186 research outputs found

    ROCKing Regeneration: Rho Kinase Inhibition as Molecular Target for Neurorestoration

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    Regenerative failure in the CNS largely depends on pronounced growth inhibitory signaling and reduced cellular survival after a lesion stimulus. One key mediator of growth inhibitory signaling is Rho-associated kinase (ROCK), which has been shown to modulate growth cone stability by regulation of actin dynamics. Recently, there is accumulating evidence the ROCK also plays a deleterious role for cellular survival. In this manuscript we illustrate that ROCK is involved in a variety of intracellular signaling pathways that comprise far more than those involved in neurite growth inhibition alone. Although ROCK function is currently studied in many different disease contexts, our review focuses on neurorestorative approaches in the CNS, especially in models of neurotrauma. Promising strategies to target ROCK by pharmacological small molecule inhibitors and RNAi approaches are evaluated for their outcome on regenerative growth and cellular protection both in preclinical and in clinical studies

    Axonal degeneration as a therapeutic target in the CNS

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    Degeneration of the axon is an important step in the pathomechanism of traumatic, inflammatory and degenerative neurological diseases. Increasing evidence suggests that axonal degeneration occurs early in the course of these diseases and therefore represents a promising target for future therapeutic strategies. We review the evidence for axonal destruction from pathological findings and animal models with particular emphasis on neurodegenerative and neurotraumatic disorders. We discuss the basic morphological and temporal modalities of axonal degeneration (acute, chronic and focal axonal degeneration and Wallerian degeneration). Based on the mechanistic concepts, we then delineate in detail the major molecular mechanisms that underlie the degenerative cascade, such as calcium influx, axonal transport, protein aggregation and autophagy. We finally concentrate on putative therapeutic targets based on the mechanistic prerequisites

    Femoral nerve palsy caused by ileopectineal bursitis after total hip replacement: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Infectious ileopectineal bursitis is a rare complication after total hip replacement and is associated mainly with rheumatoid arthritis. The main complications are local swelling and pain, but communication of the inflamed bursa with the joint can occur, leading to subsequent cartilage damage and bone destruction.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a case of a 47-year-old Caucasian woman without rheumatoid arthritis who reported pain and palsy in her left leg almost one year after total hip replacement. She was diagnosed with an ileopectineal bursitis after total hip replacement, leading to femoral nerve palsy. The diagnosis was obtained by thorough clinical examination, the results of focused computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of non-infectious ileopectineal bursitis in a patient without rheumatoid arthritis as a complication of total hip replacement. This rare case underlines the importance of proper neurologic examination of persistent conditions after orthopedic intervention in otherwise healthy individuals. We believe this case should be useful for a broad spectrum of medical specialties, including orthopedics, neurology, radiology, and general practice.</p

    Rifampicin inhibits neurodegeneration in the optic nerve transection model in vivo and after 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium intoxication in vitro

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    Rifampicin is an antibacterial drug which is highly effective in the treatment of tuberculosis and leprosy. It has been shown to exert antioxidative as well as anti-apoptotic effects. In this study, the neuroprotective effect of rifampicin was examined after 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-induced dopaminergic cell death in vitro, and on the survival of retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve transection in vivo. Rifampicin administration significantly increased the number of surviving dopaminergic neurons after MPP+ intoxication as compared to control cultures. No cytotoxic effects were noted even at final rifampicin concentrations of 100μM. In the rifampicin-treated group, retinal ganglion cell survival was significantly increased after axotomy as compared with vehicle-treated and phosphate-buffered saline-treated control animals. These results suggest that rifampicin is able to prevent neuronal degeneration in cell death paradigms involving oxidative stress and activation of apoptotic pathways. It may thus play a role in the future treatments of neurodegenerative disorder

    Neuroprotective strategies for ischemic stroke—Future perspectives

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    Ischemic stroke is the main cause of death and the most common cause of acquired physical disability worldwide. Recent demographic changes increase the relevance of stroke and its sequelae. The acute treatment for stroke is restricted to causative recanalization and restoration of cerebral blood flow, including both intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy. Still, only a limited number of patients are eligible for these time-sensitive treatments. Hence, new neuroprotective approaches are urgently needed. Neuroprotection is thus defined as an intervention resulting in the preservation, recovery, and/or regeneration of the nervous system by interfering with the ischemic-triggered stroke cascade. Despite numerous preclinical studies generating promising data for several neuroprotective agents, successful bench-to-bedside translations are still lacking. The present study provides an overview of current approaches in the research field of neuroprotective stroke treatment. Aside from “traditional” neuroprotective drugs focusing on inflammation, cell death, and excitotoxicity, stem-cell-based treatment methods are also considered. Furthermore, an overview of a prospective neuroprotective method using extracellular vesicles that are secreted from various stem cell sources, including neural stem cells and bone marrow stem cells, is also given. The review concludes with a short discussion on the microbiota–gut–brain axis that may serve as a potential target for future neuroprotective therapies

    Interrelation of inflammation and APP in sIBM: IL-1 beta induces accumulation of beta-amyloid in skeletal muscle.

