280 research outputs found

    Resolution of parentage in dogs by examination of microsatellites after death of putative sire: Case report

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    A case of disputed paternity in dogs is reported. DNA examinations were carried out from hair samples of the individuals several months after the death of the putative sire. Ten short tandem repeat (STR) loci were analysed by fluorescence- labelled multiplex PCR using ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyser. Based on the results the candidate sire was included in the pedigree records as the biological sire. In spite o f the genetic homogeneity of pedigree dogs due to inbreeding, canine microsatellites can provide an adequate basis for assigning paternity in pure breeds

    XTraQue: traceability for product line systems

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    Product line engineering has been increasingly used to support the development and deployment of software systems that share a common set of features and are developed based on the reuse of core assets. The large number and heterogeneity of documents generated during the development of product line systems may cause difficulties to identify common and variable aspects among applications, and to reuse core assets that are available under the product line. In this paper, we present a traceability approach for product line systems. Traceability has been recognised as an important task in in software system development. Traceability relations can improve the quality of the product being developed and reduce development time and cost. We present a rule-based approach to support automatic generation of traceability relations between feature-based object-oriented documents. The traceability rules used in our work are classified into two groups namely (a) direct rules, which support the creation of traceability relations that do not depend on the existence of other relations, and (b) indirect rules, which require the existence of previously generated relations. The documents are represented in XML and the rules are represented in an extension of XQuery. A prototype tool called XTraQue has been implemented. This tool, together with a mobile phone product line case study, has been used to demonstrate and evaluate our work in various experiments. The results of these experiments are encouraging and comparable with other approaches that support automatic generation of traceability relations

    Successful treatment of a primary uterine B-cell lymphoma with rituximab-CHOP immunochemotherapy

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    We report the case of a 26 year old patient with a primary, Ann Arbor stage IE, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the uterine corpus. The patient was admitted to our hospital because of a one year history of vaginal contact bleeding. Final diagnosis was based on the histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of a specimen obtained by fractionated cervical and uterine curettage. Further staging has not revealed any other localization of the disease. Antilymphoma treatment was started with CHOP combined with rituximab and resulted complete remission. This is the first reported case of an uterine lymphoma treated by rituximab-based immunochemotherapy

    Új és hagyományos irányok a gyermekkori akut lymphoblastos leukaemia biológiájában és ellátásában

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    Owing to clinical trials and improvement over the past few decades, the majority of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survive by first-line chemotherapy and combat with the problems of returning to community. However, many patients may have severe acute or late therapeutic side effects, and the survival rate in some groups (e.g., patients with MLL rearrangements, hypodiploidy, IKZF1 mutation or early precursor T cell phenotype) is far behind the average. Innovative strategies in medical attendance provide better clinical outcomes for them: complete gene diagnostics, molecularly targeted anticancer treatment, immuno-oncology and immune cell therapy. The number of genes with identified alterations in leukemic lymphoblasts is over thirty and their pathobiologic role is only partly clear. There are known patient groups where the use of specific drugs is based on gene expression profiling (e.g., tyrosine kinase inhibitors in Philadelphia-like B-cell ALL). The continuous assessment of minimal residual disease became a routine due to the determination of a leukemia-associated immunophenotype by flow cytometry or a sensitive molecular marker by molecular genetics at diagnosis. Epitopes of cluster differentiation antigens on blast surface (primarily CD19, CD20 and CD22 on malignant B cells) can be attacked by monoclonal antibodies. Moreover, antitumor immunity can be strengthened utilizing either cell surface markers (bispecific T cell engagers, chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy) or tumor-specific immune cells (immune checkpoint inhibitors). This review gives an insight into current knowledge in these innovative therapeutic directions. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(20): 786-797

