12 research outputs found

    Motiverende samtale (MI) - innovasjon av en samtaleform

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    Motiverende Samtale, eller Motivational Interviewing (MI) som er den internasjonale betegnelsen, har som mül ü motivere klienter og innsatte til viljestyrt endring. Mange mennesker lever godt med sine uvaner, sin livsstil, sine problemer eller uhensiktsmessige atferd, selv om nÌrmeste familie, omgangskrets, hjelpeapparat eller kriminalomsorg kan vÌre bekymret og mene at vedkommende bør endre seg. MI kan vÌre et hjelpemiddel til ü legge til rette for at vedkommende kan begynne ü reflektere over sin situasjon og til selv ü ta ansvar for endring av uhensiktsmessig atferd. Med bruk av denne metodikken i kriminalomsorgen har vi et konkret hjelpemiddel til ü realisere mülsettingen om ü fü innsatte og klienter til selv ü ta aktivt ansvar for sitt eget liv og legge til rette for at de kan redusere sitt kriminelle atferdsmønster. Gjennom ü lÌre MI til betjenter, friomsorgsarbeidere og andre som er i daglig kontakt med innsatte, kan vi øke klientenes aktive medvirkning i samtaler og i endringsarbeid. Kontakten mellom hjelpere og klienter vil ha klientens opplevelser og tanker som utgangspunkt, og vi vil dermed i størst mulig grad unngü at medarbeiderne ligger et hestehode foran og/eller finner løsninger for de innsatte/klientene

    Concentrated transdiagnostic and cross-disciplinary group treatment for patients with depression and with anxiety: a pilot study

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    Background: A number of treatment approaches have shown efficacy for depression and/or anxiety, yet there is a paucity of research on potentially cost-effective concentrated approaches. Based on our previous experience with concentrated treatment in disorders such as Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder and chronic fatigue, we proposed that this novel approach could be useful for other conditions, including depression and/or anxiety. As a pre-requisite for a future randomized controlled trial, the aim of this study was to investigate the acceptability, satisfaction and effectiveness of a transdiagnostic, interdisciplinary group treatment delivered during 5 consecutive days to groups of 6–10 patients with depression and/or anxiety. Methods: This was a non-randomized clinical intervention pilot study in line with a published protocol. Forty-two consecutively referred patients, aged 19–47 (mean age 31.7, SD = 8.12) were included and completed treatment. All had a severity of their problems that entitled them to care in the specialist public mental health care. Self-reported age when the symptoms became a problem was 20.9 years. Mean number of prior treatment courses was 2.77 (SD = 2.19; range 0–8). Acceptability was defined as the proportion of eligible patients who accepted and completed the treatment. Satisfaction was evaluated by Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8. Secondary objectives were to assess the treatment effectiveness by questionnaires at pre-treatment, seven days post-treatment and three months follow-up. Results: The treatment was highly acceptable (91.3% accepted, all completed), and patients were highly satisfied with the treatment, including the amount. Functional impairment, as measured by Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) improved significantly (p < .0005) from “severe” (mean 25.4 SD = 6.59) to “less severe” (mean 13.37, SD = 9.43) at 3 months follow-up. Using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), the effect sizes at 3 months follow-up were 1.21 for anxiety and 1.3 for depression. More than 80% reported reduced utilization of mental health care, and 67% had not used, or had used the family doctor less, for anxiety or depression. 52% had not used, or had reduced, medication for their disorder. Conclusions: The concentrated, interdisciplinary treatment approach yielded promising results. Long-term follow up is warranted.publishedVersio

    Evaluation of novel concentrated interdisciplinary group rehabilitation for patients with chronic illnesses: Protocol for a nonrandomized clinical intervention study

