58 research outputs found

    Visualization and phenotyping of proinflammatory antigen-specific T cells during collagen-induced arthritis in a mouse with a fixed collagen type II-specific transgenic T-cell receptor beta-chain

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    Introduction: The Vbeta12-transgenic mouse was previously generated to investigate the role of antigen-specific T cells in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), an animal model for rheumatoid arthritis. This mouse expresses a transgenic collagen type II (CII)-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) beta-chain and consequently displays an increased immunity to CII and increased susceptibility to CIA. However, while the transgenic Vbeta12 chain recombines with endogenous alpha-chains, the frequency and distribution of CII-specific T cells in the Vbeta12-transgenic mouse has not been determined. The aim of the present report was to establish a system enabling identification of CII-specific T cells in the Vbeta12-transgenic mouse in order to determine to what extent the transgenic expression of the CII-specific beta-chain would skew the response towards the immunodominant galactosylated T-cell epitope and to use this system to monitor these cells throughout development of CIA. Methods: We have generated and thoroughly characterized a clonotypic antibody, which recognizes a TCR specific for the galactosylated CII(260-270) peptide in the Vbeta12-transgenic mouse. Hereby, CII-specific T cells could be quantified and followed throughout development of CIA, and their phenotype was determined by combinatorial analysis with the early activation marker CD154 (CD40L) and production of cytokines. Results: The Vbeta12-transgenic mouse expresses several related but distinct T-cell clones specific for the galactosylated CII peptide. The clonotypic antibody could specifically recognize the majority (80%) of these. Clonotypic T cells occurred at low levels in the naĂŻve mouse, but rapidly expanded to around 4% of the CD4+ T cells, whereupon the frequency declined with developing disease. Analysis of the cytokine profile revealed an early Th1-biased response in the draining lymph nodes that would shift to also include Th17 around the onset of arthritis. Data showed that Th1 and Th17 constitute a minority among the CII-specific population, however, indicating that additional subpopulations of antigen-specific T cells regulate the development of CIA. Conclusions: The established system enables the detection and detailed phenotyping of T cells specific for the galactosylated CII peptide and constitutes a powerful tool for analysis of the importance of these cells and their effector functions throughout the different phases of arthritis

    Collagen type II (CII)-specific antibodies induce arthritis in the absence of T or B cells but the arthritis progression is enhanced by CII-reactive T cells.

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    Antibodies against type II collagen (anti-CII) are arthritogenic and have a crucial role in the initiation of collagen-induced arthritis. Here, we have determined the dependence of T and B cells in collagen-antibody-induced arthritis (CAIA) during different phases of arthritis. Mice deficient for B and/or T cells were susceptible to the CAIA, showing that the antibodies induce arthritis even in the absence of an adaptive immune system. To determine whether CII-reactive T cells could have a role in enhancing arthritis development at the effector level of arthritis pathogenesis, we established a T cell line reactive with CII. This T cell line was oligoclonal and responded to different post-translational forms of the major CII epitope at position 260–270 bound to the Aq class II molecule. Importantly, it cross-reacted with the mouse peptide although it is bound with lower affinity to the Aq molecule than the corresponding rat peptide. The T cell line could not induce clinical arthritis per se in Aq-expressing mice even if these mice expressed the major heterologous CII epitope in cartilage, as in the transgenic MMC (mutated mouse collagen) mouse. However, a combined treatment with anti-CII monoclonal antibodies and CII-reactive T cells enhanced the progression of severe arthritis

    T cells that are naturally tolerant to cartilage-derived type II collagen are involved in the development of collagen-induced arthritis

