278 research outputs found

    Does Laboulbenia formicarum (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) fungus infect the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in Hungary?

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    Laboulbenia formicarum Thaxt. (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) fungus is native to N-America and has just been recorded from Europe from the invasive ant Lasius neglectus van Loon, Boomsma et Andrásfalvy, 1990 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The ant is well-known from Hungary but the fungus is not known from there. We checked the infection of L. formicarumat the Hungarian L. neglectus localities and had negative results

    Szilárdfázisú szupramolekuláris reakciók = Solid state supramolecular reactions

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    Előállítottunk 24 vegyületet, ezek közül 17 kristályszerkezetet határoztunk meg. 6 esetben figyeltünk meg Piedfort képződést, három esetben találtunk asszociátumot. A C60 és C70 kokrisztallizációja egy esetben új módosulatot, a p-Br es p-Cl vegyületek esetében a fullerén új komplexét, illetve zárványát adta. A trisz(p-jódfenoxi)-triazin a Magyarországon mért legkisebb szerves kristály (10 mikron). Ab initio szerkezetmeghatározási módszert alkalmaztunk (''charge-flipping''). A vendég-molekulák cserereakcióinak elemi lépésre bontásaként a kristályszerkezet ''bomlását'' eliminációs reakcióként látjuk. A metil-etil-ketont (MEK) tartalmazó izoftálsav-származék kristály hasonló rendezetlenséget mutat, mint az etilacetát-MEK keverék, szemben a rendezett dietil-ketonból növesztettel. A C--H ... O hidrogénhidak szeepét taglaló cikk, ill. predikció eredményeként megkezdtük foszfolének szerkezetvizsgálatát. Első eredmény egy víz molekulát tartalmazó asszociátum izolálása és leírása. A Meloxicam:mannóz kokrisztallizációból nyert apró kristályokat a drug triklin formájaként azonosítottuk. Szilárdfázisú reakciót igazoltunk ribóz származékok és alkáli sók közt. A komponensek őrlésével is igazoltuk, hogy e komplexek ''zöld kémiai'' uton előállíthatóak. Ezek némelyike élettani jelentőségű lehet. A szintéziseken túl elvégeztük 3 tucat kristály szerkezetmeghatározását. Eddig 14 cikk jelent meg (IF összeg kb. 30), tartottunk 4 meghívott előadást és közel egy tucat posztert. | We have prepared 24 new compound, 17 of which was characterized by XRD. In 6 cases we observed Piedfort formation, in 3 we found associations. Co-crystallization with C60 and C70 yielded to new polymorphs and new inclusions in the cases of the p-Br and p-Cl derivatives. Tris-p-iodophenoxy-triazine is the smallest organic crystal ever measured in Hungary (10 micron). We applied new ab initio structure solution methods (charge flipping). Guest exchange reactions were disassembled into elementary steps and decomposition of inclusions is seen as the elimination reactions do. An isophtalic acid derivative inclusion with methyl-ethyl keton shows similiar disorder to the one obtained from MEK / ethyl acetate mixture while diethyl keton inclusion is perfectly ordered. Apaper alluding to the role of C-H..O H-bridges and prediction led to structure determination of some phospholenes. Firts result was the isolation and description of a water adduct. Crystal structure of a cocrystallized meloxicam:mannose mixture was identified as the triclinic drug form. We confirmed a solid state reaction between riboise derivatives and alkaline salts. Milling of the components proved that these can be easily prepared by ''green chemistry''. Some of these might be physiological importance. Apart from the synthetic work we did about 3 dozens of crystal structure determinations, also published 14 papers (impact factor sum ca. 30) hitherto, had 4 invited lectures and some 12 posters

    First records of the myrmecophilous fungus Laboulbenia camponoti Batra (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales) from the Carpathian Basin

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    Laboulbenia camponoti Batra, 1963 (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales), has been found on Camponotus aethiops (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) workers in the Carpathian Basin: in Baziaş, Caraş-Severin (Romania), and Vienna (Austria). Vienna is the northernmost known locality of this fungus (48°12' N). These new observations expand the area of L. camponoti from regions with Mediterranean and subtropical climatic influences to the common borders of the Continental and Pannonian regions. These results show that Camponotus samples from other climatic regions should be examined more closely for this fungal parasite

    First Records Of The Recently Described Ectoparasitic Rickia lenoirii Santam. (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) In The Carpathian-Basin

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    Rickia lenoirii has been reported in seven localities in the Carpathian Basin, six in Hungary and one in Romania, on Messor structor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) host specimens. This is the first occurrence of this fungus in two new (Pannonian and Continental) biogeographic regions. According to our findings, the northernmost (47°31'33.01"N) known occurrence of R. lenoirii is Ferenc-hegy (Ferenc Hill) in Budapest. These results demonstrate that ant-parasitic Laboulbeniales fungi may have wider distribution areas than previously expected by mycologists and myrmecologists

    First Records Of The Recently Described Ectoparasitic Rickia lenoirii Santam. (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales) In The Carpathian-Basin

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    Rickia lenoirii has been reported in seven localities in the Carpathian Basin, six in Hungary and one in Romania, on Messor structor (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) host specimens. This is the first occurrence of this fungus in two new (Pannonian and Continental) biogeographic regions. According to our findings, the northernmost (47°31'33.01"N) known occurrence of R. lenoirii is Ferenc-hegy (Ferenc Hill) in Budapest. These results demonstrate that ant-parasitic Laboulbeniales fungi may have wider distribution areas than previously expected by mycologists and myrmecologists

    First records of the myrmecophilous fungus Laboulbenia camponoti Batra (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales) from the Carpathian Basin

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    Laboulbenia camponoti Batra, 1963 (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales), has been found on Camponotus aethiops (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) workers in the Carpathian Basin: in Baziaş, Caraş-Severin (Romania), and Vienna (Austria). Vienna is the northernmost known locality of this fungus (48°12' N). These new observations expand the area of L. camponoti from regions with Mediterranean and subtropical climatic influences to the common borders of the Continental and Pannonian regions. These results show that Camponotus samples from other climatic regions should be examined more closely for this fungal parasite

    Novel Ecdysteroids from Serratula wolffii

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    Two new and one known ecdysteroids were identified in the methanolic extract of the roots of Serratula wolffii. The new compounds isolated were ponasterone A-22-apioside (1) and 3-epi-shidasterone (3), together with the known 3-epi-22-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone (2). The structures of compounds 1–3 were determined by extensive spectroscopic techniques, including one- and two-dimensional NMR methods