16 research outputs found

    In vitro Alpha Lipoic Acid supplementation in freeze-dried human sperm: the impact on DNA fragmentation index

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    Freeze-drying technique is an alternative method on sperm preservation. However, this process can results in DNA damage. Adding antioxidants before freezing can reduce the detrimental effects of ROS on spermatozoa. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is one of the potent antioxidant that can be used to protect the sperm DNA. This study was aimed to determine the effect of ALA supplementation before freeze-drying on the DNA fragmentation index (DFI) of human spermatozoa. Nine semen samples were collected and evaluated for DFI (O1) then divided into 3 groups; freeze-drying without ALA (O2), freeze-drying with ALA 1,25 mg (O3) and freeze-drying with ALA 2,5 mg (O4).All three groups were stored at 4oC for 1 week. Sperm DFI were evaluated before and after freeze-drying. The result of this study showed a significant increase in sperm DFI in all three groups after freeze-drying (p<0,05) when compared to DFI before freeze-drying (14,67 ±3,295). However there was no significant difference between O2 (26,90 ±9,180) and O4 (29,29 ±5,524) group where the supplementation of 2,5 mg ALA did not have significant effect on protecting the DNA of freeze-dried human spermatozoa. The highest DFI was in the O3 group (44,64 ±11,717). Therefore, ALA supplementation before freeze-drying does not have a significant effect on protecting the DNA of freeze-dried human spermatozoa

    The Study Biological Aspects of Parapenaeopsis Coromandelica on Cilacap Water, Central Java

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    Kabupaten Cilacap merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang memilki potensi yang tinggi di bidang perikanan tangkap karena terletak di pesisir pantai selatan Pulau Jawa dimana terdapat pangkalan perikanan yang terbesar. Pemanfaatan udang P.coromandelica yang terus meningkat, menyebabkan tingginya intensitas penangkapan dan menurunnya daya dukung lingkungan perairan Kab. Cilacap, hal ini memungkinkan perkembangan stok dari jenis udang ini terhambat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek biologi, status pemanfaatan dan konsep pengelolaan udang P. coromandalica di perairan Cilacap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara simple random sampling yaitu mengambil sampel udang sekitar 10% dari total hasil tangkapan salah satu alat tangkap jaring arad pada setiap TPI. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September – Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pertumbuhan udang P.coromandelica jantan dan betina memiliki nilai b 1,657 dan 2,22 ini menunjukan bahwa pertumbuhan udang bersifat allometrik negative. Sebagian besar udang P.coromandelica belum matang gonad dan belum siap memijah. faktor kondisi untuk udang P.coromandelica jantan dan betina menunjukkan 1,054 dan 1,117 bahwa tubuh udang kurus. Nisbah kelamin jantan dan betina adalah 1 : 1,545 artinya bahwa perairan Kab. Cilacap tersebut masih normal. Nilai Lm 41 mm, Lc50% 37 mm dan nilai L∞ jantan dan betina adalah 53,68 mm dan 64,21mm. Nilai Lc50% lebih besar dari nilai setengah L∞, itu berarti udang P. coromandalica sudah layak tangkap

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Larutan Alkali Terhadap Kekuatan Gel Dan Viskositas Karaginan Kappaphycus Alvarezii, Doty

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    Carrageenan is a seaweed sap extracted by water or alkali solution from certain species Rhodophyceae class (red algae). The raw materials are used in various food and non-food industrial. The process of making SRC performed by using alkali type strong base KOH and NaOH with 4%, 6% and 8% concentration. Analysis is measured gel strength and viscosity of each type and concentration. KOH alkali treatment values are 4, 6 and 8% of the gel strength is 192.00 ± 1.12 g/m²; 630.71 ± 10.32 g/m²; 385.85 ± 3.70 g/m². NaOH 4, 6 and 8% of the gel strength is 184,63 ± 4,48 g/m²; 321,26 ± 46,12 g/m²; 452,24 ± 125,45 g/m². KOH alkali treatment values are 4, 6 and 8% of the viscosity was 22.24 ± 0.20 cPs; 24.61 ± 0.3 cPs; 20.00 ± 0.15 cPs; NaOH 4, 6 and 8% of the viscosity is cPs 22.58 ± 0.26; 25.07 ± 0.17 cPs; 25.07 ± 0.17 cPs. Based on the results of the study the highest gel strength is at 6% KOH and highest viscosity at 6% NaOH