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    INTRODUCTION: A discussion is ongoing regarding the possible role of cartilage-directed autoimmunity as a part of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). One possibility is that the association of RA with shared epitope-expressing DR molecules reflects a role for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules as peptide receptors, and that the predilection of the inflammatory attack for the joint indicates a role for cartilage as a source of the antigenic peptides. A direct role for CII in the development of arthritis is apparent in the CIA model, in which a definite role for MHC class II molecules and a role for CII-derived peptides have been demonstrated [1,2,3]. Remarkably, it was found that the identified MHC class II molecule in the CIA model A(q) has a structurally similar peptide binding pocket to that of the shared epitope, expressing DR4 molecules [4]. In fact, DR4 (DRB1(*)0401) and DR1 (DRB1(*)0101) transgenic mice are susceptible to CIA because of an immune response to a peptide that is almost identical to that which is involved in A(q)-expressing mice [5,6]. They are both derived from position 260-273 of the CII molecule; the peptide binds to the A(q)molecule with isoleucine 260 in the P1 pocket, but with phenylalanine 263 in the P1 pocket of the DR4 and DR1 molecules. Although these findings do not prove a role for CII in RA, they show that such recognition is possible and that there are structural similarities when comparing mouse with human. However, there are also strong arguments against such a possibility. First, arthritis can evolve without evidence for a cartilage-specific autoimmunity, as seen with various adjuvant-induced arthritis models [7,8] and in several observations using transgenic animals with aberrant immunity to ubiquitously expressed proteins [9,10,11]. Moreover, the MHC association in the adjuvant arthritis models correlates with severity of the disease rather than susceptibility [7,8], as has also been observed in RA [12]. Second, it has not been possible to identify the CII-reactive T cells from RA joints, or to achieve a strong and significant CII proliferative response from T cells derived from RA joints. Most recently these negative observations were corroborated using DR4+CII peptide tetramer reagents [13]. On the other hand, it has also been difficult to isolate autoreactive CII-specific T cells from CIA, and it can be anticipated that, even in the CIA model, T cells that are specific for CII will be hard to find in the joints [4]. We believe that the explanations for these observations in both experimental animals and humans are related to tolerance. The CIA model in the mouse is usually induced with heterologous CII, and is critically dependent on an immune response to the glycosylated CII peptide 256-270, which is bound to the MHC class II A(q) molecule. In CII transgenic mice, expressing the heterologous (rat) form of the immunodominant CII 256-270 epitope in cartilage, we observed partial T-cell tolerance. This tolerance is characterized by a low proliferative activity, but with maintained effector functions such as production of IFN-Îł and the ability to give help to B cells to produce anti-CII IgG antibodies [14]. Interestingly, these mice were susceptible to arthritis. However, a possibility was that T cells that had newly emerged from the thymus and that were not yet tolerized when the mice were immunized with CII led to the induction of arthritis. We have now addressed this possibility and found that induction of tolerance occurs within a few days, and that mice lacking recent thymic emigrants (ie thymectomized mice) display partially tolerant T cells and susceptibility to arthritis to the same extent as nonthymectomized mice. In addition we found that T cells that are reactive with the nonmodified peptides are relatively more affected by tolerance than T cells that are reactive with the more immunodominant glycosylated variants. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the possibility that T cells that are naturally tolerant to the cartilage protein CII are involved in the development of arthritis, and to exclude a role for nontolerized recent thymic T-cell emigrants in the development of arthritis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A mutated mouse CII, expressing glutamic acid instead of aspartic acid at position 266, was expressed in a transgenic mouse called MMC (mutated mouse collagen) that has been described earlier [14]. The mice were thymectomized, or sham-operated, at 7 weeks of age and allowed to recover for 4 weeks before being immunized with rat CII in complete Freund's adjuvant. Arthritis development was recorded and sera analyzed for anti-CII IgG, IgG(1) and IgG(2a) levels. To assay T-cell effector functions, other MMC and control mice were immunized in the hind footpads with rat CII in complete Freund's adjuvant, and the draining popliteal lymph nodes were taken 10 days later. The lymph node cells (LNCs) were used for proliferation assay, IFN-Îł enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and B-cell enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT). For the proliferation assay, 10(6) cells were put in triplicate cultures in microtitre wells together with antigen and incubated for 72h before thymidine-labelling and harvesting 15-18h later. For IFN-Îł ELISA analysis, supernatant from the proliferation plates was removed before harvesting and used in an ELISA to quantify the amount of IFN-Îł produced [15]. B-cell ELISPOT was performed to enumerate the number of cells producing anti-CII IgG [16]. T-cell lines that were reactive towards rat CII were established by immunization with rat CII. An established T-cell line that was reactive with CII and specific for the CII 256-270 peptide was restimulated with freshly collected, irradiated, syngenic spleen cells and rat CII for 3 days followed by 2 weeks of IL-2 containing medium. Immediately before transfer, the cells were labelled with the cytoplasmic dye 5 (and 6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) [17]. Labelled cells (10(7)) were injected intravenously into transgenic MMC mice and nontransgenic littermates. The mice were killed 4 days after cell transfer, and the concentration of CFSE-labelled cells was determined by flow cytometry. