28 research outputs found

    Extremely fast triplet formation by charge recombination in a Nile Red/fullerene flexible dyad

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    A donor/acceptor dyad was obtained by linking Nile Red and fullerene to a calix[4]arene scaffold. The dyad was spectroscopically characterized, both with steady-state and ultrafast transient absorption experiments, as well as with electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical techniques. We demonstrate extremely fast and efficient formation of a long-lived excited triplet localized on the fullerene moiety in this system, occurring in about 80 ps in toluene and 220 ps in chloroform. The mechanism of this process is investigated and discussed. The spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization suggests the occurrence of electron transfer from Nile Red to fullerene, leading to the formation of a charge-separated state. This state lives very briefly and, because of the small interaction between the electron donor and acceptor, promotes a singlet/triplet state mixing, inducing charge recombination and efficient triplet formation

    Hydrogen production by formic acid decomposition over ca promoted Ni/SiO2 Catalysts: effect of the calcium content

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    © The Author(s).Formic acid, a major product of biomass processing, is regarded as a potential liquid carrier for hydrogen storage and delivery. The catalytic dehydrogenation of FA to generate hydrogen using heterogeneous catalysts is of great interest. Ni based catalysts supported on silica were synthesized by incipient wet impregnation. The effect of doping with an alkaline earth metal (calcium) was studied, and the solids were tested in the formic acid decomposition reaction to produce hydrogen. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and programmed temperature surface reaction (TPSR). The catalyst doped with 19.3 wt.% of Ca showed 100% conversion of formic acid at 160 °C, with a 92% of selectivity to hydrogen. In addition, all the tested materials were promising for their application, since they showed catalytic behaviors (conversion and selectivity to hydrogen) comparable to those of noble metals reported in the literature.This research was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) under project CTQ-2017-89443-C3-3-R. CONICET Postdoctoral External Scholarship awarded to B. Faroldi is acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Riconnettere il tessuto di Atene Piranesi Prix de Rome et d’Athùnes – 2022-23 Call internazionale di Progettazione per l’Acropoli di Atene e le adiacenze comprese nella buffer zone UNESCO

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    Reconnecting the Fabric of Athens Introduction, objectives, method Dimitris Pikionis, the architect who redesigned the paths of the Acropolis and the Philopappus, inspired us for a sentimental topography project. On its path, our urban graft introduces an ephemeral and light architecture, capable of transforming itself over time. Its pavements convey a strong message: use a collage of materials from different cultures and eras to create a timeless result. He works according to the concept of 'hiding and framing', showcasing monuments and connecting the visitor with nature and landscape. Following these principles, our routes evoke the original itineraries of the area. A paving, inspired by the work of Paul Klee, a master for Pikionis himself, makes way for citizens and visitors by dressing the colours that once adorned the monuments of ancient Greece. Intervention in the archaeological space of the Plateau is minimal. The restoration site here is intertwined with the sightseeing tour, instructing the visitor in the work in progress. Scope 1 We acted on several fronts using recurring components, 'objects' in natural materials, repeatable, adaptable, variably modular; these are pergolas, fences and pavings. Accessibility and multi-sensory enjoyment are objectives pursued here for both fenced archaeological sites and new and existing free access areas. We redefine the perimeters of some of the existing archaeological sites and extend the free ones by integrating them into the existing green system. We reopen the Panathenaic Way, now almost forgotten, rehabilitating its daily use, guiding the visitor towards the Acropolis starting from the Kerameikos and passing through the Agora. We cover the stretch connecting the Panathenaic Street with Monastiraki Square and the Kerameikos site. Between the Ancient Agora and the Pnice we envisage an intervention that extends the public spaces, particularly in the natural hollow that separates the hill of the Areopagos from the Pnice. At the esplanade on the Pnice hill, we envisage a pavement that promotes the organisation of outdoor events. At the main entrance to the site of the Acropolis we envisage two large pergolas under which new ticket booths manage the incoming flows, while a new entrance to the archaeological area of the Agora punctually widens the pedestrian street Apostolou Pavlou. In the area to the east of the Theatre of Dionysus, we propose to complement our general reconnection proposal with new pedestrian routes. Scope 2 Pursuing the general idea of 'reconnection' we redesign the main access to the Acropolis, improving the use of these spaces by adding new paving and shading elements. The entrance to the caves on the north side of the Acropolis is redesigned so that they are open and usable to the public. We revitalise the Peripatos by upgrading its paths, including by reopening the Via Panatenaica. In addition, we enhance elements such as the boundary stone of the fountain-house, the Koranic monument Thrasyllos and the adjacent Christian church. Scope 3 Regarding the plateau of the Acropolis, we want to improve the visitor experience by remaining almost 'invisible' as with the Pikionis project. We introduce vegetal elements, in particular on the Persian trench, which without occluding the views allow new shading. We rethink the organisation of the site areas, rationalising and optimising them, moving containers, screening them with vegetation and moving the most impactful ones to the old museum. The existing building thus becomes a place to support the construction site and the restoration workshop. Its roof becomes practicable, paved and with elements of potted greenery, without impairing existing views and panoramic cones, but rather creating new ones. Imagine, therefore, a continuous building site, able to fascinate and educate visitors to understand the place where the classical world originated, as well as the very idea of architecture

