53 research outputs found

    Soroprevalência da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii em populações indígenas de Iauareté, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brasil

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    The goal of this survey was to estimate the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in Iauareté, a multiethnic Indian community in the upper Rio Negro basin. We carried out a cross-sectional survey (n = 260), in order to obtain serum samples and demographic data. The sample was randomly selected, by family conglomerate analysis. Serodiagnosis was performed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and indirect immunofluorescence. Prevalence of reactivity was 73.5% (191/260), being higher in the older-age groups, reaching 95.7% (44/46) in the group aged 50 years or more. The majority of seropositive subjects had titers equal to or less than 1:64. Seroprevalence was greater in Indians belonging to the Hupda ethnic group (p = 0.03). According to the present survey, Indian people living in Iauareté have a high prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii. Demographic concentration and urbanization within low sanitation and poor hygiene backgrounds, as well as unfiltered water consumption, may be related to the high frequency of T. gondii seroprevalence observed in the studied area.Este estudo objetivou estimar a soroprevalência da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii em Iauareté, uma comunidade indígena multiétnica situada na bacia do Alto Rio Negro. Foi realizado um estudo seccional (n = 260), obtendo-se amostras de soro e dados demográficos, através de amostragem sistemática por conglomerado. Os testes sorológicos foram realizados através de ensaio imunoenzimático e imunofluorescência indireta. A prevalência da reatividade foi de 73,5% (191/260), aumentando com a faixa etária e atingindo 95,7% (44/46) em maiores de 50 anos. A maioria das amostras reativas apresentou títulos iguais ou inferiores a 1:64. Observou-se maior freqüência de reatividade entre os índios da etnia Maku Hupda. De acordo com o presente estudo, a população indígena de Iauareté apresenta alta prevalência da presença de anticorpos contra T. gondii. A concentração demográfica e a urbanização, conduzidas sem infra-estrutura sanitária, levadas a cabo na região no ultimo século, podem estar relacionadas à alta freqüência de detecção de anticorpos contra T. gondii na área estudada

    Uso do antifúngico miconazol como inibidor do crescimento de Blastocystis hominis em culturas de Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar

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    In regions with high prevalence, Blastocystis hominis is frequently found in association with Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar in xenic cultures. Its exacerbated growth is often superimposed on the growth of amebas, thus impeding the continuation of the amebas in the culture, within a few generations. The present study reports on the excellent efficacy (100%) of the antifungal agent miconazole in eliminating B. hominis from cultures of E. histolytica/E. dispar, thereby maintaining the integrity of the trophozoites of the amebas. Nystatin presented low efficacy (33.3%).Em regiões de alta prevalência, Blastocystis hominis é freqüentemente encontrado em associação com Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar em cultivos xênicos. Seu crescimento exacerbado se sobrepõe muitas vezes ao das amebas, impedindo a manutenção destas em cultura, dentro de poucas gerações. O presente estudo relata a excelente eficácia (100%) do antifúngico miconazol na eliminação de B. hominis dos cultivos de E. histolytica/E. dispar, mantendo-se a integridade dos trofozoítos das amebas. A nistatina apresentou eficácia baixa (33,3%)