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    Background: An aging population with a growing burden of chronic complex illnesses will seriously challenge the public health care system. Consequently, novel and efficacious treatment approaches are highly warranted. Based on our experiences with concentrated treatment formats for other health challenges, we developed a highly concentrated interdisciplinary group rehabilitation approach for chronic illnesses. Objective: We aim to explore the acceptability of the intervention and describe potential changes in functional impairment at follow-up. Methods: The cornerstones of the intervention are as follows: (1) prepare the patient for change prior to treatment, (2) focus on health promoting microchoices instead of symptoms, and (3) expect the patient to integrate the changes in everyday living with limited hands-on follow-up. The intervention will be delivered to patients with highly diverse primary symptoms, namely patients with low back pain, post–COVID-19 symptoms, anxiety and depression, and type 2 diabetes. Results: Recruitment started between August 2020 and January 2021 (according to the illness category). For initial 3-month results, recruitment is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Conclusions: If successful, this study may have a substantial impact on the treatment of low back pain, post–COVID-19 symptoms, anxiety and depression, and type 2 diabetes, which together constitute a major socioeconomic cost. Further, the study may widen the evidence base for the use of the concentrated treatment format in a diverse group of medical conditions.publishedVersio

    Successfully treating 90 patients with obsessive compulsive disorder in eight days: The Bergen 4-day treatment

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    Background: Oslo University Hospital, Norway, had by autumn 2016, accumulated a waiting list of 101 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) who had a legal right to receive treatment by a specialized OCD team. In this challenging situation, the Bergen OCD-team suggested to solve the problem by offering all patients an option for the rapid Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT). The B4DT is an individual treatment delivered during four consecutive days in a group of six patients with the same number of therapists. The approach has previously shown a post-treatment response rate of 90% and a 3-month remission rate of 70%. Methods: Ninety-seven of the wait-list patients were available for the scheduled time slots, and 90 received the 4-day format during 8 days (45 patients each week). The therapists were recruited from 22 different specialized OCD-teams from all over Norway, and 44 (68%) had not previously delivered the 4-day format. Results: Post-treatment; 91.1% of the patients were classified as responders, and 72.2% were in remission. At 3-month follow-up; 84.4 were classified as responders and the remission rate was 67.7%. Oslo University Hospital now offers the 4-day treatment as standard treatment for OCD. Conclusions: We conclude that the B4DT is an acceptable and potentially effective OCD-treatment.publishedVersio

    Effect of D-Cycloserine on the Effect of Concentrated Exposure and Response Prevention in Difficult-to-Treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance Evidence is lacking for viable treatment options for patients with difficult-to-treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It has been suggested that D-cycloserine (DCS) could potentiate the effect of exposure and response prevention (ERP) treatment, but the hypothesis has not been tested among patients with difficult-to-treat OCD. Objective To evaluate whether DCS potentiates the effect of concentrated ERP among patients with difficult-to-treat OCD. Design, Setting, and Participants The study was a randomized placebo-controlled triple-masked study with a 12-month follow-up. Participants were adult outpatients with difficult-to-treat OCD. A total of 220 potential participants were referred, of whom 36 did not meet inclusion criteria and 21 declined to participate. Patients had either relapsed after (n = 100) or not responded to (n = 63) previous ERP treatment. A total of 9 specialized OCD teams within the public health care system in Norway participated, giving national coverage. An expert team of therapists from the coordinating site delivered treatment. Inclusion of patients started in January 2016 and ended in August 2017. Data analysis was conducted February to September 2019. Interventions All patients received individual, concentrated ERP treatment delivered during 4 consecutive days in a group setting (the Bergen 4-day treatment format) combined with 100 mg DCS, 250 mg DCS, or placebo. Main outcomes and Measures Change in symptoms of OCD and change in diagnostic status. Secondary outcomes measures included self-reported symptoms of OCD, anxiety, depression, and quality of life. Results The total sample of 163 patients had a mean (SD) age of 34.5 (10.9) years, and most were women (117 [71.8%]). They had experienced OCD for a mean (SD) of 16.2 (10.2) years. A total of 65 patients (39.9%) were randomized to receive 100 mg DCS, 67 (41.1%) to 250 mg of DCS, and 31 (19.0%) to placebo. Overall, 91 (56.5%) achieved remission at posttreatment, while 70 (47.9%) did so at the 12-month follow-up. There was no significant difference in remission rates among groups. There was a significant reduction in symptoms at 12 months, and within-group effect sizes ranged from 3.01 (95% CI, 2.38-3.63) for the group receiving 250 mg DCS to 3.49 (95% CI, 2.78-4.18) for the group receiving 100 mg DCS (all P < .001). However, there was no significant effect of treatment group compared with placebo in obsessive-compulsive symptoms (250 mg group at posttreatment: d = 0.33; 95% CI, −0.10 to 0.76; 100 mg group at posttreatment: d = 0.36; 95% CI, −0.08 to 0.79), symptoms of depression and anxiety (eg, Patient Health Questionnaire–9 score among 250 mg group at 12-month follow-up: d = 0.30; 95% CI, −0.17 to 0.76; Generalized Anxiety Disorder–7 score among 100 mg group at 12-month follow-up: d = 0.27; 95% CI, −0.19 to 0.73), and well-being (250 mg group: d = 0.10; 95% CI, −0.42 to 0.63; 100 mg group: d = 0.34; 95% CI, −0.19 to 0.86). No serious adverse effects were reported. Conclusions and Relevance In this study, DCS did not potentiate ERP treatment effect, but concentrated ERP treatment was associated with improvement. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02656342publishedVersio

