47 research outputs found

    EfficacitĂ© du programme mieux-ĂȘtre « Wellness » sur la gestion du poids, l'observance Ă  la mĂ©dication et la qualitĂ© de vie chez les personnes ayant un trouble psychotique ou de l'humeur

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    Les patients aux prises avec une problĂ©matique de schizophrĂ©nie, de trouble bipolaire, de trouble schizoaffectif et de dĂ©pression majeure sont plus Ă  risque de souffrir de surpoids ou d'obĂ©sitĂ© que la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. La mĂ©dication psychotrope prescrite Ă  ces patients peut influer sur leur santĂ© puisqu'elle est associĂ©e, entre autres, Ă  un gain pondĂ©ral. Le gain de poids, de par ses consĂ©quences physiques et psychologiques, peut avoir un impact important sur l'observance Ă  la mĂ©dication et sur la qualitĂ© de vie des personnes atteintes de troubles psychiatriques sĂ©vĂšres. L'objectif du prĂ©sent mĂ©moire Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer l'efficacitĂ© du programme Mieux-Être « Wellness », un programme clinique rĂ©gional d'intervention multimodale qui vise Ă  accroĂźtre la santĂ© physique et mentale, la qualitĂ© de vie et l'adhĂ©sion au traitement des clientĂšles psychiatriques. En tout, 41 personnes ont pris part au programme et 16 personnes au groupe contrĂŽle de type liste d'attente. Les participants Ă©taient principalement ĂągĂ©s entre 25 et 55 ans et avaient un diagnostic de trouble psychotique ou de l'humeur. Ils recevaient une mĂ©dication antipsychotique (principalement atypique), un stabilisateur de l'humeur, un antidĂ©presseur, seul ou en combinaison. L'efficacitĂ© du programme a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e Ă  l'aide de variables anthropomĂ©triques ainsi que diverses variables cliniques (qualitĂ© de vie, symptĂŽmes psychiatriques, attitudes Ă  l'Ă©gard de la mĂ©dication, observance Ă  la mĂ©dication). Au posttraitement, il n'y a pas de diffĂ©rences significatives entre les groupes expĂ©rimental et contrĂŽle sur la plupart des variables Ă  l'Ă©tude. Par contre, Tes rĂ©sultats obtenus au suivi 3 mois rĂ©vĂšlent un impact significatif et positif du programme sur le poids, l'IMC et le pĂ©rimĂštre abdominal des patients ayant pris part au programme, ainsi que sur certains aspects de leur qualitĂ© de vie. Ces donnĂ©es dĂ©montrent qu'un tel programme de modification des habitudes de vie peut avoir un impact positif sur la santĂ© physique et psychologique des clientĂšles psychiatriques, et ce, dans un environnement clinique non contrĂŽlĂ©

    Les croyances paranormales au Québec : des bricolages religieux dans un contexte de tradition catholique

