24 research outputs found

    Nature and health

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    Outdoor environments for health and well-being is the main topic for an international master’s programme offered at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, leading to a master's degree with a major in Landscape Architecture (120 credits). The programme is offered at full time and part time study. Each course includes 2-4 meetings. The programme offers both theoretical foundation within environmental perception, place attachment and landscape architecture. There are courses covering topics on health promoting outdoor environments for different groups of users ranging from public places for children’s play and education for elderly in sheltered living. The courses also focus on specific target groups with specific needs such as rehabilitation or therapy. Two such courses are: 1) Nature-Based Interventions (NBI), with focus on the different types of outdoor environments where the na-tural space is the primary element of the intervention (focus on the landscape and places as health promoting resources) and the course 2) Nature-Assisted Interventions (NAI), with focus on nature and natural elements such as plants and animals as a medium in a health promoting intervention with focus on activi-ties (focus on the actvities that can be perfor-med either outdoors or indoors such as hospitals, elder care homes, schools, space shuttles/in space, etc.). This factsheet is based on students’ work within the course Nature-Assisted Interven-tions during spring 2018. The course is divided into four modules where the two first blocks provide overview and introduction into the field of research on plant-human interactions and animal-human interactions as well as introduction to practical examples in real world situations. The third module is performed as a case study, where the student visit and study practical examples of Nature-Assisted Interventions with focus on activities (independent of place - outdoors or indoors). The last module focuses on abstraction of knowledge from the cases. The students presented their cases for each other in smaller groups and afterwards, extracted what they understood as the “core essences” of NAI. From there, the students discussed and wrote abstracts on the topic illustrated in posters, presented in this factsheet

    Sävars bruksepok

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    Syftet med min studie har varit att undersöka om det är möjligt att upptäcka faktorer kopplade till samhällets genusnormer inom ett läsprojekt i år 7-9 vid en norrbottnisk högstadieskola. Projektet initierades då lärarna i svenska vid skolan upplevde ett växande motstånd till romanläsning bland eleverna. Läsprojektet gick ut på att manliga läsförebilder från elevers kontext deltog i läsning och bearbetning av romaner inom ramen för skolans svenskundervisning. Avsikten var att genom det manliga deltagandet på sikt öka elevernas motivation till läsning av romaner, då skolans lärare hade läst forskning som stödde denna tes. Jag har i genomförandet av min studie valt att luta mig emot den genusteori som lyfter det genusdualistiska perspektivet, där en tydlig uppdelning av vad som anses vara manligt och kvinnligt förkommer. Som ett ytterligare ramverk till genusteorin har sociokulturell teori tillsammans med ramfaktorteori lyfts in för att på så vis stötta i tolkningen av mitt resultat. Totalt genomfördes nio intervjuer, där tre lärare, tre manliga läsförebilder samt tre elever som deltagit i läsprojektet intervjuades. Min strävan var att synliggöra tankar, strategier och handlingar från hela arbetsprocessen, där informanterna hjälpte till att skapa den helhetsbild som jag eftersträvade kopplad till mitt syfte. Resultatet av de intervjuer som genomfördes visade en tydlig bild av genusdualistiska samhällsnormer och hur dessa kan influera, både tankar och handlingar, hos människor. Min förhoppning är att studiens resultat ska kunna bli en hjälp för pedagoger i deras arbete med att nå den kämpande romanläsaren, men att kunskapen i förlängningen även kan användas som en del i skolans jämställdhetsarbete

    Investigation of the correlation of fracture frequency and electric resistivity in impact craters in crystalline rocks

