88 research outputs found

    Just A Bigger Fish (book review)

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    Shark Tank: Greed, Politics, and the Collapse of Finley, Kumble, One of America’s Largest Law Firms is a non-fiction potboiler written by Kim Isaac Eisler. The story is generally about the decline and fall of an institution instrumental to capitalism that prospered during much of the 1980s. In particular, it is about the decline and fall of men whose hubris and greed make the decline and fall so satisfying to read. While it would be easy to dismiss the demise of Finley, Kumble, because it was not an old, established “white shoe” law firm, or to analogize it to the other capitalistic excesses of the 1980s, the story gives readers some insight into the future of law firms and the legal profession. Additionally, it outlines two stories which need to be studied in order to more fully appreciate the sociology of the large law firm: the extent to which the influence Steven Brill and The American Lawyer has affected large law firms, and the value of and method by which a law firm achieves “white shoe” or establishment status in the practice of law in New York City. Although there are several disconcerting gaps in character development, Eisler competently tells the reader the story of how Finley, Kumble grew into the second largest firm in the United States, and how it crumbled quickly thereafter. This makes Shark Tank worthwhile, mildly diverting entertainment, designed for lawyers, businessmen, and other professionals to peruse at the beach

    Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, town clerk, and tax collector of the town of Hill, New Hampshire for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1979 and June 30, 1979 together with the school district, vital statistics, etc.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire


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    Здійснено порівняння видів інтелекту (надана коротка характеристика кожному з них) та проявів саме емоційного інтелекту у  активності абітурієнта, її детермінантами та розвитком структурних елементів. Розглянуто підходи за сучасних умов до феномену емоційного інтелекту з урахуванням різних психологічних теорій, відмежовано від соціального інтелекту та логічного з урахуванням схожих властивостей з внутрішньоособистісним та міжособистісним інтелектом, просторовим (просторово-візуальний), музичний (музично-ритмічний), гуманітарний (вербально-лінгвістичний), кінестетичний (дотиково-температурний, шкірний), природничий інтелект, духовний інтелект, штучний інтелект, гібридний інтелект.      Ключові слова; емоційний інтелект,  професійна орієнтація, здібності людини, просторовий інтелект, музичний інтелект, лінгвістичний інтелект, кінестетичний інтелект, музичний інтелект.        кандидат педагогических наук, Гражевська О. Ю. Генезис интеллекта от естественного к эмоциональному в процессе профессиональной ориентации / Открытый международный университет развития человека "Украина", Украина, КиевОсуществлено сравнение видов интеллекта (предоставленная краткая характеристика каждому из них) и проявлений именно эмоционального интеллекта в активности абитуринта, ее детерминантами и развитием структурных элементов. Рассмотрены подходы при современных условиях к феномену эмоционального интеллекта с учетом разных психологических теорий, отделено от социального интеллекта и логического с учетом похожих свойств с внутриличностным и межличностным интеллектом, пространственным (пространственно-визуальный), музыкальный (музыкально-ритмичный), гуманитарный (вербально-лингвистический), кінестетичний (касательно-температурный, кожный), естественный интеллект, духовный интеллект, искусственный интеллект, гибридный интеллект.            Ключевые слова; эмоциональный интеллект, профессиональная ориентация, способности человека, пространственный интеллект, музыкальный интеллект, лингвистический интеллект, кінестетичний интеллект, музыкальный интеллект.          O. Grazhevka, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Genesis of intellect from natural to emotional in the process of professional orientation / Open international university of development of man is "Ukraine", Ukraine, Kyiv Carried out comparison of types of intellect (given short description each of them) and displays exactly of emotional intellect in activity of potencial student, her conviniencies and development of structural elements. Approaches are considered at modern terms to the phenomenon of emotional intellect taking into account different psychological theories, markedly off from a social intellect and logical taking into account alike properties with a interself and externalself intellect spatial (spatially-visual), musical (musically-rhythmic), humanitarian (verbally-linguistic), kinesthesis (tangentially-temperature, dermic), natural intellect, spiritual intellect, artificial intelligence, hybrid intellect.         Keywords; emotional intellect, professional orientation, capabilities of man, spatial intellect, musical intellect, linguistic intellect, musical intellect

    Just a Bigger Fish

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    Shark Tank might better have been subtitled "The Story of How Steven Kumble Did It His Way and Look Where It Got Him." Shark Tank is mildly diverting entertainment, designed for lawyers and other professionals, and businessmen to peruse at the beach. Although there are several disconcerting gaps in character development, author Kim Isaac Eisler competently tells the reader the story of how Finley, Kumble grew into the second largest law firm in the United States and how it crumbled quickly thereafter

    An Investigation into the sources of vehicle tire noise

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    Noise produced by a rolling tire on pavement has plagued automakers for years due to its complexity. Tire noise is dependent on many things such as tire material, tire construction, road surface texture, etc. In this investigation, an acoustical approach to modeling tire noise is presented. Based on the mechanics of a rotating tire, acoustical models can be developed. This, along with some acoustical analysis, leads to mathematical models that one can utilize in order to predict the noise that the tire will produce. These models will provide a good basis and starting point for reduction of tire noise and further modeling of tire noise