1,064 research outputs found

    Laboratory measurements of forward and backward scattering of laser beams in water droplet clouds

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    Many aspects of the forward and backward scattering in dense water droplet clouds were studied using a laboratory scattering facility. This system is configured in a lidar geometry to facilitate comparison of the laboratory results to current lidar oriented theory and measurements. The backscatter measurements are supported with simultaneous measurements of the optical density, mass concentration, and droplet size distribution of the clouds. Measurements of the extinction and backscatter coefficients at several important laser wavelength have provided data on the relationship between these quantities for laboratory clouds at .633, 1.06, and 10.6 microns. The polarization characteristics of the backscatter of 1.06 microns were studied using several different types of clouds. More recently, the laboratory facility was modified to allow range-resolved backscatter measurements at 1.06 microns. Clouds made up of 3 layers, each with its own density, can be constructed. This allows the study of the effect of cloud inhomogeneity on the forward and backscatter

    The Shift in Leadership Styles: Joyful to Toxic

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    Low Mass Stars and the He3 Problem

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    The prediction of standard chemical evolution models of higher abundances of He3 at the solar and present-day epochs than are observed indicates a possible problem with the yield of He3 for stars in the range of 1-3 solar masses. Because He3 is one of the nuclei produced in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), it is noted that galactic and stellar evolution uncertainties necessarily relax constraints based on He3. We incorporate into chemical evolution models which include outflow, the new yields for He3 of Boothroyd & Malaney (1995) which predict that low mass stars are net destroyers of He3. Since these yields do not account for the high \he3/H ratio observed in some planetary nebulae, we also consider the possibility that some fraction of stars in the 1 - 3 solar mass range do not destroy their He3 in theirpost main-sequence phase. We also consider the possibility that the gas expelled by stars in these mass ranges does not mix with the ISM instantaneously thus delaying the He3 produced in these stars, according to standard yields, from reaching the ISM. In general, we find that the Galactic D and He3 abundances can be fit regardless of whether the primordial D/H value is high (2 x 10^{-4}) or low (2.5 x 10^{-5}).Comment: 20 pages, latex, 9 ps figure

    Geometrical Effects of Baryon Density Inhomogeneities on Primordial Nucleosynthesis

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    We discuss effects of fluctuation geometry on primordial nucleosynthesis. For the first time we consider condensed cylinder and cylindrical-shell fluctuation geometries in addition to condensed spheres and spherical shells. We find that a cylindrical shell geometry allows for an appreciably higher baryonic contribution to be the closure density (\Omega_b h_{50}^2 \la 0.2) than that allowed in spherical inhomogeneous or standard homogeneous big bang models. This result, which is contrary to some other recent studies, is due to both geometry and recently revised estimates of the uncertainties in the observationally inferred primordial light-element abundances. We also find that inhomogeneous primordial nucleosynthesis in the cylindrical shell geometry can lead to significant Be and B production. In particular, a primordial beryllium abundance as high as [Be] = 12 + log(Be/H) ≈−3\approx -3 is possible while still satisfying all of the light-element abundance constraints.Comment: Latex, 20 pages + 11 figures(not included). Entire ps file with embedded figures available via anonymous ftp at ftp://genova.mtk.nao.ac.jp/pub/prepri/bbgeomet.ps.g

    The Primordial Abundance of He4: An Update

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    We include new data in an updated analysis of helium in low metallicity extragalactic HII regions with the goal of deriving the primordial abundance of He4 (Y_P). We show that the new observations of Izotov et al (ITL) are consistent with previous data. However they should not be taken in isolation to determine (Y_P) due to the lack of sufficiently low metallicity points. We use the extant data in a semi-empirical approach to bounding the size of possible systematic uncertainties in the determination of (Y_P). Our best estimate for the primordial abundance of He4 assuming a linear relation between He4 and O/H is Y_P = 0.230 \pm 0.003 (stat) based on the subset of HII regions with the lowest metallicity; for our full data set we find Y_P = 0.234 \pm 0.002 (stat). Both values are entirely consistent with our previous results. We discuss the implications of these values for standard big bang nucleosynthesis (SBBN), particularly in the context of recent measurements of deuterium in high redshift, low metallicity QSO absorption-line systems.Comment: 26 pages, latex, 6 ps figure