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    Distinct interrelationships between inflammation and beta-amyloid-associated degeneration, the two major hallmarks of the skeletal muscle pathology in sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM), have remained elusive. Expression of markers relevant for these pathomechanisms were analysed in biopsies of sIBM, polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), dystrophic and non-myopathic muscle as controls, and cultured human myotubes. By quantitative PCR, a higher upregulation was noted for the mRNA-expression of CXCL-9, CCL-3, CCL-4, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta in sIBM muscle compared to PM, DM and controls. All inflammatory myopathies displayed overexpression of degeneration-associated markers, yet only in sIBM, expression of the mRNA of amyloid precursor protein (APP) significantly and consistently correlated with inflammation in the muscle and mRNA-levels of chemokines and IFN-gamma. Only in sIBM, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that inflammatory mediators including IL-1 beta co-localized to beta-amyloid depositions within myofibres. In human myotubes, exposure to IL-1 beta caused upregulation of APP with subsequent intracellular aggregation of beta-amyloid. Our data suggest that, in sIBM muscle, production of high amounts of pro-inflammatory mediators specifically induces beta-amyloid-associated degeneration. The observations may help to design targeted treatment strategies for chronic inflammatory disorders of the skeletal muscle

    Optimized pharmacological control over the AAV-Gene-Switch vector for regulable gene therapy.

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    Gene therapy in its current design is an irreversible process. It cannot be stopped in case of unwanted side effects, nor can expression levels of therapeutics be adjusted to individual patient's needs. Thus, the Gene-Switch (GS) system for pharmacologically regulable neurotrophic factor expression was established for treatment of parkinsonian patients. Mifepristone, the synthetic steroid used to control transgene expression of the GS vector, is an approved clinical drug. However, pharmacokinetics and -dynamics of mifepristone vary considerably between different experimental animal species and depend on age and gender. In humans, but not in any other species, mifepristone binds to a high-affinity plasma carrier protein. We now demonstrate that the formulation of mifepristone can have robust impact on its ability to activate the GS system. Furthermore, we show that a pharmacological booster, ritonavir (Rtv), robustly enhances the pharmacological effect of mifepristone, and allows it to overcome gender- and species-specific pharmacokinetic and -dynamic issues. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the GS vector can be efficiently controlled by mifepristone in the presence of its human plasma carrier protein, α1-acid glycoprotein, in a "humanized" rat model. Thus, we have substantially improved the applicability of the GS vector toward therapeutic use in patients

    Both systemic and local application of Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is neuroprotective after retinal ganglion cell axotomy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The hematopoietic Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) plays a crucial role in controlling the number of neutrophil progenitor cells. Its function is mediated via the G-CSF receptor, which was recently found to be expressed also in the central nervous system. In addition, G-CSF provided neuroprotection in models of neuronal cell death. Here we used the retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axotomy model to compare effects of local and systemic application of neuroprotective molecules.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the <it>G-CSF receptor </it>is robustly expressed by RGCs <it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro</it>. We thus evaluated G-CSF as a neuroprotectant for RGCs and found a dose-dependent neuroprotective effect of G-CSF on axotomized RGCs when given subcutaneously. As stem stell mobilization had previously been discussed as a possible contributor to the neuroprotective effects of G-CSF, we compared the local treatment of RGCs by injection of G-CSF into the vitreous body with systemic delivery by subcutaneous application. Both routes of application reduced retinal ganglion cell death to a comparable extent. Moreover, G-CSF enhanced the survival of immunopurified RGCs <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We thus show that G-CSF neuroprotection is at least partially independent of potential systemic effects and provide further evidence that the clinically applicable G-CSF could become a treatment option for both neurodegenerative diseases and glaucoma.</p

    Prospective CERAD Neuropsychological Assessment in Patients With Multiple System Atrophy

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    The objective of the study was to characterize the pattern of cognitive dysfunction in patients with multiple system atrophy (MSA) applying a standardized neuropsychological assessment. A total of 20 patients with the diagnosis of probable or possible MSA were enrolled for neuropsychological assessment applying the CERAD plus battery. All patients were tested at baseline and 14/20 patients received additional follow-up assessments (median follow-up of 24 months). Additionally, relationship between cortical thickness values/subcortical gray matter volumes and CERAD subitems was evaluated at baseline in a subgroup of 13/20 patients. Trail Making Test (TMT) was the most sensitive CERAD item at baseline with abnormal performance (z-score &lt; −1.28) in one or both pathological TMT items (TMT-A, TMT-B) in 60% of patients with MSA. Additionally, there was a significant inverse correlation between the volume of the left and the right accumbens area and the TMT A item after adjusting for age (left side: p = 0.0009; right side p = 0.003). Comparing both subtypes, patients with MSA-C had significant lower values in phonemic verbal fluency (p = 0.04) and a trend for lower values in semantic verbal fluency (p = 0.06) compared to MSA-P. Additionally, patients with MSA-C showed significantly worse performance in the TMT-B task (p = 0.04) and a trend for worse performance in the TMT-A task (p = 0.06). Concerning longitudinal follow-up, a significant worsening in the TMT-B (p = 0.03) can be reported in MSA. In conclusion, frontal-executive dysfunction presents the hallmark of cognitive impairment in MSA