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    RĂ©alisĂ© en codirection avec le dĂ©partement d'anthropologie de l'UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al.Cette Ă©tude traite des phĂ©nomĂšnes paranormaux au QuĂ©bec. À partir d’un terrain menĂ© de 2014 Ă  2015 dans la rĂ©gion des Laurentides, cette recherche propose un portrait de la croyance paranormale, du spiritisme et des croyants dans la province. En contextualisant les dĂ©marches de nos rĂ©pondants dans l’hĂ©ritage catholique local et en les interprĂ©tant Ă  l’aide des notions de bricolage religieux, de phĂ©nomĂ©nologie et de croyances, il a Ă©tĂ© possible d’établir un profil type du croyant au surnaturel et du contexte dans lequel peut apparaĂźtre et Ă©voluer cette croyance. Les rĂ©pondants de cette recherche ont gĂ©nĂ©ralement vĂ©cu une expĂ©rience paranormale qu’ils ont interprĂ©tĂ©e Ă  la lumiĂšre du dĂ©cĂšs d’une personne, analyse validĂ©e par l’intermĂ©diaire d’un mĂ©dium possĂ©dant, selon eux, un Don, celui de la communication avec l’au-delĂ . La croyance de la continuitĂ© de l’ñme humaine aprĂšs la mort du corps semble donc constituer un pilier de la croyance au paranormal. Les rĂ©pondants, qui ont tous vĂ©cu des phĂ©nomĂšnes inexplicables, ont en outre gĂ©nĂ©ralement peur du jugement des autres et Ă©vitent de parler de leurs croyances. Ce fait contribue Ă  la mĂ©comprĂ©hension des croyances paranormales et c’est Ă  ce stade que le mĂ©dium va jouer le rĂŽle d’intermĂ©diaire entre le rĂ©pondant et le phĂ©nomĂšne, en authentifiant l’évĂšnement comme rĂ©el. Ce mĂ©moire analyse donc enfin le processus de lĂ©gitimation de la croyance au paranormal et de l’existence de la mĂ©diumnitĂ©, dans un contexte post-RĂ©volution tranquille oĂč la raison et la science ne suffisent pas Ă  fournir toutes les rĂ©ponses.This research project deals with beliefs about paranormal activity in the province of Quebec. Drawing on fieldwork conducted from 2014 to 2015 in the Laurentians, the project provides a picture of paranormal beliefs, spiritualism and believers. Contextualizing the steps taken by participants to integrate, as part of their local Catholic heritage, their beliefs about the paranormal, and interpreting these using the concepts of religious bricolage, phenomenology and belief, it was possible to create a profile of a typical believer in the paranormal and the context in which such beliefs can appear and evolve. Most of the participants in this project had had a paranormal experience that they interpreted in the light of the death of a person, and then had their analysis validated by a medium with a Gift, that according to them involved the ability to communicate with “the beyond”. The belief in the continuity of the human soul after the death of the body seems to be a pillar of beliefs in the paranormal. Participants, who had all experienced inexplicable phenomena, also tended to fear the judgment of others and so avoided talking about their beliefs. This fact contributes to the misunderstanding of paranormal beliefs and it is at this stage that the medium plays the role of intermediary between the participant and the phenomenon, by authenticating the event as real. This thesis analyses the process of legitimation of beliefs in the paranormal and the existence of mediumship in a post-Quiet Revolution context in Quebec, where reason and science may still be insufficient for providing all the answers that people seek

    L'actigraphie comme mesure de sommeil Ă  l’ñge prĂ©scolaire : liens avec la sĂ©curitĂ© d’attachement et les comportements extĂ©riorisĂ©s

