24,740 research outputs found

    Proper Matter Collineations of Plane Symmetric Spacetimes

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    We investigate matter collineations of plane symmetric spacetimes when the energy-momentum tensor is degenerate. There exists three interesting cases where the group of matter collineations is finite-dimensional. The matter collineations in these cases are either four, six or ten in which four are isometries and the rest are proper.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex, accepted for publication in Modern Physics Letters

    Loop Variables and Gauge Invariant Interactions - I

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    We describe a method of writing down interacting equations for all the modes of the bosonic open string. It is a generalization of the loop variable approach that was used earlier for the free, and lowest order interacting cases. The generalization involves, as before, the introduction of a parameter to label the different strings involved in an interaction. The interacting string has thus becomes a ``band'' of finite width. The interaction equations expressed in terms of loop variables, has a simple invariance that is exact even off shell. A consistent definition of space-time fields requires the fields to be functions of all the infinite number of gauge coordinates (in addition to space time coordinates). The theory is formulated in one higher dimension, where the modes appear massless. The dimensional reduction that is needed to make contact with string theory (which has been discussed earlier for the free case) is not discussed here.Comment: 40 pages, Latex. Revised version: some typos corrected. Final version to appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Tachyon field inspired dark energy and supernovae constraints

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    The tachyon field in cosmology is studied by applying the generating function method to obtain exact solutions. The equation of state parameter of the tachyon field is w=−1+ϔϕ2˙w=-1+\epsilon\dot{\phi^2}, which can be expressed as a function in terms of the redshift zz. Based on these solutions, we propose some tachyon-inspired dark energy models to explore the properties of the corresponding cosmological evolution. The explicit relations between Hubble parameter and redshift enable us to test the models with SNe Ia data sets easily. In the current work we employ the SNe Ia data with the parameter A\mathcal{A} measured from the SDSS and the shift parameter R\mathcal{R} from WMAP observations to constrain the parameters in our models.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; v2: accepted by IJMP

    Delocalized, non-SUSY pp-branes, tachyon condensation and tachyon matter

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    We construct non-supersymmetric pp-brane solutions of type II supergravities in arbitrary dimensions (dd) delocalized in one of the spatial transverse directions. By a Wick rotation we convert these solutions into Euclidean pp-branes delocalized in the transverse time-like direction. The former solutions in d=10d=10 nicely interpolate between the (p+1)(p+1)-dimensional non-BPS D-branes and the pp-dimensional BPS D-branes very similar to the picture of tachyon condensation for the tachyonic kink solution on the non-BPS D-branes. On the other hand the latter solutions interpolate between the (p+1)(p+1)-dimensional non-BPS D-branes and the tachyon matter supergravity configuration very similar to the picture of rolling tachyon on the non-BPS D-branes.Comment: 15 pages, typos correcte

    Black Hole Entropy Function and the Attractor Mechanism in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    We study extremal black hole solutions in D dimensions with near horizon geometry AdS_2\times S^{D-2} in higher derivative gravity coupled to other scalar, vector and anti-symmetric tensor fields. We define an entropy function by integrating the Lagrangian density over S^{D-2} for a general AdS_2\times S^{D-2} background, taking the Legendre transform of the resulting function with respect to the parameters labelling the electric fields, and multiplying the result by a factor of 2\pi. We show that the values of the scalar fields at the horizon as well as the sizes of AdS_2 and S^{D-2} are determined by extremizing this entropy function with respect to the corresponding parameters, and the entropy of the black hole is given by the value of the entropy function at this extremum. Our analysis relies on the analysis of the equations of motion and does not directly make use of supersymmetry or specific structure of the higher derivative terms.Comment: LaTeX file, 12page

