10 research outputs found

    Public-private partnership in cadastre: the case of Turkey and the EU countries

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    The Privatization is one of the most crucial trends recently. The Privatization can be defined as a transfer of the state tasks to private sector. The transfer can occur entirely or partly. The privatization can be mentioned for various fields traditionally in the responsibility of the Sate. The cadastre is also one of these fields. On the other hand, as known, cadastral procedure consists of various stages such as adjudication, cadastral survey, registration, processes or approvals, updating cadastral maps and registers and transactions etc. Traditionally, all of these stages have been in the responsibility of the State but in the course of time, private sector has started to take part in some stages. In this context, for cadastre, using of the term public-private partnership will be more suitable than the privatization. Indeed, public- private partnership has been mentioned in many works. At the result of these works, that participation of private sector in cadastre is required and inevitable is agreed. But, what stages have to be executed by the state and what stages can be undertaken by private sectors has been still discussed. The role of private sector in cadastre has also been discussed in Turkey. In Turkey, theoretically, it is accepted that cadastral survey can be undertaken by private sector but in practice this cannot be applied sufficiently. So, in this study, for Turkey, public-private partnership is examined. Besides, as Turkey has been a candidate country to the EU since 1999, the current situation of public-private partnership in cadastre in the EU countries is also investigated. Eventually, it is purposed a model concerning what the role of private sector should be in the cadastre of future

    Approach to cadastre concept by the European Union and the evaluation of Turkey

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    Türkiye, 1999 yılında Avrupa Birliği’ne (AB) adaylığının kabul edilmesi ile birlikte, tüm sektörlerde, yeni bir oluşum ve çağdaşlaşma yolunda, reformlar ve radikal değişiklikler içeren uzun bir uyum sürecine girmiştir. Böylesi önemli bir süreçten, kalkınmanın temeli olan yatırım projelerinin altlığını oluşturan ve insan-toprak ilişkilerini düzenleyen tapu-kadastro sektörünün etkilenmesi kaçınılmazdır. Söz konusu etkilenmenin boyutunun belirlenmesinde, AB’nin arazi kaydı ve kadastro kavramına yaklaşımının ve bu yaklaşım içerisinde Türkiye’nin yerinin belirlenmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada müktesebatın, arazi kaydı ve kadastro açısından irdelenmesi, AB bünyesindeki konuyla ilgili çalışma ve etkinliklerin incelenmesi ve bu bağlamda Türkiye kadastrosunun değerlendirilmesi planlanmıştır. Ayrıca, 2002 yılında tüm Birlik ülkelerinin katılımıyla oluşturulan “Avrupa Birliği’nde Kadastro Deklarasyonu” incelenerek, Türkiye kadastrosunun, bu Deklarasyon bağlamında irdelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Turkey entered to a long accession process including reforms and radical changes in the road of modernization and a new formation in all sectors together with acceptance of its own candidacy to the European Union (EU) in 1999. It is inevitable that the land registration and cadastre sector, arranging human-land relationships and constituting the base of investment projects which is the foundation of development, has been affected from such an important process. In definition of dimension of being affected mentioned above, the approach to land registration and cadastre concepts of the EU and the determination the status of Turkey in this approach are of great importance. So in this study, it is planned the examining the Acquis Communautaire in terms of land registration and cadastre, the investigation of activities and studies related to this topic in the structure of the EU and the evaluation of Turkey in this context. Besides, it is aimed that Turkish cadastre has been discussed in the context of mentioned Declaration by examining “The Declaration of the Cadastre in the European Union” constituted with participation of all the EU countries in 2002

