53 research outputs found

    Effects of attribute framing on cognitive processing and evaluation

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    Whereas there is extensive documentation that attribute framing influences the content of peoples thought, we generally know less about how it affects the processes assumed to precede those thoughts. While existing explanations for attribute framing effects rely completely on valence-based associative processing, the results obtained in the present study are also consistent with the notion that negative framing stimulates more effortful and thorough information processing than positive framing. Specifically, results from a simulated business decision-making experiment showed that decision makers receiving negatively framed information had significantly better recall than those receiving positively framed information. Furthermore, decision makers in the negative framing condition were less confident than decision makers in the positively framed condition. Finally, compared to a no-framing condition, decision makers receiving positive framing deviated significantly more in evaluation than decision makers receiving negative framing did

    Individual variable pay for performance, controlling efects, and intrinsic motivation

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    A core question in research on compensation and motivation is whether individual variable pay for performance (IVPFP) can undermine intrinsic motivation in the workplace. We investigated the mediating role of a controlling efect on the relationship between the amount of IVPFP received and intrinsic motivation. In a three-wave study of 304 employees from eight European countries, we found that a controlling efect mediated the negative association between IVPFP and intrinsic motivation. These fndings support the proposition from self-determination theory that fnancial rewards can have a controlling efect that decreases intrinsic motivation. Theoretical and practical implications for compensation and motivation in the workplace are discussed.publishedVersio

    Effects of reward on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity

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    This article evaluates the effects of two types of rewards (performance-contingent versus engagement-contingent) on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity. Forty-two undergraduate students were randomly assigned to three conditions; i.e. a performance-contingent reward group, an engagement-contingent reward group and a control group. Results provide little support for the negative effects of performance rewards on motivational components. However, they do indicate that participants in the engagement-contingent reward group and the control group achieved higher rated creativity than participants in the performance-contingent reward group. Alternative explanations for this finding are discussed

    Development and empirical exploration of an extended model of intragroup conflict

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    Dette er post-print av artikkelen publisert i International Journal of Conflict ManagementPurpose - The purpose of this study was to develop and empirically explore a model of four intragroup conflict types (the 4IC model), consisting of an emotional person, a cognitive task, an emotional task, and a cognitive person conflict. The two first conflict types are similar to existing conceptualizations, whereas the two latter represent new dimensions of group conflict. Design/methodology/approach - Based upon a heuristic distinction between cognition and emotion, the four conflict types are defined, and scales for measuring them are developed. The psychometric and statistical properties of the scales were analyzed by data collected from four company samples and two student samples (N = 208). The validity of the constructs was evaluated by comparing them with similar constructs, in particular, the Intragroup Conflict Scale (ICS), developed by Jehn (1995). Findings - A theory driven exploratory factor analysis elicited a 19-item structure of four reliable factors, representing the four conflict types. A confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated satisfactory properties of the data matrix compared with the proposed model. Furthermore, a refined 12-item scale was developed to consider the validity of the 4IC, with reasonably satisfactory findings. Research limitations/implications - Limitations concerning sample size, wording of items, the demarcation between conflict types and conflict approaches, and the robustness of the constructs are discussed. We suggest that researchers may find the model useful for future studies of conflict in groups. Practical implications - Our model may be of assistance in handling conflicts in organizations. In particular, managers and employees may become aware that emotional conflicts are not always associated with relational or person oriented issues; they may as well concern task oriented issues. Furthermore, cognitive conflicts do not always have to be task oriented; they may also concern relational or person oriented issues. The introduction of the emotional task oriented and the cognitive person oriented conflict types may thus extend the conflict management tool box for managers and employees. Originality/value - The results of this study challenge common use of emotional and relationship/person conflicts as interchangeable conflict types, and cognitive and task conflict as interchangeable conflict types. Accordingly, the study suggests new ways to understand conflicts in groups

    Do you get what you pay for? Sales incentives and implications for motivation and changes in turnover intention and work effort

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    This study investigated relations between pay-for-performance incentives designed to vary in instrumentality (annual pay-for-performance, quarterly pay-for-performance, and base pay level) and employee outcomes (self-reported work effort and turnover intention) in a longitudinal study spanning more than 2 years. After controlling for perceived instrumentality, merit pay increase, and the initial values of the dependent variables, the amount of base pay was positively related to work effort and negatively related to turnover intention, where both relationships were mediated by autonomous motivation. The amounts of quarterly and annual pay-for-performance were both positively related to controlled motivation, but were differently related to the dependent variables due to different relations with autonomous motivation

    Perceived job autonomy and turnover intention – The moderating role of perceived supervisor support

