506 research outputs found

    Dimethylsulfoniopropionate in corals and its interrelations with bacterial assemblages in coral surface mucus

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    Corals produce copious amounts of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a sulfur compound thought toplay a role in structuring coral-associated bacterial communities. We tested the hypothesis that a linkage exists betweenDMSP availability in coral tissues and the community dynamics of bacteria in coral surface mucus. We determinedDMSP concentrations in three coral species (Meandrina meandrites, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea siderea) at twosampling depths (5 and 25 m) and times of day (dawn and noon) at Curac¸ao, Southern Caribbean. DMSP concentration(4–409 nmol cm?2 coral surface) varied with host species-specific traits such as Symbiodinium cell abundance, but notwith depth or time of sampling. Exposure of corals to air caused a doubling of their DMSPconcentration. The phylogeneticaffiliation of mucus-associated bacteria was examined by clone libraries targeting three main subclades of the bacterialDMSP demethylase gene (dmdA). dmdA gene abundance was determined by quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction(qPCR) against a reference housekeeping gene (recA). Overall, a higher availability of DMSP corresponded to a lowerrelative abundance of the dmdA gene, but this pattern was not uniform across all host species or bacterial dmdA subclades,suggesting the existence of distinct DMSP microbial niches or varying dmdA DMSP affinities. This is the first studyquantifying dmdA gene abundance in corals and linking related changes in the community dynamics of DMSP-degradingbacteria to DMSP availability. Our study suggests that DMSP mediates the regulation of microbe

    Design of body adornments obtained from the conformation through a mold and subsequent simple machining of epoxy resin mosaics loaded with fired faience residues

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    No presente trabalho pretende-se a partir do processo de design avaliar a possibilidade de reutilização e valorização dos resíduos de cacos cerâmicos cozidos da fábrica Bordallo Pinheiro. Para a criação de novos produtos, adornos corporais, tal como anéis, colares, brincos e ganchos. Utilizou-se um processo por moldação via liquída com resina epóxi carregada com resíduos cozidos de faiança que posteriormente foram sujeitos a operações simples de maquinação que permitiram transformar com sucesso os resíduos cerâmicos cozidos em adornos corporais que são compatíveis com mercados de alto valor acrescentado como é no caso do design ou da indústria da moda. Os produtos são da autoria da designer Inês Pereira Coutinho e o trabalho decorreu sob a orientação do professor José Frade.In the present work, it is intended, from the design process, to evaluate the possibilities of reusing and revaluing the wasted shards of fired ceramics from the Bordallo Pinheiro, ceramic factory. Through the creation of new products, ranging within the context of body adornments from rings to hair clips, including necklaces and earrings. Using the process molding with liquid epoxy resin loaded with crushed cooked faience residues then after curing, machine through simple operations, the body adornments came successfully to existence. From mere crushed fired faience to body adornments compatible with high added value markets like the industries of design and fashion. The products are authored by the designer Inês Pereira Coutinho and the work was carried out under the guidance of Professor José Frade

    Social theory and the politics of big data and method

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    This article is an intervention in the debate on big data. It seeks to show, firstly, that behind the wager to make sociology more relevant to the digital there lies a coherent if essentially unstated vision and a whole stance which are more a symptom of the current world than a resolute endeavour to think that world through; hence the conclusion that the perspective prevailing in the debate lacks both the theoretical grip and the practical impulse to initiate a much needed renewal of social theory and sociology. Secondly, and more importantly, the article expounds an alternative view and shows by thus doing that other possibilities of engaging the digital can be pursued. The article is thus an invitation to widen the debate on big data and the digital and a call for a more combative social theory