    Concorso internazionale di progettazione “Il Ponte, il Tunnel, la Storia” - Progetto di un Modello Integrato e Multifunzionale di Museo dell’Autostrada

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    Il tema del concorso internazionale “Il Ponte, il Tunnel, la Storia” - sezione C "Progetto di rinaturalizzazione e valorizzazione paesaggistica lungo l'Autostrada Salerno-Reggio Calabria, comprensivo di un museo autostradale", indetto dall’ANAS va inserito all’interno del piĂč ampio ambito di ricerca che riguarda tematiche quali infrastrutture complesse, mobilitĂ , ambiente e sostenibilitĂ , che coinvolge alle differenti scale di intervento e con diversi orientamenti disciplinari l’attivitĂ  di ricerca del Dipartimento BEST. La specificitĂ  e allo stesso tempo la complessitĂ  dell’oggetto del concorso hanno definito fin da subito la volontĂ  di concretizzare un gruppo di progettazione interdisciplinare, in grado di affrontare le diverse criticitĂ  da differenti punti di vista, cercando di ottenere in ogni momento dello sviluppo dell’idea progettuale una verifica delle problematiche multipla e trasversale. All’interno del processo di valorizzazione dei numerosi beni culturali che innervano il panorama italiano, i sistemi infrastrutturali e la loro mirata definizione possono costituire uno strategico strumento di riqualificazione del territorio attraverso l’applicazione di un duplice atteggiamento progettuale mirato all’elaborazione di consolidate metodologie di intervento: da un lato l’incentivazione di un processo di conservazione integrata teso alla valorizzazione delle strutture esistenti che, mediante un atteggiamento conservativo di tipo dinamico, ottimizzi gli spazi e le dotazioni dei manufatti esistenti e non, incorporandoli all’interno di un processo di riqualificazione materiale, funzionale, economica e sociale;dall’altro lato l’attuazione di un processo di sviluppo sostenibile perseguibile mediante la pianificazione, realizzazione e gestione di nodi museali tecnologicamente evoluti, nel tentativo di elaborare un itinerario culturale e ricreativo, diffuso e fruibile lungo la rete autostradale. Obiettivo di tale processo Ăš quello di trasformare l’autostrada in luogo esperienziale che consenta, durante il viaggio, di condividere momenti significativi di socializzazione, avendo l’opportunitĂ  di praticare attivitĂ  di svago e di formazione mediante la partecipazione attiva a un programma di attivitĂ  culturali diversificate. Il viaggiatore potrĂ  cosĂŹ esperire contemporaneamente a tre differenti modalitĂ  di approccio alla sosta: emozionale (sentirsi bene), razionale (avere l’opportunitĂ  di conoscere), sensoriale (sentirsi a proprio agio in un ambiente)