1,732 research outputs found
Thermal Instability and the Formation of Clumpy Gas Clouds
The radiative cooling of optically thin gaseous regions and the formation of
a two-phase medium and of cold gas clouds with a clumpy substructure is
investigated. In optically thin clouds, the growth rate of small isobaric
density perturbations is independent of their length scale. However, the growth
of a perturbation is limited by its transition from isobaric to isochoric
cooling. The temperature at which this transition occurs decreases with the
length scale of the perturbation. Consequently small scale perturbations have
the potential to reach higher amplitudes than large scale perturbations. When
the amplitude becomes nonlinear, advection overtakes the pressure gradient in
promoting the compression resulting in an accelerated growth of the
disturbance. The critical temperature for transition depends on the initial
amplitude. The fluctuations which can first reach nonlinearity before their
isobaric to isochoric transition will determine the characteristic size and
mass of the cold dense clumps which would emerge from the cooling of an
initially nearly homogeneous region of gas. Thermal conduction is in general
very efficient in erasing isobaric, small-scale fluctuations, suppressing a
cooling instability. A weak, tangled magnetic field can however reduce the
conductive heat flux enough for low-amplitude fluctuations to grow isobarically
and become non-linear if their length scales are of order 0.01 pc. Finally, we
demonstrate how a 2-phase medium, with cold clumps being pressure confined in a
diffuse hot residual background component, would be sustained if there is
adequate heating to compensate the energy loss.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 10 postscript figures, ApJ, in pres
QCD radiative and power corrections and Generalized GDH sum rules
We extend the earlier suggested QCD-motivated model for the -dependence
of the generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule which assumes the
smooth dependence of the structure function , while the sharp dependence
is due to the contribution and is described by the elastic part of the
Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule. The model successfully predicts the low crossing
point for the proton GDH integral, but is at variance with the recent very
accurate JLAB data. We show that, at this level of accuracy, one should include
the previously neglected radiative and power QCD corrections, as boundary
values for the model. We stress that the GDH integral, when measured with such
a high accuracy achieved by the recent JLAB data, is very sensitive to QCD
power corrections. We estimate the value of these power corrections from the
JLAB data at . The inclusion of all QCD corrections leads
to a good description of proton, neutron and deuteron data at all .Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures (to be published in Physical Review D
Dark matter and the first stars: a new phase of stellar evolution
A mechanism is identified whereby dark matter (DM) in protostellar halos
dramatically alters the current theoretical framework for the formation of the
first stars. Heat from neutralino DM annihilation is shown to overwhelm any
cooling mechanism, consequently impeding the star formation process and
possibly leading to a new stellar phase. A "dark star'' may result: a giant
( AU) hydrogen-helium star powered by DM annihilation instead of
nuclear fusion. Observational consequences are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; replaced with accepted versio
Triggered Star Formation in the Environment of Young Massive Stars
Recent observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope show clear evidence that
star formation takes place in the surrounding of young massive O-type stars,
which are shaping their environment due to their powerful radiation and stellar
winds. In this work we investigate the effect of ionising radiation of massive
stars on the ambient interstellar medium (ISM): In particular we want to
examine whether the UV-radiation of O-type stars can lead to the observed
pillar-like structures and can trigger star formation. We developed a new
implementation, based on a parallel Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics code (called
IVINE), that allows an efficient treatment of the effect of ionising radiation
from massive stars on their turbulent gaseous environment. Here we present
first results at very high resolution. We show that ionising radiation can
trigger the collapse of an otherwise stable molecular cloud. The arising
structures resemble observed structures (e.g. the pillars of creation in the
Eagle Nebula (M16) or the Horsehead Nebula B33). Including the effect of
gravitation we find small regions that can be identified as formation places of
individual stars. We conclude that ionising radiation from massive stars alone
can trigger substantial star formation in molecular clouds.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in: "Triggered Star Formation in a
Turbulent ISM", IAU Symposium 237, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2006; eds.