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    Perceived job autonomy has been recognized as a central tenet of work design, leading to a range of positive outcomes. Still, scholars have rightfully questioned its predictive role for several outcomes, including turnover intention as the two have been found to be virtually unrelated. In line with calls for more complex research on the predictive role of perceived job autonomy on employee outcomes, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the relationship between perceived job autonomy and turnover intention may be prone to contextual influences. Two cross-sectional surveys among 680 Norwegian employees from different public service organizations showed that the relationship between perceived job autonomy and turnover intention was moderated by perceived supervisor support. In support of our hypothesis, the form of the moderations revealed that perceived job autonomy was negatively related to turnover intention only for employees reporting high levels of perceived supervisor support. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed

    Intrinsic motivation as a moderator on the relationship between perceived job autonomy and work performance

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    The purpose of this study was to explore an alternative relationship between job autonomy and employee outcomes. In contrast to the dominating view that perceived job autonomy leads to increased levels of intrinsic motivation and in turn work performance, we developed a hypothesis proposing that intrinsic motivation moderates the relationship between perceived job autonomy and work performance. Two cross-sectional surveys among 302 employees from different Norwegian service organizations showed that the relationship between perceived job autonomy and both self-reported and line-manager rated work quality was moderated by intrinsic motivation. The form of the moderation revealed a positive relationship only for employees high in intrinsic motivation in both studies. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed

    Individuell prestasjonsbasert belønning, motivasjon og prestasjoner

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    Det er i forskningsmessig sammenheng ikke mulig å si noe generelt og samtidig riktig om sammenhengen mellom belønninger og prestasjoner. Både teoretisk og empirisk er egenskaper ved ulike belønningsformer og arbeidsoppgavenes egenart helt avgjørende. I tillegg vil kontekstuelle forhold som ledelse og kultur spille en viktig rolle. Et spesielt viktig skille når det gjelder belønningsformer, er om de belønner individuelle eller kollektive prestasjoner eller resultater. Kollektive belønningsformer har vanligvis til hensikt å motivere til andre typer atferd og holdninger enn det individuelle belønningsformer har. Jeg vil derfor i denne artikkelen avgrense meg til individuell prestasjonsbasert belønning, og starter med å skille mellom tre ulike former som varierer med hensyn til teoretisk forventet incentiveffekt. I den sammenhengen vil jeg også belyse hovedantagelser i ulike teorier om hvordan ulike grader av incentiveffekt kan påvirke motivasjon og derigjennom prestasjoner eller resultater. Deretter vil jeg analysere ulike metaanalyser og forklare funnene i disse opp mot ulike teorier, og vise hvorfor konklusjonene til Bragelien (2018) i en tidligere artikkel i Magma bør nyanseres og revurderes

    Strategic issue diagnosis : the roles of organizational scanning, information processing structure of top management teams, and managers' cognitive complexity

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    Managers in organizations are continuously confronted by an array of ambiguous data and -vaguely felt stimuli which they must somehow order, explicate and imbue with meaning before they decide on how to respond. This study of -162 -members of organizations' top management teams employed a cross-level analysis to investigate how individual-, group- and organizational-level factors relate to how managers diagnose strategic issues. Findings show that managers' cognitive style, the information processing structure of top management teams, and organizational scanning, 'each are uniquely related to how managers makes sense of environmental trends or events. Thus, contrary to previous issue interpretation research, individual characteristics were found to be related to strategic issue diagnosis. Moreover, different forms of organizational scanning were differently associated with managers' sensemaking. Finally, the relationship between cognitive style and strategic issue diagnosis was moderated by the level of organizational information processing. The discussion addresses the implications of these findings for future research on strategic issue diagnosis

    Heroisk HR - pragmatiske praktikere: Hvordan HR kan bidra til bedre resultater

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    Litteraturen om strategisk HR domineres av et urealistisk perspektiv på strategi, organisasjon og mennesker. En underliggende forutsetning er at organisasjoner bør designes som effektive instrumenter for realisering av rasjonelle strategier. Problemet er at de færreste organisasjoner har en klar strategi. De strategiske valgene gir sjelden direkte eller åpenbare føringer en organisasjons HR-strategi, og i den grad de gjør det finnes det ingen enkle oppskrifter som sikrer at slike strategiske hensyn blir ivaretatt. Dessuten, selv om menneskelig utvikling står i fokus er det dominerende menneskesyn i HR-litteraturen snevert og i tråd med the economic man. Artikkelen bygger på en studie av HR-aktiviteter i 10 virksomheter med ulike utfordringer skjæringsfeltet mellom offentlig og privat sektor. Informantene er HR-ansvarlige i disse virksomhetene. Fokus er de faktiske utfordringer, aktiviteter og virkninger av HR-tiltak. Hensikten er å belyse hvordan organisasjoner faktisk kan oppnå konkurransekraft gjennom HR uten å følge «læreboka» som forfekter tett kobling mellom strategi og HR. En hovedkonklusjon er at det foregår en praktisk profesjonalisering av HR, men bildet er sammensatt og på viktige områder er det store svakheter. Derfor kan HR-lederne ikke friskmeldes på bakgrunn av vår studie, men enkel medisin kan kanskje styrke HRs ulike roller