20 research outputs found

    An anatomy of Turkish football match-fixing

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    While discussion on corruption in sport is intensifying and football match-fixing in particular is attracting increasing attention, new fixing scandals emerge offering new accounts of actors and corrupt practices within the football industry and the level of the external threat to the sport. The scandal exposure of fixed matches in Turkey in 2011 sheds light on the fixing of 17 matches played in the 2010/11 football season and allowed for insights to the actors, structure and processes behind the fix. Following four criminal and seven disciplinary proceedings, the case is still pending appeal for its final decision, involving a total of 93 suspects and having already resulted in the exclusion of two teams from European competitions. The evidence collected by the authorities points towards a hierarchical criminal organisation led by the President of a football club that arranged and coordinated the fixing in order for his team to win the national Championship. The aim of this article is to provide an account of the organisation and coordination of match-fixing in Turkey, with its actors, specifics and criminal characteristics, while offering an examination of match-fixing for sporting success, the least documented type of match-fixing

    Russian roulette with unlicensed fat-burner drug 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) : evidence from a multidisciplinary study of the internet, bodybuilding supplements and DNP users

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    BACKGROUND: 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) poses serious health-risks to humans. The aims of this three-stage multidisciplinary project were, for the first time, to assess the risks to the general public from fraudulent sale of or adulteration/contamination with DNP; and to investigate motives, reasons and risk-management among DNP-user bodybuilders and avid exercisers. METHODS: Using multiple search-engines and guidance for Internet research, online retailers and bodybuilding forums/blogs were systematically explored for availability of DNP, advice offered on DNP use and user profiles. Ninety-eight pre-workout and weight-loss supplements were purchased and analysed for DNP using liquid-chromatography-mass-spectrometry. Psychosocial variables were captured in an international sample of 35 DNP users (26.06 ± 6.10 years, 94.3 % male) with an anonymous, semi-qualitative self-reported survey. RESULTS: Although an industrial chemical, evidence from the Internet showed that DNP is sold 'as is', in capsules or tablets to suit human consumption, and is used 'uncut'. Analytical results confirmed that DNP is not on the supplement market disguised under fictitious supplement names, but infrequently was present as contaminant in some supplements (14/98) at low concentration (<100mcg/kg). Users make conscious and 'informed' decisions about DNP; are well-prepared for the side-effects and show nonchalant attitude toward self-experimentation with DNP. Steps are often taken to ensure that DNP is genuine. Personal experience with performance- and appearance enhancing substances appears to be a gateway to DNP. Advice on DNP and experiences are shared online. The significant discrepancy between the normative perception and the actual visibility suggests that DNP use is-contrary to the Internet accounts-a highly concealed and lonesome activity in real life. Positive experiences with the expected weight-loss prevail over the negative experiences from side effects (all but two users considered using DNP again) and help with using DNP safely is considered preferable over scare-tactics. CONCLUSION: Legislation banning DNP sale for human consumption protects the general public but DNP is sold 'as is' and used 'uncut' by determined users who are not dissuaded from experimenting with DNP based on health threats. Further research with stakeholders' active participation is imperative for targeted, proactive public health policies and harm-reduction measures for DNP, and other illicit supplements

    Doping in Cycling: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

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    Doping in Cycling: Interdisciplinary Perspectives provides an up-to-date overview of the knowledge about doping and anti-doping in the sport that has dominated doping headlines for at least two decades. It critically addresses overarching questions related to doping and anti-doping, and topical issues being raised in the agenda of policy-makers at the global level. The book features cross-disciplinary contributions from international leading scholars in sports sociology, history, philosophy, psychology and criminology, and even beyond human and social sciences. Split into three parts (the use and supply of doping products; threats on cycling and opportunities for anti-doping; and issues, controversies and stakes), it covers topics such as, changing patterns of drug use in professional cycling, the impact of scientific advances on doping in cycling, whether cycling teams can prevent doping, whistleblowing on doping in cycling, and how to improve the credibility of the sport. This is a vital resource for researchers, students, policy-makers, anti-doping organizations and sports federations, and an important read for anyone involved in elite cycling