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    Impact craters are formed when a large meteorite or comethits the Earth. At the impact a shock wave is released causingabundant fracturing in the surrounding bedrock. This type offracturing is intense and occurs throughout a very large volume(>100 km3) of the bedrock. Fractures of this type have beenobserved in deep drilling, to 5 km depth, in thePuchezh-Katunki Impact Crater. At theses depths the ambienttemperature is high. Thus impact structures are candidates forpotential heat-exchange sources for extraction of geothermalenergy. There is a relation between fracture intensity and electricresistivity in bedrock predominated by impact-generatedfractures. In crystalline bedrock changes in electricresistivity is mainly due to fracturing which is the mainsource of porosity in these rocks. Electric resistivity methodsare highly sensitivity to porosity. Furthermore highfracture-intensities have generally been associated with lowelectric resistivity. Electro-magnetic methods like Very LowFrequency Resistivity (VLF-R) and Magnetotellurics (MT) canindirectly measure electric resistivity to relatively largedepths in the bedrock. This study will quantify the relationship between fractureintensity and electric resistivity which can be used as aprospecting tool for geothermal energy resources at largedepth. To meet that end, a method for fracture mapping on outcropsin Swedish terrain and a method to calculate thethree-dimensional fracture frequency from two-dimensionalfracture data has been developed. The fracture traces measuredin two dimensions on outcrops are assumed to represent avertical surface and must be converted to a three-dimensionalmeasure of the fracture frequency per unit volume. Spacing, dipand trace length of fractures have been accounted for. Thebiases associated with the mapping method have also beenaccounted for (II). The correlation between impact-induced fracturing andelectric resistivity in crystalline rocks in the Lockne Areashows that the extent of impact fracturing in crystalline rockscan be measured with electro-magnetic or electric techniques.In addition the electric resistivity of crystalline basementand impact generated Tandsby Breccia from the Lockne Craterwere determined (I). The relation between fracture frequency and electricresistivity in fresh water conditions using the VLF-R method isestablished from data collected from both two drill holes andfrom numerous outcrops in the Björkö region. Apreliminary quantification of the fracture frequency has beenmade. The MT resistivity models, related to the two drillholes, show that porosity and mineral-conductivity variationsof the bedrock affect this relation more than the salinityvariations in the bore-hole fluid. Further research is neededto establish a firm relation between fracture frequency,salinity of rock fluid, conductivity and porosity in order tovalidate the MT resistivity models (III). Keywords:Electric resistivity, Fracture frequency,Impact generated fractures, Electro-magnetic techniques, VLF-Rmethod, MT method, Window-mapping technique, Three-dimensionalfracture calculations, heat-exchange structure, geothermalenergy

    Rock damage caused by underground excavation and meteorite impacts

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    The intent of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the origin of fractures in rock. The man-made fracturing from engineering activities in crystalline rock as well as the fracturing induced by the natural process of meteorite impacts is studied by means of various characterization methods. In contrast to engineering induced rock fracturing, where the goal usually is to minimize rock damage, meteorite impacts cause abundant fracturing in the surrounding bedrock. In a rock mass the interactions of fractures on the microscopic scale (mm-cm scale) influence fractures on the mesoscopic scale (dm-m scale) as well as the interaction of the mesocopic fractures influencing fractures on the macroscopic scale (m-km scale). Thus, among several methods used on different scales, two characterization tools have been developed further. This investigation ranges from the investigation of micro-fracturing in ultra-brittle rock on laboratory scale to the remote sensing of fractures in large scale structures, such as meteorite impacts. On the microscopic scale, the role of fractures pre-existing to the laboratory testing is observed to affect the development of new fractures. On the mesoscopic scale, the evaluation of the geometric information from 3D-laser scanning has been further developed for the characterisation of fractures from tunnelling and to evaluate the efficiency of the tunnel blasting technique in crystalline rock. By combining information on: i) the overbreak and underbreak; ii) the orientation and visibility of blasting drillholes and; iii) the natural and blasting fractures in three dimensions; a analysis of the rock mass can be made. This analysis of the rock mass is much deeper than usually obtained in rock engineering for site characterization in relation to the blasting technique can be obtained based on the new data acquisition. Finally, the estimation of fracturing in and around two meteorite impact structures has been used to reach a deeper understanding of the relation between fracture, their water content and the electric properties of the rock mass. A correlation between electric resistivity and fracture frequency in highly fractured crystalline rock has been developed and applied to potential impact crater structures. The results presented in this thesis enables more accurate modelling of rock fractures, both supporting rock engineering design and interpretation of meteorite impact phenomena.QC 2010070

