508 research outputs found


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    Nowadays banks are offering various services through different schemes. The segment wise schemes are sorted by commercial banks. Activity of bank in every sector is the heart beat of the development of human as well as the nation. So, the banks are disbursing equal priority to all the sectors. Even though different industries spread across the nation, agriculture is the leading sector of the nation. The banks are targeting the agricultural activities, based on that several schemes are introducing to the benefits of the agriculture activity. The schemes of banks for agriculture priority are such as agriculture loan, agriculture mortgage, crop loan, crop subsidy, and agriculture vehicle subsidy etc. In this paper discuss in detail about the commercial bank’s lending performance to agriculture sector

    Classical bifurcations and entanglement in smooth Hamiltonian system

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    We study entanglement in two coupled quartic oscillators. It is shown that the entanglement, as measured by the von Neumann entropy, increases with the classical chaos parameter for generic chaotic eigenstates. We consider certain isolated periodic orbits whose bifurcation sequence affects a class of quantum eigenstates, called the channel localized states. For these states, the entanglement is a local minima in the vicinity of a pitchfork bifurcation but is a local maxima near a anti-pitchfork bifurcation. We place these results in the context of the close connections that may exist between entanglement measures and conventional measures of localization that have been much studied in quantum chaos and elsewhere. We also point to an interesting near-degeneracy that arises in the spectrum of reduced density matrices of certain states as an interplay of localization and symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Integrated Computer Aided Planning and Manufacture of Advanced Technology Jet Engines

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    This paper highlights an attempt at evolving a computer aided manufacturing system on a personal computer. A case study of an advanced technology jet engine component is included to illustrate various outputs from the system. The proposed system could be an alternate solution to sophisticated and expensive CAD/CAM workstations

    A numerical study of the target system of an ADSS with different flow guides

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    The mechanical design of the target module of an accelerator driven sub- critical nuclear reactor system (ADSS) calls for an analysis of the related thermal-hydraulic issues because of large amount of heat deposition in the spallation region during the course of nuclear interactions with the molten lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) target. The LBE also should carry the entire heat generated as a consequence of the spallation reaction. The problem of heat removal by the LBE is a challenging thermal-hydraulic issue. For this, one has to examine the flows of low Prandtl number fluids (LBE) in a complex ADSS geometry. In this study, the equations governing the laminar flow and thermal energy are solved numerically using the streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) finite element (FE) method. The target systems with a straight and a nozzle guide have been considered. The principal purpose of the analysis is to trace the flow and temperature distribution and thereby to check the suitability of the flow guide in avoiding the recirculation or stagnation zones in the flow space that may lead to hot spots


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    Objective: The Purpose of this work was to design mucoadhesive tablets of prochlorperazine maleate to release the drug in buccal cavity for an extended period of time in order to avoid the first-pass metabolism.Methods: Six formulations were prepared using different polymer like Xanthan gum, Locust bean gum, Carbopol 974P NF, HPMC K100MCR, Polyox-WSR301 and Gantrez AN139 as a mucoadhesive and controlled release agents. The formulations were tested for content uniformity, thickness, weight variation, friability, in vitro drug release, in-vitro bio-adhesion, swelling index and residence time.Results: Drug excipient compatibility studies performed using DSC. The DSC studies revealed endothermic peak at 200o–205oC for Prochlorperazine maleate. Similarly endothermic peaks were obtained for separate excipient when heated in the range of 50-300 °C indicating their melting points. There was no separate peak observed when the drug was mixed with the different polymers like Xanthan gum, locust bean gum, Carbopol 974 P, HPMC K100 MCR, Gantrez AN139 and Polyox-WSR301 in ratio (1:1) indicating that no interaction took place between drug and polymers used in the study. Dissolution studies of the tablets of the optimized batch (BDS-6) containing Carbopol 974P (CP) and HPMC K100 MCR showed extended release 90.65% up to 24 hr. The bioadhesive force of optimized formulation is 12.18±.011 gm and the maximum swelling index was observed in 3.87±.0057 h.Conclusion: From the study it can be concluded that formulation BDS-6 containing Carbopol and HPMC K100 MCR give a promising result for sustained release action of PrM. Â

    Isolation, Identification, Morphological Studies and Lipid Granules Staining (Nile red) of Different Micro-Algae for Biodiesel Production from Fresh Water and Saline Water