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: To investigate whether and how quickly CII-reactive T cells will encounter CII in vivo, an established T-cell line that is reactive towards rat CII was labelled with the cytoplasmic dye CFSE and transferred into MMC-QD and control mice. Four days later the mice were killed, and it was found that MMC-transgenic mice had dramatically fewer CFSE-labelled cells in the spleen than did nontransgenic littermates (0.11% compared with 0.57%). Similarly, reduced numbers of CFSE-positive cells were observed in blood. This indicates that the T cells encountered the mutated CII that was present in the cartilage of MMC mice, but not in the nontransgenic littermates. Presumably, CII from cartilage is spread by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to peripheral lymphoid organs. This observation also suggests that newly exported T cells from the thymus will be tolerized to CII in the periphery within less than 4 days. To further investigate whether the MMC mice harbours naĂŻve or tolerized T cells, the mice were immunized with CII at different time points after thymectomy that were well in excess of the times required for their encounter with CII. After 10 days, the response was analyzed in vitro towards both the nonglycosylated and the glycosylated CII 256-270 peptides as well as towards purified protein derivative. The galactosylated form of the peptide (Fig. 1) was used because this is the most immunodominant modification [18]. In contrast to control mice, LNCs from transgenic mice did not proliferate significantly towards the nonglycosylated peptide, indicating that these cells have been specifically tolerized, which is in accordance with earlier observations [14]. A reduced, but still significant proliferation was also observed toward the immunodominant glycosylated CII peptide. Most important, however, was that the proliferative response in the MMC mice did not decrease after thymectomy. Similarly, a significant IFN-Îł production towards the glycosylated CII peptide was observed in the MMC mice. The response was somewhat reduced compared with that observed in nontransgenic littermates, and this was especially true for the response toward the nonglycosylated peptide. Again, no decrease in the MMC response by thymectomy was observed. Taken together, the T-cell response in transgenic mice was reduced in comparison with that in the nontransgenic littermates. Furthermore, the response in transgenic animals did not decrease by thymectomy (4 or 8 weeks before immunization), showing that autoreactive T cells are still maintained (and partially tolerized) with significant effector functions at least up to 8 weeks after thymectomy, excluding a exclusive role for recent thymic emigrants in the autoimmune response towards CII. To investigate whether thymectomized mice, lacking recent CII-specific thymic emigrants, were susceptible to CIA, mice were immunized with CII 4 weeks after thymectomy and were observed for arthritis development during the following 10 weeks. Clearly, the thymectomized MMC mice were susceptible to arthritis (five out of 18 developed arthritis; Fig. 2), and no significant differences in susceptibility between thymectomized and sham-operated mice, or between males and females, were seen. In accordance with earlier results [14], MMC transgenic mice had a significantly reduced susceptibility to arthritis as compared with the nontransgenic littermates (P < 0.0001 for arthritic scores, disease onset and incidence). All mice were bled at 35 days after immunization, and the total levels of anti-CII IgG were determined. Transgenic mice developed levels of anti-CII IgG significantly above background, but the antibody titres were lower than in nontransgenic littermates (P < 0.0001). No effect on the antibody levels by thymectomy was observed, nor did thethymectomy affect the distribution of IgG(1) versus IgG(2a) titres,indicating that the observed tolerance is not associated with a shift from a T-helper-1- to a T-helper-2-like immune response. These findings show that T cells that are specific for a tissue-specific matrix protein, CII, are partially tolerized within a few days after thymus export and that these tolerized cells are maintained after thymectomy. Most important, mice that lack newly exported CII reactive T cells are still susceptible to CIA, suggesting that the partially tolerant T cells are involved in development of arthritis. In the light of these data it is possible to explain some of the findings in RA. T-cell reactivity to CII has been shown in RA patients, but with a very weak proliferative activity [19,20]. This is fully compatible with observations in mouse and rat CIA when autologous CII, and not heterologous CII, are used for immunization. This is particularly true if the responses are recorded during the chronic phase of disease, in which the antigen-specific T-cell responses seem to be suppressed in both humans and experimental animals. These observations were confirmed in a recent report [21] in which it was shown that CII-reactive T-cell activity could be detected in RA patients if IFN-Îł production but not proliferation was measured. In the present studies in mice the strongest response is seen towards post-translational modifications of the peptide. Because the T-cell contact points are the same whether the peptide is bound to DR4 or to A(q), it is fully possible that post-translational modifications of the peptide also plays a significant role in humans [22]. The fact that IgG antibodies specific for CII are found in many RA patients could be explained by maintained B-cell helper functions of CII-reactive T cells. In fact, it has been reported [23,24] that the occurrence of IgG antibodies to CII is associated with shared epitope DR4 molecules. These observations are thus compatible with a role for CII reactivity in RA. To avoid any confusion, it needs to be stressed that RA is a heterogeneous syndrome in which not only CII, but also other cartilage proteins and other mechanisms are of importance. Such a pathogenic heterogeneity is reflected by the multitude of experimental animal models that have demonstrated how many different pathways may lead to arthritis [25]