    Motiverende samtale (MI) - innovasjon av en samtaleform

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    Motiverende Samtale, eller Motivational Interviewing (MI) som er den internasjonale betegnelsen, har som mül ü motivere klienter og innsatte til viljestyrt endring. Mange mennesker lever godt med sine uvaner, sin livsstil, sine problemer eller uhensiktsmessige atferd, selv om nÌrmeste familie, omgangskrets, hjelpeapparat eller kriminalomsorg kan vÌre bekymret og mene at vedkommende bør endre seg. MI kan vÌre et hjelpemiddel til ü legge til rette for at vedkommende kan begynne ü reflektere over sin situasjon og til selv ü ta ansvar for endring av uhensiktsmessig atferd. Med bruk av denne metodikken i kriminalomsorgen har vi et konkret hjelpemiddel til ü realisere mülsettingen om ü fü innsatte og klienter til selv ü ta aktivt ansvar for sitt eget liv og legge til rette for at de kan redusere sitt kriminelle atferdsmønster. Gjennom ü lÌre MI til betjenter, friomsorgsarbeidere og andre som er i daglig kontakt med innsatte, kan vi øke klientenes aktive medvirkning i samtaler og i endringsarbeid. Kontakten mellom hjelpere og klienter vil ha klientens opplevelser og tanker som utgangspunkt, og vi vil dermed i størst mulig grad unngü at medarbeiderne ligger et hestehode foran og/eller finner løsninger for de innsatte/klientene

    Evaluation of novel concentrated interdisciplinary group rehabilitation for patients with chronic illnesses: Protocol for a nonrandomized clinical intervention study

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    Background: An aging population with a growing burden of chronic complex illnesses will seriously challenge the public health care system. Consequently, novel and efficacious treatment approaches are highly warranted. Based on our experiences with concentrated treatment formats for other health challenges, we developed a highly concentrated interdisciplinary group rehabilitation approach for chronic illnesses. Objective: We aim to explore the acceptability of the intervention and describe potential changes in functional impairment at follow-up. Methods: The cornerstones of the intervention are as follows: (1) prepare the patient for change prior to treatment, (2) focus on health promoting microchoices instead of symptoms, and (3) expect the patient to integrate the changes in everyday living with limited hands-on follow-up. The intervention will be delivered to patients with highly diverse primary symptoms, namely patients with low back pain, post–COVID-19 symptoms, anxiety and depression, and type 2 diabetes. Results: Recruitment started between August 2020 and January 2021 (according to the illness category). For initial 3-month results, recruitment is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Conclusions: If successful, this study may have a substantial impact on the treatment of low back pain, post–COVID-19 symptoms, anxiety and depression, and type 2 diabetes, which together constitute a major socioeconomic cost. Further, the study may widen the evidence base for the use of the concentrated treatment format in a diverse group of medical conditions

