2,926 research outputs found

    Quantum Phases of Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in a One Dimensional Optical Superlattice

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    We analyze various quantum phases of ultracold bosonic atoms in a periodic one dimensional optical superlattice. Our studies have been performed using the finite size density matrix renormalization group (FS-DMRG) method in the framework of the Bose-Hubbard model. Calculations have been carried out for a wide range of densities and the energy shifts due to the superlattice potential. At commensurate fillings, we find the Mott insulator and the superfluid phases as well as Mott insulators induced by the superlattice. At a particular incommensurate density, the system is found to be in the superfluid phase coexisting with density oscillations for a certain range of parameters of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    The experience of Infertility treatment: The male perspective

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    Current research surrounding infertility is focused primarily on women alone, thus removing men from the fertility equation. However, alternative research has indicated that although men also experience infertility, there is a paucity of research on men. Therefore, very little is understood about the experiences of infertility from the male perspective. This study adopted a qualitative approach in an attempt to explore the infertility experience from the perspective of men. Fifteen men who had experienced infertility were interviewed to explore their experiences. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse the data. Five superordinate themes were developed, these included: the influence of society on infertility, feeling unacknowledged, natural conception verses assisted conception, emotional reactions and improving the infertility experience. The findings of this research indicated that men experience infertility as a mentally, physically and socially demanding condition. Comparisons to previous research have been made and future research is proposed

    Makna Yuridis Kegoncangan Jiwa yang Hebat dalam Pasal 49 Ayat (2) Kuhp Berkaitan dengan Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan

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    Skripsi ini, penulis mengangkat permasalahan tentang makna kegoncangan jiwa yang hebat sebagai unsur penghapus pidana didalam pembelaan terpaksa melampaui batas pada pasal 49 ayat (2) KUHP. Terdapat kekaburan hukum dalam rumusan pasal 49 ayat (2) KUHP. Pembentuk undang-undang tidak menjelaskan secara rinci mengenai arti kegoncangan jiwa yang hebat. Penulis mengkaitkan pasal 49 ayat (2) KUHP dengan tindak pidana penganiayaan yang ada pada pasal 351 KUHP. Jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada yakni didalam hukum positif di Indonesia tidak mengatur lebih lanjut tentang makna dari kegoncangan jiwa yang hebat pada pasal 49 ayat (2) KUHP. Secara gramatikal makna kegoncangan jiwa yang hebat ialah suatu keadaan batin atau jiwa seseorang yang tidak tetap dalam artian menimbulkan suatu kegoncangan yang menyebabkan perasaan gelisah, perasaan takut, perasaan tidak aman, perasaan cemas yang dirasakan secara teramat sangat (dahsyat) yang berakibat terganggunya keadaan jiwa atau batin seseorang. Kasus Ratna diatas memenuhi unsur kegoncangan jiwa yang hebat, karena sebelumnya ada serangan terhadap kehormatan kesusilaannya, perbuatan ratna pantas tidak dipidana. Seharusnya Undang-undang memberikan penjelasan terhadap rumusan pasal secara rinci agar mudah dipahami masyarakat maupun penegak hukum. Hakim dapat menggunakan ilmu psikologi, dalam kaitannya menentukan seseorang mengalami kegoncangan jiwa yang hebat atau tidak dalam pembelaan yang dilakukan.Kata Kunci: Pembelaan Terpaksa Melampaui Batas, Kegoncangan Jiwa yang Hebat, Penganiayaa

    Hardcore bosons in a zig-zag optical superlattice

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    We study a system of hard-core bosons at half-filling in a one-dimensional optical superlattice. The bosons are allowed to hop to nearest and next-nearest neighbor sites producing a zig-zag geometry and we obtain the ground state phase diagram as a function of microscopic parameters using the finite-size density matrix renormalization group (FS-DMRG) method. Depending on the sign of the next-nearest neighbor hopping and the strength of the superlattice potential the system exhibits three different phases, namely the bond-order (BO) solid, the superlattice induced Mott insulator (SLMI) and the superfluid (SF) phase. When the signs of both hopping amplitudes are the same (the "unfrustrated" case), the system undergoes a transition from the SF to the SLMI at a non-zero value of the superlattice potential. On the other hand, when the two amplitudes differ in sign (the "frustrated" case), the SF is unstable to switching on a superlattice potential and also exists only up to a finite value of the next nearest neighbor hopping. This part of the phase diagram is dominated by the BO phase which breaks translation symmetry spontaneously even in the absence of the superlattice potential and can thus be characterized by a bond order parameter. The transition from BO to SLMI appears to be first order.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figure

