19 research outputs found

    Responsibility attitude in a sample of Iranian obsessive-compulsive patients

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    Background: The study of distorted beliefs about responsibility attitude and interpretation has become the central theme in Salkovskis' (1985) and Rachman and Hodgson's (1980) models of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Aims: The aim of this research is to assess the responsibility attitude in Iranian OCD patients. Methods: Twenty OCD patients were selected through available sampling from the case referred to psychology clinics. Two other patient groups comprised of 20 non-OCD anxiety disorder patients and 20 non-clinical participants were also chosen as comparison groups. All participants completed the Responsibility Attitude Scale (RAS) and Responsibility Interpretation Questionnaire (RIQ). Results: Analyses revealed statistically significant differences between OCD group and comparison groups on both RAS and RIQ. In addition, both RAS and RIQ scores were associated with the severity of OCD assessed by the Yale-Brown scale. Conclusions: These findings suggest that responsibility attitude and interpretations are the prominent features of OCD in Iranian patients and are associated with the severity of illness. Copyright © 2005 Sage Publications

    Management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: A national clinical guideline

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    One of the best approaches for evidence-based care is providing and using the guidelines. Observing these guidelines results in a better quality of health care, decreased unnecessary or harmful interventions, lower health costs, and an increase in patients� satisfaction. Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-1 in children and adolescents is a guideline published after 6 years of research and review of resources in the domain of treatment of ADHD. A research team formed in Iran University of Medical Sciences provided this guideline by addressing reliable references and observing a scientific approach. This guideline is provided with respect to the present resources for the standard treatment of ADHD in our country. To prepare this guideline, this research team considered the most recent and strict version of the writing method in the treatment section of Health, Treatment, and Education Ministry. Although the present guideline has some shortcomings, it is a turning point in the history of the development of health care. It presents a systematic approach in the treatment of such disorder, one of the most prevalent disorders in child psychiatry. The colleagues and treatment centers can help such an issue by applying this guideline. © 2020, Iran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    The Effect of Calcium Hydroxide on the Bond Strength of Resilon/Epiphany Self-Etch and Assessment of Calcium Hydroxide Removal Techniques: An Ex-Vivo Study

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    Objective: Calcium hydroxide is the most widely used intracanal medicament in endodontics, which should be removed prior to permanent root canal filling to minimize its intervention with the bonding of endodontic sealers. This ex-vivo study aimed to evaluate the effect of pretreatment with calcium hydroxide on the bond strength of Resilon/Epiphany self etch (SE) to the radicular dentin after removing the calcium hydroxide by hand file or ultrasonic methods.Materials and Methods: Thirty-six single-rooted human extracted teeth were used in this study. After root canal preparation, the teeth were divided into three groups. In group 1, as the control, no pretreatment was performed; while in groups 2 and 3, this was carried out using calcium hydroxide paste. After one week, the paste was removed with hand stainless steel K-files in group 2 and ultrasonic instrumentation in group 3. All samples were obturated with Resilon/Epiphany SE. One-millimeter slices of mid-root dentin were prepared for the push-out test (14 slices per group). After the bond strength was assessed, the failure modes were examined. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Dunnett Post Hoc tests.Results: Group 2 significantly showed the lowest bond strength (0.947 ± 0.47) (P = 0.01). No significant differences were found between the control group (2.32 ± 1.43) and group 3 (1.78 ± 1.04) (P = 0.01).Conclusions: Under the conditions of this ex vivo study, calcium hydroxide as the intracanal medicament and its removal using hand instrumentation adversely affected the bond strength of Resilon/Epiphany SE

    Developing a package for the provision of spiritual services in healthcare centres in Iran

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    Spirituality has a signi�cant role in the individuals' physical and mental health, nevertheless health care professionals neglect these needs. This study was aimed at developing a package for the provision of spiritual services in healthcare centers. The study was conducted in two sections. In the review section, the papers related to the topic were selected among accredited scientific sites. In the qualitative section, the data were collected through Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) and individual interviews, and was analyzed using content analysis. The package was designed at two levels: basic and specialized. At basic services, teaching spiritual life style and at the level of specialized services, evaluation and spiritual history, spiritual counselling, and care and spiritual support were envisaged. For implementation of spiritual interventions, an �Implementation Steering Committee� is suggested to be established while the main stakeholders in the healthcare system and experts from the seminary are in attendance. © 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of nanosilver-mineral trioxide aggregate against frequent anaerobic oral pathogens by a membrane-enclosed immersion test