    Therapy targeting antigen-specific T cells by a peptide-based tolerizing vaccine against autoimmune arthritis

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    A longstanding goal has been to find an antigen-specific preventive therapy, i.e., a vaccine, for autoimmune diseases. It has been difficult to find safe ways to steer the targeting of natural regulatory antigen. Here, we show that the administration of exogenous mouse major histocompatibility complex class II protein bounding a unique galactosylated collagen type II (COL2) peptide (Aq-galCOL2) directly interacts with the antigen-specific TCR through a positively charged tag. This leads to expanding a VISTA-positive nonconventional regulatory T cells, resulting in a potent dominant suppressive effect and protection against arthritis in mice. The therapeutic effect is dominant and tissue specific as the suppression can be transferred with regulatory T cells, which downregulate various autoimmune arthritis models including antibody-induced arthritis. Thus, the tolerogenic approach described here may be a promising dominant antigen-specific therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, and in principle, for autoimmune diseases in general.Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (2019-0059)Swedish Research Council (2019-1209, 2017-06014)Swedish Association against RheumatismErling Persson Foundation (2017-10-09)German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (GO-Bio-project aidCURE; 031A385)Federal State of Hesse (LOEWE-project 13, IME Fraunhofer Project Group TMP at Goethe University)Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence for Immune-Mediated Diseases CIMDSpanish Ministry of Universities through the European Union (NextGeneration EU)Publishe

    We are with the Pupils at Home : a Study of Teachers' Experiences of Flipped Teaching