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    In the present study, the algal samples were collected from temple tanks, saline water in Chennai, Mahapaliburam and Kovallam. Collections were carried out during the month of September 2010 and February 2011. Samples were studied in the laboratory and identified. In their surveyed the population, identification, morphological, and examined the Nile red method with microalgae genus of various classes. Various physical and chemical treatments were applied to the existing Nile red method to improve the effectiveness and efficiency. The following algae were present Chlorella vulgaris, Nannnochloropsis, Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis suecica, Chlorococcum humicolo, Scenedesmus acuminatus, Amphora coffeaformis, and Nitzschia longissima. Algae are described with photographs

    Role of sonography in the assessment of dengue fever with serological correlation

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    Background: Dengue, caused by a flavivirus has emerged as a major public health problem in the Indian subcontinent. This study was to assess severity of disease by ultrasound findings and to correlate ultrasound findings with blood platelet count.Methods: A Cross sectional study carried out on 210 subjects who had serologically proven dengue fever were included in the study. Ultrasound of abdomen, pelvis and thorax was performed and imaging features were analysed by descriptive and analytical statistics using SPSS version 16. Chi-Square test used and P values ≤ 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.Results: Mean age of patients 42± 19 years with 106(50.5%) males and 104(49.5%) females. The Gall bladder wall thickening was noted in majority (92.8%) of the study subjects followed by Right peri-renal collection in 112(53.3%), Splenomegaly in 105(50.0%) subjects and Hepatomegaly in 66(31.4%). The sonographic abnormalities including Gall bladder wall thickening, Right, Left and Bilateral perirenal collection, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Right and Left pleural effusion, were significantly higher in study subjects with decreased platelet count.Ascites was the commonest finding in 76 study subjects with platelet count between 60000-79000 (36.2%) and in 144 study subjects (68.5%) in the 20-59 years age group. As the   platelet count decreased the severity of ascites increased and was statistically significant (p≤0.05).Conclusions: A patient who presents with sonographically recognizable complications is more likely to have disease that requires immediate and aggressive management.

    Review on Sparse-Based Multipath Estimation and Mitigation: Intense Solution to Counteract the Effects in Software GPS Receivers

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    Multipath is the major concern in GPS receivers that fade the actual GPS signal causes positioning error up to 10 m so special care need to be taken to mitigate the multipath effects. Numerous methods like hardware based antenna arrays technique, receiver based narrow correlator receiver, double -delta discriminator, Adaptive Multipath Estimator, Wavelet Transformation and Particle filter, Kalman filter based post receiver methods etc. used to resolve the problem. But some of the methods can only reduce code multipath error but not effective in eliminating carrier multipath error. Most of these techniques are based on the assumption that the Line-of-Sight (LOS) signal is stronger than the Non-Line of-Sight (NLOS) signals. However, in the scenarios where the LOS signal is weaker than the composite multipath signal, this approach may result in a bias in code tracking. In this chapter, different types of multipath mitigation and its limitation are described. The recent development in sparse signal processing based blind channel estimation is investigated to compensate the multipath error. The Rayleigh and Rician fading model with different multipath parameters are simulated to test the urban scenario. The inverse problem of finding the GPS signal is addressed based on the deconvolution approach. To solve linear inverse problems, the suitable kind of appropriate objective function has been formulated to find the signal of interest. By exploiting this methods, the signal is observed and the carrier and code tracking loop parameters are computed with minimal error

    Mining Privacy-Preserving Association Rules based on Parallel Processing in Cloud Computing

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    With the onset of the Information Era and the rapid growth of information technology, ample space for processing and extracting data has opened up. However, privacy concerns may stifle expansion throughout this area. The challenge of reliable mining techniques when transactions disperse across sources is addressed in this study. This work looks at the prospect of creating a new set of three algorithms that can obtain maximum privacy, data utility, and time savings while doing so. This paper proposes a unique double encryption and Transaction Splitter approach to alter the database to optimize the data utility and confidentiality tradeoff in the preparation phase. This paper presents a customized apriori approach for the mining process, which does not examine the entire database to estimate the support for each attribute. Existing distributed data solutions have a high encryption complexity and an insufficient specification of many participants' properties. Proposed solutions provide increased privacy protection against a variety of attack models. Furthermore, in terms of communication cycles and processing complexity, it is much simpler and quicker. Proposed work tests on top of a realworld transaction database demonstrate that the aim of the proposed method is realistic
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