    Региональные последствия пандемии COVID-19 и меры правительства в Венгрии

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    Received July 8, 2020; accepted August 30, 2020.Дата поступления 8 июля 2020 г.; дата принятия к печати 30 августа 2020 г.Relevance. The new coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has brought major changes to everyday life and economy in 2020. The impacts of the pandemic are still difficult to measure and interpret. This paper analyses the key socio-economic factors that shaped the course of the pandemic and its regional effects in Hungary. Research objective. The aim of this paper is to provide a secondary data-based analysis of regional disparities in Hungary as well as the implications of the coronavirus pandemic and the related policy responses. Data and methodology. The analysis consisted of the three stages: first, we processed the official epidemiologic data related to the coronavirus pandemic and the territorial patterns of infections as well as the data on the socio-economic impacts of the lockdown (on retail trade, employment, tourism, local governments’ revenues, etc.). Second, we collected the data related to the socio-economic effects of the pandemic and revealed the territorial impacts of the crisis. Finally, we evaluated the government’s measures and interventions introduced in the first wave of the pandemic in terms of their efficiency. Results Our results demonstrate that while the epicentre of the pandemic was the capital city and its surrounding area, the socio-economic impacts of containment measures implemented by the Hungarian government were felt across the whole country. In some areas, the lockdown measures could have been unreasonably tight as no reasonable justification for these restrictions was provided. Therefore, territorial monitoring and development of regionally differentiated policies are the main tasks in preparation for further waves of the pandemic. In our opinion, it is necessary to devise an action plan that would regulate the protocols of prevention and protection in connection with the regional focal points (hospitals, nursing homes, schools, etc.) and their immediate surroundings. Conclusions. Although territorial aspects have been taken into account by the government in their efforts to contain the pandemic in Hungary, they have been given significantly less attention in terms of socio-economic support. Thus, as the article makes clear, it is important to devise and implement regionally differentiated policies of containment as well as socio-economic protection measures.Актуальность. Новая пандемия коронавируса (COVID-19) внесла серьезные изменения в повседневную жизнь и экономику в 2020 году. Воздействие пандемии по-прежнему трудно измерить и интерпретировать. В данной статье анализируются ключевые социально-экономические факторы, которые сформировали течение пандемии и ее региональные последствия в Венгрии. Цель исследования. Цель этого документа – предоставить вторичный анализ региональных различий в Венгрии на основе данных, а также последствий пандемии коронавируса и соответствующих ответных мер правительства. Данные и методы. Анализ состоял из трех этапов: во-первых, мы обработали официальные эпидемиологические данные, связанные с пандемией коронавируса и территориальными структурами инфекций, а также данные о социально-экономических последствиях ограничений (на розничную торговлю, занятость, туризм, доходы органов местного самоуправления и т.д.). Во-торых, мы собрали данные о социально-экономических последствиях пандемии и выявили территориальные последствия кризиса. Наконец, мы оценили меры вмешательства правительства, введенные в ходе первой волны пандемии, с точки зрения их эффективности. Результаты. Наши результаты показывают, что, хотя эпицентром пандемии была столица и ее окрестности, социально-экономические последствия ограничительных мер, введенных правительством Венгрии, ощущались по всей стране. В некоторых районах меры изоляции могли быть неоправданно жесткими, поскольку не было предоставлено разумного обоснования для этих ограничений. Следовательно, территориальный мониторинг и разработка регионально дифференцированной политики являются основными задачами при подготовке к новым волнам пандемии. По нашему мнению, необходимо разработать план действий, который регулировал бы профилактику и защиту в координации с региональными центрами (больницами, домами престарелых, школами и т.д.) и их непосредственным окружением. Выводы. Хотя территориальные аспекты были приняты во внимание правительством в усилиях по сдерживанию пандемии в Венгрии, им уделялось значительно меньше внимания с точки зрения социально-экономической поддержки. Таким образом, как поясняется в статье, важно разработать и реализовать дифференцированную по регионам ограничительную политику, а также меры социально-экономической защиты

