39 research outputs found

    Die Stoffwechselwirkungen der Schilddrüsenhormone

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    The Domainserver Hierarchy for Multicast Routing in ATM Networks

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    This paper tackles this problem. In the rest of this section we will discuss applicability of some of the multicast routing solutions proposed for the Internet and provide motivation for our approach. The message overhead in DVMRP[10] and the state and computation overhead in MOSPF[11] inhibit the scalability of these protocols to large networks. PIM-Sparse Mode[12] tries to ameliorate the problems of DVMRP, however, the protocol has large state overhead and some complex features of the protocol (e.g., changeover from dense to sparse mode) are yet to be specified or evaluated[4]. HDVMRP[13] is an encapsulation mechanism for quick implementation of DVMRP as level 2 protocol among the regions. It is used to lessen the router state required for the current Internet

    CUP-Syndrom. Wann sind lokal-radikale thoraxchirurgische Resektionen indiziert? Ein Fallbeispiel

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    Multimodale Therapie des Bronchial-Ca beim alten Patienten: Ein Fallbeispiel

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