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    Den här studien undersöker lärares erfarenheter av Flippad undervisning (Flipped Classroom). I den här studien har två forskningsfrågor ställts till ämneslärare i grund- och gymnasieskolan: Vad karaktäriserar Flippad undervisning? samt Vad är syftet med Flippad undervisning?. Teoretisk utgångspunkt i studien är ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Empirin har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer, analyserade enligt den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen som metodansats. Nio lärare, baserade på ett kriterieurval, från olika kommuner i den södra delen av Sverige har utgjort empirin i studien. Samtliga lärare har intervjuats vid sina respektive arbetsplatser. Fem teman har utkristalliserat sig i resultatet med utgångspunkt i den första forskningsfrågan: Förändrad yrkesroll, Tiden, Att motivera eleverna och ha en kontinuitet, Tekniken samt Kommunikationen med eleverna. Den andra forskningsfrågan genererade tre teman i resultatdelen: Förståelseförberedande, Elevers lärande synliggörs och Tillgänglighet. Resultatet belyser att läraren blir mer av en handledare i klassrummet, tid frigörs under lektionen som medger en förändrad, och ökad kommunikation. Resultatet visar också att det är viktigt att göra eleverna delaktiga. Tekniken är en av artefakterna som möjliggör undervisningsformen och bidrar till en förändrad kommunikation. Flera av respondenterna i studien ser möjligheten till ett ökat lärande och upplever också att formativa bedömningsprocesser underlättas av undervisningsformen. This study examines teachers’ experiences of Flipped Teaching. Two questions have been asked: What characterizes the Flipped Classroom? and What’s the purpose of Flipped Teaching? The theoretical framework is the sociocultural perspective by Vygotsky. The empirical material has been gathered through the qualitative interview and the method used to process the data has been the qualitative content analysis method. Nine teachers from various parts of southern Sweden have been interviewed. The two research questions resulted in eight categories, five from the first question: Changes in profession, Time, Key aspects – Participation, motivation and continuity, Tools involved and Communication with pupils. The second question generated three categories: Understanding preparatory, Visible learning and Access to the material. The results show that the teachers have become more guides on the side rather than lecturers and that time together with the students, interacting with them, has changed the ways of communication. The result also shows that the technical artefacts suports the Flipped Classroom, in some ways even as a conditional precedent for the Flipped Classroom. Many of the respondents in the study also express that the Flipped Classroom helps them assess the pupils’ abilities more formatively.

    Vi Àr med eleverna hemma : En studie av lÀrares erfarenheter av Flippad undervisning

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    Den hĂ€r studien undersöker lĂ€rares erfarenheter av Flippad undervisning (Flipped Classroom). I den hĂ€r studien har tvĂ„ forskningsfrĂ„gor ställts till Ă€mneslĂ€rare i grund- och gymnasieskolan: Vad karaktĂ€riserar Flippad undervisning? samt Vad Ă€r syftet med Flippad undervisning? Teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt i studien Ă€r ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Empirin har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer, analyserade enligt den kvalitativa innehĂ„llsanalysen som metodansats. Nio lĂ€rare, baserade pĂ„ ett kriterieurval, frĂ„n olika kommuner i den södra delen av Sverige har utgjort empirin i studien. Samtliga lĂ€rare har intervjuats vid sina respektive arbetsplatser. Fem teman har utkristalliserat sig i resultatet med utgĂ„ngspunkt i den första forskningsfrĂ„gan: FörĂ€ndrad yrkesroll, Tiden, Att motivera eleverna och ha en kontinuitet, Tekniken samt Kommunikationen med eleverna. Den andra forskningsfrĂ„gan genererade tre teman i resultatdelen: FörstĂ„elseförberedande, Elevers lĂ€rande synliggörs och TillgĂ€nglighet. Resultatet belyser att lĂ€raren blir mer av en handledare i klassrummet, tid frigörs under lektionen som medger en förĂ€ndrad, och ökad kommunikation. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att det Ă€r viktigt att göra eleverna delaktiga. Tekniken Ă€r en av artefakterna som möjliggör undervisningsformen och bidrar till en förĂ€ndrad kommunikation. Flera av respondenterna i studien ser möjligheten till ett ökat lĂ€rande och upplever ocksĂ„ att formativa bedömningsprocesser underlĂ€ttas av undervisningsformen. This study examines teachers’ experiences of Flipped Teaching. Two questions have been asked: What characterizes the Flipped Classroom? and What’s the purpose of Flipped Teaching? The theoretical framework is the sociocultural perspective by Vygotsky. The empirical material has been gathered through the qualitative interview and the method used to process the data has been the qualitative content analysis method. Nine teachers from various parts of southern Sweden have been interviewed. The two research questions resulted in eight categories, five from the first question: Changes in profession, Time, Key aspects – Participation, motivation and continuity, Tools involved and Communication with pupils. The second question generated three categories: Understanding preparatory, Visible learning and Access to the material. The results show that the teachers have become more guides on the side rather than lecturers and that time together with the students, interacting with them, has changed the ways of communication. The result also shows that the technical artefacts suports the Flipped Classroom, in some ways even as a conditional precedent for the Flipped Classroom. Many of the respondents in the study also express that the Flipped Classroom helps them assess the pupils’ abilities more formatively. SjĂ€lvstĂ€ndigt arbete pĂ„ avancerad nivĂ„ (magisterexamen), 10 poĂ€ng / 15 hpLĂ€nk till uppsatsen: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-30967</p

