623 research outputs found

    Características Antropométricas en Atletas de Jiu Jitsu Brasilero de Alto Nivel: Rol del Estilo de Lucha

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.SUMMARY: Human performance efficiency and effectiveness in different sports depend to a large extent on the size, weight and proportion of the physique of the athlete. The aim of this study was to identify morphological characteristics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) athletes. The sample consisted of 25 highly trained male athletes who were classified according to their fighting style; guard fighter (GF) vs. pass fighter (PF). The athletes were assessed for somatotype, body composition and proportionality. For the whole group of athletes the somatotype was 2.23±0.68, 6.33±1.14, and 1.75±0.87 for endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph components, respectively. Muscle and adipose tissue percentages were 52.34±2.15% and 19.30±2.51%, respectively. PF were significantly more mesomorph (p< 0.05) and less ectomorph (p< 0.05) than GF. Also, PF had significantly higher phantom Z score for bone mass vs. GF (0.51±0.57 vs. 0.01±0.54; p<0.05), and significantly lower muscle mass- bone mass ratio (4.55±0.31 vs. 4.77±0.56; p<0.05), height (1.71±0.06 vs. 1.77±0.07; p<0.05) and height weight ratio (40.58±1.11 vs. 41.84±1.22). Our results show that morphological characteristics are related to different fighting styles in BJJ athletes.RESUMEN: La eficiencia y efectividad del rendimiento humano en diferentes deportes depende en gran medida del tamaño, peso y proporción del físico del atleta. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las características morfológicas de atletas jiu-jitsu brasileros. La muestra consintió de 25 atletas varones altamente entrenados, quienes fueron clasificados de acuerdo a su estilo de lucha; guarderos (GF) vs pasadores (PF). Se evaluó en los atletas somatotipo, composición corporal y proporcionalidad. Para el grupo total de atletas el somatotipo fue 2,23±0,68, 6,33±1,14 y 1,75±0,78 para el endomorfismo, mesomorfismo y ectomorfismo, respectivamente. Los porcentajes de tejido muscular y adiposo fueron 52,34±2,15% and 19,30±2,51%, respectivamente. PF fueron significativamente las mesomorfos (p<0,05) y menos ectomorfos (p<0,05) que GF. Además PF tuvieron una significativamente alto Z score para la masa ósea (4,55±0,31 vs. 4,77±0,56; p<0,05), estatura (1,71±0,06 vs. 1,77±0,07; p<0,05) y relación altura peso (40,58±1.11 vs. 41,84±1.22). Nuestros resultados muestran que las características morfológicas están relacionadas a diferentes estilos de lucha en atletas de BJJ.http://ref.scielo.org/bzhxy

    Assessing the Long-term Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Human Capital: Evidence from Colombia

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    Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) are programs under which poor families get a stipend provided they keep their children in school and take them for health checks. While there is significant evidence showing that they have positive impacts on school participation, little is known about their long-term impacts on human capital. In this paper we investigate whether cohorts of children from households that benefited up to nine years from Familias en Acción, a CCT in Colombia, attained more school and performed better in academic tests at the end of high school. Identification of programimpacts is derived from two different strategies using matching techniques with household surveys, and regression discontinuity design using census of the poor and administrative records of the program. We show that, on average, participant children are 4 to 8 percentage points more likely than nonparticipant children to finish high school, particularly girls and beneficiaries in rural areas. Regarding long-term impact on tests scores, the analysis shows that program recipients who graduate from high school seem to perform at the same level as equally poor non-recipient graduates, even after correcting for possible selection bias when low-performing students enter school in the treatment group. Even though the positive impacts on high school graduation may improve the employment and earning prospects of participants, the lack of positive effects on the test scores raises the need to further explore policy actions to couple CCT´s objective of increasing human capital with enhanced learning.Conditional Cash Transfers, school completion, academic achievement, learning outcomes.

    Somatotype Profile of Professional Male Soccer Chilean Players

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloRESUMEN: El presente estudio pretende describir el somatotipo del futbolista profesional chileno, así como determinar la variabilidad existente en el somatotipo por posición de juego. Cien jugadores profesionales varones (edad 23±4,4 años), participantes del campeonato nacional de fútbol chileno fueron incluidos en el estudio. Se realizó la medición de 10 variables antropométricas según las normas de la International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Se calcularon los 3 componentes del somatotipo de Heath-Carter por cada posición de juego. El somatotipo grupal de la muestra estudiada presentó una clasificación de mesomorfo­balanceado (2,25-5,32-2,26), siendo los defensas los con mayor predominio de este componente. La posición con menor dispersión en su somatotipo son defensas y arqueros, mientras que volantes y delanteros presentan mayor variabilidad. En conclusión, a pesar de existir un somatotipo en común, las diferencias en las varianzas entre posiciones de juego entregan información sobre la relevancia de la optimización morfológica en una posición específica de juego. PALABRAS CLAVE: Somatotipo; Antropometría; Fútbol masculino.SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to describe the somatotype of Chilean professional soccer players, and to determine the variability in the somatotype by playing position. One hundred professional male players (age 23±4.4) participants in the Chilean national soccer championship were included in the study. We performed the measurement of 10 anthropometric variables according to the rules of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). We calculated the 3 components of the Heath-Carter somatotype for each playing position. The somatotype of the sample group presents a balanced mesomorph classification (2.25-5.32-2.26),especially among defenders. The positions with less dispersion in their somatotype were the defenses and goalkeepers, while the flyers and forwards show more variability. In conclusion, although there is a common somatotype, differences in the variances between playing positions provide information about the relevance of morphological optimization in a playing position. KEY WORDS: Anthropometry; Somatotype; Male soccer.http://ref.scielo.org/v4pdn