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    L’objectif général de la thèse était d’élargir les connaissances scientifiques sur le sommeil des enfants. La thèse est composée de quatre articles empiriques. Le premier visait à estimer la validité de l’actigraphie comme mesure de sommeil chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire en la comparant à la polysomnographie, et à examiner si son emplacement influence sa validité. 12 enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans ont porté simultanément un actigraphe à la cheville et un au poignet pendant une nuit d’enregistrement polysomnographique. Les résultats démontrent que l’actigraphie permet une bonne détection du sommeil, mais qu’elle détecte moins bien l’éveil. Cet article suggère également que les jeunes enfants nécessitent un algorithme adapté à leur niveau d’activité nocturne. Enfin, la validité de l'actigraphie semble similaire pour le poignet et la cheville. Le deuxième article visait à comparer trois mesures de sommeil souvent utilisées avec de jeunes enfants, soit les agendas de sommeil, l’échelle des problèmes de sommeil du Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) et l’actigraphie, afin de déterminer leurs similarités et leurs divergences quant aux variables de sommeil qui en sont dérivées. 80 familles ont participé à cette étude lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 2 ans. Les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 72 heures consécutives et les mères ont complété un agenda de sommeil durant cette même période. Les deux parents ont aussi rempli le CBCL. Les résultats démontrent que ces mesures de sommeil évaluent des aspects différents du sommeil de l’enfant, et suggèrent une concordance particulièrement faible entre les mesures subjectives et objectives. Le troisième article visait à évaluer l’apport unique de la sécurité d’attachement dans la prédiction du sommeil de l’enfant. 62 dyades mère-enfant ont été rencontrées à deux reprises. La sécurité d’attachement et la dépendance ont été évaluées par observation à l’aide du Q-Sort d’attachement lorsque l’enfant avait 15 mois. À l’âge de 2 ans, les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 3 jours consécutifs. Les résultats indiquent que la sécurité d'attachement a une contribution unique à la prédiction de la durée du sommeil nocturne et de l'efficacité du sommeil nocturne. Ainsi, cette étude suggère que plus les enfants ont un attachement sécurisant envers leur mère, plus grandes sont la durée et la qualité de leur sommeil quelques mois plus tard. Le quatrième article visait à examiner la relation entre le sommeil et les comportements extériorisés. 64 familles ont participé à cette étude. À l’âge de 2 ans, les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 72 heures consécutives et les parents ont complété le CBCL. Lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 4 ans, les parents ainsi que l’éducateur(trice) de garderie ont rempli le CBCL. Les résultats démontrent que le sommeil de l’enfant est associé aux comportements extériorisés concomitants et à l’augmentation de ceux-ci à travers le temps. Par ailleurs, les relations entre la qualité de sommeil et les comportements extériorisés étaient modérées par le sexe de l’enfant, c’est-à-dire significatives seulement chez les garçons. Les résultats des quatre articles sont finalement intégrés dans la discussion générale.The overall objective of the thesis was to contribute to the expansion of the current state of knowledge on young children’s sleep. The thesis consists of four empirical articles. The first article compared the validity of three algorithms for detecting sleep with actigraphy by comparing them to polysomnography in preschoolers. The putative influence of device location (wrist or ankle) was also examined. 12 children aged 2 to 5 years simultaneously wore an actigraph on an ankle and a wrist during a night of polysomnography recording at home. The results showed that actigraphy generally provides good detection of sleep, but weaker detection of wakefulness. The article also suggests that young children require an algorithm adapted to their level of nocturnal motor activity. Finally, sleep variables derived from the ankle and wrist were not statistically different, suggesting that the validity of the actigraphy is not influenced by the location of the monitor. The second article examined associations between actigraphy, maternal sleep diaries, and the parent-completed Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) sleep items, which are instruments widely used by clinicians and researchers to assess sleep among young children. 80 middle-class families participated in this study when children were aged 2 years. Children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72-hour period and mothers completed a sleep diary during the same period. Both parents also completed the CBCL. The results show that these sleep measures assess different aspects of children’s sleep, and suggest a particularly low concordance between the subjective and objective sleep measures. The third article used objective measures of sleep and attachment to assess the longitudinal links between mother-child attachment security and subsequent sleep, while partialling out child dependency. 62 middle-class families were met twice. Security and dependency of attachment were assessed with the observer version of the Attachment Q-Sort when the child was 15 months. At the age of 2 years, children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72-hour period. Results indicated that children more securely attached to their mothers had higher nighttime sleep duration and efficiency, and these predictions were not confounded by child dependency. The aim of the fourth article was to investigate the concurrent and longitudinal relations between sleep and externalizing symptoms among young children. Sixty-four families were met twice. At the age of 2 years, children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72- hour period and both mothers and fathers completed the CBCL. When children were aged 4 years, both parents as well as the daycare educator filled the CBCL. The results show that child sleep is associated with concurrent externalizing symptoms and with an increase in externalizing symptoms over time. Associations between sleep efficiency and externalizing symptoms were moderated by child sex, such that links were only significant among boys. Finally, the results of the four articles are integrated into the general discussion

    Actigraphy data in pediatric research : the role of sleep diaries

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    Background. When assessing children's sleep using actigraphy, researchers usually rely on a sleep diary completed by a parent as an aid in scoring actigraphic data. However, parental nonadherence in completing the sleep diary may significantly reduce the amount of available data. The current study examined the agreement between actigraphic data scored with and without a sleep diary to evaluate the impact of not using a sleep diary when studying children's sleep with actigraphy. Methods. Sixty children (aged 6–10 years; 36 girls) wore an actigraph for three to seven consecutive nights, and mothers were asked to complete a diary of their child's sleep during the same period. Actigraphy data were scored under two conditions (with and without diary) rated independently for each child by two different research assistants, who each scored 50% of the files in each condition. Results. Group-level analyses and intraclass correlations revealed very strong convergence between the two scoring conditions: on all sleep variables (sleep duration, wake duration, and sleep efficiency), average mean differences were very small and intraclass correlations very high. Bland and Altman’s (1999) approach allowed for a child-by-child examination of agreement between the two conditions and revealed that, although they cannot be considered interchangeable, the two conditions produce quite minimal differences in the estimation of sleep variables. Conclusions. The findings suggest that it is possible to use some actigraphy data for which no corresponding diary data are available, although this approach should be used sparingly