    Land registration and cadastre in Turkey from the ottomans to date

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    The determination and registration of geometrical and legal situation of land properties is of great importance throughout the history. This situation was also adopted in the early years of the Ottomans. And by taking conditions and standards of mentioned period into consideration, the works of land registration were implemented in the Ottomans. Eve:rı, these works, in some literature, have been accepted as manual land information system. Besides, it has been stated that the Ottomans land management system had been one of the fundamental reasons of the Ottomans' living for six centuries. Therefore, in this study, by also taking historical evolution of the cadastre into consideratiorı, land registration approaches in the period of the Ottomans are examined to obtain some benefits for future developments. Besides, cadastral system of Turkey as the inheritor of the Ottomans is presented in detail. Here the airn, by examining the land adrninistration works used and at the same time well-worked in the Ottomans, is to contribute to the developing comıtries giving shape to their O\Vll cadastral systems and is to present in intemational platform

    Land use, ownership structure and cadastral relations in the eastern black sea region

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    Kırsal alan sakinleri için en önemli kaynaklar toprak ve sudur. Barınmanın yanı sıra, geçinmek için gelir getiren bitkisel ve hayvan üretim ile ziraat sanatları hep toprağa bağlıdır. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi kırsalında yerleşim birimlerinin toplu olmayıp coğrafyaya dağılmış olması, zaten kıt olan arazinin kullanımında israfın yanı sıra önemli hukuki problemler de yaratmaktadır. Nüfus yoğunluğu oranının yüksek olması ve miras yoluyla bölünen parseller geçim şartlarını zorlayınca yer yer orman arazilerine yönelme söz konusu olmaktadır. Çeşitli yollarla bölünen her parsel içinde zamanla yeni konutlar ve yollar yapılmış, bunun arkasından da toprak erozyonu ve doğal afetler artmıştır. Diğer taraftan, iç ve dış göçlere bağlı olarak terk edilen veya gerektiği gibi işletilemeyen topraklar ve git gide gerileyen hayvancılık tarım ve mera arazilerinin kendiliğinden ormanlaşmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu durum karşısında, bir taraftan kısmen orman tahripleri olurken diğer taraftan da orman alanları çoğalmaktadır. Özel kişilerin tapulu ya da tapusuz olarak malik sıfatıyla kullandığı arazilerde orman ağaçlarının yaygın bir biçimde büyümesi ile orman görünümünü kazanmış olması, bu arazilerde özel mülkiyeti tartışılır hale getirmiştir. Daha çok kadastro sırasında ortaya çıkan bu tartışmalar çoğu zaman Yüksek Yargıya kadar ulaşmaktadır. Bu hukuki süreçte çoğunlukla vatandaşların mağduriyeti kadastroya karşı memnuniyetsizlikler ve güvensizlikler yaratmaktadır ki bu, “Tapu Sicilinin güven İlkesi” ni zedelemektedir. Bildiride Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesine özgü arazi kullanımı ile orman-mülkiyet ilişkilerinin sorunları ve çözüm için öneriler üzerinde durulmuştur.Land and water are the most important resources for residents of rural areas. Besides sheltering, income-providing agricultural activities of herbal and animal productions are all depend on the land. The settlements being scattered around in the rural parts of the Eastern Black Sea Region generate dissipation on usage of the already-limited land as well as some important legal problems. High rate of population density and worsening of living conditions due to divided lands through inheritage may create intrusions towards the forested areas. With time, there have been new structures and roads in each divided land, followed by an increase in soil erosion and natural disasters. On the other hand, some cultivated fields and meadows are reforested again because of abandoned or insufficiently cultivated lands and decreasing of stockbreeding due to both internal immigration and emigration in the region. Therefore, when partial forest damage occurs in one side, reforestation of the abandoned areas increases in other side. In registered or non-registered lands used by private citizens as a reputed owner, private ownership has become controversial due to forming of a forest-like appearance by widespread growth of forest trees. These controversial issues most commonly emerge during the cadastral surveys and they are usually taken to the Supreme Court. In the legal process, citizens mostly get unjust treatments, creating displeasure and disbelief towards the cadastre; thus, damaging “ the Principle of reliance on Land Registry”. In this article, land use and issues arisen over the relations between forest and acquisition of property in the Eastern Black Sea Region are emphasized