    Evaluation of novel concentrated interdisciplinary group rehabilitation for patients with chronic illnesses: Protocol for a nonrandomized clinical intervention study

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    Background: An aging population with a growing burden of chronic complex illnesses will seriously challenge the public health care system. Consequently, novel and efficacious treatment approaches are highly warranted. Based on our experiences with concentrated treatment formats for other health challenges, we developed a highly concentrated interdisciplinary group rehabilitation approach for chronic illnesses. Objective: We aim to explore the acceptability of the intervention and describe potential changes in functional impairment at follow-up. Methods: The cornerstones of the intervention are as follows: (1) prepare the patient for change prior to treatment, (2) focus on health promoting microchoices instead of symptoms, and (3) expect the patient to integrate the changes in everyday living with limited hands-on follow-up. The intervention will be delivered to patients with highly diverse primary symptoms, namely patients with low back pain, post–COVID-19 symptoms, anxiety and depression, and type 2 diabetes. Results: Recruitment started between August 2020 and January 2021 (according to the illness category). For initial 3-month results, recruitment is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. Conclusions: If successful, this study may have a substantial impact on the treatment of low back pain, post–COVID-19 symptoms, anxiety and depression, and type 2 diabetes, which together constitute a major socioeconomic cost. Further, the study may widen the evidence base for the use of the concentrated treatment format in a diverse group of medical conditions. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/3221

    Successfully treating 90 patients with obsessive compulsive disorder in eight days: The Bergen 4-day treatment

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    Background: Oslo University Hospital, Norway, had by autumn 2016, accumulated a waiting list of 101 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) who had a legal right to receive treatment by a specialized OCD team. In this challenging situation, the Bergen OCD-team suggested to solve the problem by offering all patients an option for the rapid Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT). The B4DT is an individual treatment delivered during four consecutive days in a group of six patients with the same number of therapists. The approach has previously shown a post-treatment response rate of 90% and a 3-month remission rate of 70%. Methods: Ninety-seven of the wait-list patients were available for the scheduled time slots, and 90 received the 4-day format during 8 days (45 patients each week). The therapists were recruited from 22 different specialized OCD-teams from all over Norway, and 44 (68%) had not previously delivered the 4-day format. Results: Post-treatment; 91.1% of the patients were classified as responders, and 72.2% were in remission. At 3-month follow-up; 84.4 were classified as responders and the remission rate was 67.7%. Oslo University Hospital now offers the 4-day treatment as standard treatment for OCD. Conclusions: We conclude that the B4DT is an acceptable and potentially effective OCD-treatment

    Successfully treating 90 patients with obsessive compulsive disorder in eight days: The Bergen 4-day treatment

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    Background Oslo University Hospital, Norway, had by autumn 2016, accumulated a waiting list of 101 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) who had a legal right to receive treatment by a specialized OCD team. In this challenging situation, the Bergen OCD-team suggested to solve the problem by offering all patients an option for the rapid Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT). The B4DT is an individual treatment delivered during four consecutive days in a group of six patients with the same number of therapists. The approach has previously shown a post-treatment response rate of 90% and a 3-month remission rate of 70%. Methods Ninety-seven of the wait-list patients were available for the scheduled time slots, and 90 received the 4-day format during 8 days (45 patients each week). The therapists were recruited from 22 different specialized OCD-teams from all over Norway, and 44 (68%) had not previously delivered the 4-day format. Results Post-treatment; 91.1% of the patients were classified as responders, and 72.2% were in remission. At 3-month follow-up; 84.4 were classified as responders and the remission rate was 67.7%. Oslo University Hospital now offers the 4-day treatment as standard treatment for OCD. Conclusions We conclude that the B4DT is an acceptable and potentially effective OCD-treatment