47 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of block Toeplitz determinants and the classical dimer model

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    We compute the asymptotics of a block Toeplitz determinant which arises in the classical dimer model for the triangular lattice when considering the monomer-monomer correlation function. The model depends on a parameter interpolating between the square lattice (t=0t=0) and the triangular lattice (t=1t=1), and we obtain the asymptotics for 0<t≀10<t\le 1. For 0<t<10<t<1 we apply the Szeg\"o Limit Theorem for block Toeplitz determinants. The main difficulty is to evaluate the constant term in the asymptotics, which is generally given only in a rather abstract form

    Holocene Hydrographic Variations From the Baltic‐North Sea Transitional Area (IODP Site M0059)

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    Deoxygenation affects many continental shelf seas across the world today and results in increasing areas of hypoxia (dissolved oxygen concentration ([O2]) <1.4 ml/L). The Baltic Sea is increasingly affected by deoxygenation. Deoxygenation correlates with other environmental variables such as changing water temperature and salinity and is directly linked to ongoing global climate change. To place the ongoing environmental changes into a larger context and to further understand the complex Baltic Sea history and its impact on North Atlantic climate, we investigated a high accumulation-rate brackish-marine sediment core from the Little Belt (Site M0059), Danish Straits, NW Europe, retrieved during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 347. We combined benthic foraminiferal geochemistry, faunal assemblages, and pore water stable isotopes to reconstruct seawater conditions (e.g., oxygenation, temperature, and salinity) over the past 7.7 thousand years (ka). Bottom water salinity in the Little Belt reconstructed from modeled pore water oxygen isotope data increased between 7.7 and 7.5 ka BP as a consequence of the transition from freshwater to brackish-marine conditions. Salinity decreased gradually (from 30 to 24) from 4.1 to ~2.5 ka BP. By using the trace elemental composition (Mg/Ca, Mn/Ca, and Ba/Ca) and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of foraminiferal species Elphidium selseyensis and E. clavatum, we identified that generally warming and hypoxia occurred between about 7.5 and 3.3 ka BP, approximately coinciding in time with the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM). These changes of bottom water conditions were coupled to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and relative sea level change

    Late Permian–Early Triassic environmental changes recorded by multi-isotope (Re-Os-N-Hg) data and trace metal distribution from the Hovea-3 section, Western Australia

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    The temporal coincidence between the Late Permian mass extinction (LPME) and the emplacement of Siberian Trap basalts suggests a causal link between the two events. Here, we discuss stratigraphic changes of organic and inorganic (including isotopic) geochemical properties of marine sediments across the Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) in the Hovea-3 core, Western Australia, a key PTB section in the southern Neo-Tethys ocean. These data are compared with published data from the Meishan section, southern China, and from the Opal Creek section in western Canada, providing a view of Tethys and Panthalassa changes at the PTB. Trace metal and N-isotopic data, together with organic matter properties suggest that anoxic conditions were established prior to the LPME, intensified close to the LPME, and continued with photic-zone euxinia into the Early Triassic. For the Hovea-3 section, Re-Os ages confirm Changhsingian (253.5 ± 1.4 Ma) deposition of the dated interval sampled immediately below the stratigraphic level characterized by major lithological and isotopic changes. Evaluation of Re-Os, N, and Hg elemental and isotopic data for Hovea-3 suggests that anoxic conditions in the latest Permian were generally unrelated to direct magmatic contributions. A major increase in the initial Os isotopic ratio of Lower Triassic shales suggest an ~8× increase in the Early Triassic continental runoff, based on moderately conservative assumptions for end-members contributing Os to the Permian–Triassic ocean. Comparison to other PTB sections confirms a global signal of increasing Re/Os ratios in the Late Permian, and major and long-lived changes in the isotopic composition of the post-extinction ocean. A distinct peak in Hg concentrations carrying a volcanic isotopic signature, also identified in other PTB sections, likely represents a major pulse of Siberian Trap volcanism. This Hg peak in the Hovea-3 section, however, is detected above the stratigraphic level containing multiple other widely recognized and more permanent geochemical changes. Therefore, direct volcanic inputs to the Permian–Triassic Ocean likely post-date the LPME in this Western Australian section