    The policy of foreigners real estate acquisition in Turkey and fears

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    Tarih boyunca Devletlerin varlık ve siyasal güçlerinin, hükmettiği toprakların büyüklüğü ve stratejik önemi ile ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür. Bu yüzden toprak, hemen her devirde ekonomik gücün temel kaynağı ve bağımsızlığın sembolü olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, son yıllarda bütün dünyada etkisini göstermekte olan küreselleşme; toprağın bir kısmının yabancılara satışı suretiyle serbest dolaşımını gündeme getirmiştir. Bu uygulamalar, ulus devletler için toprak üzerindeki hâkimiyetin gayri millî unsurların ve sermayenin eline geçmek suretiyle, egemenlik gücünün zayıflaması endişelerini beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu endişeler, Avrupa Birliği’ne geçiş süreci içerisinde bulunan ülkemiz için de mevcuttur. Öte yandan, hızla artan nüfusun getirdiği geçim sıkıntıları, toprağın çoğaltılamaz olması ve doğal kaynakların tükenmesi gibi tehditler de mevcuttur. Dolayısıyla iyi bir arazi yönetim politikasının oluşturulması ve uygulanması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Avrupa Birliği (AB) yolunda siyasi ve stratejik açıdan oldukça önemli bir konuma gelmiş bulunan ülkemizin, yabancıların taşınmaz edinimi konusunda nasıl bir politika izlemesi gerektiği hususu ele alınarak bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.During the history, it is seen that big sticks and presence of the states are related to magnitude and strategic importance of land in which these states dominate. Therefore, in every period, land has been accepted as the main source of economical power and the symbol of independence. However, in recent years, globalization affecting the entire world puts free movement of land in selling partly to foreigners down on the agenda. These applications have disconcerted nation-states that its sovereignty power will get weak while the authority on the land passes into the hands of non-domestic factors and capital. These fears exist for Turkey as well, which is process of transition to the EU. On the other hand, threats such as living difficulties because of fast mounting population, non- reproduction of land and consuming of natural resources also exist. Accordingly, application and constituting of a well-working land administration policy has been required. In this study, some suggestions have been made concerning how the policy of our country, which arrive at an important location in the terms of political and strategic on the way to the EU, should be with regard to foreigners’ real estate acquisition

    Importance for municipalities of infrastructure information systems in Turkey

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    WOS: 000415045600011Technical infrastructures are the important development-level parameters of countries, difficult to maintain and require high-investment cost. It is required to take the advantage of information system for the better administration of technical infrastructure facilities, planning and taking effective decisions. Hence, infrastructure information systems must be built oriented to technical infrastructure (TI). In this study, Kunduracilar Street in Trabzon was selected as pilot area oriented to urban TI studies. Graphic and attribute information of the pilot area were collected. Every TI facility was arranged into the same coordinate system with different layers. Maps showing TI facilities in the pilot area and 3D view of the site were prepared on ArcGIS software


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    In Turkey, forest areas are decreasing every day. On the other hand, being a wood product and the source of countless usage areas, the value of forest increases more and more. Delineation of forest areas, known as forest cadastre, are completed in developed countries. In general, with fprest cadastre the geometrical and legal status of forests are determined and registered in Land Title. Forest cadastre are carried out by Forest Cadastre Comissions according to the Forest Low 6831. Until today, only 60% of forest cadastre have been completed in 58 years from the start of forest cadastre work. The organization of Forest Cadastre Comissions have undergone various changes. Forest Cadastre Comissions have long suffered from many organizational and practical problems. In this study, current problems of Forest Cadastre Comissions are identified and examined. In result,, insufficient number of comissions, lack of theoretical and practical background and low motivation ot working personnal, and political and public pressure on the works of Forest Cadastre Comissions were identified as the main problems