    Mobiltech AB Web application

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    Elektronikföretaget Mobiltech AB i Karlskrona, Blekinge, var i behov av en ny webbapplikation och visade sitt intresse i att lÄta oss utveckla en ny mer dynamisk lösning Ät dem. Deras mÄl med systemet var att de sjÀlv enkelt via ett webbadministrations grÀnssnitt skulle kunna redigera alla information pÄ deras företags webbsida. Systemet som helhet omfattas av kategorier, informationssektioner samt en erbjudande panel. Som via en lösning av kod struktur och design, som vi frÄn grunden byggt upp för att passa de behov som finns, bildar en administrerbar sida. Vi utvecklade projektet genom att anvÀnda oss av PHP5 och MySQL5. Dessa tekniker Àr nÄgot som vi har anvÀnt oss av genomgÄende under vÄra Är pÄ utbildningen. Vi valde dessa tekniker efter att ha övervÀgt fördelar och nackdelar samt undersökt andra lösningar som vi kÀnner till. Vi valde Àven dessa mjukvaror pÄ grund av att vi kÀnde att vi hade mest kunskap och tillit till dem, samtidigt som de skulle fylla vÄra mÄl och önskningar pÄ ett smidigt och effektivt sÀtt. NÀr det gÀller den visuella biten valde vi att anvÀnda oss av de standarder som finns, XHTML 1.1 Strict och CSS2. För att nÄ vÄrat slutmÄl pÄ detta projekt anvÀnde vi oss av de kunskaper vi tidigare skaffat pÄ vÄr utbildning mot webbteknik, samt genom ett engagerat sökande kring de informations bitar som vi sedan tidigare inte kÀnde att vi riktigt behÀrskade eller ens fÄtt möjlighet att tillÀmpa

    The paradox of the flipped classroom : One method, many intentions

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    The Flipped Classroom is a teaching model where content attainment is shifted forward to outside of class, to be followed up by the teacher in class. In Sweden this way of teaching has become very popular during recent years. But what is gained by this way of teaching? Research on the Flipped Classroom in the context of the Swedish High School system is close to non-existent; why studies within this field are of great importance. In order to find appropriate informants, an electronic survey was constructed. Informants matching the selection criteria were then selected for qualitative interviews. In total nine informants agreed to participate in interviews (Semi-structured) to describe their experiences from flipping their own classrooms. The informants reported that the transition from more conventional ways of teaching to using the Flipped Classroom entailed major changes. The informants pointed out that the process of moving away from the more conventional way of teaching improved their teaching. All of the informants expressed they all used the Flipped Classroom methodology but they all did it with different goals in mind and their approach varied a lot. By using the same terminology, it might seem that they worked with the Flipped Classroom in similar ways, but the results show they did not. Herein lies the problem: Teachers say they flip their classrooms, which they do, but they do not share the same goals or approaches, just the term: The Flipped Classroom

    Flippa mellan skolÀmnen : En forskningsstudie om Flippad undervisning i skolÄr 6 och 7