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    Background: Nanoparticles of silver (NanoAg) have been shown to control the growth of bacteria, but application of NanoAg in endodontics has not been evaluated. This in vitro study evaluates the antimicrobial activity of NanoAg to enhance the inhibitory effects of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Methods: The antibacterial activities of NanoAg and NanoAg-MTA against four types of anaerobic pathogens were tested in vitro using (1) agar diffusion test (ADT) and (2) a newly devised membrane-enclosed immersion test (MEIT). Results: Both NanoAg and NanoAg-MTA inhibited the growth of all four test bacteria at 25 ppm concentration. MEIT analysis consistently showed that NanoAg enhanced the antimicrobial activity of MTA significantly, and the bacterial susceptibility to lower concentrations of NanoAg varied depending on the type of bacteria. Overall, NanoAg-MTA showed significant inhibitory effect which was time and dose dependent. Conclusions: Our data support that NanoAg can serve as an excellent MTA additive against anaerobic endodontic-periodontal pathogens with clinical applications for infection control in endodontics

    Evaluation of the properties of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate mixed with Zinc Oxide exposed to different environmental conditions

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    Addition of zinc oxide (ZnO) to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) has been shown to rectify tooth discoloration caused by Angelus MTA. This study evaluated the microhardness, compressive strength, calcium ion release and crystalline structures of MTA mixed with ZnO in different environmental conditions. Molds with a diameter of 4 mm and a height of 6 mm were used for compressive strength, calcium ion release and X-ray diffraction (XRD) evaluations. Molds with 6 mm diameter and 4 mm height were used for surface microhardness evaluations. Cements evaluated include Angelus MTA (Angelus, Brail), Angelus MTA + ZnO, ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, OK), and ProRoot MTA + ZnO. Each group was divided into 3 subgroups according to exposure conditions: normal saline (NS), phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or blood. After 7 days incubation, surface microhardness, compressive strength and XRD analysis was performed. Calcium ion release was evaluated after 3, 24 and 168h incubation using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Data were analyzed by One Way Anova followed by the Tukey HSD Post hoc tests and T-Test. The significance level was set at 0.05. Addition of ZnO to Angelus and ProRoot MTA significantly decreased the compressive strength of these cements regardless of the environmental conditions (P < 0.001); however, it had no significant effect on their microhardness or calcium ion release. In conclusion, adding ZnO to Angelus and ProRoot MTA can adversely affect the compressive strength of Angelus and ProRoot MTA

    Unintentional extrusion of mineral trioxide aggregate: a report of three cases.

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    Aim Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is the material of choice for apical barrier techniques during root canal treatment of teeth with open apices. However, the precise control of MTA during the placement of an apical plug is challenging. This article describes the outcomes of unintentional extrusion of MTA into the periradicular tissue during apical barrier treatment in three cases. Summary Three cases of maxillary central incisors in adult patients with open apices were referred for treatment. After conventional access and canal preparation, MTA was placed into the apical portion of the root canals to act as an apical barrier/plug. A large increment of MTA was extruded in all cases. In Case 1, after a 4-year follow-up, the extruded MTA had resorbed and the periradicular lesion had healed. In Cases 2 and 3, after follow-up, the patients remained symptomatic and were scheduled for periradicular surgery. In Case 2, soft unset particles of MTA were present in the lesion and were curetted. In Case 3, the extruded MTA had set hard but was sandwiched between the oral mucosa and bone; its removal relieved the pain experienced on buccal palpation

    Effect of photobiomodulation on pain level during local anesthesia injection: a randomized clinical trial

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) as pre-treatment on pain level during injection in the anterior maxillary region. 56 Patients were randomly divided into 3 groups, Group 1:980 nm diode laser (n = 22) (experimental), Group 2:980 nm diode laser probe placed in vestibule without radiation (placebo) (n = 22), Group3: no pre-treatment before injection (n = 12) (control). Pain level during injection was evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS). The severity of pain in Group 1(experimental) and Group 2 (placebo) was significantly lower than Group 3 (control). Group 1 had a lesser pain level than Group 2, but the difference in pain level between them was not significant. PBMT with 980 nm wavelength decreased pain level during local anesthesia injection without superiority over placebo