17 research outputs found

    Determination of allergenic pollens in the atmosphere of Trabzon province by volumetric method

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    Bu çalışmada, Trabzon ili atmosferinde bulunan polenler 01 Ocak 2016 – 31 Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında volumetrik yöntemle VPSS 2000 (Lanzoni) cihazı kullanılarak araştırıldı. Bir yıllık çalışma süresince 45 taksona ait toplam 29150 polen m-3 Trabzon atmosferinde kaydedildi. Tespit edilen bu taksonların 24’ünün odunsu bitkilere (%69.78), 21’inin otsu bitkilere (%30.00) ve tanımlanamayan (%0.23) polenlere ait olduğu belirlendi. Çalışılan bölgede yoğun olarak saptanan odunsu taksonlar; Alnus sp. (%23.06), Cupressaceae-Taxaceae (%19.29), Pinaceae (%11.59), Betula sp. (%5.91), Platanus sp. (%3.38), Quercus sp. (%1.67), Ulmus sp. (%1.16) ve Fraxinus sp. (%1.05) olarak saptandı. Otsu bitkiler ise; Poaceae (%13.56), Urticaceae (%7.10), Boraginaceae (%2.12), Rumex sp. (%1.92), Mercurialis sp. (%1.36) ve Artemisia sp. (%1.25) olduğu belirlendi. Çalışılan bölgede polen yoğunluğunun en fazla olduğu aylar Şubat (%38.39), Mart (%11.88) ve Nisan (%15.67) olarak belirlendi.: In this study, airborne pollen grains of Trabzon were investigated using a volumetric trap VPSS 2000 (Lanzoni) from 01st January 2016 to 31st December 2016. During one-year study period, a total of 29150 polen m-3 belonging to 45 taxa were recorded. From identified taxa, 24 belong to arboreal (69.78%) and 21 taxa to non-arboreal (30.00%) and unidentified pollen grains (0.23%). In the investigated area, from arboreal plant taxa Alnus sp. (23.06%), Cupressaceae-Taxaceae (19.29%), Pinaceae (11.59%), Betula sp. (5.91%), Platanus sp. (3.38%), Quercus sp. (1.67%), Ulmus sp. (1.16%), Fraxinus sp. (1.05%) and from non-arboreal plant taxa Poaceae (13.56%), Urticaceae (7.10%), Boraginaceae (2.12%), Rumex sp. (1.92%), Mercurialis sp. (1.36%), and Artemisia sp. (1.25%) were responsible for the greatest amounts of pollen grains during the study period. The maximum pollen concentration of investigated area is recorded in February (38.39%), March (11.88%) and April (15.67%)

    Data Protection and Security I

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    This course allows you to understand the basics of data security and protection, computer security and encryption. Various encryption and attack techniques are discussed. Common security problems and vulnerabilities are outlined. By the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1.1 Define the term security and main security concepts. 1.2 List common information security targets. 1.3 Describe what security management means. 1.4 Explain general security principles. 2.1 Define cryptography and understand its role in information security. 2.2 List the most important developments in the history of cryptography. 2.3 Explain how simple ciphers work. 2.4 Explain how one-time pad can realize perfect secrecy. 3.1 Explain the operation of symmetric encryption algorithms DES and AES. 3.2 Describe the properties and applications of hash functions. 3.3 Explain message authentication codes and their purposes. 3.4 Understand the importance of random number generators. 4.1 Construct a public-key encryption scheme. 4.2 Understand two mathematical problems most public-key schemes depend on. 4.3.Describe the operation of digital signatures. 4.4 Realize the problem solving capability of public key cryptography with an example of secret sharing scheme

    Data Protection and Security II

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    This course allows you to understand the basics of Access Control Mechanisms, Operating System Security and Secure Programming, Identification and Entity Authentication, Standards and Protocols. The materials are also supported with several animations, videos and various references. By the end of this section, the student will be able to: 5.1 Understand access control of operating systems 5.2 Describe security principles of role based access control 5.3 Explain multilevel security models 5.4 Describe Formal Models for Access Control 5.5 Understand how can information flow occur without noticin

    Verinin Korunması ve Veri Güvenliği II

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    Bu ders Erişim Denetimi Yöntemleri, İşletim Sistemi Güvenliği ve Güvenli Programlama, Tanımlama ve Varlık Kimlik Doğrulama, Standartlar ve Protokoller konularını içermektedir