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    Hassalstrongylus luquei n. sp. is described from the small intestine of Euryoryzomys russatus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) collected in the Atlantic Forest (Rio de Janeiro State, Angra dos Reis, Brazil). The genus Hassalstrongylus includes 16 Neotropical species. The main characters of new species are subsymmetrical caudal bursa with a type 2-2-1, rays 8 branching at midlength of dorsal trunk, right lateral trunk larger than the left and the longest spicules in the genus. Only three species of Hassalstrongylus have the rays 8 not emerging at the base trunk, these are: H. mazzai; H. aduncus; and H. echalieri. However, the present species is distinguished from H. mazzai by having the dorsal rays divided at fourth part of the trunk, H. bocqueti by having rays 5 bifurcating at third part of trunk and H. echalieri by having a pattern of 2-2-1.Hassalstrongylus luquei n. sp. es descrito en el intestino delgado de Euryoryzomys russatus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) colectado en la Mata Atlantica (Estado de Río de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis, Brasil). El género Hassalstrongylus Durette-Desset de 1971 incluye 16 especies neotropicales. Las características más importantes de la nueva especie son: la bursa caudal subsimétrica con un tipo 2-2-1, rayos 8 ramificados en la mitad de la longitud del tronco dorsal, el tronco lateral derecho es mayor que el izquierdo y las espículas son las más grandes del género. Sólo tres especies de Hassalstrongylus tienen los rayos 8 no emergentes en la base del tronco, éstas son: H. mazzai, H. aduncus y H. echalieri. Sin embargo, la presente especie se distingue de H. mazzai por presentar los radios dorsales divididos en la cuarta parte del tronco, H. bocqueti por tener los rayos 5 bifurcados en tercera parte del tronco y H. echalieri por tener un patrón de 2-2-1

    Rotavirus Genotype Distribution after Vaccine Introduction, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Brazil introduced rotavirus vaccination in March 2006. We studied 133 rotavirus-positive fecal samples collected from February 2005 through December 2007. Genotype G2P[4] was found in 1.4% of samples in 2005, in 44% in 2006, and in 96% in 2007. Rotavirus detection rate decreased from 38% in 2005 to 24% in 2007 (p = 0.012)

    Spurious infection by Calodium hepaticum (Bancroft, 1983) Moravec, 1982 and intestinal parasites in forest reserve dwellers in Western Brazilian Amazon

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    Subsistence hunting is the main source of protein for forest reserve dwellers, contributing to the development of spurious infections by Calodium hepaticum, frequently associated with the consumption of the liver from wild mammals. The prevalence of infections by soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) and intestinal protozoa is considered an indicator of the social vulnerability of a country, besides providing information on habits, customs and quality of life of a given population. Intestinal parasites mostly affect poor rural communities with limited access to clean water and adequate sanitation. This study reports the results of a parasitological survey carried out in 2017 and 2019, in two municipalities (Xapuri and Sena Madureira) in Acre State. Stool samples were collected from 276 inhabitants. Upon receipt, each sample was divided into two aliquots. Fresh samples without preservative were processed and examined by the Kato-Katz technique. Samples fixed in 10% formalin were processed by the spontaneous sedimentation and the centrifugal sedimentation techniques. Calodium hepaticum eggs were found in three stool samples. The overall STH prevalence was 44.9%. The hookworm prevalence (19.2%) was higher than that of Ascaris lumbricoides (2.5%) and Trichuris trichiura (0.7%), an unexpected finding for municipalities belonging to the Western Brazilian Amazon. When considering parasites transmitted via the fecal-oral route, Endolimax nana and Entamoeba coli showed the highest positivity rates, of 13% and 10.9%, respectively. This study is the first report of spurious infection by C. hepaticum among forest reserve dwellers that consume undercooked liver of lowland pacas. Additionally, this is the first report of Blastocystis sp. in Acre State

    Tuberculose e parasitismo intestinal em população indígena na Amazônia brasileira