    Métodos de focalización en la política social en México. Un estudio comparativo

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    This paper tries to describe and analyze some of the tools used in social policy to target poverty reduction programs in Mexico. Targeting strategy programs center public actions to a reasonable well defined population or territory, in order to achieve a more focused efficiency in the resource allocation stage. Using data from the National Household Survey of Income and Expenditure (ENIGH) 2002, three econometric models are used to identify the target population: Discriminant Analysis, a Logit Model and a Hierarchical Logit Model.The results show that Discriminant Analysis, which is the main tool used by Sedesol to identify individuals in poverty conditions, has the lowest undercoverage error for the three measures of the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty index. The result leads to conclude that this method proves to be the most efficient in identifying population in poverty conditions, given the available information.targeting, discriminant analysis, hierarchical models, Logit model, leakage error, undercoverage error.

    CLIWOC multilingual meteorological dictionary

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    This dictionary is the first attempt to express the wealth of archaic logbook wind force terms in a form that is comprehensible to the modern-day reader. Oliver and Kington (1970) and Lamb (1982) have drawn attention to the importance of logbooks in climatic studies, and Lamb (1991) offered a conversion scale for early eighteenth century English wind force terms, but no studies have thus far pursued the matter to any greater depth. This text attempts to make good this deficiency, and is derived from the research undertaken by the CLIWOC project1 in which British, Dutch, French and Spanish naval and merchant logbooks from the period 1750 to 1850 were used to derive a global database of climatic information. At an early stage in the project it was apparent that many of the logbook weather terms, whilst conforming to a conventional vocabulary, possessed meanings that were unclear to twenty-first century readers or had changed over time. This was particularly the case for the important element of wind force; but no special plea is entered for the evolution in nautical vocabulary, which often reflected more wide-ranging changes in the respective native languages.The key objective was to translate the archaic vocabulary of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century mariner into expressions directly comparable with the Beaufort Scale (see Appendix I). Only then could the projects scientific programme be embarked upon. This dictionary is the result of the largest undertaking into logbook studies that has yet been carried out. Several thousand logbooks from British, Dutch, French and Spanish archives were examined, and the exercise offered a unique opportunity to explore the vocabulary of the one hundred year period beginning in 1750. The logbooks from which the raw data have been abstracted range widely across the North and South Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. Only the Pacific, largely in consequence of the paucity of regular naval activity in that area, is not well represented. The range of climates encountered in this otherwise wide geographic domain gives ample opportunity for the full range of the mariners nautical weather vocabulary to be assessed, from the calms of the Equatorial regions, through the gales of the mid-latitude systems to the fearsome storms of the tropical latitudes. The Trade Winds belts, the Doldrums, the unsettled mid-latitudes, even the icy wastes of the high latitudes, are all embraced in this study. It is not here intended to pass any judgements on the climatological record of the logbooks, and this text seeks only to provide a means of understanding archaic wind force terms and, other than to indicate those items that were not commonly used, no information is given on the frequency with which different terms appeared in the logbooks. Attention is, furthermore, confined to Dutch, English, French and Spanish because these once great imperial powers were the only nations able to support wide-ranging ocean-going fleets with their attendant collections of logbooks and documents over this long period of time. The work is offered to the wider academic community in the hope that they will prove to be of as much value as it has been to the CLIWOC team

    Reuniones Internacionales auspiciadas por INIA/AECID en el marco del XX Curso Internacional sobre Enfermedades Infectocontagiosas, Emergentes y Transfronterizas en Animales

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    Infectious diseases are a threat to animal health and food safety in countries where they are present, and a challenge for all those involved in their containment, control and eradication. In the 20th International Course on Infectious, Emerging and Transboundary Animal Diseases held in Madrid from 2 to 30 November 2011, the objectives outlined were concerned with the analysis of those items of most interest and relevance to the topic from different points of view: etiological, pathogenic and pathological, diagnostic, preventive and epidemiological. In addition, the participants were trained in different laboratory methodologies supporting the diagnostic and epidemiological analysis of the diseases under study. The course was sponsored by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation forDevelopment (AECID) and the National Research Institute for Agricultural and Food Technology (INIA). Experiencesexchanged included the management of disasters of this kind in the European context, taking into account the regulations described by international agencies. Lectures were held in seven blocks: Biosafety, Epidemiology, Immunology, Pathology, Diagnosis, Prophylaxis and Preventive Medicine. Practical classes, as well as visits to breeding centers, animal slaughterhouses and research laboratories with high biosafety level were also included. Specialists were interviewed about the use of marker vaccines and the control and progressive eradication of diseases, as well as the need to extend appropriate diagnostic methods, depending on the geographical areas.There was a high attendance of specialists and workers of the official veterinary services and scientific institutionsfrom different countries of South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Spain, in addition to interested students and guests from institutions of excellence in the subject. It can be concluded that the course met with the objectives and contributed to the training of specialists involved in issues related to the diagnosis and control measures of important emerging infectious diseases affecting various animal species