857 research outputs found

    Fermion Hilbert Space and Fermion Doubling in the Noncommutative Geometry Approach to Gauge Theories

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    In this paper we study the structure of the Hilbert space for the recent noncommutative geometry models of gauge theories. We point out the presence of unphysical degrees of freedom similar to the ones appearing in lattice gauge theories (fermion doubling). We investigate the possibility of projecting out these states at the various levels in the construction, but we find that the results of these attempts are either physically unacceptable or geometrically unappealing.Comment: plain LaTeX, pp. 1

    Gravity coupled with matter and foundation of non-commutative geometry

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    We first exhibit in the commutative case the simple algebraic relations between the algebra of functions on a manifold and its infinitesimal length element dsds. Its unitary representations correspond to Riemannian metrics and Spin structure while dsds is the Dirac propagator ds = \ts \!\!---\!\! \ts = D^{-1} where DD is the Dirac operator. We extend these simple relations to the non commutative case using Tomita's involution JJ. We then write a spectral action, the trace of a function of the length element in Planck units, which when applied to the non commutative geometry of the Standard Model will be shown (in a joint work with Ali Chamseddine) to give the SM Lagrangian coupled to gravity. The internal fluctuations of the non commutative geometry are trivial in the commutative case but yield the full bosonic sector of SM with all correct quantum numbers in the slightly non commutative case. The group of local gauge transformations appears spontaneously as a normal subgroup of the diffeomorphism group.Comment: 30 pages, Plain Te

    Pythagoras' Theorem on a 2D-Lattice from a "Natural" Dirac Operator and Connes' Distance Formula

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    One of the key ingredients of A. Connes' noncommutative geometry is a generalized Dirac operator which induces a metric(Connes' distance) on the state space. We generalize such a Dirac operator devised by A. Dimakis et al, whose Connes' distance recovers the linear distance on a 1D lattice, into 2D lattice. This Dirac operator being "naturally" defined has the so-called "local eigenvalue property" and induces Euclidean distance on this 2D lattice. This kind of Dirac operator can be generalized into any higher dimensional lattices.Comment: Latex 11pages, no figure

    A Short Survey of Noncommutative Geometry

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    We give a survey of selected topics in noncommutative geometry, with some emphasis on those directly related to physics, including our recent work with Dirk Kreimer on renormalization and the Riemann-Hilbert problem. We discuss at length two issues. The first is the relevance of the paradigm of geometric space, based on spectral considerations, which is central in the theory. As a simple illustration of the spectral formulation of geometry in the ordinary commutative case, we give a polynomial equation for geometries on the four dimensional sphere with fixed volume. The equation involves an idempotent e, playing the role of the instanton, and the Dirac operator D. It expresses the gamma five matrix as the pairing between the operator theoretic chern characters of e and D. It is of degree five in the idempotent and four in the Dirac operator which only appears through its commutant with the idempotent. It determines both the sphere and all its metrics with fixed volume form. We also show using the noncommutative analogue of the Polyakov action, how to obtain the noncommutative metric (in spectral form) on the noncommutative tori from the formal naive metric. We conclude on some questions related to string theory.Comment: Invited lecture for JMP 2000, 45

    Some Consequences of Noncommutative Worldsheet of Superstring

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    In this paper some properties of the superstring with noncommutative worldsheet are studied. We study the noncommutativity of the spacetime, generalization of the Poincar\'e symmetry of the superstring, the changes of the metric, antisymmetric tensor and dilaton.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, no figure, a new action and some references have been adde

    Curvature in Noncommutative Geometry

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    Our understanding of the notion of curvature in a noncommutative setting has progressed substantially in the past ten years. This new episode in noncommutative geometry started when a Gauss-Bonnet theorem was proved by Connes and Tretkoff for a curved noncommutative two torus. Ideas from spectral geometry and heat kernel asymptotic expansions suggest a general way of defining local curvature invariants for noncommutative Riemannian type spaces where the metric structure is encoded by a Dirac type operator. To carry explicit computations however one needs quite intriguing new ideas. We give an account of the most recent developments on the notion of curvature in noncommutative geometry in this paper.Comment: 76 pages, 8 figures, final version, one section on open problems added, and references expanded. Appears in "Advances in Noncommutative Geometry - on the occasion of Alain Connes' 70th birthday

    Dimensional Reduction without Extra Continuous Dimensions

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    We describe a novel approach to dimensional reduction in classical field theory. Inspired by ideas from noncommutative geometry, we introduce extended algebras of differential forms over space-time, generalized exterior derivatives and generalized connections associated with the "geometry" of space-times with discrete extra dimensions. We apply our formalism to theories of gauge- and gravitational fields and find natural geometrical origins for an axion- and a dilaton field, as well as a Higgs field.Comment: 23 page

    Noncommutative elliptic theory. Examples

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    We study differential operators, whose coefficients define noncommutative algebras. As algebra of coefficients, we consider crossed products, corresponding to action of a discrete group on a smooth manifold. We give index formulas for Euler, signature and Dirac operators twisted by projections over the crossed product. Index of Connes operators on the noncommutative torus is computed.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Carnot-Caratheodory metric and gauge fluctuation in Noncommutative Geometry

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    Gauge fields have a natural metric interpretation in terms of horizontal distance. The latest, also called Carnot-Caratheodory or subriemannian distance, is by definition the length of the shortest horizontal path between points, that is to say the shortest path whose tangent vector is everywhere horizontal with respect to the gauge connection. In noncommutative geometry all the metric information is encoded within the Dirac operator D. In the classical case, i.e. commutative, Connes's distance formula allows to extract from D the geodesic distance on a riemannian spin manifold. In the case of a gauge theory with a gauge field A, the geometry of the associated U(n)-vector bundle is described by the covariant Dirac operator D+A. What is the distance encoded within this operator ? It was expected that the noncommutative geometry distance d defined by a covariant Dirac operator was intimately linked to the Carnot-Caratheodory distance dh defined by A. In this paper we precise this link, showing that the equality of d and dh strongly depends on the holonomy of the connection. Quite interestingly we exhibit an elementary example, based on a 2 torus, in which the noncommutative distance has a very simple expression and simultaneously avoids the main drawbacks of the riemannian metric (no discontinuity of the derivative of the distance function at the cut-locus) and of the subriemannian one (memory of the structure of the fiber).Comment: published version with additional figures to make the proof more readable. Typos corrected in this ultimate versio
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