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    Den hĂ€r forskningsstudien handlar om Flippad undervisning och resultatet bygger pĂ„ datainsamling under tre terminer med tre lĂ€rare och 22 elever som gick i skolĂ„r 6 och första terminen i skolĂ„r 7 under projekttiden. Syftet var att ur ett elev-och lĂ€rarperspektiv bilda kunskap om undervisningsformen Flippad undervisning med fokus riktat mot vilken typ av lĂ€rande som framtrĂ€der och vad som krĂ€vs för att nĂ„ framgĂ„ng med undervisningen i denna form. I den hĂ€r forskningsstudien behandlas forskningsfrĂ„gorna: Vad framtrĂ€der i lĂ€rarnas undervisning genom Flippad undervisning? Vad framtrĂ€der i elevernas lĂ€rande genom Flippad undervisning? Vilka framgĂ„ngsfaktorer har visat sig vara viktiga för att lyckas med undervisningsformen Flippad undervisning? Empiri har samlats in genom observationer, naturliga samtal samt intervjuer under 18 mĂ„nader frĂ„n höstterminen 2014 till och med höstterminen 2015. Forskningsstudiens teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkt Ă€r livsvĂ€rldsfenomenologin med en metodologisk ansats i etnografin. Det centrala i studien har varit följsamhetmed den verksamhet dĂ€r datainsamlingen skett, dĂ€rav valet av den teoretiska och den metodologiska utgĂ„ngspunkten. Flippad undervisning Ă€r en relativt ny undervisningsformmen den har snabbt spridits bĂ„de nationellt och internationellt och det Ă€r mĂ„nga lĂ€rare som uttrycker att de arbetarmed Flippad undervisning. Även om det inte finns nĂ„gon enhetlig beskrivning eller definition pĂ„ vad undervisningsformen konkret innebĂ€r,finns gemensamma drag i den pedagogiskagrundtanken som innebĂ€r att den skolförlagda undervisningstiden i klassrummet ska anvĂ€ndas till kvalitativt elevcentrerat arbete istĂ€llet för att merparten av tiden lĂ€ggs pĂ„ lĂ€rarledda genomgĂ„ngar. GenomgĂ„ngarna förlĂ€ggs istĂ€llet till tider innan sjĂ€lva lektionerna, vanligtvis i hemmet som en lĂ€xa, genom att eleverna tar del av kortare undervisningsfilmer dĂ€r Ă€mnesstoffet presenteras. Resultatet visar att lĂ€rarnas egen yrkesroll synliggjorts genom undervisningsformen och att de utvecklade en helhetssyn iundervisningen genom att ”flippa mellan Ă€mnena”. Detta bidrog till ett tydligt Ă€mnesintegrerat arbetssĂ€tt. Ur ett elevperspektiv visade resultatet att de flesta eleverna utvecklade en god problemlösningsförmĂ„ga samtatt de tog ansvar för sitt eget lĂ€rande; detta har vi benĂ€mnt som att varaagenter för sitt lĂ€rande,och utvecklade en tro pĂ„ sin egen förmĂ„ga att lösa problem och klara av uppgifter. Resultatet visade Ă€ven att undervisningsformen inte passade alla elever eftersom arbetet i undervisningen byggde pĂ„ att eleverna fick mycket frihet och att de skulle ta egna initiativ i sitt lĂ€rande. De elever som behövde tydliga strukturer och riktlinjer i sitt lĂ€rande blev i bland osĂ€kra och hade svĂ„rt att anpassa sig till det fria arbetssĂ€ttet. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller vilka framgĂ„ngsfaktorer som Ă€r viktiga för att lycka med undervisningsformen visar resultatet i denna forskningsstudie att det Ă€r viktigt med kontinuitet och att det bör finnas en bred förankring dĂ€r mĂ„nga lĂ€rare Ă€r inblandade sĂ„ att undervisningsformeninteupphör, stannar av,om det blir förĂ€ndringar i lĂ€rarsammansĂ€ttningen