    Ceramic glazes added with paint and rust residues

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    Na Escola Superior de Artes e Design de Caldas da Rainha - Portugal - foi testada a aplicação de resíduos de tintas e de ferrugem em tratamentos de superfícies de diferentes pastas cerâmicas. Vidrados aditivados com ferrugem dão origem, após cozedura, a peças cerâmicas vidradas de cor castanha, com ausência de defeitos e com um bom nível de homogeneidade do escoamento pela superfície de suporte; observando-se que a cor castanha é tanto mais intensa quanto maior é a proporção de ferrugem na mistura. A tinta também provoca manchas de cor nas superfícies cerâmicas cozidas, no entanto, com uma paleta de cores mais pobre do que a paleta das cores originais destes resíduos.The application of paint and rust residues in surface treatments of different ceramic pastes was tested. Glaze additives with rust give rise, after firing, to brown glazed ceramic pieces, with no defects and with a good level of homogeneity of the glaze flow through the support surface; observing that the brown color is more intense the greater the proportion of rust in the mixture with the glaze. The paint also causes color stains on the baked ceramic surfaces, however, with a much poorer color palette than the original color palette of these residues

    A simple ceramic process aimed at sustainability

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    Foi desenvolvido um processo cerâmico de elevada simplicidade, que foi aplicado com sucesso à produção de produtos utilitários e decorativos em barro vermelho, com impacto favorável em termos ambientais, económicos e sociais, e por isso com efeito positivo sobre a sustentabilidade. O projeto desenvolvido neste processo, consiste essencialmente numa simbiose entre a valorização da manufatura e a redução do impacto ambiental do processo cerâmico, o que foi conseguido através da utilização de um barro vermelho local (Mendalvo, Alcobaça, Portugal) que se mostrou apto à conformação de produtos cerâmicos e compativel com vários vidrados, embora se tenha optado pela utilização de um vidrado transparente pela ausência de metais de transição corantes na sua composição.A highly simple ceramic process was developed and successfully applied to the production of utilitarian and decorative products in red clay, with a favorable impact in environmental, economic and social terms and therefore with a positive effect on sustainability. The project developed in this process, essentially consists of a symbiosis between the valorization of the manufacture and the reduction of the environmental impact of the ceramic process, which was achieved through the use of a local red clay (Mendalvo, Alcobaça, Portugal) that proved to be capable of forming ceramic products and compatible with several glazed, although it was decided to use a transparent glaze due to the absence of dye transition metals in its composition

    Bisarro ceramics: the Soenga tradition and the proposal for an innovative eco product

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    Com este artigo pretende-se dar a conhecer a cerâmica tradicional do Norte de Portugal, o barro preto, que é acompanhado pela técnica ancestral de cozedura denominada Soenga que torna este processo muito mais sustentável do que o processo cerâmico que estamos habituados a conhecer. Assim sendo apresenta-se neste artigo a empresa Bisarro, que mantém as técnicas de cozedura ancestrais utilizando-as para modernizar, reinventar e redesenhar peças de cerâmica utilitária aplicando-as ao mercado cerâmico atual, mantendo a consciência e questões sustentáveis muito bem resolvidas. Com a pesquisa obtida propõe-se o desenvolvimento de um projeto integrado nesta empresa e nos seus princípios, de modo a aumentar a sua diversificação de produto reforçando o caráter tecnológico dos seus produtos.With this article I want to make known the traditional ceramics from the North of Portugal, the black clay, which is accompanied by the ancestral firing technique called Soenga that makes this process much more sustainable than the ceramic process we are used to know. Therefore I will present in this article the company Bisarro, which maintains the ancestral firing techniques using them to modernize, reinvent and redesign utilitarian ceramic pieces applying them to the current ceramic market, keeping the awareness and sustainable issues very well resolved. With the research obtained I propose the development of a project of mine, integrated in this company and its principles, in order to increase its product diversification

    Theatrical dialogue in teaching the classics

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    This article addresses some fundamental affinities between theatre and teaching and is based on emerging work in a long-term experiment which we began in the conference ‘Weber/Simmel Antagonisms: Staged Dialogues’, held at the University of Edinburgh on December 2015. Aimed at exploring the possibilities of the theatrical and dialogical forms for teaching the classics of social and cultural theory, it is a risky experiment whose initial results are presented in this special issue. In order to introduce the dialogues and situate them in the context of the broader project, the article does three things: first, it expounds the process of subjectivation at work in both theatre and teaching and explores some of the modalities of the subjective shift sought for in spectators and students. Second, it explains the specificity of this experiment by contrasting it with other uses of theatrical dialogue in teaching. Finally, before briefly introducing each of the dialogues, the article clarifies the fundamental difference between the dialogical form and debate, as radically separating them is at the heart of any experiment in subjectivation, away from the stirring of opinions

