7 research outputs found

    Tourist and recreation management asa chance of development for degradation sites in the miningarea of coal mine in Bogdanka

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    Górnicza eksploatacja surowców energetycznych w Lubelskim Zakładzie Węglowym wpływa na coraz bardziej widoczne deformacje terenu. Na skutek osiadania terenu tworzą się nowe zbiorniki wodne. Deformacje powierzchni mogą przekraczać głębokość 3 metrów, co będzie wpływać zarówno na warunki przyrodnicze, jak i gospodarcze. Dla ograniczenia narastającej deformacji powierzchni należy podjąć określone działania, które przyniosłyby wymierne korzyści. Najkorzystniejsze zagospodarowanie terenów zdegradowanych powinno uwzględnić rozwój turystyki i rekreacji całego obszaru lubelskiego.Mining exploitation of energetic materials in Lublin Coal Plant make effect for more and more visible area deformations. There are formatted a new water reservoirs. Area deformation could exceed 3 meters depth, which will effect on environmental and economical conditions. To decrease the tendency of area deformation should be taken up the activities to make positive effects. The most positive use of degradation sites should be tourist and recreation development the all of Lublin outside area

    Serum and lymphocytic neurotrophins profiles in systemic lupus erythematosus: a case-control study.

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    BACKGROUND: Neurotrophins play a central role in the development and maintenance of the nervous system. However, neurotrophins can also modulate B and T cell proliferation and activation, especially via autocrine loops. We hypothesized that both serum and lymphocytic neurotrophin levels may be deregulated in systemic Lupus erythematosus (SLE) and may reflect clinical symptoms of the disease. METHODS: Neurotrophins in the serum (ELISA tests) and lymphocytes (flow cytometry) were measured in 26 SLE patients and 26 control subjects. Th1 (interferon-γ) and Th2 (IL-10) profiles and serum concentration of BAFF were assessed by ELISA in the SLE and control subjects. FINDINGS: We have demonstrated that both NGF and BDNF serum levels are higher in SLE patients than healthy controls (p=0.003 and p<0.001), independently of Th1 or Th2 profiles. Enhanced serum NT-3 levels (p=0.003) were only found in severe lupus flares (i.e. SLEDAI ≥ 10) and significantly correlated with complement activation (decreased CH 50, Γ=-0.28, p=0.03). Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between serum NGF levels and the number of circulating T regulatory cells (Γ=0.48, p=0.01). In circulating B cells, production of both NGF and BDNF was greater in SLE patients than in healthy controls. In particular, the number of NGF-secreting B cells correlated with decreased complement levels (p=0.05). One month after SLE flare treatment, BDNF levels decreased; in contrast, NGF and NT-3 levels remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that serum and B cell levels of both NGF and BDNF are increased in SLE, suggesting that the neurotrophin production pathway is deregulated in this disease. These results must be confirmed in a larger study with naive SLE patients, in order to avoid the potential confounding influence of prior immune-modulating treatments on neurotrophin levels