    Semileptonic Branching Fraction of Charged and Neutral B Mesons

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    An examination of leptons in Υ(4S){\Upsilon (4S)} events tagged by reconstructed BB decays yields semileptonic branching fractions of b=(10.1±1.8±1.4)%b_-=(10.1 \pm 1.8\pm 1.4)\% for charged and b0=(10.9±0.7±1.1)%b_0=(10.9 \pm 0.7\pm 1.1)\% for neutral BB mesons. This is the first measurement for charged BB. Assuming equality of the charged and neutral semileptonic widths, the ratio b/b0=0.93±0.18±0.12b_-/b_0=0.93 \pm 0.18 \pm 0.12 is equivalent to the ratio of lifetimes. A postscript version is available through World-Wide-Web in http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS/1994Comment: 9 pages (in REVTEX format) Preprint CLNS94-1286, CLEO 94-1

    Precision Measurement of the Ds+Ds+D_s^{*+}- D_s^+ Mass Difference

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    We have measured the vector-pseudoscalar mass splitting M(Ds+)M(Ds+)=144.22±0.47±0.37MeVM(D_s^{*+})-M(D_s^+) = 144.22\pm 0.47\pm 0.37 MeV, significantly more precise than the previous world average. We minimize the systematic errors by also measuring the vector-pseudoscalar mass difference M(D0)M(D0)M(D^{*0})-M(D^0) using the radiative decay D0D0γD^{*0}\rightarrow D^0\gamma, obtaining [M(Ds+)M(Ds+)][M(D0)M(D0)]=2.09±0.47±0.37MeV[M(D_s^{*+})-M(D_s^+)]-[M(D^{*0})-M(D^0)] = 2.09\pm 0.47\pm 0.37 MeV. This is then combined with our previous high-precision measurement of M(D0)M(D0)M(D^{*0})-M(D^0), which used the decay D0D0π0D^{*0}\rightarrow D^0\pi^0. We also measure the mass difference M(Ds+)M(D+)=99.5±0.6±0.3M(D_s^+)-M(D^+)=99.5\pm 0.6\pm 0.3 MeV, using the ϕπ+\phi\pi^+ decay modes of the Ds+D_s^+ and D+D^+ mesons.Comment: 18 pages uuencoded compressed postscript (process with uudecode then gunzip). hardcopies with figures can be obtained by sending mail to: [email protected]

    Production and Decay of D_1(2420)^0 and D_2^*(2460)^0

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    We have investigated D+πD^{+}\pi^{-} and D+πD^{*+}\pi^{-} final states and observed the two established L=1L=1 charmed mesons, the D1(2420)0D_1(2420)^0 with mass 242122+1+22421^{+1+2}_{-2-2} MeV/c2^{2} and width 2053+6+320^{+6+3}_{-5-3} MeV/c2^{2} and the D2(2460)0D_2^*(2460)^0 with mass 2465±3±32465 \pm 3 \pm 3 MeV/c2^{2} and width 2876+8+628^{+8+6}_{-7-6} MeV/c2^{2}. Properties of these final states, including their decay angular distributions and spin-parity assignments, have been studied. We identify these two mesons as the jlight=3/2j_{light}=3/2 doublet predicted by HQET. We also obtain constraints on {\footnotesize ΓS/(ΓS+ΓD)\Gamma_S/(\Gamma_S + \Gamma_D)} as a function of the cosine of the relative phase of the two amplitudes in the D1(2420)0D_1(2420)^0 decay.Comment: 15 pages in REVTEX format. hardcopies with figures can be obtained by sending mail to: [email protected]

    Observation of a New Charmed Strange Meson

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    Using the CLEO-II detector, we have obtained evidence for a new meson decaying to D0K+D^0 K^+. Its mass is 2573.21.6+1.7±0.8±0.52573.2^{+1.7}_{-1.6}\pm 0.8\pm 0.5 {}~MeV/c2c^2 and its width is 164+5±316^{+5}_{-4}\pm 3~MeV/c2c^2. Although we do not establish its spin and parity, the new meson is consistent with predictions for an L=1L=1, S=1S=1, JP=2+J_P=2^+ charmed strange state.Comment: 9 pages uuencoded compressed postscript (process with uudecode then gunzip). hardcopies with figures can be obtained by sending mail to: [email protected]