    Intergalactic UV Background Radiation Field

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    We have performed proximity effect analysis of low and high resolution data, considering detailed frequency and redshift dependence of the AGN spectra processed through galactic and intergalactic material. We show that such a background flux, calculated using the observed distribution of AGNs, falls short of the value required by the proximity effect analysis by a factor of ≄\ge 2.7. We have studied the uncertainty in the value of the required flux due to its dependence on the resolution, description of column density distribution, systemic redshifts of QSOs etc. We conclude that in view of these uncertainties the proximity effect is consistent with the background contributed by the observed AGNs and that the hypothesized presence of an additional, dust extinct, population of AGNs may not be necessary.Comment: To be published in the Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics aasms, 2 figures, 2 tables. Paper replaced to include the figure

    Spatial Variability in the Ratio of Interstellar Atomic Deuterium to Hydrogen. I. Observations toward delta Orionis by the Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph

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    Studies of the abundances of deuterium in different astrophysical sites are of fundamental importance to answering the question about how much deuterium was produced during big bang nucleosynthesis and what fraction of it was destroyed later. With this in mind, we used the Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph (IMAPS) on the ORFEUS-SPAS II mission to observe at a wavelength resolution of 4 km/s (FWHM) the L-delta and L-epsilon absorption features produced by interstellar atomic deuterium in the spectrum of delta Ori A. A chi-square analysis indicated that 0.96 < N(D I)< 1.45e15 cm^{-2} at a 90% level of confidence, and the gas is at a temperature of about 6000K. To obtain an accurate value of N(H I) needed for a determination of the atomic ratio of D to H, we measured the L-alpha absorption features in 57 spectra of delta Ori in the IUE archive. From our measurement of N(H I)= 1.56e20 cm^{-2}, we found that N(D I)/N(H I)= 7.4(+1.9,-1.3)e-6 (90% confidence). Our result for D/H contrasts with the more general finding along other lines of sight that D/H is approximately 1.5e-5. The underabundance of D toward delta Ori A is not accompanied by an overabundance of N or O relative to H, as one might expect if the gas were subjected to more stellar processing than usual.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Tests of Statistical Methods for Estimating Galaxy Luminosity Function and Applications to the Hubble Deep Field

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    We studied the statistical methods for the estimation of the luminosity function (LF) of galaxies. We focused on four nonparametric estimators: 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator, maximum-likelihood estimator of Efstathiou et al. (1988), Cho{\l}oniewski's estimator, and improved Lynden-Bell's estimator. The performance of the 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator has been recently questioned, especially for the faint-end estimation of the LF. We improved these estimators for the studies of the distant Universe, and examined their performances for various classes of functional forms by Monte Carlo simulations. We also applied these estimation methods to the mock 2dF redshift survey catalog prepared by Cole et al. (1998). We found that 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator yields a completely unbiased result if there is no inhomogeneity, but is not robust against clusters or voids. This is consistent with the well-known results, and we did not confirm the bias trend of 1/Vmax1/V_{\rm max} estimator claimed by Willmer (1997) in the case of homogeneous sample. We also found that the other three maximum-likelihood type estimators are quite robust and give consistent results with each other. In practice we recommend Cho{\l}oniewski's estimator for two reasons: 1. it simultaneously provides the shape and normalization of the LF; 2. it is the fastest among these four estimators, because of the algorithmic simplicity. Then, we analyzed the photometric redshift data of the Hubble Deep Field prepared by Fern\'{a}ndez-Soto et al. (1999) using the above four methods. We also derived luminosity density ρL\rho_{\rm L} at BB- and II-band. Our BB-band estimation is roughly consistent with that of Sawicki, Lin, & Yee (1997), but a few times lower at 2.0<z<3.02.0 < z < 3.0. The evolution of ρL(I)\rho_{\rm L}(I) is found to be less prominent.Comment: To appear in ApJS July 2000 issue. 36 page
