2,838 research outputs found

    Symmetry Breaking at enhanced Symmetry Points

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    The influence of world-sheet boundary condensates on the toroidal compactification of bosonic string theories is considered. At the special points in the moduli space at which the closed-string theory possesses an enhanced unbroken GĂ—GG\times G symmetry (where GG is a semi-simple product of simply laced groups) a scalar boundary condensate parameterizes the coset GĂ—G/GG\times G/G. Fluctuations around this background define an open-string generalization of the corresponding chiral nonlinear sigma model. Tree-level scattering amplitudes of on-shell massless states (\lq pions') reduce to the amplitudes of the principal chiral model for the group GG in the low energy limit. Furthermore, the condition for the vanishing of the renormalization group beta function at one loop results in the familiar equation of motion for that model. The quantum corrections to the open-string theory generate a mixing of open and closed strings so that the coset-space pions mix with the closed-string GĂ—GG\times G gauge fields, resulting in a Higgs-like breakdown of the symmetry to the diagonal GG group. The case of non-oriented strings is also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures in uuencoded fil

    Quantum Black Holes

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    Static solutions of large-NN quantum dilaton gravity in 1+11+1 dimensions are analyzed and found to exhibit some unusual behavior. As expected from previous work, infinite-mass solutions are found describing a black hole in equilibrium with a bath of Hawking radiation. Surprisingly, the finite mass solutions are found to approach zero coupling both at the horizon and spatial infinity, with a ``bounce'' off of strong coupling in between. Several new zero mass solutions -- candidate quantum vacua -- are also described.Comment: 14 pages + 6 figure

    CT-duality as a local property of the world-sheet

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    In the present article, we study the local features of the world-sheet in the case when probe bosonic string moves in antisymmetric background field. We generalize the geometry of surfaces embedded in space-time to the case when the torsion is present. We define the mean extrinsic curvature for spaces with Minkowski signature and introduce the concept of mean torsion. Its orthogonal projection defines the dual mean extrinsic curvature. In this language, the field equation is just the equality of mean extrinsic curvature and extrinsic mean torsion, which we call CT-duality. To the world-sheet described by this relation we will refer as CT-dual surface.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, 2 Figure

    Loop Variables and Gauge Invariance in (Open) Bosonic String Theory

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    We give a simplified and more complete description of the loop variable approach for writing down gauge invariant equations of motion for the fields of the open string. A simple proof of gauge invariance to all orders is given. In terms of loop variables, the interacting equations look exactly like the free equations, but with a loop variable depending on an extra parameter, thus making it a band of finite width. The arguments for gauge invariance work exactly as in the free case. We show that these equations are Wilsonian RG equations with a finite world-sheet cutoff and that in the infrared limit, equivalence with the Callan-Symanzik β\beta-functions should ensure that they reproduce the on-shell scattering amplitudes in string theory. It is applied to the tachyon-photon system and the general arguments for gauge invariance can be easily checked to the order calculated. One can see that when there is a finite world sheet cutoff in place, even the U(1) invariance of the equations for the photon, involves massive mode contributions. A field redefinition involving the tachyon is required to get the gauge transformations of the photon into standard form.Comment: 20 pages, Late

    Information Loss and Anomalous Scattering

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    The approach of 't Hooft to the puzzles of black hole evaporation can be applied to a simpler system with analogous features. The system is 1+11+1 dimensional electrodynamics in a linear dilaton background. Analogues of black holes, Hawking radiation and evaporation exist in this system. In perturbation theory there appears to be an information paradox but this gets resolved in the full quantum theory and there exists an exact SS-matrix, which is fully unitary and information conserving. 't Hooft's method gives the leading terms in a systematic approximation to the exact result.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures (postscript files available soon on request), (earlier version got corrupted by mail system

    Low-Energy Theorems for Gluodynamics at Finite Temperature

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    We generalize the low-energy theorems of gluodynamics to finite temperature. Examples of the theorems in the low and high temperature limits are given.Comment: 8 pages latex plus 1 postscript figur

    Comments on Three-Branes

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    The Born--Infeld-like effective world-volume theory of a single 3-brane is deduced from a manifestly space-time supersymmetric description of the corresponding DD-brane. This is shown to be invariant under SL(2,R)SL(2,R) transformations that act on the abelian gauge field as well as the bulk fields. The effective theory of two nearby parallel three-branes involves massive world-volume supermultiplets which transform under SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z) into the dyonic solitons of four-dimensional N=4N=4 spontaneously broken SU(2)SU(2) Yang--Mills theory.Comment: 13 pages, LATEX. Minor typos correcte

    The application of low crude protein wheat-soyabean diets to growing and finishing pigs: 2. The effects on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen excretion, faecal volatile fatty acid concentration and ammonia emission from boars

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    peer-reviewedThis study received financial support from Telltech Ltd. (Wicklow, Ireland) and Enterprise Ireland (Dublin, Ireland).Diets containing 132, 152, 183 and 206 g/kg crude protein (CP) were fed to growing and finishing boars to evaluate the effect on nutrient digestibility, N balance, faecal volatile fatty acids (VFA) and ammonia-N (NH3–N) emission. Dietary CP concentration was adjusted by altering the ratio of wheat:soyabean meal. Lysine, threonine, tryptophan and total sulphur-containing amino acids were included in all diets at concentrations equivalent to that in the highest CP diet. All diets were formulated to provide 9.7 MJ/kg of net energy. Urine and faeces were collected from 16 boars (4 boars per treatment) housed in metabolism crates. Collections were performed at 72, 80 and 87 kg live weight. NH3–N emission was measured over 10 days using a laboratory scale procedure. Reducing the concentration of dietary CP decreased N intake (linear, P < 0.01), the excretion of urinary N, ammoniacal N and total N (linear, P < 0.001; cubic, P < 0.001) and the emission of NH3–N (linear, P < 0.001; cubic, P < 0.01). Total N excretion and NH3–N emission decreased 8.7% and 10.1% per 10 g/kg reduction in dietary CP concentration between 205.6 and 131.9 g/kg, respectively. There was no interaction between dietary CP concentration and collection period. N balance differed between the collection periods and less NH3–N was emitted at 87 kg than at 72 kg. Decreasing dietary CP reduced faecal VFA concentration (linear, P < 0.05) and the molar proportions of acetic and butyric acids (quadratic, P < 0.01).Enterprise Irelan

    Loop Variables with Chan-Paton Factors

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    The Loop Variable method that has been developed for the U(1) bosonic open string is generalized to include non-Abelian gauge invariance by incorporating "Chan-Paton" gauge group indices. The scale transformation symmetry k(s)→k(s)λ(s)k(s) \to k(s) \lambda (s) that was responsible for gauge invariance in the U(1) case continues to be a symmetry. In addition there is a "rotation" symmetry. Both symmetries crucially involve the massive modes. However it is plausible that only a linear combination, which is the usual Yang-Mills transformation on massless fields, has a smooth (world sheet) continuum limit. We also illustrate how an infinite number of terms in the equation of motion in the cutoff theory add up to give a term that has a smooth continuum limit, and thus contributes to the low energy Yang-Mills equation of motion.Comment: One paragraph has been modified and the connection with the Renormalization Group is explaine

    Integrable boundary interaction in 3D target space: the "pillow-brane" model

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    We propose a model of boundary interaction, with three-dimensional target space, and the boundary values of the field {\vec X}\in R^3 constrained to lay on a two-dimensional surface of the "pillow" shape. We argue that the model is integrable, and suggest that its exact solution is described in terms of certain linear ordinary differential equation.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure
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