2,136 research outputs found

    The Use of Artificial Neural Networks in Prediction of Congenital CMV Outcome from Sequence Data

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    A large number of CMV strains has been reported to circulate in the human population, and the biological significance of these strains is currently an active area of research. The analysis of complex genetic information may be limited using conventional phylogenetic techniques

    Local Percolation Probabilities for a Natural Sandstone

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    Local percolation probabilities are used to characterize the connectivity in porous and heterogeneous media. Together with local porosity distributions they allow to predict transport properties \cite{hil91d}. While local porosity distributions are readily obtained, measurements of the local percolation probabilities are more difficult and have not been attempted previously. First measurements of three dimensional local porosity distributions and percolation probabilities from a pore space reconstruction for a natural sandstone show that theoretical expectations and experimental results are consistent.Comment: 9 pages, see also http://www.ica1.uni-stuttgart.de , Physica

    The 8Li Calibration Source for the Sudbury Neutrino Obervatory

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    A calibration source employing 8Li (t_1/2 = 0.838s) has been developed for use with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). This source creates a spectrum of beta particles with an energy range similar to that of the SNO 8B solar neutrino signal. The source is used to test the SNO detector's energy response, position reconstruction and data reduction algorithms. The 8Li isotope is created using a deuterium-tritium neutron generator in conjunction with a 11B target, and is carried to a decay chamber using a gas/aerosol transport system. The decay chamber detects prompt alpha particles by gas scintillation in coincidence with the beta particles which exit through a thin stainless steel wall. A description is given of the production, transport, and tagging techniques along with a discussion of the performance and application of the source.Comment: 11 pages plus 9 figures, Sumbitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Novel Technique for Ultra-sensitive Determination of Trace Elements in Organic Scintillators

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    A technique based on neutron activation has been developed for an extremely high sensitivity analysis of trace elements in organic materials. Organic materials are sealed in plastic or high purity quartz and irradiated at the HFIR and MITR. The most volatile materials such as liquid scintillator (LS) are first preconcentrated by clean vacuum evaporation. Activities of interest are separated from side activities by acid digestion and ion exchange. The technique has been applied to study the liquid scintillator used in the KamLAND neutrino experiment. Detection limits of <2.4X10**-15 g 40K/g LS, <5.5X10**-15 g Th/g LS, and <8X10**-15 g U/g LS have been achieved.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Magnetic moments of W 5d in Ca2CrWO6 and Sr2CrWO6 double perovskites

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    We have investigated the magnetic moment of the W ion in the ferrimagnetic double perovskites Sr2CrWO6 and Ca2CrWO6 by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the W L(2,3) edges. In both compounds a finite negative spin and positive orbital magnetic moment was detected. The experimental results are in good agreement with band-structure calculations for (Sr/Ca)2CrWO6 using the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. It is remarkable, that the magnetic ordering temperature, TC, is correlated with the magnetic moment at the 'non-magnetic' W atom.Comment: accepted for publicatio

    Rescaling Relations between Two- and Three-dimensional Local Porosity Distributions for Natural and Artificial Porous Media

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    Local porosity distributions for a three-dimensional porous medium and local porosity distributions for a two-dimensional plane-section through the medium are generally different. However, for homogeneous and isotropic media having finite correlation-lengths, a good degree of correspondence between the two sets of local porosity distributions can be obtained by rescaling lengths, and the mapping associating corresponding distributions can be found from two-dimensional observations alone. The agreement between associated distributions is good as long as the linear extent of the measurement cells involved is somewhat larger than the correlation length, and it improves as the linear extent increases. A simple application of the central limit theorem shows that there must be a correspondence in the limit of very large measurement cells, because the distributions from both sets approach normal distributions. A normal distribution has two independent parameters: the mean and the variance. If the sample is large enough, LPDs from both sets will have the same mean. Therefore corresponding distributions are found by matching variances of two- and three-dimensional local porosity distributions. The variance can be independently determined from correlation functions. Equating variances leads to a scaling relation for lengths in this limit. Three particular systems are examined in order to show that this scaling behavior persists at smaller length-scales.Comment: 15 PostScript figures, LaTeX, To be published in Physica

    Local Entropy Characterization of Correlated Random Microstructures

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    A rigorous connection is established between the local porosity entropy introduced by Boger et al. (Physica A 187, 55 (1992)) and the configurational entropy of Andraud et al. (Physica A 207, 208 (1994)). These entropies were introduced as morphological descriptors derived from local volume fluctuations in arbitrary correlated microstructures occuring in porous media, composites or other heterogeneous systems. It is found that the entropy lengths at which the entropies assume an extremum become identical for high enough resolution of the underlying configurations. Several examples of porous and heterogeneous media are given which demonstrate the usefulness and importance of this morphological local entropy concept.Comment: 15 pages. please contact [email protected] and have a look at http://www.ica1.uni-stuttgart.de/ . To appear in Physica

    Chaotic flow and efficient mixing in a micro-channel with a polymer solution

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    Microscopic flows are almost universally linear, laminar and stationary because Reynolds number, ReRe, is usually very small. That impedes mixing in micro-fluidic devices, which sometimes limits their performance. Here we show that truly chaotic flow can be generated in a smooth micro-channel of a uniform width at arbitrarily low ReRe, if a small amount of flexible polymers is added to the working liquid. The chaotic flow regime is characterized by randomly fluctuating three-dimensional velocity field and significant growth of the flow resistance. Although the size of the polymer molecules extended in the flow may become comparable with the micro-channel width, the flow behavior is fully compatible with that in a table-top channel in the regime of elastic turbulence. The chaotic flow leads to quite efficient mixing, which is almost diffusion independent. For macromolecules, mixing time in this microscopic flow can be three to four orders of magnitude shorter than due to molecular diffusion.Comment: 8 pages,7 figure

    Study of Photon Dominated Regions in Cepheus B

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    Aim: The aim of the paper is to understand the emission from the photon dominated regions in Cepheus B, estimate the column densities of neutral carbon in bulk of the gas in Cepheus B and to derive constraints on the factors which determine the abundance of neutral carbon relative to CO. Methods: This paper presents 15'x15' fully sampled maps of CI at 492 GHz and 12CO 4-3 observed with KOSMA at 1' resolution. The new observations have been combined with the FCRAO 12CO 1-0, IRAM-30m 13CO 2-1 and C18O 1-0 data, and far-infrared continuum data from HIRES/IRAS. The KOSMA-tau spherical PDR model has been used to understand the CI and CO emission from the PDRs in Cepheus B and to explain the observed variation of the relative abundances of both C^0 and CO. Results: The emission from the PDR associated with Cepheus B is primarily at V_LSR between -14 and -11 km s^-1. We estimate about 23% of the observed CII emission from the molecular hotspot is due to the ionized gas in the HII region. Over bulk of the material the C^0 column density does not change significantly, (2.0+-1.4)x10^17 cm^-2, although the CO column density changes by an order of magnitude. The observed \cbyco abundance ratio varies between 0.06 and 4 in Cepheus B. We find an anti-correlation of the observed C/CO abundance ratio with the observed hydrogen column density, which holds even when all previous observations providing C/CO ratios are included. Here we show that this observed variation of C/CO abundance with total column density can be explained only by clumpy PDRs consisting of an ensemble of clumps. At high H2 column densities high mass clumps, which exhibit low C/CO abundance, dominate, while at low column densities, low mass clumps with high C/CO abundance dominate.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in A&