    Microbial life in the nascent Chicxulub crater

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    The Chicxulub crater was formed by an asteroid impact at ca. 66 Ma. The impact is considered to have contributed to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction and reduced productivity in the world's oceans due to a transient cessation of photosynthesis. Here, biomarker profiles extracted from crater core material reveal exceptional insights into the post-impact upheaval and rapid recovery of microbial life. In the immediate hours to days after the impact, ocean resurge flooded the crater and a subsequent tsunami delivered debris from the surrounding carbonate ramp.  Deposited material, including biomarkers diagnostic for land plants, cyanobacteria, and photosynthetic sulfur bacteria, appears to have been mobilized by wave energy from coastal microbial mats. As that energy subsided, days to months later, blooms of unicellular cyanobacteria were fueled by terrigenous nutrients. Approximately 200 k.y. later, the nutrient supply waned and the basin returned to oligotrophic conditions, as evident from N2-fixing cyanobacteria biomarkers. At 1 m.y. after impact, the abundance of photosynthetic sulfur bacteria supported the development of water-column photic zone euxinia within the crater

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Direct measurement of the content and isotopic composition of sulfur in black shales by means of combustion-isotope-ratio-monitoring mass spectrometry (C-irmMS)

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    The content and sulfur isotopic composition of black shales are directly measured by means of combustion-isotope-ratio-monitoring mass spectrometry (C-irmMS). The results are compared to the Kiba reagent method for sulfur isotope preparation and the coulometric method for determination of the concentration. This chapter discusses the determination of the contents and concentrations and sulfur isotopic composition of sulfur species in modern and ancient sediments is of fundamental interest for the evaluation of biogeochemical reactions in the coupled sedimentary element cycles. The C-irmMS measurements are not disturbed by the common combustion of sulfur- and carbon-bearing compounds up to 13 wt.% C. The C irmMS method is successfully applied to a set of different pure synthetic and natural sulfur- bearing compounds and natural shale geostandards. The results shows a good agreement, indicating that C-irmMS is a powerful analytical tool both precise and fast in sample preparation, which needs only small amounts of sample material. Therefore, for a detailed analysis of microbial reactions leading to an isotope fractionation among different sulfur bearing-species especially in recent marine sediments or bacterial cultures, the chemical separation of the different sulfur phases may be necessary

    Sedimentary Mo isotope record across the Holocene fresh–brackish water transition of the Black Sea

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    Mo isotope data on Black Sea sediments spanning the transition from Pleistocene oxic–limnic conditions to the prevailing anoxic marine conditions are presented. Samples were taken from a gravity core collected at a water depth of 396 m. Samples deposited under oxic bottom water conditions range from ή98/95MoMOMO − 2.2‰ to − 1.95‰ (MOMO = Mean Ocean Molybdenum) while samples deposited under anoxic bottom water conditions range from ή98/95MoMOMO − 1‰ to − 0.54‰. The change of sedimentary environment is also recorded in the Mo contents increasing from oxic to anoxic sediments. The Mo isotopic composition and invariably low Mo content of the oxic sediments deposited under oxic bottom water conditions are compatible with a pure detrital origin of the Mo, irrespective of whether the deposits are of limnic or brackish origin. Mo content and isotopic compositions are identical above and below a sulfidisation front, which originates from the diffusion of sulfur species and in-situ microbial activity after establishment of brackish bottom water conditions. Further, no signal of the overlaying sapropels is seen in the underlying sediments. Thus, transport of sulfur species has not mobilised Mo during diagenesis. The ή98/95MoMOMO values of anoxic samples indicate seawater as the dominant source of Mo. However, even the heaviest Mo value of the anoxic period recorded in this core is ή98/95MoMOMO = − 0.5‰, with an average of − 0.7‰ for all anoxic sediments, i.e. 0.7‰ lighter than seawater. All samples can be explained qualitatively as three component mixtures of detrital, dissolved riverine and marine Mo. For the lower units a mass balance model can be successfully applied. For the youngest unit mixing models do not yield satisfactory results given present day water fluxes. It is therefore likely that additional Mo isotope fractionation effects are involved. First order modelling suggests that the lighter ή98/95MoMOMO values of the most recent samples reflect the presence of some Mo remaining dissolved as MoO42− in a larger part of water column above the core depth, thus allowing for a preservation of a net fractionation between MoO42− and MoS42−. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the H2S concentration critical for the MoO42− ↔ MoS42− chemical switch is found at about 400 m water depth in the present Black Sea, close to the depth at the sampling site. At greater depth, increased H2S concentrations lead to almost complete Mo removal, erasing the fractionation signal. Difference between Unit I samples from this study, and those from earlier publications (with samples taken at greater depth) may thus merely reflect the fraction of Mo scavenged at different depths. The degree of Mo scavenging in fossil black shales and the continental Mo contribution are both difficult to constrain. Therefore, black shales from restricted semi-enclosed basins may not document the Mo isotopic composition of coeval ocean waters. However, oceanic Mo is a dominant Mo source in these basins, and anoxic sediments give reliable minimum values for coeval ocean water Mo isotopic compositions

    Molybdenum isotope fractionation in pelagic euxinia: Evidence from the modern Black and Baltic Seas

