143 research outputs found

    Inelastic Neutron and X-ray Scattering from Incommensurate Magnetic Systems

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    Neutrons and X-rays are powerful probes for studying magnetic and lattice excitations in strongly correlated materials over very wide ranges of momentum and energy transfers. In the focus of the present work are the incommensurate magnetic systems MnSi and Cr. Under application of a magnetic field, helically ordered MnSi transforms into a weak itinerant ferromagnet. Using polarized neutrons we demonstrate that the Stoner excitations are spin flip excitations. The amplitude (longitudinal) fluctuations associated with the magnon modes are already strong far away from T_C. Interestingly, even the non spin flip excitations associated with the Stoner modes are observable. In Cr, we have observed Kohn anomalies in the phonon spectrum at those incommensurate positions in reciprocal space, where the spin density wave is observed. The corresponding phonon and magnon modes are not coupled. In addition, an anomalous softening of a transverse phonon branch along the N-H zone boundary line is observed that is caused by strong electron phonon coupling. High resolution neutron scattering indicate that the low energy Fincher-Burke excitations may rather correspond to localized modes in momentum and energy and not to propagating collective modes. Finally, we demonstrate that in the near future it may become feasible to investigate excitations in very small samples thus allowing to measure the dynamics of strongly correlated materials under extreme conditions and in the vicinity of quantum phase transitions

    Turn-key module for neutron scattering with sub-micro-eV resolution

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    We report the development of a compact turn-key module that boosts the resolution in quasi-elastic neutron scattering by several orders of magnitude down to the low sub-micro-eV range. It is based on a pair of neutron resonance spin flippers that generate a well defined temporal intensity modulation, also known as MIEZE (Modulation of IntEnsity by Zero Effort). The module may be used under versatile conditions, in particular in applied magnetic fields and for depolarising and incoherently scattering samples. We demonstrate the power of MIEZE in studies of the helimagnetic order in MnSi under applied magnetic fields

    Field dependence of non-reciprocal magnons in chiral MnSi

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    Spin waves in chiral magnetic materials are strongly influenced by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction resulting in intriguing phenomena like non-reciprocal magnon propagation and magnetochiral dichroism. Here, we study the non-reciprocal magnon spectrum of the archetypical chiral magnet MnSi and its evolution as a function of magnetic field covering the field-polarized and conical helix phase. Using inelastic neutron scattering, the magnon energies and their spectral weights are determined quantitatively after deconvolution with the instrumental resolution. In the field-polarized phase the imaginary part of the dynamical susceptibility χ′′(ε,q)\chi''(\varepsilon, {\bf q}) is shown to be asymmetric with respect to wavevectors q{\bf q} longitudinal to the applied magnetic field H{\bf H}, which is a hallmark of chiral magnetism. In the helimagnetic phase, χ′′(ε,q)\chi''(\varepsilon, {\bf q}) becomes increasingly symmetric with decreasing H{\bf H} due to the formation of helimagnon bands and the activation of additional spinflip and non-spinflip scattering channels. The neutron spectra are in excellent quantitative agreement with the low-energy theory of cubic chiral magnets with a single fitting parameter being the damping rate of spin waves.Comment: Paper: 10 pages, 5 figures Supplement: 8 pages, 11 figure

    In-Situ Quantification of the Interfacial Rheological Response of Bacterial Biofilms to Environmental Stimuli

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    Understanding the numerous factors that can affect biofilm formation and stability remain poorly understood. One of the major limitations is the accurate measurement of biofilm stability and cohesiveness in real-time when exposed to changing environmental conditions. Here we present a novel method to measure biofilm strength: interfacial rheology. By culturing a range of bacterial biofilms on an air-liquid interface we were able to measure their viscoelastic growth profile during and after biofilm formation and subsequently alter growth conditions by adding surfactants or changing the nutrient composition of the growth medium. We found that different bacterial species had unique viscoelastic growth profiles, which was also highly dependent on the growth media used. We also found that we could reduce biofilm formation by the addition of surfactants or changing the pH, thereby altering the viscoelastic properties of the biofilm. Using this technique we were able to monitor changes in viscosity, elasticity and surface tension online, under constant and varying environmental conditions, thereby providing a complementary method to better understand the dynamics of both biofilm formation and dispersal

    Design and realization of a sputter deposition system for the \textit{in situ-} and \textit{in operando-}use in polarized neutron reflectometry experiments

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    We report on the realization of a sputter deposition system for the in situ- and in operando-use in polarized neutron reflectometry experiments. Starting with the scientific requirements, which define the general design considerations, the external limitations and boundaries imposed by the available space at a neutron beamline and by the neutron and vacuum compatibility of the used materials, are assessed. The relevant aspects are then accounted for in the realization of our highly mobile deposition system, which was designed with a focus on a quick and simple installation and removability at the beamline. Apart from the general design, the in-vacuum components, the auxiliary equipment and the remote control via a computer, as well as relevant safety aspects are presented in detail.Comment: Submitted for publication in Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A. (1st revised version

    Electron-electron interaction strength in ferromagnetic nickel determined by spin-polarized positron annihilation

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    The two-photon momentum distribution of annihilating electron-positron pairs in ferromagnetic nickel (Ni) was determined by measuring the spin-polarized two-dimensional angular correlation of annihilation radiation (ACAR). The spectra were compared with theoretical results obtained within LDA+DMFT, a combination of the local density approximation (LDA) and the many-body dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). The self-energy describing the electronic correlations in Ni is found to make important anisotropic contributions to the momentum distribution which are not present in LDA. Based on a detailed comparison of the theoretical and experimental results the strength of the local electronic interaction U in ferromagnetic Ni is determined as 2.0 +- 0.1 eV
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