7 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) on Reducing Couple Burnout and Improvement of the Quality of Life of Married Women

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    Background & Aim: Solution-focused brief therapy is one of the postmodern therapeutic approaches in the area of family and marriage, which puts emphasis on finding solutions by the client in cooperation with the therapist. The current research was conducted by the aim of investigating the effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy on reducing couple burnout and improvement of the quality of life of married women. Methods: The current research is an interventional and quasi-experimental study which uses pretest-posttest with control group. The population of this research included all the women who attended the center of mental health helpers in bojnoord city during the summer of 1393 (2014), which were seeking to attend the treatment plan in order to resolve their marital problems. Based on available sampling and after the initial screening, 30 women who were qualified to participate in the research and who gained one standard deviation below the mean in the questionnaire were selected and they were placed in two groups of experiment and control through random assignment. The research tools were Pains couple burnout measurement 1996 (CBM) and the world health organization quality of life questionnaire 1996 (WHOQOL), that were completed by the participants in pretest and posttest stages. The treatment sessions of solution-focused brief therapy were performed in 7 two-hour sessions in groups and step-by-step for the participants of the experiment group, but the control group did not receive any intervention and they were put on the waiting list. The data were analyzed through MANCOVA (multivariate analysis of covariance) in the statistical software of SPSS, version 18. Results: The results indicated that after performing the solution-focused intervention, marital burnout among the women in the experiment group has reduced and their quality of life has been improved.no significance change was seen in the control group. Conclusion: The solution-focused brief therapy is effective in reducing marital problems. This brief therapeutic method can be used in counseling centers and family education classes in order to improve marital problems of the clients

    The Role of a Novel TRMT1 Gene Mutation and Rare GRM1 Gene Defect in Intellectual Disability in Two Azeri Families

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    Cognitive impairment or intellectual disability (ID) is a widespread neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by low IQ (below 70). ID is genetically heterogeneous and is estimated to affect 1-3% of the world's population. In affected children from consanguineous families, autosomal recessive inheritance is common, and identifying the underlying genetic cause is an important issue in clinical genetics. In the framework of a larger project, aimed at identifying candidate genes for autosomal recessive intellectual disorder (ARID), we recently carried out single nucleotide polymorphism-based genome-wide linkage analysis in several families from Ardabil province in Iran. The identification of homozygosity-by-descent loci in these families, in combination with whole exome sequencing, led us to identify possible causative homozygous changes in two families. In the first family, a missense variant was found in GRM1 gene, while in the second family, a frameshift alteration was identified in TRMT1, both of which were found to co-segregate with the disease. GRM1, a known causal gene for autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia (SCAR13, MIM#614831), encodes the metabotropic glutamate receptor1 (mGluR1). This gene plays an important role in synaptic plasticity and cerebellar development. Conversely, the TRMT1 gene encodes a tRNA methyltransferase that dimethylates a single guanine residue at position 26 of most tRNAs using S-adenosyl methionine as the methyl group donor. We recently presented TRMT1 as a candidate gene for ARID in a consanguineous Iranian family (Najmabadi et al., 2011). We believe that this second Iranian family with a biallelic loss-of-function mutation in TRMT1 gene supports the idea that this gene likely has function in development of the disorder

    Hypomodified tRNA in evolutionarily distant yeasts can trigger rapid tRNA decay to activate the general amino acid control response, but with different consequences

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    The mitochondrial epitranscriptome: the roles of RNA modifications in mitochondrial translation and human disease

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    Systematic review of autosomal recessive ataxias and proposal for a classification

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    The expanding world of tRNA modifications and their disease relevance

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