90 research outputs found

    Selayang Pandang Seni Marching Band

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    Konon, Marching Band lahir pada pasca Perang Dunia II. Kegiatan ini bermula dari prakarsa para veteran PDII. Untuk mengenang patriotisme mereka, bersama generasi muda yang ada dilingkungannya mereka membentuk korps musik dengan memainkan lagu- lagu mars nostalgia PD II sambil berparde keliling kota dalam acara-acara seremonial maupun celebration. Karena memang pada awal pembentukan nya bertujuan untuk bernostalgia Perang Dunia II yang merekam banyak kenangan peristiwa-peristiwa dahsyat itu, maka pada awalnya kegitan ini diberi nama Military Band yang kemudian dalam perkembangannya berganti nama Marching Band hingga sekarang. Berawal dari kegiatan itulah kini Marching Band kian berkembang dan menjadi sebuah kegiatan yang positif yang melibatkan para pemuda dan tidak hanya terbatas pada kegiatan parade saja. Hingga saat ini Marching Band sudah merupakan jenis entertain musical show yang kaya akan warna-warni artistikal, baik musik maupun visual. Oleh kareananya mereka tidak terbatas memainkan lagu-lagi mars saja. Lagu-lagu Pop, Jazz dan bahkan Lagu-lagu Klasik dan Opera kini merupakan bagian dari musical program mereka. Tulisan ini menceritakan sedikit tentang pengertian, pengetahuan dasar, dan style (gaya), jenis, alat dan person yang ada dalam Marching Band

    Kesenyapan (Silence) Dalam Percakapan Bahasa Jerman

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    Dalam kaidah percakapan, ajasensi atau pasangan bersesuaian dirumuskan dalam peristiwa tutur atau peristiwa berbahasa untuk aktivitas-aktivitas yang diatur oleh norma-norma pengguna percakapan. Salah satu peristiwa berbahasa itu dapat di bentuk dalam sebuah pola pasangan yang disebut dengan bentuk kesenyapan (silence). Kesenyapan dalam percakapan berkaitan dengan urutan sisipan (insertion sequence) yang tujuannya sebagai bentuk penundaan penyampaian maksud atau tujuan dalam berbahasa. Demikian juga dengan bahasa Jerman, secara umum memiliki struktur percakapan dan kaidah kesenyapan yang dapat di analisis dalam wacana-wacana percakapan Jerman

    Development of Sybr Green I-Based Melting Curve Method for HER2I655V Polymorphism Detection in Breast Cancer

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    Background: Currently available molecular method to detect HER2I655V polymorphism such as PCR-RFLP is hampered by the costly experimental method, and post-PCR treatment requirement that makes this technique is not meeting for high-throughput analysis purpose. In this study, we developed an accurate, simple, low cost and rapid test to detect polymorphism at HER2 gene using SBR Green I based-melting curve method. Methods: Two forward allele-specific primers and one common reverse primer were used then these primers were tested to discriminate known genotypes of genomic templates (GG type or AA type) and genomic samples retrieved from breast cancer patients. Results: Melting curve analysis derived from SYBR Green I-based allele-specific PCR with defined primers concentration and annealing temperature at 54.3 °C showed good discrimination level of Tm peaks in which GG genotype melted at 89 °C slightly higher than AA genotype which melted at 86 °C, while AG genotype harbored both of homozygous Tm characteristics. Conclusions: This preliminary result will be as basic for further large-scale typing of HER2I655V polymorphism.&nbsp

    Upaya ASEAN Dalam Menyelesaikan Konflik Laut Cina Selatan Tahun 2010-2015

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    This research describes roles of ASEAN in resolution conflict of South China Sea in 2010-2015. South China Sea are one of High Seas in International seas that have a 3,5 million mil. South China Sea has a big potency in a mineral resources and as a International matirim ways. Since 1974 Tiongkok has claim South China Sea as a their territory and it's make a complain from the ASEAN member state especially Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darusalam, Vietnam and Filiphina.The writer collects data from books, encyclopedia, journal, mass media and websites to analyze the roles of ASEAN in resolution conflict of South China Sea. The theories applied in this research are pliralism perspective with the International organization theory by Clive Archer.The result of this research shows that the roles of ASEAN in resolution conflict of South China Sea are used by diplomacy ways approach and instrument of International law. Some effort of ASEAN are in 2011 ASEAN has implemented code of Conduct dan Declaration on the Conduct (DOC) of Parties in the South Tiongkok Sea, ASEAN member has optimaled ASEAN Regional Forum ways and ASEAN Political Security Community in resolution conflict of South China Sea and ASEAN members held a ministrial meeting to create a peacefull in South Cina Seas territory

    Detection of Human Group a and C Rotaviruses in Pediatric Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis by Real TIME RT-PCR Assay: a Preliminary Study

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    Rotavirus causes 25–55% of all hospital admissions for diarrhea and approximately 611.000 deaths every year in developing countries. Clinically, it is not possible to recognize the diarrhea caused by rotavirus and other infections. To know a causative agent of rotavirus gastroenteritis, availability of an accurate diagnosis assay is necessary. Therefore, we developed real time RT-PCR assay (rRT-PCR) assay for confirmation of infections of Group A or C rotaviruses simultaneously. A total of 54 stool samples obtained from pediatric patients (< 5 years old) was used in this study. All samples were tested for Group A rotavirus by Serological rapid test. Result of serological rapid test was compared with rRT-PCR assay to obtain the test accuracies of both assays. Result of this study showed that rates of positive testing for Group A rotavirus by serological rapid test and the rRT-PCR assay were 22.22% and 18.50%, respectively. Forty-two serology-negative specimens for Group A rotavirus were also PCR negative (100% specificity). Two serology-positive specimens for Group A rotavirus was rRT-PCR negative (confirmed by electrophoresis gel); therefore, rRT-PCR assay represents the decrease of 3.70% in the number of specimens that are positive for Group A rotavirus. For Group C rotavirus, all tested samples were no rRT-PCR positive and the results need to be confirmed in the future