    Sleeping Toward Behavioral Regulation: Relations Between Sleep and Externalizing Symptoms in Toddlers and Preschoolers

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the concurrent and longitudinal relations between sleep and externalizing symptoms among young children. Method: Sixty-four families (mostly Caucasian; 36 boys) were met twice, when children were 2 (T1) and 4 years of age (T2). At T1, children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72-hour period, and both mothers and fathers completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). At T2, both parents as well as the daycare educator filled the CBCL. Results: At T1, longer sleep duration and higher sleep efficiency was associated with fewer externalizing symptoms as assessed by mothers. Results also indicated that higher sleep efficiency at T1 was related to fewer parent-reported externalizing symptoms at T2 (while controlling for prior externalizing symptoms). Relations between sleep efficiency at T1 and externalizing symptoms as assessed by mothers at T1 and by fathers at T2 were moderated by child sex, such that links were significant among boys only. Results pertaining to educators’ reports were inconclusive. Conclusions: The current study highlights the importance of rapidly treating sleep difficulties, which are associated with persistent behavioral maladjustment, perhaps especially for boys

    Epidemiological study of Coxiella burnetii in dairy cattle and small ruminants in Québec, Canada

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    The bacterium Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) can infect a wide range of animals, most notably ruminants where it causes mainly asymptomatic infections and, when clinical, it is associated with reproductive disorders such as abortion. It is also the etiological agent of Q fever in humans, a zoonosis of increasingly important public health concern. A cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the apparent prevalence and spatial distribution of C. burnetii positivity in dairy cattle and small ruminant herds of two regions of QuĂ©bec, Canada, and identify potential risk factors associated with positivity at animal and herd levels. In dairy cattle herds, individual fecal samples and repeated bulk tank milk samples (BTM) were collected. In small ruminant herds, serum and feces were sampled in individual animals. ELISA analyses were performed on serum and BTM samples. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) was done on fecal and BTM samples. An animal was considered C. burnetii-positive when at least one sample was revealed positive by ELISA and/or qPCR, while a herd was considered C. burnetii-positive when at least one animal inside that herd was revealed positive. None of the 155 cows had a qPCR-positive fecal sample, whereas 37.2 % (95 % CI = 25.3–49.1) of the 341 sheep and 49.2 % (95 % CI = 25.6–72.7) of the 75 goats were C. burnetii-positive. The apparent prevalence of C. burnetii-positive herds was 47.3 % (95 % CI = 35.6–59.3) in dairy cattle herds (n = 74), 69.6 % (95 % CI = 47.1–86.8) in sheep flocks (n = 23) and 66.7 % (95 % CI = 22.3–95.7) in goat herds (n = 6). No spatial cluster of positive herds was detected. At the individual level, the only significant association with positivity in multivariable regressions was higher parity number in small ruminants. At the herd level, the use of calving group pen, the distance to the closest positive bovine herd, and small ruminant herd density in a 5 km radius were associated with dairy cattle herd positivity, whereas small ruminant herds with more than 100 animals and with a dog on the farm had greater odds of C. burnetii positivity. Our study shows that the infection is frequent on dairy cattle and small ruminant herds from the two studied regions and that some farm and animal characteristics might influence the transmission dynamics of the C. burnetii infection

    Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii seropositivity and shedding in farm, pet and feral cats and associated risk factors in farm cats in Quebec, Canada

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    Cats represent a potential source of Coxiella burnetii, the aetiological agent of Q fever in humans. The prevalence and risk factors of C. burnetii infection in farm, pet and feral cats were studied in Quebec, Canada, using a cross-sectional study. Serum samples were tested using a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the presence of antibodies against C. burnetii, whereas rectal swabs were assayed using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for the molecular detection of the bacteria. Potential risk factors for farm cats were investigated using clinical examinations, questionnaires and results from a concurrent study on C. burnetii farm status. A total of 184 cats were tested: 59 from ruminant farms, 73 pets and 52 feral cats. Among farm cats, 2/59 (3.4%) were ELISA-positive, 3/59 (5.1%) were ELISA-doubtful and 1/59 (1.7%) was qPCR-positive. All pets and feral cats were negative to C. burnetii ELISA and qPCR. Farm cat positivity was associated with a positive C. burnetii status on the ruminant farm (prevalence ratio = 7.6, P = 0.03). Our results suggest that although pet and feral cats do not seem to pose a great C. burnetii risk to public health, more active care should be taken when in contact with cats from ruminant farms

    Procùs et environnement : quelles actions en justice pour l’environnement ?

