2,089 research outputs found

    Selenoproteins - biochemistry and clinical relevance

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    Phosphorescent perylene imides.

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    Asymmetrically substituted perylene imide derivatives PIa and PIx display phosphorescence in glassy matrices at 77 K. The lifetime is 49.0 ms for PIa and 13.5 ms for PIx. The triplet energy is 1.79 eV for PIa and 1.68 eV for PIx as confirmed by sensitization experiments of the C60 triplet

    Arbeitnehmerentsendung im Europäischen Binnenmarkt: Eine Analyse in international tätigen Unternehmen in Rheinland-Pfalz

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    An increasing number of enterprises is engaged in international markets. In order to be successful in these markets, enterprises are forced to base their personnel policy on stronger internationally orientated considerations. One instrument useful to realise this goal is to send employees to an establishment abroad. However, several problems might arise due to diverging interests and goals of employer and employees concerning the entry in the foreign enterprise. The study analyses how these problems are solved, i.e. whether individual contracts or collective agreements concluded between employer and works council are applied. The analysis is based on theoretical considerations as well as on the results of several case studies that have been conducted in enterprises in Rhineland-Palatinate. The analysis leads to the result that collective agreements are but exceptional cases. Existing regulations in this area nomally contain regulations concerning the selection, arrangements to prepare the stay abroad and the remuneration. The assistance abroad and the reintegration in the enterprises sending employees abroad are aspects being regulated less often. The results seem to indicate a correlation between the existence of such collective agreements and the number of employees, the number of establishrnents abroad, as well as the proportion of export. However, the existence of a works council seems to have no influence on the conclusion of regulations in this area. These results, as well as a discussion with experts have led to the following conlusion: the lack of information and knowledge on aspects to be negotiated between works council and employer results in only a few collective agreements being concluded in this area. In order to close this gap, an examplary agreement has been elaborated

    Divination (Alter Orient)

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    Looking at me, are you? Social status and the veil

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    In this article I discuss the dialogical method which is used to study the idea of perception among individuals, especially to understand the question of perception toward the veil in Yemen in 2007. Furthermore I elaborate on my exploration of “portrayal” as an art form which lies at the basis of my approach. To be occupied with matters of the veil means to deal with questions of image and gaze. Therefore I also try to give a basic overview on this topic. The article ends with a short description of a corresponding experiment I carried out in Germany one year later. By comparing the Western and Eastern responses to the veiled female body, this experiment reveals typical culturally shaped preconceptions

    Proverbios 30:18-19 a la luz de los antiguos textos mesopotámicos cuneiformes

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    The meaning of Proverbs 30:18-19 has long been disputed. Most scholars interpret the Biblical couplets textually on stylistic features only; an explanation of the contextual association between the four motifs mentioned (eagle, serpent, boat, man and woman) has not yet been undertaken. The present paper aims at shedding light on the motivation for this association, taking into consideration ancient Near Eastern cuneiform compositions for the first time. It is further suggested that Proverbs 30:18-19 derived originally from a riddle that had its setting in a wedding ceremony.El significado de Proverbios 30:18-19 sigue desafiando la exégesis de los biblistas. La mayoría de los comentaristas interpretan los versos bíblicos textualmente, ciñéndose al análisis de las figuras de estilo. Sin embargo, todavía no se ha dado ninguna explicación a la asociación contextual entre los cuatro motivos del proverbio (águila, serpiente, barco, hombre y mujer). Por primera vez, este artículo estudia composiciones de la literatura cuneiforme que ofrecen un telón de fondo para interpretar el sentido de los distintos elementos y del conjunto del proverbio bíblico. Según esta nueva lectura, Proverbios 30:18-19 describiría una adivinanza propuesta durante una ceremonia matrimonial

    Tools for the Virtual:: Atmosphere and Bodily Presence of Digital Space

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    Architecture of the digital space is increasingly evolving towards the imaginary, atmospheric, and invisible sphere beyond the reality of built space. The virtual world of digital technologies has changed the practice of the design process by blurring the boundaries between fictitious and real space. Experimental conditions of layering, folding, and programmed randomness of algorithms via the means of combined software enable the visual representation of architectural hybrids. This new reality of the design process is envisioned as renderings, virtual 3d building models, diagrammatic projections, and animated movies. Yet, how can the innovation of the digital turn in the design process effect, shape and interact with our perception and experience of space? Are the digital and the analogue world fundamentally different as their means and techniques may suggest

    Kinetics and intermediates of palladium-catalyzed Negishi cross-coupling reactions

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