2,023 research outputs found

    The chronology and structure of the Sejlflod cemetery, Northern Jutland, Denmark

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    The Sejlflod cemetery in Northern Jutland, containing almost 300 graves from the Late Roman and Early Germanic Iron Age, occupies a central position in a North European perspective. This arises in particular from the fact that the graves are inhumation burials furnished with a relative abundance of grave goods and that the cemetery represents the entire adult population of a village through time. An understanding of the Sejlflod cemetery is important for investigations of other similar cemeteries and burial grounds, for studies of a range of period-defining artefacts and for analyses of the social circumstances of the time. It is, however, heavily dependent on knowledge of the cemetery’s chronological structure. On the basis of the pottery, it has proved possible to divide the cemetery up into four chronological phases. This division is supported by stylistic and chronological analyses of the fibulas and a few other artefact types from the graves. Surprisingly, the chronological analysis does not reveal a horizontal stratigraphical development. On the contrary, it provides a basis for a new interpretation of the cemetery as a progressive fusion of independent family grave clusters

    Unchanged incidence and increased survival in children with neuroblastoma in Denmark 1981–2000: a population-based study

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    Treatment results for neuroblastoma in Denmark have been poorer than in other Nordic countries, so we investigated whether a change in incidence, stage distribution and survival had occurred between 1981 and 2000. Clinical data were retrieved from the medical charts of 160 children <15 years of age with extra-cranial neuroblastoma (n=139) or ganglioneuroblastoma (n=21) diagnosed in Denmark between 1981 and 2000. The minimal follow-up time was 52 months. Statistical analyses were performed in STATA. The incidence was 8.55 per million children below 15 years of age (world standard 9.6) and 42.6 per million children below 12 months of age, and it has remained unchanged since 1970. The median age at diagnosis was 27 months. In all, 32% of the children were aged below 12 months at diagnosis, 53% had metastatic disease and in 12% the diagnosis was made incidentally. Prognostic factors such as age, stage and site of primary tumour were the same as in other studies and did not change. During the study period, the mortality rate decreased steadily, and the 5-year survival rate increased from 38% in 1981–1985 to 59% in 1996–2000, corresponding to the level found in other Western countries. Increased survival was also seen in children with metastatic disease. Participation in international studies, better supportive care and possibly postoperative autologous stem cell transplantation may have contributed to the increased survival

    Campylobacter jejuni strains from patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome.

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    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), an acute demyelinating peripheral neuropathy, may be triggered by an acute infectious illness; infection with Campylobacter jejuni is the most frequently reported antecedent event. In Japan, O:19 is the most common serotype among GBS-associated C. jejuni strains. To determine whether serotype O:19 occurs among GBS-associated strains in the United States and Europe, we serotyped seven such strains and found that two (29%) of seven GBS-associated strains from patients in the United States and Germany were serotype O:19. To determine whether GBS-associated strains may be resistant to killing by normal human serum (NHS), we studied the serum susceptibility of 17 GBS- and 27 enteritis-associated strains (including many O:19 and non-O:19 strains) using C. jejuni antibody positive (pool 1) or negative (pool 2) human serum. Using pool 1 serum we found that one (6%) of 18 serotype O:19 strains compared with 11 (42%) of 26 non-O:19 strains were killed; results using pool 2 serum were nearly identical. Finally, 8 O:19 and 8 non-O:19 strains were not significantly different in their ability to bind complement component C3. Serotype O:19 C. jejuni strains were overrepresented among GBS-associated strains in the United States and Germany and were significantly more serum-resistant than non-O:19 strains. The mechanism of this resistance appears unrelated to C3 binding

    The cost of inbreeding in a socially polymorphic ant population

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado em Medicina (Gastroenterologia), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA encefalopatia hepática é uma das principais complicações da doença hepática crónica e pode estar presente em 50 a 70% de todos os pacientes cirróticos, incluindo aqueles com alterações demonstráveis apenas por testes psicométricos, sendo uma complicação de grande relevância clínica. Na insuficiência hepática aguda, os doentes podem sucumbir a uma morte neurológica, com edema cerebral e hipertensão intracraniana. A sobrevida em pacientes com doença hepática crónica depende da avaliação dos critérios da classificação de Child-Pugh que reconhece a importância prognóstica da encefalopatia hepática. Esta complicação da doença hepática, aguda ou crónica, resulta da diminuição da actividade hepática com incapacidade marcada de eliminação de determinadas toxinas do organismo. Hoje sabe-se que os astrócitos, nomeadamente as células de Alzheimer tipo II, tem um papel importante na fisiopatologia da encefalopatia hepática. A epidemiologia e a fisiopatologia da encefalopatia hepática permanecem ainda apenas parcialmente esclarecidas, tornando este tema fonte importante de estudos constantes. O trabalho proposto tem como objectivo uma actualizada revisão bibliográfica, centrando-se nos últimos avanços científicos sobre esta alteração neuropsiquiátrica. Com este trabalho, propõe-se estudar os diferentes métodos de diagnóstico, indicações das diferentes opções terapêuticas, comparando-as entre si, identificar o impacto económico e social da encefalopatia hepática, assim como perceber os mecanismos fisiopatológicos que contribuem para esta grave alteraçãoHepatic encephalopathy is one of the main complications of chronic liver disease and can occur in 50 to 70% of all cirrhotic patients, including those with alterations demonstrated only through psychometric tests, being a complication of great clinical relevance. In severe liver failure, patients can perish due to neurological death, with brain swelling and intracranial hypertension. Chronic liver disease patients’ survival time depends on the evaluation of Child- Pugh classification criteria that recognizes the prognostic importance of hepatic encephalopathy. This liver disease complication, chronic or severe, is a result of the reduction of liver activity with marked incapacity to eliminate certain toxins from the organism. Today it is known that astrocytes, namely Alzheimer type II cells, have an important role in hepatic encephalopathy physiopathology. The epidemiology and physiopathology of hepatic encephalopathy still remain partially clarified, becoming this subject an important source of constant studies. The main goal of this study is to make an actualized bibliographical revision, grounded on the last scientific advances on this neuropsychiatric abnormality. Through this work, one considers studying the different diagnostic methods, the different therapeutic option indications, by comparing them, identifying the economic and social impact of hepatic encephalopathy, as well as understanding the physiopathological mechanisms that contribute for this serious abnormalit

    GC–MS and GC–NPD Determination of Formaldehyde Dimethylhydrazone in Water Using SPME

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    Formaldehyde dimethylhydrazone (FADMH) is one of the important transformation products of residual rocket fuel 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (1,1-DMH). Thus, recent studies show that FADMH toxicity is comparable to that of undecomposed 1,1-DMH. In this study, a new method for quantification of FADMH in water based on solid phase microextraction (SPME) in combination with gas chromatography (GC) with mass spectrometric (MS) and nitrogen-phosphorus detection (NPD) is presented. Effects of SPME fiber coating type, extraction and desorption temperatures, extraction time, and pH on analyte recovery were studied. The optimized method used 65 micron polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene fiber coating for 1 min headspace extractions at 30 °C. Preferred pH and desorption temperature from the SPME fiber are >8.5 and 200 °C, respectively. Detection limits were estimated to be 1.5 and 0.5 μg L−1 for MS and NPD, respectively. The method was applied to laboratory-scale experiments to quantify FADMH. Results indicate applicability for in situ sampling and analysis and possible first-time detection of free FADMH in water
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