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    O objetivo do estudo foi estimar as freqüências de tuberculose e parasitoses intestinais na em comunidades indígenas da localidade de Iauareté (AM), em 2001. Estudo transversal (n=333) visando à obtenção de dados demográficos e amostras biológicas para exames de escarro e fezes. Dentre os 43 sintomáticos respiratórios, seis foram positivos na pesquisa de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no escarro. As parasitoses intestinais apresentaram freqüência significativamente maior entre a população Hüpda do que entre os índios que habitam os demais bairros (37,5% vs. 19,3% para Ascaris lumbricoides, 32,4% vs. 16,3% para Trichuris trichiura, 75% vs. 19,3% para ancilostomídeos, 75% vs. 35,4% para Entamoeba histolyticaD dispar e 33,3% vs. 10,7% para Giardia lamblia). Conclui-se que a tuberculose e o parasitismo intestinal são freqüentes nessas comunidades, exigindo medidas de controle e melhorias na assistência à saúde.The objective of the survey was to estimate the frequencies of tuberculosis and intestinal parasitosis in indigenous communities at the locality of Iauareté, Northern Brazil, in 2001. This was a cross-sectional survey (n=333) aimed at obtaining demographic data and biological samples for sputum and feces examinations. Among the 43 individuals with respiratory symptoms, six presented alcohol/acid-fast bacilli in sputum. Intestinal parasitosis was significantly more frequent among the Hüpda population than among the Indians living in other districts (37.5% vs. 19.3% for Ascaris lumbricoides, 32.4% vs. 16.3% for Trichuris trichiura, 75% vs. 19.3% for hookworms, 75% vs. 35.4% for Entamoeba histolyticaD dispar and 33.3% vs. 10.7% for Giardia lamblia). It is concluded that tuberculosis and intestinal parasitism are frequent in these communities, thus requiring control measures and better medical care.El objetivo del estudio fue estimar las frecuencias de tuberculosis y parasitosis intestinales en las comunidades indígenas de la localidad de Iauareté (Norte de Brasil), en 2001. Estudio transversal (n=333) intentando obtener datos demográficos y muestras biológicas para examenes de esputo y heces. Entre los 43 sintomáticos respiratorios, seis fueron positivos en la pesquisa de bacilos alcohol-ácido resistentes en el esputo. Las parasitosis intestinales presentaron frecuencia significativamente mayor entre la población Hüpda que entre los indios que habitan las demás localidades (37,5% vs. 19,3% para Ascaris lumbricoides, 32,4% vs. 16,3% para Trichuris trichiura, 75% vs. 19,3% para ancilostomídeos, 75% vs. 35,4% para Entamoeba histolytica/dispar y 33,3% vs. 10,7% para Giardia lamblia). Se concluyó que la tuberculosis y el parasitismo intestinal son frecuentes en esas comunidades, exigiendo medidas de control y mejorías en la asistencia a la salud

    Focal persistence of soil-transmitted helminthiases in impoverished areas in the State of Piaui, Northeastern Brazil

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    This study aims to describe the prevalence, distribution, and factors associated with soil-transmitted helminthiases (STHs) in rural localities in Piaui, Brazil. Two cross-sectional surveys (n=605 subjects; 172 families) were carried out in order to obtain socio-demographic, anthropometric, spatial and parasitological data. Parasites were evaluated using Kato-Katz and centrifugal sedimentation techniques. Eggs were measured to assess infection with zoonotic Strongylida parasites. Kernel maps were constructed with Q-GIS. The prevalence of hookworm infection was 12.4% (75/605). Other helminthes found were Trichuris trichiura (n=1; 0.2%) and Hymenolepis nana (n=1; 0.2%). The hookworm positivity rate was significantly lower among subjects who had used albendazole when compared with individuals who had not used anthelmintics or had used antiprotozoal drugs in the last 6 months (8/134 [6.0%] vs. 59/415 [14.2%]; p=0.009). A total of 39/172 (22.7%) families had at least one infected member. The association between the number of dwellers and hookworm positivity in the family was present in a logistic regression multivariate model. Assessment of worm burdens showed 92.2% light, 6.2% moderate, and 1.6% heavy infections. Hookworm eggs (n=34) measured 57.2 - 75.4 µm in length and 36.4 - 44.2 µm in width (mean ± SD = 65.86 ± 4.66 µm L and 40.05 ± 1.99 µm W), commensurate with human hookworms. Hotspots suggest that transmission has a focal pattern. STHs persist in impoverished rural areas in Northeastern Brazil where currently available control strategies (mass drug administration) apparently do not allow the elimination of the infection