    Prescriptivism and descriptivism : a study on attitudes towards language

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    The purpose of this study has been to find out whether people, mainly teachers, are prescriptive or descriptive in their attitude towards language, and whether grammar books, dictionaries and textbooks used in schools are in accordance with these attitudes. In order to study this problem a comparison has been made between the results of a linguistic study and the results of a questionnaire distributed to native and non- native speakers. The linguistic study has been based on information taken from grammars and textbooks commonly used in the Swedish compulsory school and at universities. The result shows that people in general are both prescriptive and descriptive in their attitudes towards language. However, a slight majority decided in favor of a descriptive attitude. In the text- and grammar books intended for pupils in the compulsory school system, a very limited number of language varieties are presented. The material used in schools is therefore not sufficient to give the pupils an adequate knowledge in order to meet the goal set up by the National Criteria, which is to reach an all-round communicative ability.Validerat; 20101217 (root

    Upplevelsen av livsvärlden under en förlossningsdepression : en litteraturstudie ur kvinnans perspektiv

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    Bakgrund: Bakgrunden bygger på fyra vårdvetenskapliga begrepp; livsvärld, sjukdomslidande, livslidande och subjektiv kropp. I bakgrunden presenteras fakta om sjukdomen förlossningsdepression samt referensramen som bygger på Benner och Wrubels omvårdnadsteori. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att belysa kvinnans upplevelse av sin livsvärld i samband med förlossningsdepression. Metod: Studien grundas på två självbiografiska böcker och är en litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Analysen genomfördes med hjälp av Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys som består av fem steg. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på fyra kategorier; upplevelse av förtvivlan, upplevelse av att inte kunna älska sitt barn, upplevelse av utanförskap samt behov av att få veta. Resultatet visar att kvinnor som har diagnostiserats med förlossningsdepression ofta lider av motstridiga känslor som de har svårt att reda ut samt att de är mycket ensamma i sin sjukdom. Diskussion: I diskussionen jämförs de vetenskapliga begrepp som beskrevs i bakgrunden med kvinnors upplevelse av förlossningsdepression. Slutsats: Resultatet leder till slutsatsen att förlossningsdeprimerade kvinnors livsvärld förändras samt att de upplever ett slags utanförskap i sin sjukdom

    Upplevelsen av livsvärlden under en förlossningsdepression : en litteraturstudie ur kvinnans perspektiv

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    Bakgrund: Bakgrunden bygger på fyra vårdvetenskapliga begrepp; livsvärld, sjukdomslidande, livslidande och subjektiv kropp. I bakgrunden presenteras fakta om sjukdomen förlossningsdepression samt referensramen som bygger på Benner och Wrubels omvårdnadsteori. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att belysa kvinnans upplevelse av sin livsvärld i samband med förlossningsdepression. Metod: Studien grundas på två självbiografiska böcker och är en litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Analysen genomfördes med hjälp av Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys som består av fem steg. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på fyra kategorier; upplevelse av förtvivlan, upplevelse av att inte kunna älska sitt barn, upplevelse av utanförskap samt behov av att få veta. Resultatet visar att kvinnor som har diagnostiserats med förlossningsdepression ofta lider av motstridiga känslor som de har svårt att reda ut samt att de är mycket ensamma i sin sjukdom. Diskussion: I diskussionen jämförs de vetenskapliga begrepp som beskrevs i bakgrunden med kvinnors upplevelse av förlossningsdepression. Slutsats: Resultatet leder till slutsatsen att förlossningsdeprimerade kvinnors livsvärld förändras samt att de upplever ett slags utanförskap i sin sjukdom