349 research outputs found

    Effect of EGR on Compression Ignition Engine parameters - a Review

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    This paper is a literature review on effect of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on CI engine parameters (i.e. performance and emission parameter). The emissions from CI Engines have adverse effects on human health, living organisms,  and  environment.  The major emission form diesel engine are: unburned hydrocarbon, oxides of carbon (COX), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), oxides of sulphur (SOX), and solid carbon particulate matter (PM). Similarly, for biodiesel it was observed that HC, CO, CO2 were lowered, while NOX remains still higher.For in-cylinder reduction of emission exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and some fuel additives are effective for CI Engines. It was found that using EGR system reduces the NOx emission effectively

    Green Building: Load Management Scheme for Flattening Household Electricity Usage or Demand

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    Flattening household electricity demand reduces generation costs, since costs are disproportionately affected by peak demands. Buildings today consume more energy than either of society?s other broad sectors of energy consumption industry and transportation. As a result, nearly half (47%) of energy use in residential buildings is lost in electricity transmission and distribution (T&D) from far-away power plants to distant homes. An important way to decrease both T&D losses and carbon emissions is through distributed generation (DG) from many small on-site renewable energy sources deployed at individual buildings and homes. Distributed generation (DG) uses many small onsite energy harvesting deployments at individual buildings to generate electricity. DG has the potential to make generation more efficient by reducing transmission and distribution losses, carbon emissions, and demand peaks. In this paper, we explore an alternative approach that combines market-based electricity pricing models with on-site renewables and modest energy storage (in the form of batteries) to incentivize DG called Green Building. The objectives of green charge is to develop an alternative approach that combines market-based electricity pricing models with on-site renewable and modest energy storage (in the form of batteries) to incentivize DG (Distributed Generation). We propose a system architecture and optimization algorithm, called Green Building, to efficiently manage the renewable energy and storage to reduce a building?s electric bill

    Effect of Catalytic Converter on I.C. Engine Emission parameters - a Review

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    This paper is a literature review on effect of Catalytic convertor on CI engine parameters (emission parameter). The emissions from CI Engines have adverse effects on human health, living organisms, and environment. The major emission form diesel engine are: unburned hydrocarbon, oxides of carbon (COX), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), oxides of sulphur (SOX), and solid carbon particulate matter (PM). Similarly, for biodiesel it was observed that HC, CO, CO2 were lowered, while NOX remains still higher. For in-cylinder reduction of emission Catalytic converter are effective for CI Engines. It was found that using Catalytic convertor reduces the emission from engine effectively


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    Objective: To evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity of liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) against H2O2 induced oxidative stress in HepG2 cell line.Methods: Antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra was investigated by measuring total phenolic content using folin-ciocalteu reagent (FCR), free radical scavenging activity by DPPH and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in the extract was confirmed by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. Furthermore, the protective effect of methanolic extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra against oxidative stress induced by H2O2 in HepG2 cells was investigated by MTT assay. HepG2 cells were exposed with five different treatments viz. liquorice, H2O2, ascorbic acid, H2O2+liquorice and H2O2+ascorbic acid, to explore the effect of the extract on malondialdehyde (MDA) production, catalase activity, and glutathione reductase levels.Results: The total phenolic content estimated in Glycyrrhiza glabra extract was found to be 241.47 µg per 1000 µg/ml of methanolic extract. It was found that as the concentration of the extract was increased both the free radical scavenging activity and ferric ion reducing power was also found to increase. LC-MS analysis confirmed the presence of eight different phenolic compounds in the methanolic extract which are possibly contributing to the antioxidant activity exhibited by the extract. It was also observed that liquorice treated HepG2 cells showed lower MDA and higher glutathione and catalase levels as compared to only H2O2 treated HepG2 cells where increased MDA production, decreased glutathione reductase and catalase production was observed.Conclusion: Our results thus conclude that, the methanolic extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra can be used as natural supplements in various disease conditions where oxidative stress has been reported. Â

    Review of Recommendation on Location Based Services

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    In every Era “Location” is a strong component of “Mobility” Location based services (LBS) are services offered using mobile phone by taking mobile’s geographical location. The proposed system is providing location based services and offers with respect to user interest . Vendors are allowed to post and edit an advertisement for users. The system contains various modules such as advertising , Social program, Tourist place, Parking place, Emergency calls etc. The system uses apriori algorithm for mining frequent ratings from user. This information is used to provide popularity of location. It also provides user’s feedback, ranking based suggestion in secured manner. The purpose of this system is to notify the user based on their preferences and their interest in the particular area and notify them using android application. This will lead to lower advertising costs and expenditures also save the time of user for finding the located area of ads with help of GPS

    Development and Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Quinfamide and Mebendazole in in-house Pharmaceutical Formulation