    I’m a poor lonesome rider. Help! I could dope

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    Several substantial changes have occurred within elite cycling over the past two decades. Importantly, the widespread culture of tolerance towards doping has been broken. As a result, the elite cycling community no longer supports the formerly accepted doping practices. Even more and not unsurprisingly if looking back at cycling’s recent history, elite teams are now expected to take an active part in the doping prevention, not least because individual doping cases may affect the whole business model of cycling teams. After briefly tracing back this shift, this chapter focuses on two predictors of doping use that emerged out from our data, i.e. job insecurity and poor supervision. These findings then serve as a starting point to develop four ideal types of dopers. Finally, we conclude by elaborating on policy implications for doping prevention. Elite cycling is here used as a case-study since we conducted, and we still conduct, research projects in Belgian, French and international elite cycling

    Carrière sportive et socialisation secondaire en cyclisme sur route : les cas de la Belgique, la France et la Suisse. Rapport de fin de recherche financé par l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage

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    Le projet s'intéresse aux socialisations des jeunes cyclistes sur route dans la phase de la carrière où ils deviennent des espoirs nationaux. Pour certains, cela correspond au passage d'une structure sportive amateur de haut niveau vers une équipe professionnelle. Cette phase semble constituer un moment clé de la consommation de produits dopants. Ces espoirs sont exposés à un nouvel environnement et une nouvelle logique professionnelle s'impose à eux, avec ses espoirs de carrière et de profits et ses risques. Ils sont confrontés à de nouveaux groupes sociaux avec lesquels s'établit un système d'interactions. Avec le temps, ces groupes vont notamment inculquer aux jeunes coureurs de nouvelles normes en matière de santé, de fatigue, d'expériences, d'éthique et d'entraînement.Il s'agit plus particulièrement d'observer les modes de socialisation des jeunes espoirs du cyclisme pour comprendre comment s'immiscent les pratiques de dopage dans les biographies des sportifs. Dans une optique de prévention, ce travail se propose d'étudier les effets de la socialisation. Comme le souligne H. Becker (1985), la déviance est le fruit d'un acte collectif. Il s'agit alors de comprendre comment, au contact de divers groupes encadrants (pairs, entraîneurs, dirigeants, médecins), les savoir-faire mais aussi les normes, les valeurs se construisent au cours de la phase de socialisation professionnelle. Il est important de comprendre les effets des interactions entre ces groupes et le jeune espoir. Cette socialisation semble correspondre à l'inculcation d'une culture cycliste qu'il s'agira de décrire en prenant en compte deux formes de transmission des normes : une explicite, à certains moments de la journée, où sont abordées les techniques de course, les tactiques, les modes d'entraînement et une implicite, pendant laquelle sont diffusées des valeurs qui conduisent le sportif à faire le choix du dopage. Dans le cas du dopage, nous nous intéresserons notamment aux normes de santé, d'éthique, aux conceptions de la pratique sportive en adéquation avec le suivi médical pendant la phase amateur puis néo-professionnelle. La formation, ou transformation, de ces représentations sera appréhendée à travers les interactions entre coureurs et encadrement lors des différents moments de leur quotidien. Il s'agira également d'étudier le cadre social de ces interactions. A partir des récits de vie collectés, nous essayerons de déterminer les moments où les choix s'opèrent et nous y analyserons les conduites.L'acquisition des représentations associées au dopage est le produit du double mouvement de l'action sociale des individus et des effets des structures organisationnelles et institutionnelles. En conséquence, nous nous intéresserons également à l'influence des différents dispositifs tels que la famille, l'école, le club, la structure médicale, la fédération nationale, sur les représentations des coureurs.Cette étude reposera sur une analyse comparée des cyclistes belges, français et suisses. Les carrières seront analysées à partir d'entretiens semi-directifs (75) auprès de (1) jeunes athlètes (18-23 ans) qui vivent les phases de professionnalisation, (2) d'anciens cyclistes ayant vécu les normes de socialisation du milieu et (3) des acteurs clefs de l'organisation des différents dispositifs (entraîneurs, dirigeants, médecins). Notre démarche méthodologique s'adosse à celles déjà expérimentées dans des travaux antérieurs (notamment, Brissonneau, 2003)

    The Socialization of Young Cyclists and the Culture of Doping

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    The objective of this article is to understand how the specific interactions between actors involved in the production of performance influence the socialization process by which cyclists learn their job. In particular, we try to understand how these interactions determine the reported attitudes towards doping products and methods. We focused on the interactions within the work group to understand how young cyclists learn their job. While analysing this organization of work, our goal is to understand how it influences the perception of the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). We compared socialization of young elite and U23 cyclists in Belgium, France and Switzerland. We analysed the economic, legal and organizational conditions in each country, And we conducted 70 semi-structured interviews with cyclists and their staff