    Circular economy applied to eco-design of cement furniture loaded with ceramic and glass waste

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    Foram desenvolvidos novos materiais de cimento carregado com resíduos de vidro e cerâmica. Estes novos materiais apresentam-se com alto potencial de concorrerem vantajosamente em termos ecológicos e económicos com pedras ornamentais naturais e pedras sintéticas. Foram projetados novos produtos de mobiliário e seus acessórios que integram ou serão totalmente produzidos nos novos materiais. Este estudo perspetiva a possibilidade de dar resposta positiva aos desafios e às oportunidades para o desenvolvimento da economia circular no setor da cerâmica e do vidro nomeadamente a partir da valorização dos resíduos destas indústrias a partir do seu elevado potencial de cor. O potencial que a cor destes resíduos pode ter ao nível da valorização e diferenciação de produtos de mobiliário e seus acessórios demonstra a possibilidade de simbioses industriais entre os setores da cerâmica e do vidro e da produção de artefactos em cimento.New cement materials loaded with glass and ceramic waste have been developed. These new materials have a high potential to compete advantageously in ecological and economic terms with natural ornamental stones and synthetic stones. New furniture products and acessories have been designed that integrate or will be produced entirely in the new materials. This study envisages the possibility of giving a positive answer to the challenges and opportunities for the development of the circular economy in the ceramics and glass sector, namely through the valorisation of the residues of these industries based on their high color potential. The potential that the color of these residues can have in terms of the valuation and differentiation of furniture products and their accessories demonstrates the possibility of industrial symbiosis between the sectors of ceramics and glass and the production of cement artefacts

    Forming ceramic products with paper molds

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    Pretende-se dar a conhecer um novo método de conformação de peças cerâmicas a partir de moldes de papel (reciclado) em alternativa aos moldes de gesso. Esta tecnologia de baixo custo, fácil acesso e de reduzido impacto ecológico promove uma desmaterialização dos produtos cerâmicos e induz um caráter único às peças cerâmicas o que pode ser muito importante na valorização do trabalho de autor e no design exclusivo de produtos cerâmicos. A possibilidade de produção de moldes cerâmicos a partir de papel permite uma maior simplificação do processamento cerâmico especialmente para a produção de muito pequenas séries ou mesmo peças únicas e exclusivas de alto valor acrescentado orientadas para o mercado utilitário ou decorativo.It is intended to introduce a new method of forming ceramic pieces from paper molds (recycled) as an alternative to plaster molds. This low cost technology, easy access and low ecological impact induces a unique character to the ceramic pieces, which can be very important in the author's work and in the exclusive design of ceramic products

    Microbial surface biofilm responds to the growth-reproduction-senescence cycle of the dominant coral reef macroalgae Sargassum spp.

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    Macroalgae play an intricate role in microbial-mediated coral reef degradation processes due to the release of dissolved nutrients. However, temporal variabilities of macroalgal surface biofilms and their implication on the wider reef system remain poorly characterized. Here, we study the microbial biofilm of the dominant reef macroalgae Sargassum over a period of one year at an inshore Great Barrier Reef site (Magnetic Island, Australia). Monthly sampling of the Sargassum biofilm links the temporal taxonomic and putative functional metabolic microbiome changes, examined using 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequencing, to the pronounced growth-reproduction-senescence cycle of the host. Overall, the macroalgal biofilm was dominated by the heterotrophic phyla Firmicutes (35% ± 5.9% SD) and Bacteroidetes (12% ± 0.6% SD); their relative abundance ratio shifted significantly along the annual growth-reproduction-senescence cycle of Sargassum. For example, Firmicutes were 1.7 to 3.9 times more abundant during host growth and reproduction cycles than Bacteroidetes. Both phyla varied in their carbohydrate degradation capabilities; hence, temporal fluctuations in the carbohydrate availability are potentially linked to the observed shift. Dominant heterotrophic macroalgal biofilm members, such as Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, are implicated in exacerbating or ameliorating the release of dissolved nutrients into the ambient environment, though their contribution to microbial-mediated reef degradation processes remains to be determined.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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