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    The present work described the development of two simple, accurate, rapid, cost effective and reproducible UV-Spectrophotometric methods for the simultaneous estimation of Quinfamide and Mebendazole in bulk and in laboratory mixture using 0.01M methanolic HCl as a solvent. The absorption maximum for Quinfamide and Mebendazole were found to be at 260.00 nm and 232.40 nm respectively. Beer’s - lamberts was followed in concentration ranges of 1 - 6 μg/mL for Quinfamide and 2- 12 μg/mL for Mebendazole. The percentage recovery of Quinfamide and mebendazole ranged from 98.48 to 99.08 and 98.83 to 99.62 (Method I); from 98.14 to 98.93 and 99.16 to 99.35 (Method II) for Quinfamide and Mebendazole. The established methods were sensible for simultaneous quantitative determination of both these drugs in fixed dose combinations. Validation of both these methods was performed as per ICH guidelines. The developed methods can routinely be used for estimation of both these drugs in their combined dosage form

    Enhanced Distributed File Replication Protocol for Efficient File Sharing in Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.

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    File sharing applications in mobile unintended networks (MANETs) have attracted additional and additional attention in recent years. The potency of file querying suffers from the distinctive properties of such networks as well as node quality and restricted communication vary and resource. associate degree intuitive methodology to alleviate this drawback is to form file replicas within the network. However, despite the efforts on file replication, no analysis has targeted on the worldwide optimum duplicate creation with minimum average querying delay. Specifically, current file replication protocols in mobile unintended networks have 2 shortcomings. First, they lack a rule to portion restricted resources to completely different files so as to reduce the typical querying delay. Second, they merely contemplate storage as offered resources for replicas, however neglect the actual fact that the file holders’ frequency of meeting different nodes additionally plays a crucial role in deciding file availableness. Actually, a node that contains a higher meeting frequency with others provides higher availableness to its files. This becomes even additional evident in sparsely distributed MANETs, during which nodes meet disruptively. during this paper, we have a tendency to introduce a replacement conception of resource for file replication, that considers each node storage and meeting frequency. we have a tendency to on paper study the influence of resource allocation on the typical querying delay and derive a resource allocation rule to reduce the typical querying delay. we have a tendency to additional propose a distributed file replication protocol to appreciate the projected rule. intensive trace-driven experiments with synthesized traces and real traces show that our protocol are able to do shorter average querying delay at a lower value than current replication protocols

    Two-photon microscopy-guided femtosecond-laser photoablation of avian cardiogenesis: Noninvasive creation of localized heart defects

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    Yalçın, Hüseyin Çağatay (Dogus Author)Embryonic heart formation is driven by complex feedback between genetic and hemodynamic stimuli. Clinical congenital heart defects (CHD), however, often manifest as localized microtissue malformations with no underlying genetic mutation, suggesting that altered hemodynamics during embryonic development may play a role. An investigation of this relationship has been impaired by a lack of experimental tools that can create locally targeted cardiac perturbations. Here we have developed noninvasive optical techniques that can modulate avian cardiogenesis to dissect relationships between alterations in mechanical signaling and CHD. We used two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy to monitor cushion and ventricular dynamics and femtosecond pulsed laser photoablation to target micrometer-sized volumes inside the beating chick hearts. We selectively photoablated a small (∼100 μm radius) region of the superior atrioventricular (AV) cushion in Hamburger-Hamilton 24 chick embryos. We quantified via ultrasound that the disruption causes AV regurgitation, which resulted in a venous pooling of blood and severe arterial constriction. At 48 h postablation, quantitative X-ray microcomputed tomography imaging demonstrated stunted ventricular growth and pronounced left atrial dilation. A histological analysis demonstrated that the laser ablation produced defects localized to the superior AV cushion: a small quasispherical region of cushion tissue was completely obliterated, and the area adjacent to the myocardial wall was less cellularized. Both cushions and myocardium were significantly smaller than sham-operated controls. Our results highlight that two-photon excited fluorescence coupled with femtosecond pulsed laser photoablation should be considered a powerful tool for studying hemodynamic signaling in cardiac morphogenesis through the creation of localized microscale defects that may mimic clinical CHD

    An Insight on Analytical Profile on Bisoprolol Fumarate – A Selective Beta-1 Adrenoreceptor Blocker

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    BF is Beta-adreno receptor antagonist and used as an AntiHypertensive Drug. BF gives the blocking action on β1-adrenergic receptors in the heart and vascular smooth muscle. The present review compiles the various approaches implemented for quantification of BF in bulk drug, pharmaceutical matrix and biological fluid. This review represents more than 50 analytical methods which include capillary electrophoresis, HPLC, HPTLC, UV-Spectroscopy, UPLC, impurity profiling and electrochemical methods implemented for estimation of BF as a single component as well as in multicomponent