    Pharmacokinetic Parameters Determination of Gendarusin a in Men Subject Urine After Administration of Ethanol Extract of Justicia Gendarussa Burm. F. Leaf (Ethno Medicine Research)

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    Justicia gendarussa Burm. f (Famili: Acanthaceae) has flavonoid that inhibits hyaluronidase enzyme of spermatozoa in the fertilization process. Previous research reported that the major component of J.gendarussa was 6,8-di-L-arabinopyranosil- 4&rsquo;,5,7-trihydroxy flavones or 6,8-diarabinosylapigenin (gendarusin A).Objective: This experimental study has been carried out to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of gendarusin A in human urine after single oral administration of J.gendarussa extract. Methods: Six healthy men were enlisted in this study. Urine samples were collected at intervals for 24 hours before and after six healthy volunteers administrated orally 100 ml ethanol extract suspension of J. gendarussa leaves, containing 1 g of extract equal to 16,4 mg gendarusin A, for the measurement of gendarusin A by HPLC. Result: The calibration curve of gendarusin A peak areas (y) against the concentrations (x, &mu;g/ml) in urine was linear and the regression equations was y = 34.3496x + 63.6315 (r = 0.9992). The lowest absolute recovery was 106.10 %, while the lowest assay recovery was 81.92 %, which revealed that the accuracy of the method was satisfied. All values of the R.S.D. of intra-day precision were less than 8,12 %. The LOD and LOQ of assaying gendarusin A in urine was 0.0817 &mu;g/ml and 0.2724 &mu;g/ml, respectively. Conclusion: Following oral administration of J.gendarussa extract suspension, the result show that the elimination half-lives (t &frac12;) for gendarusin A in the urinary excretion were 2,44 &ndash; 8,53 hours (mean 4,44 &plusmn; 2,14 hours) and the rates constant of elimination (Kel) were 0,08 &ndash; 0,28 hour-1 (mean 0,18 &plusmn; 0,07 hour-1)

    Kajian Ruang dan Aktivitas Pasar Minggu Taman Setiabudi Banyumanik terhadap Terbentuknya Kohesi Sosial Masyarakat

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    Kohesi sosial adalah sebuah perekat yang secara fungsional merupakan kristalisasi dari adanya kesamaan famili, klan, etnik, kesamaan nasib, jenis pekerjaan, orientasi budaya, dan tujuan sosial. Dalam sudut pandang ini, terbentuknya sebuah masyatakat harus melalui mekanisme penyatuan berbagai kesamaan yang disebut di atas. Dengan kalimat lain, pembentukan sebuah masyarakat harus melalui mekanisme perekatan yang disebut kohesi sosial. Pasar Minggu Taman Setiabudi Banyumanik adalah salah satu fenomena sosial yang ada di wilayah Semarang Atas dimana terdapat aktivitas ekonomi yang secara tidak langsung memfasilitasi terciptanya aktivitas sosial masyarakat setempat. Analisis Teori Produksi Ruang Henri Lefebvre digunakan sebagai alat untuk membaca kondisi di lapangan.Hasil penganalisaan diketahui bahwa kohesi sosial di Pasar Minggu Taman Setiabudi ini merupakan sinergi suatu interaksi dinamis antara proses sosial dan proses spasial, berupa tata ruang, perkembangan masyarakat urban, ruang publik, dan berbagai ekspresi budaya yang muncul atas berbagai praktek ‘menghuni' suatu ruan