/mQ^2 corrections turn out to be small. The dependence on a corresponding parameter in the meson case leads to large 1/mQ^2 corrections.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 self-contained LaTeX figures in separate fil

    Comment on "The Phenomenology of a Nonstandard Higgs Boson in W_L W_L Scattering"

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    We show that in Composite Higgs models, the coupling of the Higgs resonance to a pair of WW bosons is weaker than the corresponding Standard Model coupling, provided the Higgs arises from electroweak doublets only. This is partly due to the effects of the nonlinear realization of the chiral symmetries at the compositeness scale.Comment: 6 pages, BU-HEP 94-2

    The MICZ-Kepler Problems in All Dimensions

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    The Kepler problem is a physical problem about two bodies which attract each other by a force proportional to the inverse square of the distance. The MICZ-Kepler problems are its natural cousins and have been previously generalized from dimension three to dimension five. In this paper, we construct and analyze the (quantum) MICZ-Kepler problems in all dimensions higher than two.Comment: A minor technical error in section 5.2 (see footnote 6) is correcte

    Rare K-Decays as Crucial Tests for Unified Models with Gauged Baryon Number:

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    In the grand-unified models based on SU(15) and SU(16) in which the quarks and leptons are un-unified at the intermediate stages, we show that BR  (KLμe)1014{\rm BR}\; (K_L \to \mu e) \leq 10^{-14} and BR  (K+π+μe)1014{\rm BR}\; (K^+ \to \pi^+\mu e) \leq 10^{-14} despite the presence of leptoquark gauge bosons. Thus, the observation of these processes in the ongoing or upcoming experiments will rule out the models.Comment: (7 pages, LATEX, including figures drawn by LATEX) DOE-ER40200-304 CPP-5

    Partially-supervised context-specific independence mixture modeling.

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    Partially supervised or semi-supervised learning refers to machine learning methods which fall between clustering and classification. In the context of clustering, labels can specify link and do-not-link constraints between data points in di erent ways and constrain the resulting clustering solutions. This is a very natural framework for many biological applications as some labels are often available and even very few label greatly improve clustering results. Context-specific independence models constitute a framework for simultaneous mixture estimation and model structure determination to obtain meaningful models for high-dimensional data with many, possibly uninformative, variables. Here we present the first approach for partial learning of CSI models and demonstrate the e ectiveness of modest amounts of labels for simulated data and for protein sub-family determination

    More Effective Field Theory for Nonrelativistic Scattering

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    An effective field theory treatment of nucleon-nucleon scattering at low energy shows much promise and could prove a useful tool in the study of nuclear matter at both ordinary and extreme densities. The analysis is complicated by the existence a large length scale --- the scattering length --- which arises due to couplings in the short distance theory being near critical values. I show how this can be dealt with by introducing an explicit s-channel state in the effective field theory. The procedure is worked out analytically in a toy example. I then demonstrate that a simple effective field theory excellently reproduces the 1S_0 np phase shift up to the pion production threshold.Comment: 15 pages, TeX ; macros: harvmac, eps

    Chiral Perturbation Theory for BDB \rightarrow D^* and BDB \rightarrow D Semileptonic Transition Matrix Elements at Zero Recoil

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    Heavy quark symmetry predicts the value of BDB \rightarrow D and BDB \rightarrow D^* transition matrix elements of the current cˉγμ(1γ5)b\bar c \gamma_\mu (1 - \gamma_5)b, at zero recoil (where in the rest frame of the BB the DD or DD^* is also at rest). We use chiral perturbation theory to compute the leading corrections to these predictions which are generated at low momentum, below the chiral symmetry breaking scale.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure (not included), CALT-68-1844, MIT-CTP-217

    Baryons Containing a Heavy Quark as Solitons

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    The possibility of interpreting baryons containing a single heavy quark as bound states of solitons (that arise in the nonlinear sigma model) and heavy mesons is explored. Particular attention is paid to the parity of the bound states and to the role of heavy quark symmetry.Comment: 15 pages, uses phyzzx.tex and tables.tex, REVISED VERSION: Some of the results have changed because of a crucial minus sign, CALT-68-1783 and UCSD/PTH 92-1

    A Topcolor Jungle Gym

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    We discuss an alternative to the topcolor seesaw mechanism. In our scheme, all the light quarks carry topcolor, and there are many composite SU(2) doublets. This makes it possible to get the observed top quark mass and observed SU(2)×U(1)SU(2) \times U(1) breaking in a way that is quite different from the classic seesaw mechanism. We discuss a model of this kind that arises naturally in the context of dynamically broken topcolor. There are many composite scalars in a theory of this kind. This has important effects on the Pagels-Stokar relation and the Higgs mass. We find mHiggs<330m_{\rm Higgs} < 330 GeV, lighter than in typical topcolor models. We also show that the electroweak singlet quarks in such a model can be lighter than the corresponding quarks in a seesaw model.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, uses epsf and psfi