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    Les travaux publiĂ©s dans cet ouvrage sont le fruit de recherches collectives menĂ©es en France, Ă  travers l’ensemble des ordres juridiques (constitutionnel, administratif, judiciaire) mais aussi au Japon et au QuĂ©bec. Il s’agit de porter un regard comparatiste sur les actions en justice en matiĂšre de protection de l’environnement, sous le prisme de la stratĂ©gie contentieuse. Sont apprĂ©hendĂ©s tout Ă  la fois les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de tel ou tel type d’action, les difficultĂ©s juridiques propres aux actions formĂ©es par des associations, les stratĂ©gies que celles-ci doivent privilĂ©gier ainsi que les risques auxquels elles s’exposent en agissant en justice, les potentialitĂ©s de l’action de groupe, mais aussi celle de l’octroi de droits Ă  la nature elle-mĂȘme

    Enjeux et solutions pour la sylviculture intensive de plantations dans un contexte d'aménagement écosystémique

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    Les plantations forestiĂšres reprĂ©sentent un outil sylvicole reconnu pour assurer un approvisionnement en matiĂšre ligneuse qui rĂ©pond aux attentes de la sociĂ©tĂ© envers l'amĂ©nagement durable des forĂȘts. Toutefois, elles font aussi partie du scĂ©nario sylvicole qui a le plus grand potentiel d'artificialisation de la forĂȘt naturelle. Les objectifs de la sylviculture intensive de plantations peuvent alors paraĂźtre, de prime abord, en contradiction avec ceux de l'amĂ©nagement Ă©cosystĂ©mique. Nous dĂ©crivons le processus par lequel nous avons dĂ©fini et documentĂ© des enjeux associĂ©s aux plantations et proposĂ© des pistes de solutions pour que la sylviculture intensive de plantations puisse s'intĂ©grer Ă  l'amĂ©nagement Ă©cosystĂ©mique. Nous avons identifiĂ© des enjeux relatifs Ă  l'ampleur, Ă  la localisation et Ă  l'agencement spatial des plantations, aux attributs clĂ©s et Ă  la rĂ©silience de la forĂȘt naturelle, Ă  l'acceptabilitĂ© sociale, ainsi qu’à la productivitĂ© et Ă  la rentabilitĂ© des plantations. Nous avons Ă©galement proposĂ© des pistes de solutions qui permettraient de rĂ©aliser les plantations dans un contexte d'amĂ©nagement Ă©cosystĂ©mique, telles que la modulation des traitements sylvicoles pour augmenter la naturalitĂ© des plantations, la rĂ©alisation des traitements de maniĂšre Ă  obtenir la production attendue, ainsi qu'un dĂ©ploiement dans le paysage qui intĂšgre les prĂ©occupations des parties prenantes et qui considĂšre la naturalitĂ© de la matrice forestiĂšre. Forest plantations are recognized as a silvicultural tool for ensuring a timber supply that meets public expectations regarding sustainable forest management. However, they are also part of the silvicultural scenario that shows the greatest potential for the artificialization of natural forests. From a firsthand perspective, intensive plantation silviculture objectives may appear antagonistic to those of ecosystem management. Here we describe the process through which we defined and documented plantation issues, then propose potential solutions to allow the integration of intensive plantation silviculture into ecosystem management. We identify issues related to the scale, localization and spatial arrangement of plantations, the key attributes and resilience of natural forests, social acceptability, and the productivity and profitability of plantations. We also propose potential solutions likely to help manage plantations within a context of ecosystem management. These include modulating silvicultural treatments to enhance the naturalness of plantations, conducting treatments to obtain expected production rates, and ensuring that plantations are deployed across the landscape in a manner that integrates stakeholder concerns and considers the naturalness of the forest matrix

    Understanding the nervous system: Lessons from Frontiers in Neurophotonics

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    The Frontiers in Neurophotonics Symposium is a biennial event that brings together neurobiologists and physicists/engineers who share interest in the development of leading-edge photonics-based approaches to understand and manipulate the nervous system, from its individual molecular components to complex networks in the intact brain. In this Community paper, we highlight several topics that have been featured at the symposium that took place in October 2022 in Québec City, Canada