3,624 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Highly Identified Fans Who Bet Against their Favorite Teams

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    Using a mixed-method exploratory approach we describe and explain the seemingly nonnormative behaviors of highly identified fans who Bet Against their Favorite Teams (BAFT). Axial coding of qualitative data from 190 survey respondents and two focus groups indicates the emergence of common themes allowing a typology to unfold that explains the motives for and against BAFTing. Results reveal that Gamblers BAFT for reasons un-related to fandom. Hedgers, on the other hand, BAFT precisely because they are fans; they offset a perceived impending emotional loss with a financial gain, a behavior we identify as Hedging Against Future Failure (HAFFing). This research expands the theoretical knowledge of indirect tactics of image management and introduces HAFFing as a transactional, proactive, and private coping mechanism utilized by highly identified fans to regulate their psychological health. Beyond the implications for researchers of self-image management, these results are applicable to global sport managers adapting to the rising prominence and societal acceptance of sport gambling

    Strawberry-Flavored Baits for Pharmaceutical Delivery to Feral Swine

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    More effective methods to control feral swine (Sus scrofa) damage are needed. We evaluated 8 oral delivery systems designed to deliver pharmaceuticals to feral swine on 2 properties in southern Texas, USA. We used modified PIGOUT feral pig bait (Animal Control Technologies Australia P/L, Somerton, Victoria, Australia) throughout our trials to compare species-specific visitation and removal rates. Given our consistent finding of high non-target removal of baits intended for feral swine, we question whether a swine-specific oral delivery system exists for this region

    Efficacy Of The Boar-Operated-System To Deliver Baits To Feral Swine.

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    Feral swine (Sus scrofa) pose a significant disease threat to livestock and humans. Emerging technologies to reduce feral swine disease transmission risks include fertility control, vaccination, and toxicants. However, for these technologies to be appropriate for field application, a feral swine-specific oral delivery system is needed. We used two field trials to generate information related to appropriate field application of the Boar-Operated-System (BOSTM), an oral delivery system designed to provide bait access only to feral swine. Our objectives were to determine whether pre-baiting BOSTM units increased bait removal and to evaluate the proportion of feral swine and non-target animals that ingest baits designed to deliver pharmaceuticals through the BOSTM. During both trials we used baits housed within 10 BOSTM units.Wemonitored wildlife visitation, bait removal, and ingestion using motion sensing digital photography and baits containing the bait marker tetracycline hydrochloride (TH). During trial 1 we found three of five pre-baited BOSTM units were used by feral swine only. Additionally, we found the five BOSTM units that were not pre-baited were not used by feral swine or non-target wildlife. During trial 2 we determined bait removal from the BOSTM to be reduced by only 10% for feral swine when activated, whereas bait removal from the BOSTM by all other wildlife was reduced by 100% when activated. We captured 81 feral swine and 23 raccoons and found 90% and 13% to have TH-marked teeth, respectively. With minor modifications, the BOSTM should be considered a valuable tool to be used in feral swine disease management in conjunction with existing technologies

    Correlated Levels of mRNA and Soma Size in Single Identified Neurons: Evidence for Compartment-specific Regulation of Gene Expression

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    In addition to the overall complexity of transcriptional regulation, cells also must take into account the subcellular distribution of these gene products. This is particularly challenging for morphologically complex cells such as neurons. Yet the interaction between cellular morphology and gene expression is poorly understood. Here we provide some of the first evidence for a relationship between neuronal compartment size and maintenance of mRNA levels in neurons. We find that single-cell transcript levels of 18S rRNA, GAPDH, and EF1-alpha, all gene products with primary functions in the cell soma, are strongly correlated to soma size in multiple distinct neuronal types. Levels of mRNA for the K+ channel shal, which is localized exclusively to the soma, are negatively correlated with soma size, suggesting that gene expression does not simply track positively with compartment size. Conversely, levels of beta-actin and beta-tubulin mRNA, which are major cytoskeletal proteins of neuronal processes, do not correlate with soma size, but are strongly correlated with one another. Additionally, actin/tubulin expression levels correlate with voltage-gated ion channels that are uniquely localized to axons. These results suggest that steady-state transcript levels are differentially regulated based on the subcellular compartment within which a given gene product primarily acts

    Transcriptional Correlates of Proximal-Distal Identify and Regeneration Timing in Axolotl Limbs

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    Cells within salamander limbs retain memories that inform the correct replacement of amputated tissues at different positions along the length of the arm, with proximal and distal amputations completing regeneration at similar times. We investigated the possibility that positional memory is associated with variation in transcript abundances along the proximal-distal limb axis. Transcripts were deeply sampled from Ambystoma mexicanum limbs at the time they were administered fore arm vs upper arm amputations, and at 19 post-amputation time points. After amputation and prior to regenerative outgrowth, genes typically expressed by differentiated muscle cells declined more rapidly in upper arms while cell cycle transcripts were expressed more highly. These and other expression patterns suggest upper arms undergo more robust tissue remodeling and cell proliferation responses after amputation, and thus provide an explanation for why the overall time to complete regeneration is similar for proximal and distal amputations. Additionally, we identified candidate positional memory genes that were expressed differently between fore and upper arms that encode a surprising number of epithelial proteins and a variety of cell surface, cell adhesion, and extracellular matrix molecules. Also, genes were discovered that exhibited different, bivariate patterns of gene expression between fore and upper arms, implicating dynamic transcriptional regulation for the first time in limb regeneration. Finally, 43 genes expressed differently between fore and upper arm samples showed similar transcriptional patterns during retinoic acid-induced reprogramming of fore arm blastema cells into upper arm cells. Our study provides new insights about the basis of positional information in regenerating axolotl limbs

    Visitation to Cottonseed Storage Sites by Feral Swine and Evidence of Gossypol Exposure

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    Texas ranks first in U.S. cotton production, and southern Texas is a major region of production within the state. Within Kleberg County, for example, approximately 16,147 ha are planted in cotton annually, yielding approximately 68,200 bales, or 15,467 metric tons, of cotton (U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA] 2009). Cotton producers have discovered new uses for cotton ginned by-products, such as hydro-mulch (Holt et al. 2005) used as a protein supplement for range livestock (DelCurto et al. 2000) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus; Cooper 2006). Because of this, much of the materials are temporarily stored for later use

    Assessing Pedagogical Balance in a Simulated Classroom Environment

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    SimSchool, an online simulator that has been used to enhance teacher preparation since 2003, models different types of students and provides virtual practice sessions for teachers to assign tasks and interact with students. In this paper the authors: 1) examine changes in pre-service teacher perceptions of teaching confidence and teaching experience resulting from simSchool use, and 2) report findings from recent studies of a new proposed measure for simSchool data, pedagogical balance. Pedagogical balance is a difference score that measures pre-service teachers’ self-reported levels of confidence minus experience which indicates a level of alignment in self-evaluation when balancing one’s perceptions of capabilities and experience. Findings from two studies show that pre-service teachers significantly (p \textless .05) improve pedagogical balance, and increase awareness of effective teaching skills through simSchool training
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