97 research outputs found

    Panton–Valentine leukocidin is expressed at toxic levels in human skin abscesses

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    AbstractPus samples were prospectively collected from patients with Staphylococcus aureus skin infections and tested for Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL). PVL was detected at concentrations that were toxic for rabbit skin in all specimens from patients infected with strains harbouring PVL genes

    Early-onset ventilator-associated pneumonia incidence in intensive care units: a surveillance-based study

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) within the first 48 hours of intensive care unit (ICU) stay has been poorly investigated. The objective was to estimate early-onset VAP occurrence in ICUs within 48 hours after admission. METHODS: We analyzed data from prospective surveillance between 01/01/2001 and 31/12/2009 in 11 ICUs of Lyon hospitals (France). The inclusion criteria were: first ICU admission, not hospitalized before admission, invasive mechanical ventilation during first ICU day, free of antibiotics at admission, and ICU stay >=48 hours. VAP was defined according to a national protocol. Its incidence was the number of events per 1,000 invasive mechanical ventilation-days. The Poisson regression model was fitted from day 2 (D2) to D8 to incident VAP to estimate the expected VAP incidence from D0 to D1 of ICU stay. RESULTS: Totally, 367 (10.8%) of 3,387 patients in 45,760 patient-days developed VAP within the first 9 days. The predicted cumulative VAP incidence at D0 and D1 was 5.3 (2.6-9.8) and 8.3 (6.1-11.1), respectively. The predicted cumulative VAP incidence was 23.0 (20.8-25.3) at D8. The proportion of missed VAP within 48 hours from admission was 11% (9%-17%). CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates underestimation of early-onset VAP incidence in ICUs, if only VAP occurring [greater than or equal to]48 hours is considered to be hospital-acquired. Clinicians should be encouraged to develop a strategy for early detection after ICU admission

    The triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM) in inflammatory bowel disease pathogenesis

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    The Triggering Receptors Expressed on Myeloid cells (TREM) are a family of cell-surface molecules that control inflammation, bone homeostasis, neurological development and blood coagulation. TREM-1 and TREM-2, the best-characterized receptors so far, play divergent roles in several infectious diseases. In the intestine, TREM-1 is highly expressed by macrophages, contributing to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) pathogenesis. Contrary to current understanding, TREM-2 also promotes inflammation in IBD by fueling dendritic cell functions. This review will focus specifically on recent insights into the role of TREM proteins in IBD development, and discuss opportunities for novel treatment approaches

    Utjecaj desflurana i sevoflurana na razine oksidativnog stresa u tkivima štakora

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    General anaesthetics are often used in patients who are under oxidative stress due to a critical illness or surgical trauma. Some anaesthetics may worsen oxidative stress and some may act as antioxidants. The aim of this study was to evaluate liver, brain, kidney, and lung tissue oxidative stress in rats exposed to desflurane and sevoflurane and in unexposed rats. The animals were divided in three groups: control (received only air); sevoflurane (8 %), and desflurane (4 %). After four hours of exposure, we evaluated the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), Cu, and Zn. Exposure to either of the anaesthetics significantly increased lung MDA levels compared to control (Mann-Whitney U test; P<0.05), probably because it is the tissue directly exposed to anaesthetic gases. Oxidative stress and antioxidant activity in other tissues varied between the desflurane and sevoflurane groups. Our results suggest that anaesthesiologist should not only be aware of the oxidative or antioxidative potential of anaesthetics they use, but should also base their choices on organs which are the most affected by their oxidative actionkisikovih radikala tako i zbog smanjene aktivnosti obrambenih sustava koji se mogu oduprijeti njihovu djelovanju. Stoga su saznanja o antioksidativnom kapacitetu anestetika koji se primjenjuju prije nekoga kirurškog zahvata vrlo važna i od velikog su kliničkog značenja. Sevofl uran i desfl uran su inhalacijski anestetici koji se učestalo rabe u svrhu uvođenja bolesnika u anesteziju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razine oksidativnog stresa u različitim tkivima štakora i usporediti razlike u odgovoru tkiva na izlaganje navedenim anesteticima. U tu svrhu razine oksidativnog stresa izmjerili smo u jetri, mozgu, bubrezima i plućima štakora podijeljenih u tri eksperimentalne skupine. Kontrolna skupina udisala je samo zrak, dok su druge dvije skupine izložene 8 %-tnomu sevofl uranu te 4 %-tnomu desfl uranu tijekom 4 h. Nakon završetka obrade životinje su žrtvovane i uzimani su im uzorci tkiva za biokemijske analize. Mjerena je razina malondialdehida (MDA), aktivnst enzima superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) te razine bakra i cinka. Izloženost anesteticima izazvala je oksidativni stres u plućima, na što upućuje značajno povišena razina MDA (Mann-Whitney U-test P<0.05) izmjerena u plućnom tkivu štakora obiju izloženih skupina u odnosu na kontrolu. Plućno je tkivo u odnosu na ostala tkiva podložnije štetnim utjecajima reaktivnih kisikovih radikala vjerojatno stoga što je ono prvo izloženo plinovitim anesteticima nakon njihova ulaska u organizam. Razine oksidativnog stresa i antioksidativne aktivnosti koje smo izmjerili u ostalim tkivima bile su različite te su ovisile o primijenjenom anestetiku. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da bi se zbog različitog odgovora tkiva izbor anestetika trebao provoditi na individualnoj osnovi

    Impact of species and antibiotic therapy of enterococcal peritonitis on 30-day mortality in critical care - An analysis of the OUTCOMEREA database

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    Introduction: Enterococcus species are associated with an increased morbidity in intraabdominal infections (IAI). However, their impact on mortality remains uncertain. Moreover, the influence on outcome of the appropriate or inappropriate status of initial antimicrobial therapy (IAT) is subjected to debate, except in septic shock. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether an IAT that did not cover Enterococcus spp. was associated with 30-day mortality in ICU patients presenting with IAI growing with Enterococcus spp. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of French database OutcomeRea from 1997 to 2016. We included all patients with IAI with a peritoneal sample growing with Enterococcus. Primary endpoint was 30-day mortality. Results: Of the 1017 patients with IAI, 76 (8%) patients were included. Thirty-day mortality in patients with inadequate IAT against Enterococcus was higher (7/18 (39%) vs 10/58 (17%), p = 0.05); however, the incidence of postoperative complications was similar. Presence of Enterococcus spp. other than E. faecalis alone was associated with a significantly higher mortality, even greater when IAT was inadequate. Main risk factors for having an Enterococcus other than E. faecalis alone were as follows: SAPS score on day 0, ICU-acquired IAI, and antimicrobial therapy within 3 months prior to IAI especially with third-generation cephalosporins. Univariate analysis found a higher hazard ratio of death with an Enterococcus other than E. faecalis alone that had an inadequate IAT (HR = 4.4 [1.3-15.3], p = 0.019) versus an adequate IAT (HR = 3.1 [1.0-10.0], p = 0.053). However, after adjusting for confounders (i.e., SAPS II and septic shock at IAI diagnosis, ICU-acquired peritonitis, and adequacy of IAT for other germs), the impact of the adequacy of IAT was no longer significant in multivariate analysis. Septic shock at diagnosis and ICU-acquired IAI were prognostic factors. Conclusion: An IAT which does not cover Enterococcus is associated with an increased 30-day mortality in ICU patients presenting with an IAI growing with Enterococcus, especially when it is not an E. faecalis alone. It seems reasonable to use an IAT active against Enterococcus in severe postoperative ICU-acquired IAI, especially when a third-generation cephalosporin has been used within 3 months. © 2019 The Author(s)