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    Here we present stable isotope data for vertical profiles of dissolved molybdenum of the modern euxinic water columns of the Black Sea and two deeps of the Baltic Sea. Dissolved molybdenum in all water samples is depleted in salinity-normalized concentration and enriched in the heavy isotope (ÎŽ98Mo values up to + 2.9‰) compared to previously published isotope data of sedimentary molybdenum from the same range of water depths. Furthermore, ÎŽ98Mo values of all water samples from the Black Sea and anoxic deeps of the Baltic Sea are heavier than open ocean water. The observed isotope fractionation between sediments and the anoxic water column of the Black Sea are in line with the model of thiomolybdates that scavenge to particles under reducing conditions. An extrapolation to a theoretical pure MoS42− solution indicates a fractionation constant between MoS42− and authigenic solid Mo of 0.5 ± 0.3‰. Measured waters with all thiomolybdates coexisting in various proportions show larger but non-linear fractionation. The best explanation for our field observations is Mo scavenging by the thiomolybdates, dominantly — but not exclusively — present in the form of MoS42−. The Mo isotopic compositions of samples from the sediments and anoxic water column of the Baltic Sea are in overall agreement with those of the Black Sea at intermediate depth and corresponding sulphide concentrations. The more dynamic changes of redox conditions in the Baltic deeps complicate the Black Sea-derived relationship between thiomolybdates and Mo isotopic composition. In particular, the occasional flushing/mixing, of the deep waters, affects the corresponding water column and sedimentary data. ÎŽ98Mo values of the upper oxic waters of both basins are higher than predicted by mixing models based on salinity variations. The results can be explained by non-conservative behaviour of Mo under suboxic to anoxic conditions in the shallow bottom parts of the basin, most pronounced on the NW shelf of the Black Sea

    Photic zone redox oscillations and microbialite development recorded by Early Triassic sediments of the Perth Basin: A geochemical approach

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    Photic zone euxinia (PZE) has previously been identified in the Early Triassic Kockatea Shale of the northern Perth Basin, based on the presence of biomarkers such as isorenieratane, which is derived from isorenieratene produced by green sulfur bacteria. However, green and purple sulfur bacteria can also occur in microbial mats. In this study we present a basin-scale assessment of biomarkers associated with open water column PZE and/or microbialites. The lithofacies from the Early Triassic of the northern part of the northern Perth Basin consist of dark coloured mudstones (black to dark grey) with microbialites, which were deposited away from basin margins. These samples are found to contain okenane, chlorobactane and isorenieratane derived from carotenoid pigments of purple, green-green and green–brown sulfur bacteria, respectively. These biomarkers are not observed in the light coloured mudstones (medium grey) formed under oxic conditions in a tidal environment with higher clastic input close to the basin margins in the southern part of the basin where shallow marine sandstones were also deposited. Okenane and chlorobactane were abundant in facies containing microbialites which developed in a shallow water setting on intra-basinal structural highs. The development of oxic conditions near the basin margins in the Perth Basin provided refuges for organisms during the end Permian mass extinction event. Okenane was more abundant in the microbialite facies compared with the dark coloured mudstones deposited under PZE. C33 n-alkylcyclohexane (n-C33 ACH) has previously been described as a biomarker associated with ecosystem collapse during the lower Triassic, and its ratio relative to the C34 n-alkane was elevated in facies that contain abundant microbialites. Mercury (Hg) to total reduced inorganic sulfur (TRIS) and Hg to total organic carbon (TOC) ratios are positively correlated, supporting the development of euxinia as sulfide sequesters Hg. The high Hg/TRIS values in microbialite facies support mat development with high Hg concentrations. The values of ή13COM and ή34S were isotopically lighter in microbialite facies when compared with mudstones formed under PZE, although samples deposited under oxic conditions showed the isotopically lightest ή13COM and isotopically heaviest ή34S. The variation in ή13COM probably reflects the different carbon fixation pathway of various sulfur bacteria, while it appears that the difference of ή34S values between PZE and microbialites is a result of differences in the microbial community structure and the higher relative abundance of purple sulfur bacteria. In addition, fluctuations between PZE and oxic conditions were identified throughout the sampled intervals attributed to fluctuations in the depth of chemocline. Under the shallower chemocline, PZE developed widely in the basin, even in shallower waters. Under the deeper chemocline PZE was absent or limited to deeper water, and oxic conditions developed in shallower water. The fluctuations of PZE and oxic conditions in the northern Perth Basin suggest the development of multiple episodes of harsh environmental conditions after the end-Permian mass extinction, similar to those identified in other regions (e.g., Meishan in China and Peace River in Canada)