17 research outputs found

    Intra-subject repeatability of in vivo intervertebral motion parameters using quantitative fluoroscopy.

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    Purpose: In vivo quantification of intervertebral motion through imaging has progressed to a point where biomarkers for low back pain are emerging. This makes possible deeper study of the condition’s biometrics. However, the measurement of change over time involves error. The purpose of this prospective investigation is to determine the intra-subject repeatability of six in vivo intervertebral motion parameters using quantitative fluoroscopy. Methods: Intra-subject reliability (ICC) and minimal detectable change (MDC) of baseline to 6-week follow-up measurements were calculated for 6 lumbar spine intervertebral motion parameters in 109 healthy volunteers. A standardised quantitative fluoroscopy (QF) protocol was used to provide measurements in the coronal and sagittal planes using both passive recumbent and active weight bearing motion. Parameters were: intervertebral range of motion (IV-RoM), laxity, motion sharing inequality (MSI), motion sharing variability (MSV), flexion translation, and anterior disc height change during flexion. Results: The best overall intra subject reliability (ICC) and agreement (MDT) were for disc height (ICC 0.89, MDC 43%) and IV-RoM (ICC 0.96, MDC 60%) and the worst for MSV (ICC 0.04, MCD 408%). Laxity, MSI and translation had acceptable reliability (most ICCs >0.60), but not agreement (MDC >85%). Conclusion: Disc height and IV-RoM measurement using QF could be considered for randomised trials while laxity, MSI and translation could be considered for moderators, correlates or mediators of patient reported outcomes. MSV had both poor reliability and agreement over 6 weeks

    Manifestations stomatologiques liees au VIH a Lome

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    Objectif: décrire les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques des manifestations stomatologiques des personnes infectées par le VIH dans un centre de prise en charge à Lomé.Patients et méthode: Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale descriptive réalisée sur une période de 6 mois portant sur 100 personnes infectées par le VIH chez lesquels les aspects stomatologiques ont été étudiés.Résultats: La prévalence était de 0,3%. La population était constituée de 72% de femmes et 38% d’hommes. L’âge moyen était de 39,3 ans ± 7,5 avec des extrêmes allant de de 12 à 78 ans. La tranche de 35 à 49 (45%) était la plus représentée. Le taux de CD4 était inférieur à 200/mm3 chez 38 patients. Les symptômes étaient les plaies buccales (57%) des cas, des douleurs à l’alimentation (47%). Les candidoses (26,6%), étaient les plus retrouvées suivies des stomatites banales (14%), les adénopathies (14%), avec un cas de zona mandibulaireConclusion: Les affections buccales sont fréquemment associées au VIH/SIDA à Lomé et leur connaissance s’avère nécessaire pour la prise en charge globale des personnes infectées.Mots-clés: manifestations stomatologiques, VIH, épidémiologieEnglish Title: Oral manifestations of HIV infection at LomeEnglish AbstractObjective: To describe the epidemiological and clinical aspects of stomatological manifestations of people infected with HIV in a treatment center in Lomé.Patients and methods: This was descriptive study, 6-month study of 100 HIV-infected individuals in which the stomatological aspects were studied.Results: The prevalence was 0.3%. The population was made up of 72% women and 38% men. The mean age was 39.3 years ± 7.5 with extremes ranging from 12 to 78 years. The 35 to 49 (45%) group was the most represented. The CD4 count was less than 200 / mm3 in 38 patients. Symptoms were mouth wounds (57%), diet pains (47%). Candidosis (26.6%) were the most common, followed by stomatitis (14%), nodes (14%), and a case of mandibular shingles.Conclusion: Oral diseases are frequently associated with HIV / AIDS in Lomé and their knowledge is necessary for the overall care of infected persons.Keywords: oral manifestations, HIV, epidemiolog