326 research outputs found

    p73 is over-expressed in vulval cancer principally as the Δ2 isoform

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    p73 was studied in squamous cancers and precursor lesions of the vulva. Over-expression of p73 occurred commonly in both human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive and -negative squamous cell cancers (SCC) and high-grade premalignant lesions. Whereas expression in normal vulval epithelium was detected only in the basal and supra-basal layers, expression in neoplastic epithelium increased with grade of neoplasia, being maximal at both protein and RNA levels in SCC. p73 Δ2 was the principal over-expressed isoform in the majority of cases of vulval SCC and often the sole form expressed in SCC. Over-expression of p73 was associated with expression of HPV-encoded E7 or with hypermethylation or mutation of p16INK4a in HPV-negative cases. There was a close correlation between expression of p73 and p14ARF in cancers with loss of p53 function. The frequent over-expression of p73 Δ2 in neoplastic but not normal vulval epithelium, and its co-ordinate deregulation with other E2F-1 responsive genes suggests a role in the oncogenic process. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign  http://www.bjcancer.co

    TSC22 in mammary gland development and breast cancer

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    Mammary gland involution is characterised by a high degree of apoptosis. By identifying genes that are upregulated at this developmental stage, we aimed to discover key factors that are involved in the induction of mammary epithelial cell death and therefore present potential tumour suppressors for breast cancer. Among 96 genes recently identified as specifically upregulated early during involution were the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ)-stimulated clone 22 homologue (TSC-22/TGFβ1-induced transcript 4) and TGFβ3 [1]. TGFβ3 has recently been shown to be necessary for induction of apoptosis during mammary gland involution, while TSC-22 overexpression can lead to cell death. We have therefore tested whether TSC-22 mRNA expression can be induced by TGFβ3 and whether it is involved in or necessary for TGFβ-induced apoptosis. We further show that TSC-22 can enhance TGFβ3-induced Smad response and epithelial cell death. In addition, overexpression of TSC-22 alone can induce a Smad response and apoptosis in mammary epithelial cell cultures, which is independent of p53. Further, we have performed tests to study the necessity for Smad proteins during TSC-22-induced apoptosis, and to establish the intracellular localisation of TSC-22. A pilot study on a small cohort of archival breast cancer cases, representing all stages of malignant progression, shows that TSC-22 protein was reduced or undetectable in 60% of breast carcinomas when compared with adjacent normal breast tissue, suggesting that TSC-22 could indeed be a potential novel tumour suppressor gene. We shall present data showing that methylation of the TSC-22 promoter is not involved in the reduction of TSC-22 protein in breast cancer

    Outcomes of special histotypes of breast cancer after adjuvant endocrine therapy with letrozole or tamoxifen in the monotherapy cohort of the BIG 1-98 trial

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    In the BIG 1-98 clinical trial of 4922 postmenopausal women treated with 5 years of letrozole or tamoxifen for endocrine-responsive breast cancer, 183 had the rare histotypes mucinous or tubular/cribriform. These women had better outcomes than those with other histotypes. The magnitude of the letrozole advantage compared with tamoxifen may not be as large in patients with these rare histotype

    c-erbB-2 expression in benign and malignant breast disease.

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    An antibody, 21N, raised against a synthetic peptide from the predicted sequence of the c-erbB-2 protein has been used immunocytochemically in a retrospective study of formalin fixed paraffin embedded breast biopsies. Fourteen out of 103 infiltrating ductal carcinomas exhibited positive membrane staining. Fifty-four of these tumours had lymph node involvement of which nine contained stained cells. These were all cases where the primary tumour was positive. In this series there was no correlation between c-erbB-2 overexpression and lymph node status. In five of the positive cases studied there was an associated in situ component which was also positively stained. Ten out of 24 pure intraduct carcinomas showed membrane staining, but none of the 149 benign conditions studied, which included 22 radial scars and 13 cases of atypical ductal proliferation, demonstrated the pattern of staining associated with overexpression. It is concluded that the c-erbB-2 protein is overexpressed in a minority (approximately 14%) of infiltrating ductal carcinomas and only in cells that are cytologically malignant. Overexpression of c-erbB-2 is considered in relation to pathogenesis
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