    Mean field analysis of quantum phase transitions in a periodic optical superlattice

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    In this paper we analyze the various phases exhibited by a system of ultracold bosons in a periodic optical superlattice using the mean field decoupling approximation. We investigate for a wide range of commensurate and incommensurate densities. We find the gapless superfluid phase, the gapped Mott insulator phase, and gapped insulator phases with distinct density wave orders.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 4 table


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    Kota Solo merupakan salah satu kota terbesar di Jawa Tengah selain kota Semarang yang dijadikan sebagai ibukota propinsi. Dalam hal perekonomian kota Solo memiliki peranan penting terutama dalam bidang industri dan perdagangan. Sebagai penunjang perekonomian di bidang industri dan perdagangan, di kota Solo terdapat pasar (pasar tradisional) dan pasar modern (pusat perbelanjaan). Pasar – pasar tersebut dikelola oleh Dinas Pasar yang merupakan instansi pemerintahan yang ada di kota Solo. Pasar – pasar tersebut banyak tersebar di beberapa kecamatan di kota Solo. Karena banyaknya pasar yang tersebar di wilayah kecamatan yang ada di kota Solo maka dinas pasar khususnya dan masyarakat umumnya tidak dapat secara pasti mendapatkan informasi tentang keberadaan lokasi dan fasilitas – fasilitas yang ada di pasar seperti barang yang dijual, dan jumlah kios. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat Sistem Informasi Geografis berbasis web untuk mengetahui lokasi pasar tradisional dan pasar modern (pusat perbelanjaan), barang yang dijual, dan jumlah kios. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan pencarian di Internet. Metode yang dilakukan dalam merancang sistem informasi geografis pasar tradisional dan pasar modern (pusat perbelanjaan) di kota Solo berbasis web adalah dengan menganalisa kebutuhan sistem, merancang sistem, melakukan digitasi peta dengan perangkat lunak ArcView 3.3, mengimplementasikan program dengan PHP dan MySQL, dan menguji program. Untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap aplikasi ini dilakukan dengan metode black box test dan alpha test. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Pemetaan Lokasi Pasar Tradisional dan Pasar Modern (Pusat Perbelanjaan) di Kota Solo Berbasis Web yang dapat digunakan dinas pasar dan masyarakat untuk mengetahui lokasi pasar, barang yang dijual dipasar, dan jumlah kios. Kata kunci : SIG, Pasar, Pusat Perbelanjaan , Kota Solo, Web

    Meckel's diverticulitis due to actinomycosis

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    The patient was 36 years old female admitted due to periumbilical pain and anorexia since about 24 h prior to hospitalization. She underwent laparotomy with impression of acute appendicitis. Operative finding was Meckel's diverticulitis, so appendectomy and resection of diverticular bearing Ileum with end to end anastomosis was performed. Post operation course was uneventful and she discharged 5 days later. Pathological study confirmed the diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulitis due to actinomycosis as the cause of diverticular obstruction. The relatively rare incidence and preoperative diagnosis difficulties make publication of this case worthwhile

    Interplanetary Transit Simulations Using the International Space Station

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    It has been suggested that the International Space Station (ISS) be utilized to simulate the transit portion of long-duration missions to Mars and near-Earth asteroids (NEA). The ISS offers a unique environment for such simulations, providing researchers with a high-fidelity platform to study, enhance, and validate technologies and countermeasures for these long-duration missions. From a space life sciences perspective, two major categories of human research activities have been identified that will harness the various capabilities of the ISS during the proposed simulations. The first category includes studies that require the use of the ISS, typically because of the need for prolonged weightlessness. The ISS is currently the only available platform capable of providing researchers with access to a weightless environment over an extended duration. In addition, the ISS offers high fidelity for other fundamental space environmental factors, such as isolation, distance, and accessibility. The second category includes studies that do not require use of the ISS in the strictest sense, but can exploit its use to maximize their scientific return more efficiently and productively than in ground-based simulations. In addition to conducting Mars and NEA simulations on the ISS, increasing the current increment duration on the ISS from 6 months to a longer duration will provide opportunities for enhanced and focused research relevant to long-duration Mars and NEA missions. Although it is currently believed that increasing the ISS crew increment duration to 9 or even 12 months will pose little additional risk to crewmembers, additional medical monitoring capabilities may be required beyond those currently used for the ISS operations. The use of the ISS to simulate aspects of Mars and NEA missions seems practical, and it is recommended that planning begin soon, in close consultation with all international partners