B.G.Elmegreen & J. Palou
Electroexcitation of nucleon resonances at Q^2=0.65 GeV/c^2 from a combined analysis of single- and double-pion electroproduction data
Data on single- and double-charged pion electroproduction off protons are
successfully described in the second and third nucleon resonance regions with
common N* photocouplings. The analysis was carried out using separate isobar
models for both reactions. From the combined analysis of two exclusive
channels, the gamma* p --> N*+ helicity amplitudes are obtained for the
resonances P11(1440), D13(1520), S31(1620), S11(1650), F15(1680), D33(1700),
D13(1700), and P13(1720) at Q2=0.65 GeV/c^2.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures (eps), Published in PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72, 045201
Nonperturbative QCD Coupling and its function from Light-Front Holography
The light-front holographic mapping of classical gravity in AdS space,
modified by a positive-sign dilaton background, leads to a nonperturbative
effective coupling . It agrees with hadron physics data
extracted from different observables, such as the effective charge defined by
the Bjorken sum rule, as well as with the predictions of models with built-in
confinement and lattice simulations. It also displays a transition from
perturbative to nonperturbative conformal regimes at a momentum scale
GeV. The resulting function appears to capture the essential
characteristics of the full function of QCD, thus giving further
support to the application of the gauge/gravity duality to the confining
dynamics of strongly coupled QCD. Commensurate scale relations relate
observables to each other without scheme or scale ambiguity. In this paper we
extrapolate these relations to the nonperturbative domain, thus extending the
range of predictions based on .Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures. Final version published in Phys. Rev.
Global Nonradial Instabilities of Dynamically Collapsing Gas Spheres
Self-similar solutions provide good descriptions for the gravitational
collapse of spherical clouds or stars when the gas obeys a polytropic equation
of state, (with ). We study the behaviors of
nonradial perturbations in the similarity solutions of Larson, Penston and
Yahil, which describe the evolution of the collapsing cloud prior to core
formation. Our global stability analysis reveals the existence of unstable
bar-modes () when . In particular, for the collapse of
isothermal spheres, which applies to the early stages of star formation, the
density perturbation relative to the background, , increases as ,
where denotes the epoch of core formation, and is the cloud
central density. Thus, the isothermal cloud tends to evolve into an ellipsoidal
shape (prolate bar or oblate disk, depending on initial conditions) as the
collapse proceeds. In the context of Type II supernovae, core collapse is
described by the equation of state, and our analysis
indicates that there is no growing mode (with density perturbation) in the
collapsing core before the proto-neutron star forms, although nonradial
perturbations can grow during the subsequent accretion of the outer core and
envelope onto the neutron star. We also carry out a global stability analysis
for the self-similar expansion-wave solution found by Shu, which describes the
post-collapse accretion (``inside-out'' collapse) of isothermal gas onto a
protostar. We show that this solution is unstable to perturbations of all
's, although the growth rates are unknown.Comment: 28 pages including 7 ps figures; Minor changes in the discussion; To
be published in ApJ (V.540, Sept.10, 2000 issue
Three-dimensional Continuum Radiative Transfer Images of a Molecular Cloud Core Evolution
We analyze a three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation of
an evolving and later collapsing pre-stellar core. Using a three-dimensional
continuum radiative transfer program, we generate images at 7 micron, 15
micron, 175 micron, and 1.3 mm for different evolutionary times and viewing
angles. We discuss the observability of the properties of pre-stellar cores for
the different wavelengths. For examples of non-symmetric fragments, it is shown
that, misleadingly, the density profiles derived from a one-dimensional
analysis of the corresponding images are consistent with one-dimensional core
evolution models. We conclude that one-dimensional modeling based on column
density interpretation of images does not produce reliable structural
information and that multidimensional modeling is required.Comment: accepted by ApJL, 4 pages, 4 figure
The Structure of Dark Matter Haloes in Dwarf Galaxies
Recent observations indicate that dark matter haloes have flat central
density profiles. Cosmological simulations with non-baryonic dark matter
predict however self similar haloes with central density cusps. This
contradiction has lead to the conclusion that dark matter must be baryonic.
Here it is shown that the dark matter haloes of dwarf spiral galaxies represent
a one parameter family with self similar density profiles. The observed global
halo parameters are coupled with each other through simple scaling relations
which can be explained by the standard cold dark matter model if one assumes
that all the haloes formed from density fluctuations with the same primordial
amplitude. We find that the finite central halo densities correlate with the
other global parameters. This result rules out scenarios where the flat halo
cores formed subsequently through violent dynamical processes in the baryonic
component. These cores instead provide important information on the origin and
nature of dark matter in dwarf galaxies.Comment: uuencoded Z-compressed postscript file, 10 pages, 3 figures included,
to appear in ApJ Letter
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