    Pengaruh Konsumsi Pisang Ambon terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Pralansia yang Mengalami Hipertensi di Dusun VIII Desa Tembung

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    Memasuki usia lanjut atau pra lansia terutama pada wanita mulai mengalami penurunan fungsi salah satunya pada sistem peredaran. Dimana terjadi penurunan dinding pembuluh darah yang menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan darah pada lanjut usia. Salah satu cara upaya peningkatan yaitu dengan cara mengkonsumsi pisang ambon karena didalam buah tersebut terdapat kandungan kalium yang cukup tinggi untuk menetralkan natrium dalam darah sehingga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi pisang ambon terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada pra lansia yang mengalami hipertensi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah QuasyEksprimen dengan desaign penelitian one group pre test and post test dimana dalam penelitian ini tidak ada kelompok pembanding dengan responden 30 orang. hasil uji penelitian ini menggunakan uji Mc Nemar (<0,05) didapat nilai penurunan tekanan darah sebelum konsumsi pisang ambon (3,33%) dan sesudah konsumsi pisang ambon (93,33%) maka didat hasil Sig 0,00 (nilai p).kesimpulan adanya pengaruh konsumsi pisang ambon terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada pra lansia yang mengalami hipertensi di Desa tembung Dususn VII tahun 2018

    Cognitive Structure Strengthening Students of Smk N 1 Arse Class XII with Learning Model Advance Organizer by Grant Structured Lks Based Apos Theory

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    The purpose of this research: (1) Improving Students' Cognitive Structures through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory, (2) Improving student activity through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory. This research was a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out at SMK Negeri 1 Arse South Tapanuli. The research subject was grade 12 students of academy year 2012/2013 consisting 31 students, namely 18 males and 13 females. Object on this research were the student activity and student learning outcomes through the Advance Organizer Model Learning by giving Structured Worksheets based on APOS Theory. The research consisted of two cycles, each cycle consisting of three meetings. Test of achievement conducted at the end of each cycle. Test of achievement consisting of 15 questions. The results of the research are: (1) There is an increased of student learning outcomes on class XII Agribusiness Crop/Horticulture SMK Negeri 1 Arse which showed an increase in cognitive structure indicated strengthening of: (a) Outcomes of achievement test in the first cycle, namely: the average = 63.66; percentage of completeness = 41.94%, (b) Outcomes of achievement test in the second cycle, namely: the average = 82.58; percentage of completeness 90.32%. The percentage of completeness 48.39%, and the index gain 0.51 or moderate improvement criteria. (2) There is an increased of student activity on class XII Agribusiness Crop/Horticulture SMK Negeri 1 Arse shown from: first cycle is only the average of 59.72 up to 74.47 in the second cycle

    The Analysis of Significance Difference in Writing Achievement Among the Students Who Are Introvert, Extrovert, and Ambivert

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    The objective of this research was to investigate significant difference among personality types in students\u27 writing achievement. The samples of the research comprised the third semester students of English Department of IAIN Bengkulu, academic year 2015/2016. The research design was ex - post facto. The result showed that the comparison result of writing achievement between introvert and extrovert types showed that Sig ?, thus the alternative hypothesis was rejected. In conclusion, there was significance difference in writing achievement between introvert and both of extrovert and ambivert types. Meanwhile there was no significant difference in writing achievement between extrovert and ambivert types. This means that introvert students were stronger than extrovert and ambivert students in writing achievement of narrative tex

    Pengaruh Agen Sosialisasi terhadap Pola Pencarian Pengobatan Mahasiswa Rumpun Fakultas Non-eksakta Universitas Sumatera Utara di Kota Medan Tahun 2013

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    Health development aims to increase awareness, willingness and ability of each person to realize the degree of public health as high. Socialization is the process through which a child learns to be a participating member of society. Through this learning process one can take decisions in determining the searching pattern of medical treatment through family, playmate, school , and mass media, but schools are not included in this research due to non-exact student do not learn about health . This research was conducted to determine the influence of socialization agents on the searching pattern of medical treatment on clumps student non-exact faculty of University of Sumatera Utara in Medan in 2013. This research is using quantitative research methods. The data was collected through direct interviews with respondents. The population of this research were all student of non-exact faculty year 2010-2012 of University of Sumatera Utara by 10.784 people, and the sample size were 95 people taken with Proportional Random Sampling methods. The results showed male respondents (46.3%), female (53,7%), age 18 (14,7%), age 19 (18,9%), age 20 (30,5%), age 21 (26,3%), age 22 (9,5%), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (29,5%), School of Law (20,0%), Faculty of Humanities (17,9%), Faculty of economics (32,6%). Statistical test of bivariate analysis showed that family were not related with students searching pattern of medical treatment (p=0,099>0,05), playmate were related with students searching pattern of medical treatment (p=0,01<0,05), mass media were not related with students searching pattern of medical treatment (p=0,420>0,05). Statistical test of multivariat showed that family were not influence students searching pattern of medical treatment (p=0,105>0,05), playmate were influence students searching pattern of medical treatment (p=0,01<0,05) . Students of non-exact faculty of University of Sumatera Utara needs to improve the search of information about searching pattern of medical treatment for himself and to influence his friends as an agents of socialization. University of Sumatera Utara also need to provide information about searching pattern of medical treatment for students
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