273 research outputs found

    Disputas discursivas. Ideas sobre la libertad en los desembarcos iniciales del movimiento neoliberal en Argentina

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    The Mont Pèlerin Society’s members created different institutes in Latin America and around the world in the mid-20th century to expand a discursive directed to dispute antagonist socioeconomics models. The Centro de Difusión de la Economía Libre of Argentina was one of them. This work relieves the authors whose writings have been disseminated by its periodic publication- Ideas Sobre la Libertad-, the institutional sources of them, the kind of institution, and the hierarchical position occupied by them in these institutions. This, to put attention on those institutions that support the neoliberal project.A mediados del siglo XX en una superficie histórica signada por disputas propias de la Guerra Fría; integrantes de Mont Pèlerin Society, con objeto de dar difusión a entramados conceptuales destinados a dar batalla a perspectivas y modelos que -en algún grado- permiten la legitimación de demandas obreras y entorpecen procesos de extracción de plusvalía, crean diversos institutos a lo largo de América Latina y el globo. Uno de ellos es, en el caso argentino, el Centro de Difusión de la Economía Libre (CDEL). El trabajo que presentamos a continuación releva los autores cuya obra ha sido difundida en la publicación periódica que editase dicho centro, así como, su procedencia institucional, el carácter de tales instituciones y la posición jerárquica que los mismos ocupaban en las entidades de origen. Ello con objeto de adentrarnos, a través del abordaje de un caso concreto, en el estudio del funcionamiento y las estrategias desplegadas por quienes se nucléan alrededor de Mont Pèlerin Society con objeto de dar batalla en el plano discursivo a opciones políticas, económicas y sociales antagónicas

    Archivierung von Performance Kunst: Ein Desiderat mit Potential

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    High-resolution maps of Swiss apiaries and their applicability to study spatial distribution of bacterial honey bee brood diseases

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    Honey bees directly affect and are influenced by their local environment, in terms of food sources, pollinator densities, pathogen and toxin exposure and climate. Currently, there is a lack of studies analyzing these data with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to investigate spatial relationships with the environment. Particularly for inter-colonial pathogen transmission, it is known that the likelihood of a healthy colony to become infested (e.g., Varroosis) or infected (e.g., American foulbrood—AFB, European foulbrood—EFB) increases with higher colony density. Whether these transmission paths can actually be asserted at apiary level is largely unknown. Here, we unraveled spatial distribution and high-resolution density of apiaries and bacterial honey bee brood diseases in Switzerland based on available GIS data. Switzerland as ‘model country’ offers the unique opportunity to get apiary data since 2010 owing to compulsory registration for every beekeeper. Further, both destructive bee brood diseases (AFB and EFB) are legally notifiable in Switzerland, and EFB has an epizootic character for the last decades. As governmental data sets have to be ameliorated, raw data from the cantonal agricultural or veterinary offices have been included. We found a mean density of 0.56 apiaries per km2, and high resolution spatial analyzes showed strong correlation between density of apiaries and human population density as well as agricultural landscape type. Concerning two bacterial bee brood diseases (AFB, EFB), no significant correlation was detectable with density of apiaries on cantonal level, though a high correlation of EFB cases and apiary density became obvious on higher resolution (district level). Hence, Swiss EFB epizootics seem to have benefited from high apiary densities, promoting the transmission of pathogens by adult bees. The GIS-based method presented here, might also be useful for other bee diseases, anthropogenic or environmental factors affecting bee colonies

    Erythropoietin receptor regulates tumor mitochondrial biogenesis through iNOS and pAKT

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    Erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) is widely expressed in healthy and malignant tissues. In certain malignancies, EPOR stimulates tumor growth. In healthy tissues, EPOR controls processes other than erythropoiesis, including mitochondrial metabolism. We hypothesized that EPOR also controls the mitochondrial metabolism in cancer cells. To test this hypothesis, we generated EPOR-knockdown cancer cells to grow tumor xenografts in mice and analyzed tumor cellular respiration via high-resolution respirometry. Furthermore, we analyzed cellular respiratory control, mitochondrial content, and regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis in vivo and in vitro in different cancer cell lines. Our results show that EPOR controls tumor growth and mitochondrial biogenesis in tumors by controlling the levels of both, pAKT and inducible NO synthase (iNOS). Furthermore, we observed that the expression of EPOR is associated with the expression of the mitochondrial marker VDAC1 in tissue arrays of lung cancer patients, suggesting that EPOR indeed helps to regulate mitochondrial biogenesis in tumors of cancer patients. Thus, our data imply that EPOR not only stimulates tumor growth but also regulates tumor metabolism and is a target for direct intervention against progression

    Iron- and erythropoietin-resistant anemia in a spontaneous breast cancer mouse model

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    Anemia of cancer (AoC) with its multifactorial etiology and complex pathology is a poor prognostic indicator for cancer patients. One of the main causes of AoC is cancer-associated inflammation that activates mechanisms, commonly observed in anemia of inflammation, where functional iron deficiency and iron-restricted erythropoiesis is induced by increased hepcidin levels in response to IL-6 elevation. So far only a few AoC mouse models have been described, and most of them did not fully recapitulate the interplay of anemia, increased hepcidin levels and functional iron deficiency in human patients. To test if the selection and the complexity of AoC mouse models dictates the pathology or if AoC in mice per se develops independently of iron deficiency, we characterized AoC in Trp53floxWapCre mice that spontaneously develop breast cancer. These mice developed AoC associated with high IL-6 levels and iron deficiency. However, hepcidin levels were not increased and hypoferremia coincided with anemia rather than causing it. Instead, an early shift in the commitment of common myeloid progenitors from the erythroid to the myeloid lineage resulted in increased myelopoiesis and in the excessive production of neutrophils that accumulate in necrotic tumor regions. This process could neither be prevented by iron nor erythropoietin (EPO) treatment. Trp53floxWapCre mice are the first mouse model where EPO-resistant anemia is described and may serve as a disease model to test therapeutic approaches for a subpopulation of human cancer patients with normal or corrected iron levels that do not respond to EPO

    Ante el aborto como política pública

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    Declaración emitida conjuntamente por Facultades de Derecho de Universidades Católicas en Argentina  HAN ADHERIDO POSTERIORMENTE: Jose Luis Lopez CerviñoFacultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, sede San Juan Carina FernandezFacultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, sede San Luis UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CUYO Eduardo RomaniFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE SALTA

    A Model for Storage of Different Volumes of a Journal in Electronic Data Processing: The Dortmund Online Library System DOBIS

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    The contribution deals with the processing of periodical volumes by the Dortmund Online Library System. As an integrated system DOBIS has to consider the divergent requisitions of circulation and cataloguing. For catalogue output it makes available bibliographically correct descriptions of the entire periodical. For circulation it provides information concerning the single periodical volume and its non-bibliographic data, e.g. status and circulation conditions. The bibliographic description and the affiliated volumes are connected in the data base by sorted references. By this means it is possible to show on the screen a list of the volumes belonging to a periodical in inverse chronological order