    Verinin Korunması ve Veri Güvenliği I

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    Bu dersin hedefleri: Güvenlik terimini ve ana güvenlik konseptini tanımlayabilmek Genel bilgi güvenliği hedeflerini sıralayabilmek Güvenlik yönetimi ne tarif edebilmek Genel güvenlik prensiplerini açıklayabilmek Kriptografiyi tanımlayabilecek ve bilgi güvenliğindeki yerini anlamak Kriptografi tarihindeki önemli gelişmeleri sıralayabilmek Basit şifrelerin nasıl çalıştığını açıklayabilmek Tek seferlik padin mükemmel güvenliği nasıl sağladığını açıklayabilmek DES ve AES simetrik şifreleme algoritmalarının çalışmasını anlatabilmek Hash fonksiyonlarının uygulama ve özelliklerini tanımlayabilmek Mesaj doğrulama kodlarını ve amaçlarını açıklayabilmek Rastgele sayı yaratıcılarının önemini anlamak Açık-anahtarlı bir şifreleme şeması oluşturabilmek Pek çok açık anahtar sisteminin dayandığı matematiksel problemleri anlayabilmek Dijital imzaların kullanımını anlayabilmek Açık anahtar şifrelemesinin problem çözme yeteneğini gözlemleyebilme

    Tanıma protokolleri, sayısal imzalar ve bunların e-sağlık uygulamalarının verimi üzerine : yukarıdan aşağıya bir yaklaşım

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    Choosing an authentication protocol or a digital signature algorithm becomes more challenging when performance constraints are of concern. In this thesis, we discuss the possible options in a top-down approach and propose viable alternatives for the efficiency criteria. Before all the technical discussions, argue that identifying prerequisites, threats and risks on an organizational conthas utmost importance so that effective solutions can be delivered at a reasonable cost. For instance, one approach to solve the performance problem is to relax the security requirements if it is allowable and use one-time passwords as the more efficient entity authentication protocol. SCOTP is the first protocol proposed in this study which improves the security and flexibility of one-time passwords. After requirements are set up, another high-efficiency solution is based on new designs of improved protocols. These new protocols might utilize the trade-offs between efficiency of distinct system parameters such as communication versus computational load. SAOTS is our new protocol designed to improve the performance and increase the round efficiency of server-assisted signature protocols. With an example in e-health, we also demonstrate that fficiency can be provided on the implementation level as well, the last step in the chain. EVEREST is the third proposal in this thesis which improves the real-time efficiency of digital signatures concerning the fact that the medical images are huge in size and to verify the signature a considerable amount of time is spent to compute the hash of the image file.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    A new design of privilege management infrastructure with binding signature semantics

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    Just like PKI, used to support public key certificates, Privilege Management Infrastructure (PMI) is built to provide a foundation to employ attribute certificates. Although most of the PKI ideas can be applied to PMI as well, PMI has some unique characteristics for instance it should handle attributes containing confidential information. Motivating by this fact, Dawson et al. recently proposed a new PMI design for those who would like to use the outsourced PKI but keep the PMI management inside the organization. In this paper, we propose an alternative design to have a more fine-grained control over attribute certificates. Immediate revocation and simplified verification are two big advantages of our approach

    Leveraging human computation for pure-text Human Interaction Proofs

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    Even though purely text-based Human Interaction Proofs (HIPS) have desirable usability and accessibility attributes; they could not overcome the security problems yet. Given the fact that fully automated techniques to generate pure-text HIPs securely do not exist, we propose leveraging human computation for this purpose. We design and implement a system called SMARTCHA, which involves a security engine to perform automated proactive checks on the security of human-generated HIPs and a module for combining human computation with automation to increase the number of HIP questions. In our work, we employ HIP operators who generate around 22 000 questions in total for SMARTCHA system. With a user study of 372 participants, we evaluate the usability of SMARTCHA system and observe that users find solving pure-text HIPs of SMARTCHA system significantly more enjoyable than solving reCAPTCHA visual HIPs. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Trusted3Ballot: Improving Security and Usability of ThreeBallot Voting System using Trusted Computing

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    5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (2014 : Langkawi; Malaysia)The main goal in the design of ThreeBallot system was to provide an end-to-end auditable voting system in a simple way without use of cryptography to bolster voter confidence in the system. However, later it was shown that this system has significant security and usability problems. To solve these problems, in this work we propose Trusted3Ballot; an electronic ThreeBallot based voting system which uses trusted computing technology. One notable feature of the proposed system is the use of TPM remote attestation property to address a number of trust and security problems. The analysis of our proposal reveals that significant improvements to the ThreeBallot system are provided in terms of both security and usability

    Towards Making Accessible Human-Interaction Proofs More Secure and Usable

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    20th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (2015 : Larnaca; Cyprus)Human-Interaction Proof (HIP) systems are widely used to prevent malicious acts of abusers. Legitimate users, however, are not satisfied with their ease of use. The response of Google to the complaints of difficulty in solving audio reCAPTCHAs was to introduce a much simpler version. But now we are back at the position where we have an accessible and usable but insecure solution. In this work, we propose a pure-text HIP system as an attempt to satisfy accessibility, security, usability requirements altogether. We conduct a user study involving 31 blind or partially sighted users which compares the usability of our pure-text HIP system (SMARTCHA) against Google's new audio reCAPTCHA. The results of the user study show that visually impaired users enjoy solving SMARTCHA more and prefer it against audio reCAPTCHA