110 research outputs found
Uncertainty-aware Panoptic Segmentation
Reliable scene understanding is indispensable for modern autonomous systems.
Current learning-based methods typically try to maximize their performance
based on segmentation metrics that only consider the quality of the
segmentation. However, for the safe operation of a system in the real world it
is crucial to consider the uncertainty in the prediction as well. In this work,
we introduce the novel task of uncertainty-aware panoptic segmentation, which
aims to predict per-pixel semantic and instance segmentations, together with
per-pixel uncertainty estimates. We define two novel metrics to facilitate its
quantitative analysis, the uncertainty-aware Panoptic Quality (uPQ) and the
panoptic Expected Calibration Error (pECE). We further propose the novel
top-down Evidential Panoptic Segmentation Network (EvPSNet) to solve this task.
Our architecture employs a simple yet effective panoptic fusion module that
leverages the predicted uncertainties. Furthermore, we provide several strong
baselines combining state-of-the-art panoptic segmentation networks with
sampling-free uncertainty estimation techniques. Extensive evaluations show
that our EvPSNet achieves the new state-of-the-art for the standard Panoptic
Quality (PQ), as well as for our uncertainty-aware panoptic metrics. We make
the code available at: \url{https://github.com/kshitij3112/EvPSNet
A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Extract Polylines from 2-D Laser Range Scans
Man-made environments such as households, offices, or factory floors are
typically composed of linear structures. Accordingly, polylines are a natural
way to accurately represent their geometry. In this paper, we propose a novel
probabilistic method to extract polylines from raw 2-D laser range scans. The
key idea of our approach is to determine a set of polylines that maximizes the
likelihood of a given scan. In extensive experiments carried out on publicly
available real-world datasets and on simulated laser scans, we demonstrate that
our method substantially outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches in
terms of accuracy, while showing comparable computational requirements. Our
implementation is available under https://github.com/acschaefer/ple.Comment: 9 page
Long-Term Urban Vehicle Localization Using Pole Landmarks Extracted from 3-D Lidar Scans
Due to their ubiquity and long-term stability, pole-like objects are well
suited to serve as landmarks for vehicle localization in urban environments. In
this work, we present a complete mapping and long-term localization system
based on pole landmarks extracted from 3-D lidar data. Our approach features a
novel pole detector, a mapping module, and an online localization module, each
of which are described in detail, and for which we provide an open-source
implementation at www.github.com/acschaefer/polex. In extensive experiments, we
demonstrate that our method improves on the state of the art with respect to
long-term reliability and accuracy: First, we prove reliability by tasking the
system with localizing a mobile robot over the course of 15~months in an urban
area based on an initial map, confronting it with constantly varying routes,
differing weather conditions, seasonal changes, and construction sites. Second,
we show that the proposed approach clearly outperforms a recently published
method in terms of accuracy.Comment: 9 page
A Smart Robotic System for Industrial Plant Supervision
In today's chemical plants, human field operators perform frequent integrity
checks to guarantee high safety standards, and thus are possibly the first to
encounter dangerous operating conditions. To alleviate their task, we present a
system consisting of an autonomously navigating robot integrated with various
sensors and intelligent data processing. It is able to detect methane leaks and
estimate its flow rate, detect more general gas anomalies, recognize oil films,
localize sound sources and detect failure cases, map the environment in 3D, and
navigate autonomously, employing recognition and avoidance of dynamic
obstacles. We evaluate our system at a wastewater facility in full working
conditions. Our results demonstrate that the system is able to robustly
navigate the plant and provide useful information about critical operating
conditions.Comment: Final submission for IEEE Sensors 202
Revisiting the Immune Trypanolysis Test to Optimise Epidemiological Surveillance and Control of Sleeping Sickness in West Africa
Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) due to Trypanosoma brucei (T.b.) gambiense is usually diagnosed using two sequential steps: first the card agglutination test for trypanosomiasis (CATT) used for serological screening, followed by parasitological methods to confirm the disease. Currently, CATT will continue to be used as a test for mass screening because of its simplicity and high sensitivity; however, its performance as a tool of surveillance in areas where prevalence is low is poor because of its limited specificity. Hence in the context of HAT elimination, there is a crucial need for a better marker of contact with T.b. gambiense in humans. We evaluated here an existing highly specific serological tool, the trypanolysis test (TL). We evaluated TL in active, latent and historical HAT foci in Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. We found that TL was a marker for exposure to T.b. gambiense. We propose that TL should be used as a surveillance tool to monitor HAT elimination
Селянський рух в Харківській губернії (1917–1921 рр.)
Дисертацію присвячено комплексному дослідженню розвитку селянського руху в Харківській губернії в період Української революції 1917–1921 рр. Доведено, що невирішені проблеми у сфері аграрних відносин спричинили селянський рух і розгортання збройного конфлікту на Харківщині у 1917–1921 рр. Порівняно ступінь активної участі у революційних подіях у даному регіоні різних соціальних груп населення. Обґрунтовано тезу, що у період Української революції 1917–1921 рр. представники лівих політичних партій вживали поняття "куркуль" для визначення власників індивідуальних селянських господарств, які бажали зберегти приватну власність на землю й активно захищали свої економічні, політичні та національні права. З'ясовано, що невирішеність національного питання була одним з важливих чинників посилення селянського руху у Харківській губернії. Досліджено взаємозв'язок селянського повстанського руху сусідніх регіонів з селянським рухом у Харківській губернії та встановлено, що найбільш впливовими та популярними серед сільського населення регіону було махновське і "уенерівське" повстанство. Розглянуто процес радикалізації селянського руху у 1917–1921 рр., висвітлено пасивні й активні, нелегальні та легальні форми боротьби селянства за свої економічні, політичні та національні інтереси. Узагальнено наслідки селянського руху
Prevalence of Human African Trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a major public health problem in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Active and passive surveillance for HAT is conducted but may underestimate the true prevalence of the disease. We used ELISA to screen 7,769 leftover dried blood spots from a nationally representative population-based survey, the 2007 Demographic and Health Survey. 26 samples were positive by ELISA. Three of these were also positive by trypanolysis and/or PCR. From these data, we estimate that there were 18,592 people with HAT (95% confidence interval, 4,883–32,302) in the DRC in 2007, slightly more than twice as many as were reported
Diagnostic Accuracy of Molecular Amplification Tests for Human African Trypanosomiasis—Systematic Review
A range of molecular amplification techniques has been developed for the diagnosis of HAT, with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at the forefront. As laboratory strengthening in endemic areas increases, it is expected that the applicability of molecular tests will increase. However, careful evaluation of these tests against the current reference standard, microscopy, must precede implementation. Therefore, we have investigated the published diagnostic accuracy of molecular amplification tests for HAT compared to microscopy for both initial diagnosis as well as for disease staging
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