    Background Independent Algebraic Structures in Closed String Field Theory

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    We construct a Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) algebra on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. This algebra is background independent in that it makes no reference to a state space of a conformal field theory. Conformal theories define a homomorphism of this algebra to the BV algebra of string functionals. The construction begins with a graded-commutative free associative algebra \C built from the vector space whose elements are orientable subspaces of moduli spaces of punctured Riemann surfaces. The typical element here is a surface with several connected components. The operation Δ\Delta of sewing two punctures with a full twist is shown to be an odd, second order derivation that squares to zero. It follows that (\C, \Delta) is a Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra. We introduce the odd operator ή=∂+ℏΔ\delta = \partial + \hbar\Delta, where ∂\partial is the boundary operator. It is seen that ή2=0\delta^2=0, and that consistent closed string vertices define a cohomology class of ή\delta. This cohomology class is used to construct a Lie algebra on a quotient space of \C. This Lie algebra gives a manifestly background independent description of a subalgebra of the closed string gauge algebra.Comment: phyzzx.tex, MIT-CTP-234

    Entropy Function for Heterotic Black Holes

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    We use the entropy function formalism to study the effect of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the entropy of spherically symmetric extremal black holes in heterotic string theory in four dimensions. Surprisingly the resulting entropy and the near horizon metric, gauge field strengths and the axion-dilaton field are identical to those obtained by Cardoso et. al. for a supersymmetric version of the theory that contains Weyl tensor squared term instead of the Gauss-Bonnet term. We also study the effect of holomorphic anomaly on the entropy using our formalism. Again the resulting attractor equations for the axion-dilaton field and the black hole entropy agree with the corresponding equations for the supersymmetric version of the theory. These results suggest that there might be a simpler description of supergravity with curvature squared terms in which we supersymmetrize the Gauss-Bonnet term instead of the Weyl tensor squared term.Comment: LaTeX file, 23 pages; v2: references added; v3: minor addition; v4: minor change

    Tachyon condensation in open-closed p-adic string theory

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    We study a simple model of p-adic closed and open strings. It sheds some light on the dynamics of tachyon condensation for both types of strings. We calculate the effect of static and decaying D-brane configurations on the closed string background. For closed string tachyons we find lumps analogous to D-branes. By studying their fluctuation spectrum and the D-branes they admit, we argue that closed string lumps should be interpreted as spacetimes of lower dimensionality described by some noncritical p-adic string theory.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures; v2: discussion of the fluctuations of the double lump substantially improve

    Gauge Invariant Action for the Open Bosonic String: Tachyon Action

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    A gauge invariant action for the open bosonic string has been proposed in an earlier paper. We work out the consequences of this proposal for the lowest mode, viz. the tachyon. The action can be calculated for generic momenta, perturbatively, order by order in the tachyon field. For on shell tachyons we explicitly calculate the cubic action and show that it reproduces the correct equations of motion and coincides wih the ÎČ\beta function to the required order. The calculation is done in terms of bare fields with a finite cutoff, which is the original prescription. We also show that it is possible in some momentum regions to renormalize the theory and eliminate the cutoff dependence so that the continuum limit can be taken. After renormalization, the parameter RaR\over a is replaced by RLR\over L where RR is an IR cutoff, aa is the UV cutoff and LL is some renormalization scale. There is also some arbitrariness in the overall normalization due to the choice of regularization scheme - this does not affect on-shell quantities. We also rederive within this scheme, the action in the region of zero momentum, which gives the exact (tree level) tachyon potential. The tachyon potential is consistent with Sen's conjecture that the height of the potential is the same as the tension of the brane.Comment: 31 pages, Late

    On the dyon partition function in N=2 theories

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    We study the entropy function of two N =2 string compactifications obtained as freely acting orbifolds of N=4 theories : the STU model and the FHSV model. The Gauss-Bonnet term for these compactifications is known precisely. We apply the entropy function formalism including the contribution of this four derivative term and evaluate the entropy of dyons to the first subleading order in charges for these models. We then propose a partition function involving the product of three Siegel modular forms of weight zero which reproduces the degeneracy of dyonic black holes in the STU model to the first subleading order in charges. The proposal is invariant under all the duality symmetries of the STU model. For the FHSV model we write down an approximate partition function involving a Siegel modular form of weight four which captures the entropy of dyons in the FHSV model in the limit when electric charges are much larger than magnetic charges.Comment: 48 page
